
Teako Granted New Exploration Concessions at Vaddas - Birtavarre and Creates Norway's Largest Copper-Cobalt Exploration Project

Teako Granted New Exploration Concessions at Vaddas - Birtavarre and Creates Norway's Largest Copper-Cobalt Exploration Project

Teako 在 Vaddas-Birtavarre 获得了新的勘探特许权,并创建了挪威最大的铜钴勘探项目
newsfile ·  01/22 08:00

Not for dissemination in the United States or through U.S. newswires


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - January 22, 2024) - TEAKO MINERALS CORP. (CSE: TMIN) (the "Company" or "Teako") is pleased to announce that it has significantly increased the size of its Vaddas-Birtavarre copper-cobalt project in northern Norway through the granting of an additional 72 new exploration claims totalling approximately 665 square km. The newly-staked ground compliments the original 16 claims over which the Company has an option to acquire a 100% interest from Capella Minerals Limited (TSXV: CMIL) ("Capella") (Figure 1). The former Vaddas-Birtavarre mining district contains several known Caledonian-age semi-massive to massive sulfide ("VMS") deposits and is interpreted by the Company to hold the greatest potential for new copper-cobalt discoveries in Norway outside of the central Trondelag province.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 22 日)- TEAKO 矿物株式会社 (CSE: TMIN) (”公司“或”Teako“)高兴地宣布,它通过批准另外72份总面积约665平方公里的新的勘探索赔,大幅扩大了其在挪威北部的瓦达斯-比尔塔瓦雷铜钴项目的规模。新提出的理由与最初的16项索赔相辅相成,公司可以选择从嘉佩乐矿业有限公司(TSXV:CMIL)(“Capella”)(“Capella”)收购100%的权益(图 1)。前瓦达斯-比尔塔瓦雷矿区包含几个已知的喀里多尼亚时代的半块状至块状硫化物(“VMS”)矿床,该公司认为该矿区最有可能在中部特伦德拉格省以外的挪威发现新的铜钴。

The newly granted exploration claims are 100% owned by Teako and will have no minimum work commitments or landholding costs in 2024. The Vaddas-Birtavarre project, to be known henceforth as the Vaddas project, is now the largest copper-cobalt project in Norway with a combined 796 square km (or 79,600 hectares).




  • Teako has created Norway's single largest copper-cobalt project through the granting of a further 72 new exploration claims in the former Vaddas mining district. The total land area controlled by the Company (including the 16 claims previously held under option with Capella) is 796 square km.
  • Previous mining in the Vaddas district focused on the small-scale extraction of high-grade copper and zinc from Caledonian-age semi-massive to massive deposits. Recent sampling has confirmed an association of elevated cobalt values with the copper-zinc mineralization.
  • The Company's Corporate partner, The Coring Company, is currently in the process of digitizing all current and historical data (including some 6,000m of historical drilling) from the Vaddas project within the SCS exploration data and project management software module (see Company News Release dated June 22, 2023, for further details).
  • The Company has enlisted Ginny Gay as a special advisor for the Vaddas project.
  • Teako通过在前瓦达斯矿区再批准72个新的勘探权益,创建了挪威最大的单一铜钴项目。公司控制的总土地面积(包括先前根据嘉佩乐期权持有的16项索赔)为796平方千米。
  • 以前在瓦达斯地区开采的重点是从喀里多尼亚时代的半块状矿床到大型矿床中小规模开采高品位铜和锌。最近的抽样证实了钴值升高与铜锌矿化有关。
  • 该公司的企业合作伙伴科林公司目前正在SCS勘探数据和项目管理软件模块中对来自瓦达斯项目的所有当前和历史数据(包括约6,000米的历史钻探)进行数字化(更多细节见2023年6月22日的公司新闻稿)。
  • 该公司已聘请金妮·盖伊担任瓦达斯项目的特别顾问。

Sven Gollan, CEO of Teako Minerals, comments: "Following a close collaborative effort with Capella Minerals, our Service Alliance partner, along with a productive site visit, months of desktop studies of historical data from the Geological Survey of Norway (NGU) open archive, and an examination of the drill core at the NGU core shack in December, we marked a significant milestone by starting to stake the Vaddas claims at 00:01 on January 1 - claims that have now been approved. This strategic move aligns with the Norwegian government's latest minerals strategy, envisioned as a 'springboard for the development of the world's most sustainable minerals industry'. For Teako, the significant and district-scale Vaddas project represents a pivotal step for our appearance and developments in Norway."

