
ATEX Intersects 0.48% CuEq Over 1,122 Metres Along Western Porphyry Trend in First Hole of Phase IV Program

ATEX Intersects 0.48% CuEq Over 1,122 Metres Along Western Porphyry Trend in First Hole of Phase IV Program

在第四阶段项目的第一个洞中,ATEX 沿西部斑岩走势在 1,122 米处与 0.48% CueQ 相交
newsfile ·  01/18 07:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 18, 2024) - ATEX Resources Inc. (TSXV: ATX) ("ATEX" or the "Company") is pleased to announce complete assay results for drill hole ATXD12A from its Phase IV drill campaign at the Valeriano Copper-Gold Project ("Valeriano" or the "Project") located in Atacama Region, Chile.

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 18 日)- ATEX Resources Inc.(多伦多证券交易所:ATX) (”ATEX“或者”公司“) 很高兴地宣布其在瓦莱里亚诺铜金项目第四阶段钻探活动的 ATXD12A 钻孔的完整分析结果 (”瓦莱里亚诺“或者”项目“)位于智利阿塔卡马地区。

Highlights include:


  • ATXD12A intersected a longer than anticipated mineralized interval of 1,122 metres grading 0.48% CuEq(2) (0.37% Cu, 0.14 g/t Au, 0.97 g/t Ag and 57 ppm Mo) within the Western Trend from 864 metres downhole.
  • The Western Porphyry Trend has a mineralized strike length of over 700 metres and remains open to the north and south along strike.
  • ATEX currently has three rigs actively drilling on the project.
  • ATXD12A 相交的矿化间隔比预期的长 1,122 米 评级 0.48% cueQ(2)) (0.37% 铜、0.14 g/t Au、0.97 g/t Ag 和 57 ppm Mo) 西方潮流 从井下 864 米处离开。
  • Western Porphyry Trend 的矿化走向长度超过 700 米 并在罢工期间继续向北和向南开放。
  • ATEX目前有三台钻机正在该项目上进行钻探。

"Our Phase IV program is off to a strong start," stated Raymond Jannas, President, and CEO of ATEX. "ATXD12A continues to demonstrate the scale potential of the Valeriano mineralized system with another significant intercept of over a thousand metres along the Western Porphyry Trend."

ATEX总裁兼首席执行官雷蒙德·詹纳斯表示:“我们的第四阶段计划有了一个良好的开端。”“ATXD12A 继续展示瓦莱里亚诺矿化系统的规模潜力,沿着西部斑岩趋势又进行了超过一千米的重大截距。”

Table 1. ATXD12A Results

表 1。ATXD12A 搜索结果

Hole ID From To Interval Cu % Au g/t Ag g/t Mo g/t CuEq In Situ(1) CuEq % MRS(2) CuEq % Met Results(3)
ATXD12A** 864.0 1,986.0 1,122.0 0.37 0.14 0.97 57 0.50 0.48 0.50
Incl. 1,500.0 1,986.0 486.0 0.36 0.17 1.40 21 0.53 0.49 0.52
Also incl. 1,648.0 1,682.0 34.0 0.48 0.22 2.60 44 0.70 0.65 0.69
and 1,890.0 1,924.0 34.0 0.48 0.25 2.02 5 0.71 0.65 0.70
洞 ID 来自 间隔 铜% Au g/t Ag g/t Mo g/t CueQ 原位(1) cueQ% MRS(2) cueQ% Met 结果(3)
ATXD12A** 864.0 1,986.0 1,122.0 0.37 0.14 0.97 57 0.50 0.48 0.50
包括。 1,500.0 1,986.0 486.0 0.36 0.17 1.40 21 0.53 0.49 0.52
还包括 1,648.0 1,682.0 34.0 0.48 0.22 2.60 44 0.70 0.65 0.69
1,890.0 1,924.0 34.0 0.48 0.25 2.02 5 0.71 0.65 0.70

