
Hercules Silver Drills 100 Meters of 0.76% Cu, 113 Ppm Mo, Within 461 Meters of 0.4% Cu, 74 Ppm Mo

Hercules Silver Drills 100 Meters of 0.76% Cu, 113 Ppm Mo, Within 461 Meters of 0.4% Cu, 74 Ppm Mo

Hercules Silver 在 100 米内钻出 0.76% 铜、113 Ppm 钼含量,在 461 米内钻出 0.4% 铜、74 Ppm 钼含量
newsfile ·  01/22 08:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 22, 2024) - Hercules Silver Corp. (TSXV: BIG) (OTCQB: BADEF) (FSE: 8Q7) ("Hercules Silver" or the "Company") is pleased to report positive results for drill hole HER-23-26 and confirm increasing copper grades to the west from recently reported holes drilled into the new Leviathan porphyry copper discovery at its Hercules project located in western Idaho ("Hercules" or the "Property"). These results present a compelling vector toward the high-grade core of the porphyry system.

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 1 月 22 日)- Hercules Silver Corp.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:BIG)(场外交易代码:BADEF)(FSE:8Q7) (”赫拉克勒斯银“或者”公司“) 很高兴地报告 HER-23-26 钻孔取得了积极成果,并证实了最近报告的在爱达荷州西部的大力神项目新发现的利维坦斑岩铜矿发现的钻孔向西的铜品位有所提高(“大力神” 或者 “财产”)。这些结果为斑岩系统的高级核心提供了令人信服的向量。

Assay results have now been received for HER-23-26 and confirm that grade increases west from drill holes HER-23-11 to HER-23-21 to HER-23-26, and from HER-23-08 to HER-23-05. Drill logs also demonstrate an increasing ratio of chalcopyrite to pyrite, a decrease in marginal phyllic alteration, and an increase in proximal potassic (biotite-magnetite) alteration in HER-23-26.

现已收到 HER-23-26 的化验结果,证实从钻孔 HER-23-11 到 HER-23-21 再到 HER-23-26,从钻孔向西的品位上升,从 HER-23-08 增加到 HER-23-05。钻探记录还显示,HER-23-26 中黄铜矿与黄铁矿的比例增加,边际叶状蚀变减少,近端钾(黑铁矿-磁铁矿)变化增加。

Copper grades also increase toward the north from HER-23-26 to HER-23-05 and planning is now underway to execute a 20,000-meter drill program aimed at vectoring into the core of the system. A new 2023 IP survey suggests the potential for significant expansion along a multi-kilometer trend beneath the Hercules Rhyolite, with no indication of considerable fault breaks in the system.

从 HER-23-26 到 HER-23-05,向北的铜品位也有所提高,目前正在计划执行一项旨在向导进入系统核心的 20,000 米钻探计划。2023年一项新的知识产权调查表明,大力神流纹岩下方有可能沿着数千米的趋势进行重大扩张,但没有迹象表明该系统出现大量断层。

The Leviathan Porphyry remains open for expansion in multiple directions and thus far has only been tested within the 2022 IP survey area. Barrick Gold Corporation ("Barrick") has seconded three geologists to the Company and provided access to their senior technical team to help interpret the 2023 data and plan a large 20,000 meter follow-up drill program.