Teako Minerals首席执行官斯文·戈兰评论说:”经过与我们的服务联盟合作伙伴Capella Minerals的密切合作,并进行了富有成效的实地考察,对挪威地质调查局(NGU)公开档案的历史数据进行了数月的桌面研究,并于12月对NGU岩心棚的钻孔岩心进行了检查,这标志着一个重要的里程碑,于1月1日 00:01 开始提出瓦达斯索赔,这些索赔现已获得批准。这一战略举措符合挪威政府最新的矿产战略,该战略被设想为 “发展世界上最可持续的矿产行业的跳板”。对于Teako而言,这个具有重大区域规模的Vaddas项目是我们在挪威的出现和发展的关键一步。

The Vaddas Project


Figure 1: Vaddas Exploration Claims

图 1:瓦达斯勘探索赔

The Vaddas copper-cobalt project is situated in the past-producing Vaddas-Birtavarre copper VMS district of northern Norway and has approximately 6,000 meters of historical drilling conducted on the property. The Vaddas-Birtavarre district is located in the Troms Province, approximately 60km east of the regional center of Tromsø. The property has excellent access through all-weather paved highways and gravel roads as well as multiple historical deposits, adits, and past-producing smelters.


The Vaddas-Birtavarre district contains several known Caledonian-age semi-massive to massive sulfide deposits, which are hosted within different stratigraphic levels: a lowermost greenstone unit (locally pillow basalts) hosts copper-cobalt mineralization at the northern part of the project, whilst an overlying metasedimentary sequence hosts copper-cobalt mineralization at the southern part of the project. The ore-bearing formation of the southern part of the project where Birtavarre is located is known as the Ankerlia Series and is underlain by layered metamorphic schists belonging to the Caledonian orogenic belt. A westward-plunging anticline runs through the Moskogaissa area in the southern part, with studies of the historically mined deposits showing smaller-scale folding and brecciation of the ore. Historically, the area was exploited for copper and zinc, with the known mineralized bodies relatively flat-lying lenses, parallel to stratigraphy, and occurring as several horizons. The southern part of the project has very high copper grades, higher zinc, and lower Cobalt when compared to the mineralization style in the northern part of the project.


The Company's Corporate partner, The Coring Company, is currently in the process of digitizing all current and historical data (including some 6,000m of historical drilling) from the Vaddas project within the SCS exploration data and project management software module ("SCS")(see Company News Release dated June 22, 2023, for further details on SCS).


The Vaddas property contains numerous targets stretching from the north of the property to the south. Among them are:


  • The Vaddas Target with mineralization over 3.5 km along strike, and open at depth, dipping to the W, and outcropping. It contains several drill-ready targets and shows high cobalt content associated with copper. Mineralization is remobilized and sulphide-rich, and over 6,000m of historic drilling along a 3.5 km strike, but mostly shorter holes (<50m) carried out by packsack drill. Grab sampling1 carried out by Capella Minerals Ltd. returned assays with cobalt and copper grades ranging from below detection limit to the highlights indicated below.:
  • D125038 containing 0.51% Co and 3.40% Cu (or 5.1% Cu equivalent ("CuEq")2(see photo 1 at the bottom of this news release).
  • D125035 containing 0.47% Co (or 1.6% CuEq).
  • D125029 containing 5.23% Cu and 0.05% Co (or 5.4% CuEq).
  • 瓦达斯目标 矿化沿走向超过 3.5 千米,深度开放,向西倾斜,露出。它包含多个可供钻探的目标,并显示出与铜相关的高钴含量。矿化经过再活化且富含硫化物,沿着3.5千米的走向进行了超过6,000米的历史性钻探,但主要是背包钻探进行的较短的孔(1 由Capella Minerals Ltd.进行的化验结果表明,钴和铜等级从低于检出限到下述亮点不等。:
  • D125038 含有 0.51% 的钴和 3.40% 的铜(或 5.1% 的铜当量(“CueQ”)2(参见 照片 本新闻稿底部为 1)。
  • D125035 含有 0.47% 的钴(或 1.6% CueQ)。
  • D125029 含有 5.23% 的铜和 0.05% 的钴(或 5.4% 的 CueQ)。
  • The Indre Gressdal target has returned grab/rock chip samples1 from outcrop that show mineralization extends over 750m along strike, while Geophysics (ground EM) defines a >1km long target. Mineralization trends NNE, dips steeply to the east, and outcrops along the majority of the strike. Mineralisation is a remobilised, suliphide-rich ore, the target is drill ready and has had no historic drilling. Highlights from Capella's sampling program include:
  • D125040 containing 7.77% Cu + 0.78% Zn (or 8.0% CuEq)(see photo 2 at the bottom of this news release).
  • D125060 containing 4.69% Cu + 0.1% Zn (or 4.7% CuEq).
  • Indre Gressdal 的目标 已退回抓取/岩片样本1 从显示矿化的露头沿走向延伸超过750米,而地球物理学(地面电磁)定义了长度超过1千米的目标。矿化趋势为东北,向东急剧下降,大部分走向露头。矿化是一种经过再活化的、富含硫化物的矿石,目标已准备就绪,历史上没有钻探过。嘉佩乐抽样计划的亮点包括:
  • D125040 含有 7.77% 铜 + 0.78% 锌(或 8.0% CueQ)(见 照片 本新闻稿底部有 2 个)。
  • D125060 含有 4.69% 铜 + 0.1% 锌(或 4.7% CueQ)。
  • The Jiekkejavre Target at which the mineralization strikes west with remobilized, copper-rich sulphide mineralization. Historic sampling gave grades of 1.5-3% Cu and an average thickness of 1.5m at surface.
  • Jiekkejavre 目标 矿化带着再活化的、富含铜的硫化物矿化向西冲击。历史采样显示,铜的品位为 1.5-3%,地表的平均厚度为 1.5m。
  • The Moskodal Target has had periodic historic mining from 1903 - 1930, producing 1068 tons of Copper from several adits. Mineralization is open at depth and along strike, with the western continuation proven by historic diamond drilling intercepting 4.8m of 2.67% Cu. Highlights of NGU sampling of the tip at Moskodal gave samples yielding 12.5% Cu, and 6.7%. NGU outcrop samples at Moskodal included 9.66% Cu and 6.73% Cu. Cobalt is associated with the copper mineralization with the NGU tip and outcrop samples assaying between 0.03%-0.06% cobalt. To view a photo of the Moskodal dump see photo 3 at the bottom of this news release.
  • 莫斯科达尔目标 从1903年到1930年,定期进行历史性采矿,通过多次采矿生产了1068吨铜。矿化在深度和走向上都是开放的,历史性的钻石钻探证实了西部的延伸,截获了 4.8 米 2.67% 的铜。NGU在莫斯科达尔采样尖端的亮点显示,样品的铜含量为12.5%,6.7%。莫斯科达尔的 NGU 露头样本包括 9.66% 的铜和 6.73% 的铜。钴与铜矿化有关,NGU 尖端和露头样品的钴含量在 0.03%-0.06% 之间。要查看莫斯科达尔垃圾场的照片,请参阅 照片 本新闻稿底部有 3 个。
  • The Moskogaissa 125 target contains a small excavation and no historic drilling. Potential 1km length target indicated by coincident regional Airborne EM anomaly and elevated copper-zinc values from the excavation (photo 4 at the bottom of this news release). Capella took 4 grab samples1 from the dump at the excavation, aiming to sample the various styles of mineralization observed. The results yielded:
  • D12549 containing 6.66% Cu and 2.25% Zn (or 7.3% CuEq)(see photo 5 at the bottom of this news release).
  • D12550 containing 4.97% Cu and 0.45% Zn (or 5.1% CuEq).
  • D12551 containing 5.94% Cu and 0.40% Zn (or 6.1% CuEq).
  • D12552 containing 1.55% Cu and 13.52% Zn (or 5.5% CuEq).
  • Moskogaissa 125 的目标 包含一个小规模的挖掘,没有历史性的钻探。重合的区域空中电磁异常和挖掘产生的铜锌值升高表明了潜在的 1 千米长度目标(照片 本新闻稿底部有 4 个)。Capella 抽取了 4 个样本1 从挖掘的垃圾场出发,旨在对观察到的各种矿化类型进行采样。结果产生了:
  • D12549 含有 6.66% 的铜和 2.25% 的锌(或 7.3% CueQ)(见 照片 本新闻稿底部有 5 个)。
  • D12550 含有 4.97% 的铜和 0.45% 的锌(或 5.1% 的 CueQ)。
  • D12551 含有 5.94% 的铜和 0.40% 的锌(或 6.1% 的 CueQ)。
  • D12552 含有 1.55% 的铜和 13.52% 的锌(或 5.5% 的 CueQ)。