1) CuEq reported in situ assuming 100% recovery for component metals assuming metal prices of US$1,800 /oz Au, US$3.15 /lb Cu, US$23 /oz Ag, and US$20.00 /lb Mo and using the formula stated below
Copper Equivalent (CuEq) is calculated using the formula CuEq % = (((Cu % * 3.15 * 22.0462)) + (Au g/t * (1800/31.1034768))+(Ag g/t * (23/31.1034768)) + ((Mo g/t / 10000) * (20/22.0462))) / (3.15*22.0462)
(2) CuEq calculated using recoveries assumed in 2023 MRE (90% Cu, 70% Au, 80% Ag and 60% Mo) (See Company news Sept, 12 2023) using the formula stated below
Copper Equivalent (CuEq) is calculated using the formula CuEq % = Cu % + (6481.488523 * Au g/t /10000) + (94.6503085864* Ag g/t /10000) + (4.2328042328 * Mo g/t /10000)
(3) CuEq calculated using recoveries reported from metallurgical test work results reported in Company news Oct, 18 2023 (95% Cu, 94% Au, 89% Ag and 83% Mo) using the formula stated below
Copper Equivalent (CuEq) is calculated using the formula CuEq % = (((Cu % * 3.15 * 22.0462)) + ((0.94/0.95 * Au g/t) * (1800/31.1034768))+((0.89/0.95
* Ag g/t) * (23/31.1034768)) + ((0.83/0.95 * Mo g/t / 10000) * (20/22.0462))) / (3.15*22.0462)
*CuEQ values reported in historical releases use metals reported in situ (100% basis). Recoveries for these metals as assumed in the NI 43-101 technical report titled "Independent Technical Report for the Valeriano Copper-Gold Project, Atacama Region, Chile" with an effective date of September 1, 2023, available at and are 90% Cu, 70% Au, 80% Ag and 60% Mo.
** Reported intervals for ATXD12A are composited at a 0.30% CuEq cut-off. The broader interval from 864 to 1,986 metres, includes a 52 metre zone of lower grade mineralization from 1,448 to 1,500 metres with a grade of 0.27% CuEq (2)

1) CueQ现场报告称,假设金属价格为1,800美元/盎司金、3.15美元/磅铜、23美元/盎司银和20.00美元/磅摩并使用下述公式,成分金属的回收率为100%
铜当量 (CueQ) 使用公式 cueQ% = (((Cu% * 3.15 * 22.0462)) + (Au g/t * (1800/31.1034768)) + (Ag g/t * (23/31.1034768)) + ((Mo g/t/10000) * (20/22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462))
(2) CueQ 使用 2023 年 MRE(90% Cu、70% Au、80% Ag 和 60% Mo)(参见 2023 年 9 月 12 日公司新闻)的回收率计算得出,公式如下
铜当量 (CueQ) 使用公式计算 cueQ% = Cu% + (6481.488523 * Au g/t /10000) + (94.6503085864* Ag g/t /10000) + (4.2328042328 * Mo g/t /10000) + (4.2328042328 * Mo g/t /10000)
(3) CueQ 使用公司新闻 2023 年 10 月 18 日报道的冶金测试工作结果(95% Cu、94% Au、89% Ag、89% Ag 和 83% Mo)中报告的回收率计算得出,公式如下
铜当量 (CueQ) 使用公式 cueQ% = (((Cu% * 3.15 * 22.0462)) + ((0.94/0.95 * Au g/t) * (1800/31.1034768)) + ((0.89/0.95) * (1800/31.1034768)) + ((0.89/0.95)
* Ag g/t) * (23/31.1034768)) + ((0.83/0.95 * Mo g/t/10000) * (20/22.0462)))/(3.15*22.0462))/(3.15*22.0462)
*历史版本中报告的CUEq值使用现场报告的金属(100% 基准)。根据NI 43-101号技术报告的假设,这些金属的回收率为90%的铜,70%的金,80%的银和60%的钼,生效日期为2023年9月1日。
** ATXD12A 报告的间隔以 0.30% 的 CueQ 截止值合成。从 864 米到 1,986 米的更宽区间包括一个 52 米的低品位矿化区域,从 1,448 米到 1,500 米,品位为 0.27% cueQ (2)



ATXD12A (daughter hole out of historical hole VALDD12-12) was drilled to the west with a dip of 80 degrees and an azimuth of 310 degrees. Hole ATXD12A targeted the Western Trend where it intersected Early Porphyry ("EP") expanding the width of the western porphyry that remains open along strike.

