
Beauce Gold Fields Silver and Pathfinder Elements Link Drill Cores to Placer Gold Deposit

Beauce Gold Fields Silver and Pathfinder Elements Link Drill Cores to Placer Gold Deposit

Beauce Gold Fields 白银和探路者元素将钻芯与砂金矿床联系起来
newsfile ·  01/18 07:32

Montreal, Quebec--(Newsfile Corp. - January 18, 2024) - Beauce Gold Fields (TSXV: BGF) (Champs D'Or en Beauce), referred to as "BGF" or the "Company," is pleased to announce results from diamond drill core analyses from the Grondin gold zone. Intersections have indicated a silver/gold ratio of 23.68% and contains significant levels in certain elements, notably arsenic, antimony, bismuth, and tungsten. These same elements have been well identified in significant quantities within an auriferous till directly associated with gold-bearing placers and buried in the valley of the Gilbert River, located at Saint-Simon-les-Mines, Quebec.

魁北克省蒙特利尔--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 18 日)- Beauce Gold Fields(TSXV:BGF)(Champs D'Or en Beauce), 被称为 “BGF” 或 “公司”,很高兴地宣布格隆丁金区的金刚石钻芯分析结果。交叉点显示银金比率为23.68%,并且某些元素中含有大量含量,尤其是砷、锑、铋和钨。在与含金砂矿直接相关、埋在魁北克省圣西蒙莱米纳的吉尔伯特河谷中的一个含金矿坑中,已经大量发现了同样的元素。

Patrick Levasseur, president and CEO of Beauce Gold Fields, stated: "This strong correlation for these pathfinder elements, as well as the silver/gold ratio suggests a local source. The source of these indicator elements would come from mineralized structures like those recently found at the Grondin site. These mineralized zones have been eroded from antiforms (Saddle Reef) that extend parallel to the northwest of the placer deposit." Mr. Levasseur also declared: "This marks another significant step, one that will guide our exploration work towards the possibility of discovering an economically viable gold deposit."

Beauce Gold Fields总裁兼首席执行官帕特里克·勒瓦瑟尔表示:“这些开拓者元素的这种强烈关联以及白银/黄金比率表明了当地的来源。这些指示元素的来源将来自矿化结构,例如最近在格隆丁遗址发现的矿化结构。这些矿化带已被平行延伸到砂矿床西北部的反形体(鞍礁)侵蚀。”Levasseur先生还宣称:“这标志着又迈出了重要的一步,它将指导我们的勘探工作,探讨发现经济上可行的金矿的可能性。”

Gold Transportation from Bedrock to Placer Channel

从基岩到Placer Channel的黄金运输

Matching Pathfinders Elements


On November 1, 2023, the Company released the results of an eight holes diamond drill program totaling 501 meters that were performed on the site of the Grondin outcrop. It is located on the Beauce Gold property near the municipality of Beauceville, Quebec. Drill hole GR 23-01 crossed various gold-mineralized zones over its entire length of 36 meters. This drilling intersected three gold zones that are comprised between 11 and 36 meters. They have been selected to be assayed for 35 elements (MSALABS Multielement ICP-AES\MS). All these zones are associated with networks of quartz veins (stockworks) more or less rich in sulfides. Analysis results for these three zones have indicated high levels in arsenic (As), with an average of 951 ppm, followed by antimony (Sb) with 2.22 ppm, bismuth (Bi) with 0.25 ppm, and finally tungsten (W) with a content of 20 ppm.

2023年11月1日,该公司公布了在格隆丁露头现场进行的总长达501米的八孔金刚石钻探项目的结果。它位于魁北克省博斯维尔市附近的Beauce Gold物业内。GR 23-01 钻孔在其整个 36 米的长度上穿过了各种金矿化区域。这次钻探横穿了三个金矿区,长度介于 11 到 36 米之间。已选择对它们进行35种元素的检测(MSALABS多元素 ICP-AES\ MS)。所有这些区域都与或多或少富含硫化物的石英矿脉(库存)网络有关。这三个区域的分析结果表明,砷(As)含量很高,平均为951 ppm,其次是锑(Sb)为2.22 ppm,铋(Bi)为0.25 ppm,最后是钨(W),含量为20 ppm。

In 2011, Uragold conducted a sonic drill campaign in the basal till and in the saprolite of the placer gold channel, which yielded numerous visible gold grains. The analysis of the heavy mineral concentrate recovered from the basal till returned arsenic (As) with an average of 59 ppm, antimony (Sb) with 2.08 ppm, bismuth (Bi) with 0.19 ppm, and tungsten (W) with 78 ppm. All these tracer elements strongly suggest a local source located north of the Gilbert River. (Source: Sedar: Report 43-101 - Beauce July 4, 2018, Author B. Violette)

