
Step-Out Drilling at MTB's Telegraph Project Confirms Large Copper-Gold Porphyry System

Step-Out Drilling at MTB's Telegraph Project Confirms Large Copper-Gold Porphyry System

newsfile ·  01/17 07:30
  • A 700-meter step out from drill hole DOK2023-01 intersects several copper-gold intervals.
  • Drilling spans 3.3 kms of the open ended Dok Trend.
  • 3DIP Geophysics provides guidance for next round of drilling.
  • 从 DOK2023-01 钻孔出来 700 米的台阶会与几个铜金间隔相交。
  • 钻探跨度为开放式 Dok Trend 的 3.3 千米。
  • 3DIP 地球物理学为下一轮钻探提供指导。

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 17, 2024) - MTB Metals Corp. (TSXV: MTB) (OTCQB: MBYMF) (FSE: E8H) ("MTB" or the "Company") is pleased to report assays from drill holes DOK2023-02 and DOK2023-03. These holes partially define an area of interest for 2024 drilling.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 1 月 17 日)-MTB Metals Corp.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:MTB)(场外交易代码:MBYMF)(FSE:E8H)(”MTB“或者”公司“) 很高兴地报告了 DOK2023-02 和 DOK2023-03 钻孔的化验结果。这些孔部分定义了2024年钻探的兴趣区域。

The third hole from the 2023 program successfully expanded the strike-length and width of mineralization along the Dok Trend. The hole cut several copper-gold intercepts including 21 meters of 0.68% Cu Eq and 8.6 meters of 0.57% Cu Eq. (Table 1)

2023 年计划的第三个钻孔成功地扩大了 Dok Trend 沿线矿化的走势长度和宽度。该孔开采了几处铜金截距,包括21米的0.68%铜当量和8.6米的0.57%铜当量。(表 1)

Lawrence Roulston, CEO, stated: "These initial holes have confirmed the presence of a porphyry hydrothermal system spanning at least 3.3 kilometers. This is a large, complex, multi-phase system is located in the same geological setting as four other world class deposits located in the area. Significant exploration potential exists along the Dok Trend. This premise is supported by drilling, a continuous induced polarization (IP) chargeability anomaly, fertile porphyry intrusive units, and anomalous copper and gold in soil geochemistry. Continued compilation of the drilling results together with the late-season 3DIP and other geological information will provide a basis for vectoring toward the core of the system with subsequent drilling."

首席执行官劳伦斯·罗尔斯顿表示:”这些最初的洞穴证实了至少跨越3.3千米的斑岩热液系统的存在。这是一个大型、复杂的多相系统,与该地区其他四个世界级矿床位于相同的地质环境中。Dok Trend 沿线存在巨大的勘探潜力。这一前提得到了钻探、连续感应极化 (IP) 可充电性异常、肥沃的斑岩侵入单元以及土壤地球化学中的异常铜和金的支持。继续汇编钻探结果以及季末的3DIP和其他地质信息,将为后续钻探向系统核心的矢量提供基础。”

DOK2023-03 targeted a moderate IP chargeability anomaly, underneath an outcrop which returned high-grade grab samples including 3.22% copper with 4.62 g/t gold. The hole was placed along the most easterly line from the 2012 IP program and the 2023 3DIP data had not been collected. Table 1 highlights the significant assays from the hole.

DOK2023-03 的目标是中度的 IP 可充电性异常,位于露头下方,该露头返回了高品位采集样本,包括 3.22% 的铜和 4.62 克/吨的金。该洞位于2012年知识产权计划的最东线上,但尚未收集到2023年的3DIP数据。表 1 突出显示了该洞的重要检测。

This hole encountered sedimentary-volcanic Stuhini host rocks, post mineral rhyolitic dykes and several variably mineralized monzonite dykes. Potassium feldspar and secondary biotite alteration is noted in several phases of the monzonite dykes. Of note are the five monzonite dykes up to 1 metre wide encountered between 230.9 and 237.7 metres. Clots of secondary coarse biotite and potassium feldspar is clearly recognizable and assays of up to 3.14 % occur within the dyke. The section hosting the dykes assayed 0.57% Cu Eq over 8.6 metres (Figures 1, 2, and 3).