ATXD12A(历史洞 VALDD12-12 的子洞)是向西钻的,倾角为 80 度,方位角为 310 度。ATXD12A 洞瞄准了 Western Trend,在那里它与早期斑岩(“EP”)相交,扩大了走向沿途仍然开放的西部斑岩的宽度。

Three diamond drill holes are currently underway (Figure 1):

目前正在进行三个金刚石钻孔(图 1):

  • ATXD25 is being drilled from surface on the west side of the Valeriano Ridge. This hole is being drilled east towards the Western Porphyry trend where it will test a corridor of potential mineralization associated with the Western Trend Porphyry and potentially the western contact of the porphyry. This target is assumed to have rough dimensions of 1 kilometre along strike, in excess of 500 metres wide and a kilometer of vertical extent, based on previous holes. Should ATXD-25 be successful, multiple daughter holes can be drilled out of it, testing strike and dip continuity of this target.
  • ATXD17A is a daughter hole from ATXD-17* (1,160 metres grading 0.78% copper equivalent ("CuEq") (0.53% Cu, 0.28 g/t Au and 70 ppm Mo), reported June 13, 2022, including 550 metres of 1.03% CuEq (0.69% Cu, 0.39 g/t Au and 70 ppm Mo)) and will be testing the vertical extent of the Central High grade trend as well as the eastern contact of the Western Trend Porphyry.
  • ATXD16A, a daughter hole being drilled to the west out of VAL-16* (historical hole intersecting 1,045 metres of 0.53% CuEq (0.39 Cu, 0.17 Au, 54 Mo)). This hole has been planned to test the eastern contact for the Central High-Grade Porphyry trend.
  • ATXD25 正在瓦莱里亚诺山脊西侧的地表上钻探。该洞正朝西部斑岩方向向东钻探,在那里它将测试一条与西部趋势斑岩相关的潜在矿化走廊,并可能测试斑岩的西部接触点。根据之前的洞穴,假设该目标沿着打击方向的粗略尺寸为1千米,宽度超过500米,垂直范围超过一千米。如果 ATXD-25 成功,可以从中钻出多个子孔,测试该目标的冲击和倾角连续性。
  • 据报道,ATXD17A 是 ATXD-17*(1,160 米,铜当量品位 0.78%(“CueQ”)(0.53% 铜、0.28 g/t Au 和 70 ppm Mo)的子孔 2022年6月13日,包括550米的 1.03% CueQ(0.69% 铜、0.39 g/t Au 和 70 ppm Mo),并将测试中部高品位趋势的垂直范围以及西部潮斑岩的东部接触。
  • ATXD16A,正在从 VAL-16* 向西钻探的一个子孔(历史洞与 0.53% CueQ(0.39 Cu,0.17 Au,54 Mo)相交 1,045 米)。该洞已计划测试东部接触点的中央高等级斑岩走向。

Figure 1: Valeriano Phase IV Drill Hole Status

图 1:Valeriano 第四阶段钻孔状态



Drill holes are collared with a PQ drill bit, reduced to HQ and, sequentially, to NQ as the drill holes progressed deeper. Drill core produced by the drill rigs was extracted from the core tubes by the drill contractor under the supervision of ATEX employees, marked for consistent orientation and placed in core boxes with appropriate depth markers added. Full core boxes were then sealed before being transported by ATEX personnel to the Valeriano field camp. Core at the field camp is processed, quick logged, checked for recovery, photographed, and marked for specific gravity, geotechnical studies and for assays. From camp, the core is transferred to a secure core-cutting facility in Vallenar, operated by IMG, a third-party consultant. Here, the core trays are weighed before being cut using a diamond saw under ATEX personnel oversight. ATEX geologists working at this facility double-check the selected two-metre sample intervals, placing the samples in seal bags and ensuring that the same side of the core is consistently sampled. Reference numbers are assigned to each sample and each sample is weighed. The core trays with the remaining half-core are weighed and photographed. Additionally, core logs are updated, and the specific gravity and geotechnical samples are collected. The remaining core is stored in racks at the Company's secure facility in Vallenar.