Other rock-chip samples1 taken during the Capella summer 2022 field campaign also returned encouraging results in the Birtavarre area in the southern part of the project, with:

其他摇滚样品1 在嘉佩乐2022年夏季实地考察期间拍摄的项目南部的比尔塔瓦雷地区也取得了令人鼓舞的成果,其中:

  • D125056 containing 10.52% Cu (see photo 6 at the bottom of this news release).
  • D125056 含有 10.52% 的铜(见 照片 本新闻稿底部有 6 个)。

1 The Company reminds investors that grab rock chip samples are select samples and may not be representative of all mineralization on the Vaddas property.

1 该公司提醒投资者,抓取岩片样本是精选样本,可能无法代表瓦达斯地产的所有矿化情况。

2 Copper equivalent grades are calculated using London Metal Exchange metals prices on January 18, 2024, of USD 8,351/t for copper, USD 29,135/t for cobalt, and USD 2,462/t for zinc and assuming 100% metallurgical recoveries ().

2 铜当量等级是根据伦敦金属交易所金属价格计算得出的,2024年1月18日,铜价为8,351美元/吨,钴为29,135美元/吨,锌为2,462美元/吨,假设冶金回收率为100%()。

Project Strategy:


The Vaddas - Birtavarre district represents, in the Company's view, one of the highest potential areas for new copper-cobalt discoveries in Norway outside of the central Trøndelag province. Known deposits in northern Norway are usually small and high-grade. A century ago and even a half-century ago, the interest in cobalt within Norway remained virtually non-existent. Historical records indicate that drill cores from that era were not assayed for modern battery metals like cobalt, reflecting a prevailing lack of consideration for this metal's potential.


Notably, several mining operations selectively extracted visible copper ore while disregarding even high-grade zinc, deeming every base metal, aside from copper, which was an extensive focus, as a dilution of ore quality unworthy of inclusion in the confined local smelters. In the contemporary context, the reliance on cobalt sourced from regions with uncertain production standards has underscored the necessity for a secure and consistent local supply chain within Europe.


The Company firmly believes that with the historical mines and deposits with its discarded materials such as in dumps, and larger tailings, the property represents an opportunity for significant exploration and sustainable resource extraction. With the vast amount of data from the Norwegian government entities (which is a requirement by the government for companies to log all data) and previous work, the Company believes the property to be prime for the exploration of copper, cobalt, and other base metals within the property when utilizing such data.