这个洞遇到了沉积火山Stuhini宿主岩、后矿物流纹岩堤坝和几个矿化程度可变的单柱岩堤坝。钾长石和次生黑云母的变化出现在单峰岩脉的几个阶段。值得注意的是,在230.9米和237.7米之间遇到了五个宽度不超过1米的单子岩堤坝。次生粗黑云母和钾长石的凝块清晰可见,在堤坝内进行高达 3.14% 的化验。堤坝所在的部分在8.6米处测定了0.57%的铜当量(图1、2和3)。

Table 1 - Highlighted assay results from drill hole DOK2023-03

表 1-钻孔 DOK2023-03 的突出显示化验结果

Drill Hole From To Width Cu (%) Au (gpt) Ag (gpt) Mo (ppm) Cu Eq (%)
DOK2023-03 5.0 26.0 21.0 metres of 0.23 0.16 35.30 5.25 0.67
including 11.0 14.0 3.0 metres of 0.22 0.148 229.00 7.1 2.37
DOK2023-03 192.9 196.2 3.3 metres of 0.18 0.05 1.64 1.95 0.23
including 192.9 193.5 0.7 metres of 0.41 0.077 5.35 2.7 0.52
DOK2023-03 229.1 237.7 8.6 metres of 0.46 0.06 6.99 7.17 0.57
including 232.7 237.7 5.0 metres of 0.70 0.09 11.2 4.36 0.87
including 232.7 233.6 0.9 metres of 1.60 0.23 13.3 6.11 1.90
including 233.3 233.6 0.3 metres of 3.14 0.05 27.4 9.21 3.42
DOK2023-03 279.8 299.0 19.3 metres of 0.15 0.08 1.15 5.24 0.22
DOK2023-03 533.4 534.3 0.9 metres of 0.58 0.234 2.86 3.8 0.79
钻孔 来自 宽度 铜 (%) Au (gpt) Ag (gpt) Mo (ppm) 铜当量 (%)
DOK2023-03 5.0 26.0 21.0 0.23 0.16 35.30 5.25 0.67
包括 11.0 14.0 3.0 0.22 0.148 229.00 7.1 2.37
DOK2023-03 192.9 196.2 3.3 0.18 0.05 1.64 1.95 0.23
包括 192.9 193.5 0.7 0.41 0.077 5.35 2.7 0.52
DOK2023-03 229.1 237.7 8.6 0.46 0.06 6.99 7.17 0.57
包括 232.7 237.7 5.0 0.70 0.09 11.2 4.36 0.87
包括 232.7 233.6 0.9 1.60 0.23 13.3 6.11 1.90
包括 233.3 233.6 0.3 3.14 0.05 27.4 9.21 3.42
DOK2023-03 279.8 299.0 19.3 0.15 0.08 1.15 5.24 0.22
DOK2023-03 533.4 534.3 0.9 0.58 0.234 2.86 3.8 0.79

The copper equivalent calculation utilizes the standard equation and is based on current (January 11, 2024) spot metal prices of copper at US$3.78 per pound, gold at US$2,032 per ounce, silver at US$23.03 per ounce, and molybdenum at $19.50 per pound. Recoveries are set at 100% for all metals for purposes of the copper equivalent calculation as no metallurgical test data is available. Cu Eq is used for illustrative purposes only and does not imply that the metals are economically recoverable.


Figure 1 - DK2023-03 from 229.1 to 237.7 meters yielding 8.6 meters of 0.57 Cu Eq (%).

图 1-DK2023-03 从 229.1 米到 237.7 米产生 8.6 米的 0.57 铜当量(%)。

DOK2023-02 (Figure 2 and 4) tested the Red Creek zone, 3 km southeast of DOK2023-01 and was the first hole drilled in that area. The hole encountered low grade copper and gold mineralization from surface to 500 meters and zones of up to 30% disseminated and semi-massive pyrite mineralization. DOK2023-02 is surmised to be within the peripheral zone of a magmatic hydrothermal porphyry system, based on both vertical and lateral distribution of porphyry related trace elements; significant sericite, silica, and chlorite alteration; and multi-percent pyrite.