钻孔采用 PQ 钻头,随着钻孔的深入,钻孔会缩小到 HQ,然后依次缩小到 NQ。钻机生产的钻芯由钻机承包商在ATEX员工的监督下从岩心管中提取出来,标记为方向一致,并放置在添加适当深度标记的岩心箱中。然后,完整的核心箱子被封起来,然后由ATEX人员运送到瓦莱里亚诺野战营地。野外营地的岩心经过处理、快速记录、检查恢复情况、拍照,并标记为比重、岩土工程研究和化验。核心从营地转移到位于瓦莱纳尔的一个安全的岩芯切割设施,该设施由第三方顾问IMG运营。在这里,在ATEX人员的监督下使用金刚石锯切割芯托盘之前,先对芯托盘进行称重。在该设施工作的ATEX地质学家仔细检查选定的两米采样间隔,将样品放入密封袋中,并确保对岩心的同一侧进行持续采样。为每个样本分配参考编号,并对每个样品进行称重。对装有剩余半芯的核心托盘进行称重和拍照。此外,还会更新岩心日志,并收集比重和岩土工程样本。剩余的核心存放在公司位于瓦莱纳尔的安全设施的机架中。

From Vallenar samples are sent to an ALS preparation facility in La Serena. ALS is an accredited laboratory which is independent of the Company. The prepared samples were sent to the ALS assay laboratories in either Santiago, Chile and Lima, Peru for gold (Au-AA24), copper (Cu-AA62), molybdenum (Mo-AA62) and silver (Ag-AA62) assays as well as and multi-element ICP (ME-MS61) analysis. No data quality problems were indicated by the QA/QC program.

来自瓦莱纳尔的样本被送到拉塞雷纳的肌萎缩性侧索硬化症制备设施。ALS 是一家独立于公司的经认证的实验室。准备好的样本被送往智利圣地亚哥和秘鲁利马的肌萎缩性侧索硬化症分析实验室进行金(Au-AA24)、铜(cu-aa62)、钼(mo-aa62)和银(Ag-AA62)的测定以及多元素ICP(ME-MS61)分析。质量保证/质量控制计划未发现任何数据质量问题。

Qualified Person


Mr. Ben Pullinger, P.Geo., registered with the Professional Geoscientists Ontario, is the Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards for Disclosure for Mineral Projects, for the Valeriano Copper Gold Porphyry Project. Mr. Pullinger is not considered independent under NI 43-101 as he is Senior Vice President Exploration and Business Development of ATEX. He has reviewed and approved the disclosure of the scientific and technical information contained in this press release.

根据国家仪器 43-101 的定义,在安大略省专业地球科学家协会注册的 P.Geo. Ben Pullinger 先生是合格人员- 矿产项目披露标准,用于瓦莱里亚诺铜金斑岩项目。根据NI 43-101,Pullinger先生不被视为独立人士,因为他是ATEX勘探和业务发展高级副总裁。他已审查并批准了本新闻稿中包含的科学和技术信息的披露。

About ATEX
ATEX is exploring the Valeriano Copper Gold Project which is located within the emerging copper gold porphyry mineral belt linking the prolific El Indio High-Sulphidation Belt to the south with the Maricunga Gold Porphyry Belt to the north. This emerging belt, informally referred to as the Link Belt, hosts several copper gold porphyry deposits at various stages of development including, Filo del Sol (Filo Mining), Josemaria (Lundin Mining), Los Helados (NGEX Minerals/JX Nippon), La Fortuna (Teck Resources/Newmont) and El Encierro (Antofagasta/Barrick Gold).

ATEX正在探索瓦莱里亚诺铜金项目,该项目位于新兴的铜金斑岩矿带内,将多产的埃尔印第奥高硫化带与北部的马里昆加金斑岩带连接起来。这个新兴的矿带被非正式地称为链接带,拥有多个处于不同开发阶段的铜金斑岩矿床,包括Filo del Sol(Filo Mining)、Josemaria(伦丁矿业)、洛斯赫拉多斯(NGEX Minerals/Jx Nippon)、La Fortuna(Teck Resources/Newmont)和El Encierro(Antofagasta/Barrick Gold)。

Valeriano hosts a large copper gold porphyry resource: 1.41 billion tonnes at 0.67% CuEq (0.50% Cu, 0.20 g/t Au, 0.96 g/t Ag and 63.80 g/t Mo), which includes a higher-grade core totaling 200 million tonnes at 0.84% CuEq (0.62% Cu, 0.29 g/t Au 1.25 g/t Ag and 55.7 g/t Mo), reported in September 20231.