Norway possesses robust infrastructure, and the ongoing developments at Vaddas stand as a testament to that. The recent inauguration of the Kvævangen tunnel on December 15, 2023, represents a substantial advancement to the infrastructure around the project. This tunnel not only serves to bolster connectivity but also significantly enhances accessibility, forging vital links between Vaddas and the wider region. Furthermore, it facilitates connections to deep ports, proximate operational mines, and the city of Alta. Situated near the northeastern part of the Vaddas property, this tunnel is a brief drive from Vaddas' northeastern peak, underscoring its strategic location and accessibility.


On January 1, 2024, the counties of Troms and Finnmark were split into two. As part of the split, Teako's properties, which were previously located in Troms and Finnmark, will now solely lie within the county of Troms. This will allow cost savings along with simpler and faster permitting and reporting.

2024 年 1 月 1 日,特罗姆斯郡和芬马克县一分为二。作为拆分的一部分,Teako的房产以前位于特罗姆斯和芬马克,现在将仅位于特罗姆斯郡内。这将节省成本,同时更简单、更快地进行许可和报告。

In line with its strategic vision, a significant aspect entailed acquiring substantial land holdings through strategic staking, subsequently refining these holdings via exploration initiatives to identify prime claims with heightened potential for containing mineral deposits to become a future mine.


Examples of historical copper mines and occurrences


Examples of major sulphide deposits in the Vaddas-Birtavarre District, all within Teakos claims, listed in Table 1, are located on top of the Loftani Greenstone Member, except for one deposit, Rieppe, which is in the lower part of the Greenstone. Smaller sulphide deposits occur in a greywacke succession above the greenstone in the Vaddas district, in a similar stratigraphic position as the major deposits at Birtavarre some 30 km to the south (ref. Vokes 1957). The upper part of the Oksfjord Group is a monotonous greywacke unit, known as the Ankerlia Formation (ref. Lindahl et al. 2005). Abandoned smelters in the Vaddas area suggest some mined copper processing occurred before being exported from the district.

瓦达斯-比尔塔瓦雷地区主要硫化物矿床的示例,均在 Teakos 索赔范围内,列于 表 1,位于洛夫塔尼绿石会员的顶部,只有一笔存款Rieppe除外,它位于绿石的下部。较小的硫化物沉积物以灰色连续形式出现在瓦达斯地区的绿岩上方,其地层位置与向南约30公里处的伯塔瓦雷的主要矿床相似(参见Vokes(1957)。Oksfjord 群的上半部分是一个单调的 greywacke 单位,被称为 Ankerlia Formation(参见林达尔等人。2005)。瓦达斯地区废弃的冶炼厂表明,一些开采的铜是在从该地区出口之前进行的。

Historic production values quoted in Table 1 and general geological data and possible mineral inventories presented for deposits in the Vaddas district are taken from: Digre (1972), Kleine-Hering (1973), Lindahl (1974), Lindahl et al. (2005), and Vokes (1957) (see reference list). Teako has not performed sufficient work to verify the published data reported but believes this information to be considered reliable and relevant.

引用的历史产量值 表 1 瓦达斯地区矿床的一般地质数据和可能的矿物清单取自:迪格雷(1972)、克莱因-海林(1973)、林达尔(1974 年)、林达尔(1974 年)、林达尔 等。 (2005)和 Vokes(1957)(见参考清单)。Teako尚未开展足够的工作来验证报告的已发布数据,但认为这些信息被认为是可靠和相关的。

Deposit Tonnage (Mt) Cu % Zn % When Mined
Genetic Type Reference
Total Mined
Vaddas 1.42 0.72 1.4 <0.1 1900-1957 (discont.)
VMS Lindahl, 1974
Sabetjok 0.3-0.4 0.014 1.2
VMS Vokes, 1957
Rieppe 3.0
0.5 2 Test Mining VMS Lindahl, 1974
Moskogaissa 115 0.065 0.065 4.5-8
1898-1919 VMS Vokes, 1957
Moskodal 0.225 0.04 2.7
1904-1930 VMS Kleine-Hering, 1973
存款 吨位 (Mt) 铜% 锌% 开采时
遗传类型 参考
总计 已开采
瓦达斯 1.42 0.72 1.4 1900-1957(折扣)
VMS 林达尔,1974
Sabetjok 0.3-0.4 0.014 1.2
VMS Vokes,1957
Rieppe 3.0
0.5 2 测试挖矿 VMS 林达尔,1974
Moskogaissa 115 0.065 0.065 4.5-8
1898-1919 VMS Vokes,1957
莫斯科达尔 0.225 0.04 2.7
1904-1930 VMS Kleine-Hering,1973