  • Drilling within an initial 500m x 450m area demonstrates increasing grades to the north and west.
  • 在最初的 500 米 x 450 米区域内钻探表明向北和向西的坡度不断提高。
  • HER-23-26, the latest hole drilled into the Leviathan Porphyry intersected 100 meters of 0.76% Cu, 113 ppm Mo, within 461 meters of 0.4% Cu, 74 ppm Mo.
  • HER-23-26 是最新在 Leviathan 斑岩中钻出的孔,在 0.76% 的铜、113 ppm 的钼之间相交 100 米,在 0.4% 的铜、74 ppm 的钼范围内,在 461 米以内。
  • New assay data and deep penetrating 3D IP suggest the potential early porphyry center may underlie the entire mapped exposure of Hercules Rhyolite.
  • 新的分析数据和深度穿透的三维IP表明,潜在的早期斑岩中心可能是Hercules Rhyolite整个测绘暴露量的基础。
  • IP data shows an arcuate-shaped chargeability target that closely follows the trend of the Hercules Rhyolite and roots into a vertical anomaly with coincident high conductivity (low resistivity) which may represent a potential early porphyry feeder intrusion.
  • IP 数据显示,弧形可充电性目标与赫拉克勒斯流纹岩的趋势密切相关,其根源为垂直异常,同时具有高导电率(低电阻率),这可能代表潜在的早期斑岩馈线入侵。
  • With the aid of Barrick's senior technical expertise, the Company is planning a 20,000-meter drill program to expand on its 2023 discovery.
  • 在巴里克高级技术专业知识的帮助下,该公司正在计划一项20,000米的钻探计划,以扩大其2023年发现的范围。

Table 1: Significant Intercepts

表 1:重要截距

Hole ID From (m) To (m) Interval (m)* Cu (%) Mo (ppm) Ag (g/t)
HER-23-26 338.85 799.61 460.76 0.4 74 1
including 338.85 438.91 100.06 0.76 113 1.7
HER-23-21 248.41 1007.06 758.65 0.22 80 1.3
including 248.41 409.53 161.12 0.45 148 4.4
and including 251.46 330.71 79.25 0.53 113 7.3
and including 892.18 1007.06 114.88 0.3 65 0.6
洞 ID 从 (m) 到 (m) 间隔 (m) * 铜 (%) Mo (ppm) 银 (g/t)
HER-23-26 338.85 799.61 460.76 0.4 74 1
包括 338.85 438.91 100.06 0.76 113 1.7
HER-23-21 248.41 1007.06 758.65 0.22 80 1.3
包括 248.41 409.53 161.12 0.45 148 4.4
并包括 251.46 330.71 79.25 0.53 113 7.3
并包括 892.18 1007.06 114.88 0.3 65 0.6

*The intervals reported represent drill intercepts and insufficient data are available at this time to state the true thickness of the mineralized intervals.


Chris Paul, CEO and Director of the Company, noted: "The 2023 drilling season has been a massive success for the Company where testing of a large epithermal silver system at depth resulted in one of the most significant porphyry copper discoveries in the Western US in recent years. The first phase of blind drilling has now tested the copper porphyry system over a 500m x 450m area, with grades increasing to the north and west. Assays also remain pending for drilling within the shallow epithermal portion of the system which contributes to the potential future economics of the Property and provides investors with additional exposure to silver.

公司首席执行官兼董事克里斯·保罗指出:”2023年的钻探季节对该公司来说取得了巨大成功,对大型超热银系统的深度测试是近年来美国西部最重要的斑岩铜发现之一。盲钻的第一阶段现已在500m x 450m的区域内测试了铜斑岩系统,向北和向西的坡度均有所提高。在该系统的浅层超热部分进行钻探的化验也仍在等待中,这有助于该物业的潜在未来经济效益,并为投资者提供了额外的白银敞口。

"We are excited to be working with our new largest shareholder, Barrick, and their senior technical team, on the planning and execution of our upcoming 20,000-meter drill program. The ambitious program will systematically step out to the north and west of the 2023 drilling and test several kilometers of a new chargeability/conductivity target."