2011年,Uragold在砂金通道的基底堆和腐烂岩中进行了声波钻探,产生了大量可见的金粒。对从基底到返回的重质矿物浓缩物的分析,平均返回的砷(As)为59 ppm,锑(Sb)为2.08 ppm,铋(Bi)为0.19 ppm,钨(W)为78 ppm。所有这些示踪元素强烈表明当地来源位于吉尔伯特河以北。(资料来源:Sedar:43-101 号报告——Beauce,2018 年 7 月 4 日,作者 B. Violette)

Drill hole GR 23-01 Gold and Pathfinder Elements

钻孔 GR 23-01 Gold 和 Pathfinder 元素

Au ppm Ag ppm As ppm Bi ppm sb ppm w ppm
Cor0247004 1.5 0.36 468 0.12 1.5 22.5
Cor0247005 2.4 0.44 752 0.12 1.3 15.2
Cor0247006 2.6 0.57 2754 0.09 2.3 13.3
Cor0247007 1.5 0.35 1546 0.04 1.2 27.3
Cor0247015 2.4 0.76 638 0.28 2 18
Cor0247016 3 0.79 706 0.36 3.2 21.4
Cor0247017 2.9 0.66 974 0.24 3.9 22.8
Cor0247018 6.3 1.63 1696 0.62 5 20.2
Cor0247019 11.4 1.77 350 0.47 2.5 41.3
Cor0247029 1.7 0.85 340 0.26 0.9 12.5
Cor0247030 1 0.51 242 0.2 0.7 4.5
Au ppm Ag ppm 以 ppm 为单位 bi ppm sb ppm w ppm
Cor0247004 1.5 0.36 468 0.12 1.5 22.5
Cor0247005 2.4 0.44 752 0.12 1.3 15.2
Cor0247006 2.6 0.57 2754 0.09 2.3 13.3
Cor0247007 1.5 0.35 1546 0.04 1.2 27.3
Cor0247015 2.4 0.76 638 0.28 2 18
Cor0247016 3 0.79 706 0.36 3.2 21.4
Cor0247017 2.9 0.66 974 0.24 3.9 22.8
Cor0247018 6.3 1.63 1696 0.62 5 20.2
Cor0247019 11.4 1.77 350 0.47 2.5 41.3
Cor0247029 1.7 0.85 340 0.26 0.9 12.5
Cor0247030 1 0.51 242 0.2 0.7 4.5

Silver to Gold Ratio


All three gold zone intersects from drill hole GR 23-01 reported anomalous silver levels, averaging 0.79 ppm. By consolidating the silver content with the gold zone intersects, which averaged at 3.33 g/t of gold, we achieve a silver to gold ratio of 23.68%. It is assumed that electrum is present in the drill cores.

与钻孔GR 23-01相交的所有三个金区均报告了异常的银含量,平均为0.79 ppm。通过将银含量与金区交叉点(平均金含量为3.33克/吨)合并,我们实现了23.68%的银金比率。假设钻芯中存在电子。

A scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis of the placer gold grains recovered from Uragold's 2011 sonic drill cores indicated that the gold surfaces had an average silver content of 6%.


Historical records document silver recovery from past placer gold mining operations. Receipts from the Royal Canadian Mint for the 1960s Beauce Placer Mining dredging operation indicated an average silver to gold content of 13%. An 1863 Geological Survey of Canada report by T. Sterry Hunt recorded a silver to gold content of 12.54%.

历史记录记录了白银从过去的砂金开采业务中回收的情况。加拿大皇家铸币厂1960年代Beauce Placer Mining挖泥作业的收入显示,银金含量的平均含量为13%。T.Sterry Hunt 1863年加拿大地质调查局的一份报告显示,白银与金的含量为12.54%。

The reduced silver content in the gold placers, compared to the Grondin cores, could be attributed in part to the dissolution of the metal during transport or to a prolonged geological period in a warmer secondary environment.