Table 1: Deposits and occurrences in the Vaddas-Birtavarre metallogenic area within Teako's Vaddas Claims

表 1:Teako 的 Vaddas Claims 中 Vaddas-Birtavarre 成矿区的沉积物和矿点

Ginny Gay - Special Advisor


The Company has enlisted Ginny Gay as a special advisor for the Vaddas project. Since joining Capella Minerals Ltd. (TSX.V: CMIL) in late 2021, Ginny has made significant contributions through her extensive research and exploration efforts on the Vaddas property and its vicinity. Her deep understanding and experience with the project make her an invaluable asset to the team, especially as we advance the development of the Vaddas project.


Ginny is an economic geologist with over 8 years of international mineral exploration and production experience. She studied Applied Geology at Camborne School of Mines in the United Kingdom and, since graduating, has worked in several different countries exploring for a variety of deposit types in different climates and geological terrains. Ginny has several years of experience working in northern Scandinavia on greenfield exploration projects with junior exploration companies and brownfields (near-mine) exploration with Boliden, together with production geology experience with Mandalay Resources. Other experience includes working in regional exploration programs in southern Ecuador, greenfield exploration programs in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, and two field seasons exploring for base metal deposits in southern and eastern Greenland.


Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) - Capella Rock-Chip/Grab Sampling

质量保证/质量控制 (QA/QC)-Capella Rock-Chip/Grab Sampling

Capella implemented a Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) program to ensure that the Vaddas sampling and analysis were conducted in accordance with NI 43-101 standards and industry best practices. Samples for analysis were sealed in plastic bags and couriered to MS Analytical in Stensele, Sweden, for sample preparation. All samples were dried and crushed to 70% passing 2mm, with a 250g representative split then being taken and further pulverized to a pulp with 85% passing 75 microns. All pulps were subsequently analyzed for Au, Pt, and Pd (30g fusion with ICP-AES finish; Code FAS-113) plus a multi-element package (4 acid digestion with ICP-AES/MS finish; Code IMS-230). Ore grade samples of Cu and Zn are further reanalyzed using the ICF-6Cu/6Zn analytical techniques. Internal controls of analytical results were provided through a mix of Certified Reference Materials (standards), duplicates, and blanks inserted by both Capella and MS Analytical in to the analytical sequence.

嘉佩乐实施了质量保证/质量控制(QA/QC)计划,以确保Vaddas的采样和分析符合NI 43-101标准和行业最佳实践。用于分析的样本被密封在塑料袋中,然后运送到瑞典斯滕瑟勒的MS Analytical进行样本制备。所有样品均经过干燥并压碎至通过2mm的70%,然后进行250g的代表性分割,然后进一步粉碎成纸浆,其中85%超过75微米。随后对所有纸浆进行了金、铂和钯分析(30g 融合,ICP-AES 表面处理;代码 FAS-113),外加多元素包装(ICP-AES/MS 表面处理 4 次酸性消解;代码 IMS-230)。使用ICF-6Cu/6Zn分析技术对铜和锌的矿石品位样品进行了进一步的重新分析。分析结果的内部控制是通过认证参考材料(标准)、副本以及Capella和MS Analytical在分析序列中插入的空白来提供的。

Qualified Persons and Disclosure Statement


The technical information in this news release relating to the Vaddas Project has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in NI 43-101, and approved by Eric Roth, a Non-Executive Director of Teako and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101. Mr. Roth holds a Ph.D. in Economic Geology from the University of Western Australia, is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and is a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG). Mr. Roth has 35 years of experience in international minerals exploration and mining project evaluation.