瓦莱里亚诺拥有大量铜金斑岩资源:14.1亿吨,铜当量为 0.67%(0.50% 铜、0.20 克/吨金、0.96 克/吨银和 63.80 克/吨 Mo),其中包括总量为 0.84% cueQ(0.62% 铜、0.29 g/t Au、1.25 g/t Mo 和 55.7 g/t Mo)的更高品位岩心,2023 年 9 月公布1

For further information, please contact:
Raymond Jannas,
President and CEO


Ben Pullinger,
Senior Vice President of Exploration and Business Development


or visit ATEX's website at

或者访问 ATEX 的网站,网址为



This news release contains forward-looking statements, including predictions, projections, and forecasts. Often, but not always, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of words such as "plans", "planning", "expects" or "does not expect", "continues", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "potential", "anticipates", "does not anticipate", or describes a "goal", or variation of such words and phrases or state that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken, occur or be achieved. Forward-Looking statements involve known and unknown risks, future events, conditions, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, prediction, projection, forecast, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.

本新闻稿包含前瞻性陈述,包括预测、预测和预测。通常,但并非总是如此,前瞻性陈述可以通过使用 “计划”、“计划”、“预期” 或 “不期望”、“继续”、“计划”、“估计”、“打算”、“潜在”、“预期”、“预期”、“不预期” 等词语来识别,或描述 “目标”,或此类词语和短语的变体或陈述某些行动、事件或结果 “可能”、“可以”、“将”、“可能” 或 “将” 被采取、发生或实现。前瞻性陈述涉及已知和未知的风险、未来事件、条件、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致实际结果、业绩或成就与前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的任何未来业绩、预测、预测、业绩或成就存在重大差异。

Such forward-looking statements include, among others: plans for the evaluation of exploration properties including the Valeriano Copper Gold Project; the success of evaluation plans; the success of exploration activities; mine development prospects; potential for future metals production; changes in economic parameters and assumptions; all aspects related to the timing and extent of exploration activities including the Phase III drill program contemplated in this press release; timing of receipt of exploration results; the interpretation and actual results of current exploration activities and mineralization; changes in project parameters as plans continue to be refined; the results of regulatory and permitting processes; future metals price; possible variations in grade or recovery rates; failure of equipment or processes to operate as anticipated; labour disputes and other risks of the mining industry; the results of economic and technical studies; delays in obtaining governmental and local approvals or financing or in the completion of exploration; timing of assay results; as well as those factors disclosed in ATEX's publicly filed documents.

此类前瞻性陈述包括:评估勘探资产的计划,包括瓦莱里亚诺铜金项目;评估计划的成功;勘探活动的成功;矿山开发前景;未来金属生产潜力;经济参数和假设的变化;与勘探活动时间和范围有关的所有方面,包括本新闻稿中考虑的第三阶段钻探计划;获得勘探结果的时间;对勘探结果的解释和实际结果当前的勘探活动和矿化;随着计划的不断完善,项目参数的变化;监管和许可程序的结果;未来金属价格;品位或回收率可能出现的变化;设备或工艺未能按预期运行;采矿业的劳资纠纷和其他风险;经济和技术研究的结果;获得政府和地方批准或融资或完成勘探的延迟;化验结果的时间安排;以及其中披露的因素 ATEX公开提交的文件。

Although ATEX has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its regulation services provider has reviewed or accepts
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1 Please see NI 43-101 technical report titled "Independent Technical Report for the Valeriano Copper-Gold Project, Atacama Region, Chile" with an effective date of September 1, 2023, available at and for additional details on the 2023 Mineral Resource Estimate for the Valeriano project.

1 请参阅NI 43-101技术报告,标题为 “智利阿塔卡马地区瓦莱里亚诺铜金项目的独立技术报告”,该报告生效日期为2023年9月1日,可在瓦莱里亚诺项目2023年矿产资源估算中获取,并了解有关瓦莱里亚诺项目2023年矿产资源估算的更多详细信息。

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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