Gold Transportation from Bedrock to Placer Channel

从基岩到Placer Channel的黄金运输

A positive correlation applies to silver and the pathfinder elements that were identified for the Grondin zone and these same elements detected in the sediments of the gold channel of the Gilbert River. They support the hypothesis that the gold comes from the erosion of quartz veins, alteration, and dissolution of the sulfides that contain them. The gold was first trapped and deposited in the crests of the antiform folds of Saddle Reef type formations. Their axes are located northwest of the Gilbert River. The gold grains would be both of detrital origin, from the erosion of quartz veins releasing particles of gold of different sizes, and chemical origin, with coarser gold first coming from the dissolution of sulfides releasing the precious metals. Afterwards they precipitated in the form of nuggets (accretion phenomenon) in layers of fractured saprolite and/or in schistosity planes of fissile and oxidized rocks. (see BGF press release of January 17, 2023)

正相关性适用于在格隆丁带鉴定的银和探路者元素,以及在吉尔伯特河金河道沉积物中探测到的相同元素。他们支持这样的假设,即金来自石英脉的侵蚀、含有石英脉的硫化物的改变和溶解。这些金首先被捕获并沉积在鞍礁型地层的反形褶皱的波峰中。他们的轴位于吉尔伯特河的西北部。金颗粒既是碎屑来源,即石英脉的侵蚀释放出不同大小的金颗粒,又是化学来源,较粗的金首先来自释放贵金属的硫化物的溶解。之后,它们以金块(吸积现象)的形式沉淀在破裂的腐殖岩层和/或裂变岩和氧化岩的片状层中。(见 BGF 2023 年 1 月 17 日的新闻稿)

Jean Bernard, B,Sc. Geo., is a qualified person, as defined by NI 43-101, who has reviewed and approved the technical information presented in this release.

让·伯纳德,B,Sc.Geo. 是 NI 43-101 定义的合格人员,他已审查并批准了本新闻稿中提供的技术信息。

About Beauce Gold Fields


Beauce Gold Fields is focused on exploring and developing the largest placer gold district in eastern North America. The Company's objective is the trace old placer gold workings back to a bedrock source to uncover economic lode gold deposits. The Company's flagship property is the St-Simon-les-Mines Gold project site of Canada's first gold rush that pre-dates the Yukon Klondike. The Beauce region hosted some of the largest historical placer gold mines in Eastern North America that were active from 1860s to the 1960s It produced some of the largest gold nuggets in Canadian mining history (50oz to 71oz). (Source Sedar: 43-101 Report - Beauce July 4th 2018, , Author B. Violette)

Beauce Gold Fields专注于探索和开发北美东部最大的砂金区。该公司的目标是将旧砂金的运作追溯到基岩来源,以发现经济矿床金矿。该公司的旗舰物业是加拿大在育空地区克朗代克之前的首次淘金热的圣西蒙莱米恩金矿项目所在地。博斯地区拥有北美东部一些历史上最大的砂金矿,这些金矿在 19 世纪 60 年代至 1960 年代活跃。它生产了一些加拿大矿业历史上最大的金块(50 盎司至 71 盎司)。(来源:Sedar:43-101 报告——Beauce 7 月 4 日第四 2018 年,作者 B. Violette)

Beauce Gold Fields website

Beauce Gold Fi



This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, statements containing the words "may", "plan", "will", "estimate", "continue", "anticipate", "intend", "expect", "in the process" and other similar expressions which constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements reflect the Company's current expectation and assumptions, and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, our expectations regarding mineral exploration. Such statements reflect the current views of the Company with respect to future events and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties and other risks detailed from time-to-time in the Company's on-going filings with the securities regulatory authorities, which filings can be found at . Actual results, events, and performance may differ materially. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements either as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws.

本新闻稿包含某些前瞻性陈述,包括但不限于包含 “可能”、“计划”、“将”、“估计”、“继续”、“预期”、“打算”、“期望”、“进行中” 等词语的陈述,以及构成适用证券法所指的 “前瞻性信息” 的其他类似表述。前瞻性陈述反映了公司当前的预期和假设,并受许多风险和不确定性的影响,这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际业绩与预期存在重大差异。这些前瞻性陈述涉及风险和不确定性,包括但不限于我们对矿产勘探的预期。此类陈述反映了公司目前对未来事件的看法,受某些风险和不确定性以及公司向证券监管机构提交的正在进行的文件中不时详述的其他风险的影响,这些文件可在这些文件中找到。实际结果、事件和性能可能存在重大差异。提醒读者不要过分依赖这些前瞻性陈述。除非适用的证券法要求,否则公司没有义务因新信息、未来事件或其他原因而公开更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述。

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For further information contact


Patrick Levasseur, President and CEO Tel: (514) 262-9239

总裁兼首席执行官帕特里克·勒瓦瑟尔电话:(514) 262-9239

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


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