本新闻稿中与瓦达斯项目有关的技术信息是根据NI 43-101规定的加拿大监管要求编制的,并获得了Teako非执行董事和NI 43-101规定的合格人员埃里克·罗斯的批准。Roth 先生拥有西澳大利亚大学经济地质学博士学位、澳大利亚矿业和冶金研究所 (AusIMM) 院士和经济地质学家协会 (SEG) 会员。Roth 先生在国际矿产勘探和采矿项目评估方面拥有 35 年的经验。

About Teako Minerals Corp.:

关于 Teako 矿业公司:

Teako Minerals Corp. is a Vancouver-based mineral exploration company committed to acquiring, exploring, and developing mineral properties in Norway & Finland exploring for Copper, Cobalt, base metals and Gold. The adoption of technologies such as the SCS Exploration Product aligns with its strategy to remain at the forefront of the rapidly evolving mining industry.

Teako Minerals Corp. 是一家总部位于温哥华的矿产勘探公司,致力于收购、勘探和开发挪威和芬兰的矿产,勘探铜、钴、贱金属和金。采用 SCS 勘探产品等技术符合其保持在快速发展的采矿业前沿的战略。



"Sven Gollan"
T: +43 5522 500429

“Sven Gollan”
T: +43 5522 500429



References :


  1. Digre, M. 1972. Orienterende flotasjonsforsøk med malmprøver fra Rieppe. Internal report A/S Bleikvassli Gruber. (in Norwegian). ()
  1. 迪格雷,M. 1972 年。来自里耶普的 Malmprever 进行定向漂流搜寻。内部报告 A/S Bleikvassli Gruber。(挪威语)。()
  1. Kleine-Hering, R. 1973. Der Geologische Rahmen und die Mineralogie der Pyrit-freien, Zinkblende-fürenden Kupferkies-Magnetkies-Erzvorkommen des Moskodal, Nordreisa, Troms, Nord-Norwegen. Ph.D. thesis., Joh. Gutenberg Univ., Mainz.
  1. Kleine-Hering,R. 1973 年。莫斯科达尔、诺德赖萨、特罗姆斯、挪威北部的 Der Geologische Rahmen 和 die Mineralogie der Pyrit-Freien、Zinkblende-Fuürende-Fuürkies-Magnetkies-Erzvorkies Erzvorkies Erzvorkies 和 Pyrit-Freien、博士论文。,Joh。美因茨古腾堡大学
  1. Lindahl, I. 1974. Økonomisk geologi og prospektering i Vaddas-Rieppe feltet, Nord-Troms. Ph.D. thesis, NTH. (in Norwegian). ()
  1. 林达尔,I. 1974 年。北特罗姆斯省瓦达斯-里普费尔特的经济地质和勘探前景。博士论文,NTH(挪威语)。()
  1. Lindahl, I., Stevens, B. P. J. & Zwaan, K. B. 2005. The geology of the Vaddas area, Troms: a key to our understanding of the Upper Allochthon in the Caledonides of northern Norway. Norges geologiske undersøkelse, Bulletin 445, 5-43. ()
  1. Lindahl,I.,Stevens,B.P. J. & Zwaan,K.B. 2005。特罗姆斯瓦达斯地区的地质情况:这是我们了解挪威北部喀里多尼德斯山脉上游阿洛奇顿的关键。挪威地质研究,第445号公报,5-43。()
  1. Vokes, F. M. 1957. The copper deposits of the Birtavarre district, Troms, northern Norway. Norges geologiske undersøkelse 199. 239 ()
  1. 沃克斯,F.M. 1957。挪威北部特罗姆斯比尔塔瓦雷地区的铜矿床。挪威地质调查 199. 239 ()

Forward-Looking Information:


This press release may include forward-looking information within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation, concerning the business of Teako. Forward-looking information is based on certain key expectations and assumptions made by the management of Teako. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by the use of words such as "will," "may," "would," "expect," "intend," "plan," "seek," "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "predict," "potential," "continue," "likely," "could" and variations of these terms and similar expressions, or the negative of these terms or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this press release include Although Teako believes that the expectations and assumptions on which such forward-looking information is based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking information because Teako can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. These include, but are not limited to, risks associated with the mineral exploration industry in general (e.g., operational risks in development, exploration and production; the uncertainty of mineral resource estimates; the uncertainty of estimates and projections relating to production, costs and expenses, and health, safety and environmental risks), constraint in the availability of services, commodity price and exchange rate fluctuations, changes in legislation impacting the mining industry, adverse weather conditions and uncertainties resulting from potential delays or changes in plans with respect to exploration or development projects or capital expenditures. These and other risks are set out in more detail in Teako's interim Management's Discussion and Analysis dated October 31, 2023. The Canadian Securities Exchange (CSE) has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or the accuracy of the contents of this release.

本新闻稿可能包括加拿大证券立法所指的有关Teako业务的前瞻性信息。前瞻性信息基于Teako管理层做出的某些关键预期和假设。在某些情况下,您可以通过使用 “将”、“可能”、“将”、“期望”、“打算”、“计划”、“寻求”、“预测”、“估计”、“预测”、“潜在”、“继续”、“可能” 等词语以及这些术语和类似表述的变体,或这些术语或类似表述的否定词语来识别前瞻性陈述。本新闻稿中的前瞻性陈述包括尽管Teako认为此类前瞻性信息所依据的预期和假设是合理的,但不应过分依赖前瞻性信息,因为Teako无法保证这些信息将被证明是正确的。由于前瞻性陈述涉及未来的事件和状况,因此就其本质而言,它们涉及固有的风险和不确定性。由于许多因素和风险,实际结果可能与目前的预期有重大差异。这些风险包括但不限于与矿产勘探行业相关的总体风险(例如,开发、勘探和生产中的运营风险;矿产资源估算的不确定性;与生产、成本和支出以及健康、安全和环境风险相关的估计和预测的不确定性)、服务供应的限制、商品价格和汇率波动、影响采矿业的立法变化、恶劣天气条件以及潜在的不确定性与勘探或开发项目或资本支出有关的计划的延迟或变化。Teako于2023年10月31日发布的临时管理层的讨论与分析中更详细地列出了这些风险和其他风险。 加拿大证券交易所(CSE)尚未审查本新闻稿内容的充分性或准确性,也不承担任何责任。



Photo 1: Sample D125038 containing 0.51% Cobalt from the Vaddas target

照片 1:样本 D125038 含有 0.51% 来自瓦达斯目标的钴

Photo 2: Sample D125040 containing 7.77% Cu, from the Indre Gressdal target

照片 2:样品 D125040 含有 7.77% 的铜,来自 Indre Gressdal 目标

Photo 3: Moskodal dump, Chalcopyrite, Sphalerite and Pyrrhotite

照片 3:莫斯科达尔垃圾场、黄铜矿、闪锌矿和黄铁矿

Photo 4: Airborne EM CP-880 map showing an >1km long EM anomaly below surface, with the four rock-chip samples D125049 - 052 location shown with a black star, sampling the far NE end of the anomaly.

照片 4:Airborne EM CP-880 地图显示了地表下长度超过 1 千米的电磁异常,四个岩屑样本 D125049-052 的位置显示了一颗黑星,对异常的东北端进行了采样。

Photo 5: Sample D125049, chalcopyrite and sphalerite folded in Amphibolite containing 6.66% Cu, 2.25% Zn

照片 5:样品 D125049、黄铜矿和闪锌矿折叠在含有 6.66% 铜、2.25% 锌的闪石中

Photo 6: Sample D125056, Rock-chip sample taken from a dump in the Birtavarre area, containing 10.52% Cu. Brecciated massive sulphide containing chalcopyrite>>pyrrhotite.

照片 6:样本 D125056,从 Birtavarre 地区的一个垃圾场采集的 Rock-Chip 样本,含有 10.52% 的铜。含有黄铜矿的角砾岩块状硫化物 >>pyrhotite。

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