Core photographs for HER-23-26 can now be viewed on the Company's website at the following link:

HER-23-26 的核心照片现在可以在公司网站上通过以下链接查看:

Core Photos - Hercules Silver

核心照片-Hercules Silver

Further Update on 2023 Deep Penetrating 3D IP Survey by Dias Geophysical

Dias Geophysical 对 2023 年深度穿透三维 IP 调查的进一步更新

The new large-scale IP survey carried out in late 2023 by Dias Geophysical Corporation reveals the presence of a much larger system in the lower plate than was previously recognized. Additional processing is underway to incorporate the 2022 high-resolution near surface data, which correlates well with the bornite-rich upper portion of the porphyry, with the new deep penetrating data, to generate a more robust inversion model over the entire Property. The new deep penetrating data shows an arcuate-shaped chargeability target which closely follows the trend of the Hercules Rhyolite in plan and roots into a vertical anomaly with coincident high conductivity (low resistivity) that may represent a potential early porphyry feeder intrusion.


Geological Description


HER-23-26 was drilled to the west of HER-23-11 and HER-23-21 and intercepted the first signs of early high-temperature potassic alteration, albeit largely overprinted with marginal phyllic alteration. This indicates the potential start of a transition toward the potassic core.

HER-23-26 在 HER-23-11 和 HER-23-21 以西进行了钻探,截获了早期高温钾变化的初步迹象,尽管在很大程度上存在少量叶片变化。这表明向钾芯过渡的潜在开始。

HER-23-21 intersected what is interpreted to be an inter-mineral or late-mineral phase of quartz porphyry intrusive in the middle of the hole. 3D modelling of geological units is underway and shows that the inter-mineral quartz porphyry, which outcrops on surface to the east, dips steeply to the west. HER-23-26 did not intersect any quartz porphyry, but shows increasing grade, suggesting an early-mineral porphyry target likely lies further west or north.

HER-23-21 与据解释为钻孔中间侵入的石英斑岩的矿物间或晚矿物相交叉。地质单元的三维建模正在进行中,显示向东露出的矿物间石英斑岩向西陡峭倾斜。HER-23-26 没有与任何石英斑岩相交,但显示出越来越高的品位,这表明早期矿物斑岩的目标可能位于更西或更北的地方。

The lower plate intersected in HER-23-26 was entirely within Seven Devils volcanic country rock, where potassic alteration is manifested as minor amounts of fine-grained biotite and magnetite as well as anhydrite/gypsum veinlets. The core photos also show a significant overprint of sericite (white-tan colour) and chlorite (dark green) alteration, indicating that HER-23-26 remains within the phyllic margins of the system.

HER-23-26 中相交的下部板块完全位于七魔火山乡村岩石内,那里的钾蚀变表现为少量的细颗粒黑云母和磁铁矿以及酸酐石/石膏静脉。核心照片还显示了绢云母(白色棕褐色)和亚氯酸盐(深绿色)变化的显著套印,这表明 HER-23-26 仍在系统的叶片边缘内。

A preliminary review of spectral data captured at 5-foot intervals reveals the presence of significant kaolinite alteration associated with hypogene bornite in the upper portions of the porphyry. Kaolinite occurs below the supergene weathering horizon and may be a function of hydrothermal argillic alteration which upgraded shallower parts of the system. Targeting shallower parts of the porphyry where the preservation potential immediately below the red conglomerate may be improved will therefore be a part of the focus going forward.


Table 2: Drill Hole Location

表 2:钻孔位置

Hole ID Easting Northing Elevation Depth (m) Azimuth Dip
HER-23-21 511638 4956352 1436 1007.1 240.4 -80.2
HER-23-26 511091 4956230 1349 799.6 64.9 -64.7
洞 ID 向东 北方 海拔 深度 (m) 方位角
HER-23-21 511638 4956352 1436 1007.1 240.4 -80.2
HER-23-26 511091 4956230 1349 799.6 64.9 -64.7

Sample Analysis and QAQC


All drill core samples were prepped and analyzed at MSA Labs in Langley, British Columbia, an ISO 17025 and ISO 9001 certified laboratory. Samples were dried and crushed to 2mm, from which a 250g sub-sample split was then pulverized to 85% passing a 75-micron sieve. Following preparation, assays were determined by the IMS-230 method. A 0.25g aliquot of the prepared pulp was digested in a 4-acid solution consisting of hydrochloric, nitric, perchloric and hydrofluoric acids. 4-acid is a near total digest and only the most highly resistant minerals are not dissolved. The resulting solution was analyzed via ICP-MS and ICP-ES for 48 elements and was corrected for inter-element spectral interferences. Lower detection limits for this procedure are 0.01 ppm for silver, 0.5 ppm for lead, 2 ppm for zinc, and 0.2 ppm for copper.