DOK2023-02(图 2 和 4)测试了位于 DOK2023-01 东南 3 公里处的红溪区域,这是在该地区钻出的第一个洞。该洞从地表到500米处遇到了低品位的铜和金矿化以及高达30%的浸染和半块状黄铁矿矿化区域。根据斑岩相关微量元素的垂直和横向分布;显著的蚕丝、二氧化硅和亚氯酸盐蚀变;以及百分之百的黄铁矿,推测 DOK2023-02 位于岩浆热液斑岩系统的外围区域内。

DOK2023-02 demonstrates that the magmatic hydrothermal footprint at Telegraph extends for several kilometers and that the Dok and Red Creek areas have the potential to host several porphyries. The drill hole mainly intersected the sedimentary-volcanic host rocks and did not intersect any fertile intrusive units, which are an important contributor to increased copper values.

DOK2023-02 表明,Telegraphy 的岩浆热液足迹延伸了数千米,并且码头和红溪地区有可能形成多个斑岩。钻孔主要与沉积火山宿主岩相交,没有与任何肥沃的侵入单元相交,这是铜值增加的重要因素。

Moving forward, MTB is working with the Mineral Deposit Research Unit at the University of British Columbia (MDRU) to characterize the many porphyritic intrusive phases encountered in drilling and on surface with the objective of identifying the more fertile phases of intrusions and develop a better understanding of the geology overall.


MTB contracted Dias Geophysical to conduct a 16 line-km 3D Induced Polarization ("3DIP") ground geophysical survey which links the previously completed 2022 3DIP and the 2012 IP surveys. The three surveys are currently being integrated. Initial interpretations show a significant northwest-southeast trending chargeability anomaly (Figure 2 and 5). This anomaly is interpreted to map out the extent of the Dok Ridge sulphide-bearing hydrothermal system which extends at least 5 km. These systems host or have significant potential to host porphyry copper-gold mineralization. DK2023-01 and DK2023-03 are at the northwest end of the chargeability anomaly. The trace of the chargeability anomaly shown in figure 2 suggests the extent of untested prospective ground. Initial 2024 plans include further soil sampling along the north facing slope of Dok Ridge where several large IP chargeability anomalies occur, in particular those that overly mapped structures. Additional future work would include drilling of selected targets (Figure 5).

MTB与Dias Geophysical签订合同,由其进行一项长达16行千米的三维诱导极化(“3DIP”)地面地球物理调查,该调查将先前完成的2022年3DIP和2012年的IP调查联系起来。目前正在整合这三项调查。初步解释显示存在明显的西北-东南趋势充电异常(图 2 和 5)。这种异常现象被解释为绘制了延伸至少 5 千米的 Dok Ridge 含硫化物热液系统的范围。这些系统承载或具有巨大潜力承载斑岩铜金矿化。DK2023-01 和 DK2023-03 位于可充电性异常的西北端。图 2 所示的可充电性异常迹象表明了未经测试的潜在地面的范围。2024年的初步计划包括在Dok Ridge朝北的斜坡上进行进一步的土壤采样,那里会出现一些大型的IP充电异常,尤其是那些过度绘制结构图的异常。未来的其他工作将包括钻探选定的目标(图 5)。

Figure 2 - Plan view of chargeability merged from the 2014, 2022 and 2023 IP surveys. The merged data has not been leveled by a geophysicist and is for illustrative purposes only. Cross sections B-B', and C-C' in figures 3 and 4, respectively.

图 2-从 2014 年、2022 年和 2023 年知识产权调查中合并的收费计划视图。合并后的数据尚未由地球物理学家整理,仅用于说明目的。横截面 B-B' 和 C-C' 分别在图 3 和图 4 中。

Figure 3: Cartoon Cross Section through drill hole DK-2023-003 and chargeability. The merged data is from 3 programs, conducted in 2012, 2022 and October of 2023. It has not been leveled by a geophysicist and is for illustrative purposes only.

图 3:穿过钻孔 DK-2023-003 的卡通横截面和可充电性。合并后的数据来自于2012年、2022年和2023年10月开展的3个项目。它没有被地球物理学家夷为平地,仅用于说明目的。

Figure 4: Cartoon Cross Section through drill hole DK-2023-002 and chargeability. The merged data is from 3 programs, conducted in 2012, 2022 and October of 2023. It has not been leveled by a geophysicist and is for illustrative purposes only.