所有钻芯样品均在不列颠哥伦比亚省兰利的MSA实验室进行准备和分析,该实验室是经过ISO 17025和ISO 9001认证的实验室。将样品干燥并压碎至 2 毫米,然后通过 75 微米的筛子将分裂的 250 克子样品粉碎至 85%。制备完成后,检测结果通过 IMS-230 方法确定。在由盐酸、硝酸、高氯酸和氢氟酸组成的四酸溶液中消化了 0.25 克等分的制备纸浆。4-酸几乎可以完全消化,只有抗性最强的矿物质不溶解。通过ICP-MS和ICP-ES对48种元素的溶液进行了分析,并针对元素间光谱干扰进行了校正。该程序的下限银的检出限为0.01 ppm,铅的下限为0.5 ppm,锌的下限为2 ppm,铜的下限为0.2 ppm。

Mercury is not reported due to volatilization in reaction with hydrofluoric acid and gold is not reported due to the small, 0.25g aliquot size being insufficient to overcome the nugget effect.


Gold was analyzed by FAS-111, a 30-gram fire assay fusion with AAS finish. No significant results were reported.

FAS-111 对黄金进行了分析,这是一种 30 克的火焰测定融合,表面处理 AAS。未报告任何显著结果。

Samples with initial results beyond the upper detection limit of the IMS-230 method were analyzed by procedures ICF-6Ag, ICF-6Cu, ICF-6Pb and ICF-6Zn. The thresholds are 100 ppm for silver, and >1% for copper, lead and zinc.

使用 icf-6ag、icf-6cu、icf-6pb 和 icf-6zn 程序分析了初始结果超过 IMS-230 方法检测上限的样本。银的阈值为100 ppm,铜、铅和锌的阈值大于1%。

MSA Labs employs internal quality control standards, duplicates and blank samples at set frequencies.

MSA Labs 采用内部质量控制标准、设定频率的重复样品和空白样本。

Blind certified reference materials (CRMs) and blank samples were systematically inserted by the Company into the sample stream and analyzed as part of the Company's quality assurance/quality control protocol.


Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved for disclosure by Christopher Longton BS, CPG, Hercules' Vice President, Exploration. Mr. Longton is a "Qualified Person" for Hercules Silver within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

本新闻稿中的科学和技术信息已由大力神勘探副总裁CPG克里斯托弗·朗顿BS审查并批准披露。根据国家仪器43-101——矿业项目披露标准,朗顿先生是Hercules Silver的 “合格人士”。

About Hercules Silver Corp.


Hercules Silver Corp. is a junior mining company focused on the exploration and development of the 100% owned Hercules Silver Project, northwest of Cambridge, Idaho.

Hercules Silver Corp. 是一家初级矿业公司,专注于爱达荷州剑桥西北部100%拥有的Hercules Silver项目的勘探和开发。

The Hercules project is a disseminated silver-lead-zinc system with 28,000 meters of historical drilling across 3.5 kilometers of strike. The additional discovery of a new porphyry copper system at depth in 2023 adds significant upside potential to the Property. The Company is well positioned for growth through the drill bit, having completed extensive surface exploration consisting of soil and rock sampling, geological mapping, IP geophysics.

Hercules 项目是一个分布式银铅锌系统,在 3.5 千米的矿井中进行了28,000米的历史钻探。2023年在深处进一步发现了新的斑岩铜系统,这为该物业增加了巨大的上行潜力。该公司已经完成了包括土壤和岩石采样、地质测绘、知识产权地球物理学在内的广泛的地表勘探,为通过钻头实现增长做好了充分的准备。

The Company's management team brings significant exploration experience through the discovery and development of numerous precious metals projects worldwide.