图 4:穿过钻孔 DK-2023-002 的卡通横截面和可充电性。合并后的数据来自于2012年、2022年和2023年10月开展的3个项目。它没有被地球物理学家夷为平地,仅用于说明目的。

Figure 5: Long section through 2023 drilling with merged IP data plotted sub-surface, darker pinks representing higher chargeability.

图 5:截至 2023 年的长截面钻探,合并的 IP 数据绘制在地下,较深的粉红色表示更高的充电能力。

Lucia Theny, Vice President, Exploration, noted: "Our first ever drill program at Telegraph successfully delivered results supporting our thesis that the Dok target area has significant room to grow and that there is potential for the discovery of large porphyry systems comparable to other deposits within the Golden Triangle. We look forward to continued drilling in 2024 at this underexplored porphyry district within the prolific Golden Triangle."


Property Ownership


The Telegraph project is located within the traditional territory of the Tahltan First Nation. MTB has a 100% interest in 23,989 ha, an option to acquire a 100% interest in 2,972 ha and an option to acquire a 60% interest in 7,478 ha from ExGen Resources Inc. (Dok Option, which covers a portion of the Dok Trend). The recent drilling was conducted on the Dok Option property.

电报项目位于塔尔坦原住民的传统领土内。MTB拥有23,989公顷的100%权益,可以选择收购2,972公顷的100%权益,并可以选择从ExGen资源公司(Dok Option,涵盖码头趋势的一部分)收购7,478公顷的60%权益。最近的钻探是在Dok Option物业上进行的。



Analytical work for samples was completed by ALS Canada Ltd, with sample preparation and geochemical analyses in North Vancouver, BC. Core samples were fine crushed before a 250-gram split was pulverized to better than 85% passing 75 microns. Gold was determined for core samples by the PGM-ICP24 procedure which involves fire assay preparation using a 50-gram charge with an inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy finish ("ICP-AES"). Soil samples were dry screened at 180 microns, with analysis conducted on the fine fraction. Gold was determined for soil samples by the Au-ICP21 method, which involves fire assay preparation with a 30-gram charge followed by an ICP-AES finish. Multi-element data for 48 elements was determined for all samples by the ME-MS61 procedure, which involves a four-acid digestion followed by ICP-AES and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry.

ALS Canada Ltd完成了样本分析工作,并在不列颠哥伦比亚省北温哥华进行了样本制备和地球化学分析。在 250 克的裂片被粉碎到 85% 以上(超过 75 微米)之前,对核心样品进行了精细粉碎。核心样本的金是通过 PGM-ICP24 程序测定的,该程序涉及使用 50 克的电荷进行火试制以及电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱表面处理(“ICP-AES”)。土壤样本在180微米处进行了干筛选,并对细小部分进行了分析。土壤样本的金是通过Au-ICP21方法测定的,该方法包括使用30克的电荷进行火试制备,然后进行ICP-AES表面处理。ME-MS61 程序为所有样品确定了 48 种元素的多元素数据,该程序包括先进行四酸消解,然后进行 ICP-AES 和电感耦合等离子体质谱法。

Rigorous procedures are in place regarding sample collection, chain of custody and data entry. Certified assay standards, duplicate samples and blanks are routinely inserted into the sample stream of diamond drill samples to ensure integrity of the assay process. All diamond drill samples included in this news release have passed the QA/QC procedures as described above. Core was sampled using a diamond saw, with half of each interval sent to the lab for analysis, and the other half retained.


Results referenced in this release represent highlight results only. Below detection values for gold and copper have been encountered in drilling, rock, and soil samples in these target areas.


The technical disclosure in this release has been read and approved by Andrew Wilkins, B.Sc., P.Geo., a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿中的技术披露已由P.Geo. 理学学士安德鲁·威尔金斯阅读和批准,他是国家仪器43-101中定义的合格人员。

About MTB


MTB has six active projects spanning 580 square kilometres (58,000 hectares) in the prolific Golden Triangle of northern British Columbia. With the focus on the Telegraph project, discussions are now underway leading to joint ventures and/or spinouts of other projects.