For further information please contact:


Chris Paul
CEO & Director
Telephone +1 (604) 670-5527

电话 +1 (604) 670-5527

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Disclaimer for Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains certain information that may be deemed "forward-looking information" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Such forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, performance or achievements, or developments in the industry to differ materially from the anticipated results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward-looking information includes statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "believes," "intends," "estimates," "projects," "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will," "would," "may," "could" or "should" occur. Forward-looking information contained in this press release may include, without limitation, the expected assay results of the remaining holes drilled within the shallow epithermal portion of the system; the expected interpretation of the 2023 data and the expected implementation and results of the 20,000 meter follow-up drill program; exploration plans and expected exploration and drilling results at the Property, results of operations, and the expected financial performance of the Company.

本新闻稿包含某些信息,根据适用的证券法,这些信息可能被视为与公司有关的 “前瞻性信息”。此类前瞻性信息涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致公司的实际业绩、业绩或成就或行业发展与此类前瞻性信息所表达或暗示的预期业绩、业绩或成就存在重大差异。前瞻性信息包括不是历史事实的陈述,通常以 “期望”、“计划”、“预期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估计”、“项目”、“潜力” 和类似的表述来识别,或者事件或条件 “将”、“会”、“可能” 或 “应该” 发生。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性信息可能包括但不限于在系统浅层超热部分钻探的剩余孔洞的预期化验结果;对2023年数据的预期解释以及20,000米后续钻探计划的预期实施和结果;该物业的勘探计划和预期勘探和钻探结果、经营业绩以及公司的预期财务业绩。

Although the Company believes the forward-looking information contained in this news release is reasonable based on information available on the date hereof, by its nature, forward-looking information involves assumptions and known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause our actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements, or other future events, to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking information.


Examples of such assumptions, risks and uncertainties include, without limitation, assumptions, risks and uncertainties associated with general economic conditions; the COVID-19 pandemic; adverse industry events; the receipt of required regulatory approvals and the timing of such approvals; that the Company maintains good relationships with the communities in which it operates or proposes to operate, future legislative and regulatory developments in the mining sector; the Company's ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favorable terms; mining industry and markets in Canada and generally; the ability of the Company to implement its business strategies; competition; the risk that any of the assumptions prove not to be valid or reliable, which could result in delays, or cessation in planned work, risks associated with the interpretation of data, the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits, the possibility that results will not be consistent with the Company's expectations, as well as other assumptions risks and uncertainties applicable to mineral exploration and development activities and to the Company, including as set forth in the Company's public disclosure documents filed on the SEDAR+ website at .

此类假设、风险和不确定性的示例包括但不限于与总体经济状况相关的假设、风险和不确定性;COVID-19 疫情;不利的行业事件;获得所需的监管批准以及此类批准的时机;公司与其运营或计划运营的社区保持良好关系;采矿业未来的立法和监管发展;公司从内部和外部来源获得足够资本的能力,和/或无法以优惠条件获得足够的资本;加拿大乃至整个采矿业和市场;公司实施业务战略的能力;竞争;任何假设被证明无效或不可靠的风险,这可能导致计划工作的延迟或停止;与数据解释、矿床的地质、等级和连续性相关的风险;结果可能与公司的预期不一致;以及其他假设风险和不确定性适用于矿产勘探和开发活动以及公司,包括公司在SEDAR+网站上提交的公开披露文件中规定的内容,网址为。


本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性信息代表了赫拉克勒斯·西尔弗截至本新闻稿发布之日的预期,因此,该日期之后可能会发生变化。读者不应过分重视前瞻性信息,也不应像其他任何日期一样依赖这些信息。尽管 HERCULES SILVER 可以选择更新这些信息,但除非适用法律有要求,否则它不承诺在任何特定时间更新这些信息。

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