MTB 在不列颠哥伦比亚省北部多产的金三角有六个活跃的项目,占地 580 平方千米(58,000 公顷)。以Telegraph项目为重点,目前正在讨论其他项目的合资和/或分拆事宜。

  1. Telegraph is located in the vicinity of 4 world-class porphyry deposits being advanced by major mining companies: Galore (Teck / Newmont), Schaft (Teck), Saddle (Newmont) and the operating Red Chris copper-gold mine (Newcrest / Imperial Metals). Field work by MTB on its 344 square kilometre property, together with earlier results, provides compelling evidence for the presence of one or more porphyries, similar to others in the area.
  2. The American Creek project is centered on the historic Mountain Boy silver mine. The project is road accessible and 20 km from the deep-water port of Stewart. There are multiple silver, gold and copper occurrences on the property, including a 2006 drill hole that encountered 5 kgs of silver over 5 metres.
  3. Red Cliff is a past producing gold and copper mine in which the Company holds a 35% interest. Recent drill results include 2 meters of 26 g/t gold.
  4. On the BA property, 182 drill holes have outlined a substantial zone of silver-lead-zinc mineralization located 4 km from the highway. Several targets with high-grade silver potential remain to be tested. Drilling in October on the George Copper zone encountered copper mineralization, with assays pending.
  5. On the Theia project, work by MTB and previous explorers has outlined a silver bearing mineralized trend 500 metres long, highlighted by a 2020 grab sample that returned 39 kg per tonne silver (1,100 ounces per ton). Two other zones on the property produced copper values over 5%.
  6. Southmore is in the midst of some of the largest deposits in the Golden Triangle. It was explored in the 1980s through the early 1990s and was overlooked until MTB consolidated the property and carried out airborne geophysics and field work which confirmed several zones of gold and copper, with values up to 20% copper and 35 g/t gold.
  1. Telegraph位于主要矿业公司正在开采的4个世界级斑岩矿床附近:Galore(泰克/纽蒙特)、沙夫特(泰克)、萨德尔(纽蒙特)和正在运营的Red Chris铜金矿(纽克雷斯特/帝国金属)。MTB对其344平方千米的土地进行的实地考察,加上先前的结果,为该地区存在一个或多个斑岩提供了令人信服的证据,这些斑岩与该地区的其他斑岩相似。
  2. American Creek 项目以历史悠久的 Mountain Boy 银矿为中心。该项目可通过道路通行,距离斯图尔特深水港20公里。该物业上有多个银、金和铜矿点,包括2006年的一个钻孔,该钻孔在5米处发现了5千克的银。
  3. Red Cliff过去曾生产金铜矿,该公司持有该矿35%的权益。最近的钻探结果包括2米的26克/吨黄金。
  4. 在 BA 地产上,182 个钻孔勾勒出了距离高速公路 4 公里的大片银铅锌矿化区域。一些具有高品位白银潜力的目标仍有待测试。10月份在乔治铜矿区钻探时遇到了铜矿化,化验尚待进行。
  5. 在Theia项目中,MTB和之前的探险家的研究概述了长达500米的含银矿化趋势,2020年的采集样本突显了这一点,该样本每吨银回收了39千克(每吨1,100盎司)。该物业的另外两个区域的铜价超过5%。
  6. 索斯莫尔位于金三角一些最大的矿床之中。它在20世纪80年代至90年代初被勘探,直到MTB整合了该物业并进行了空中地球物理学和实地考察,确认了多个金和铜区域,铜的价值高达20%,金的价值高达35克/吨。

On behalf of the Board of Directors:


Lawrence Roulston
President & CEO


For further information, contact:
Caroline Klukowski




This news release may contain certain "forward looking statements". Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date of this news release and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise.

本新闻稿可能包含某些 “前瞻性陈述”。前瞻性陈述涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性、假设和其他因素,这些因素可能导致公司的实际业绩、业绩或成就与前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的任何未来业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异。任何前瞻性陈述仅代表截至本新闻稿发布之日,除非适用的证券法另有要求,否则公司不承担任何更新任何前瞻性陈述的意图或义务,无论是由于新信息、未来事件或业绩还是其他原因。

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