
Showcase Minerals Announces New Geophysical Data Supports Gold Drill Targets on Trend With Dark Star Deposit

Showcase Minerals Announces New Geophysical Data Supports Gold Drill Targets on Trend With Dark Star Deposit

Showcase Minerals宣布新的地球物理数据支持暗星矿床的金钻目标走势发展
newsfile ·  01/29 16:44

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - January 29, 2024) - Showcase Minerals Inc. (CSE: SHOW) ("Showcase") is pleased to provide the results from its Controlled Source Audio Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) survey at its Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project located in Nevada. The program encompassed five CSAMT lines for a combined length of 7.3 miles and has been integrated with the already large body of work completed on the project. The largest gold intercepts on the project to date are found along two major geological structures on trend with Orla Mining Ltd.'s Dark Star Gold Deposit that were targeted in the geophysical survey.

艾伯塔省卡尔加里--(新闻档案公司,2024年1月29日)-Showcase Minerals Inc. (案例:显示) (”陈列柜“)很高兴提供其位于内华达州的Dixie Flats-North Star黄金项目的受控源音频大地电磁(CSAMT)调查结果。该计划包括五条CSAMT线路,总长度为7.3英里,并已与该项目已经完成的大量工作融为一体。迄今为止,该项目中最大的黄金截获量位于Orla Mining Ltd的两个主要地质构造中。”是地球物理调查的目标暗星金矿床。

Strong agreement was found between the CSAMT data collected in 2017 and the new CSAMT data as shown in figure 1. The new CSAMT data significantly improved confidence in the location of the two geologic structures of interest since resistivity values from the 2017 and 2023 CSAMT surveys are consistent. As a result, Showcase has identified excellent drill targets at the intersection of these two structures, as shown in figure 2. The next phase of the project will be getting a Notice of Intent exploration permit from the Bureau of Land Management to drill identified targets this spring.

发现2017年收集的CSAMT数据与新的CSAMT数据之间非常吻合,如图1所示。由于2017年和2023年CSAMT调查的电阻率值一致,新的CSAMT数据显著提高了人们对两个感兴趣地质结构位置的可信度。结果,Showcase 在这两个结构的交汇处确定了出色的钻探目标,如图 2 所示。该项目的下一阶段将获得土地管理局的意向勘探许可,以便在今年春天钻探已确定的目标。

About the Dixie Flats- North Star Gold Project:

关于 Dixie Flats-North Star 黄金项目:

The Dixie Flats-North Star Property (the "Property" or "Dixie Flats") is located on the east side of the Piñon Mountains, 21 air-miles south of the City of Elko in northeast Nevada. It is a combination of two claim blocks, the Dixie Flats group of claims and the North Star group of claims. The Property is comprised of a total of 236 total unpatented mineral claims comprising 1,671 hectares on Federal land administered by the US Bureau of Land Management ("BLM").

Dixie Flats-North Star地产(“房产” 或 “Dixie Flats”)位于皮诺山脉的东侧,位于内华达州东北部埃尔科市以南21英里处。它是两个索赔区块的组合,即Dixie Flats索赔组和北极星索赔组。该物业包括总共236份未获专利的矿产索赔,包括美国土地管理局(“BLM”)管理的联邦土地上的1,671公顷土地。

The Property lies on the southern margin of the Carlin Trend, a northwest-trending belt of sediment-hosted gold deposits that makes up the greatest geographic concentration of gold deposits in North America, with reported production of more than 92.5 million ounces of gold since 1961 (Muntean, 2019). The Dixie Flats-North Star Property is underlain by rocks known to host gold mineralization on the Carlin Trend, and surface sampling has shown anomalous gold, silver, arsenic, antimony, and mercury levels in rock, soil, and biogeochemical samples from the Property, which is a characteristic geochemical signature of Carlin-Type gold deposits.

该地产位于卡林趋势的南缘,卡林趋势是沉积物中金矿床的西北走向,是北美金矿床地理集中度最高的地理区域,自1961年以来报告的黄金产量超过9,250万盎司(Muntean,2019年)。Dixie Flats-North Star地产以卡林趋势中已知具有金矿化的岩石为基础,地表采样显示,该地产的岩石、土壤和生物地球化学样本中的金、银、砷、锑和汞含量异常,这是卡林型金矿床的典型地球化学特征。

Dixie - North Star is approximately three miles south of Newmont Mining Company's Emigrant Springs Mine, which finished open pit production in 2018, and approximately 4.5 miles southeast of the past-producing Rain Mine. Both of these deposits are hosted in dissolution breccia zones at the contact between the Webb mudstone, the basal unit of the overlying assemblage, and the underlying Devils Gate limestone. Prior exploration on the Dixie -North Star Property has been focused on delineating this contact at depth and discovering possible extensions to the regional structures controlling mineralization at the Rain and Emigrant Mines and their demonstrated extension to the Dixie - North Star Property. The information on the adjacent projects is taken from publicly available sources and is not necessarily indicative of the mineralization on the Dixie Flats - North Star Property.

Dixie-North Star位于纽蒙特矿业公司的Emigrant Springs矿以南约三英里处,该矿于2018年完成露天采矿,位于过去生产的雨矿东南约4.5英里处。这两个沉积物都位于溶解角砾岩区,位于上覆组合的基础单元韦伯泥岩和地下魔门石灰石的接触处。先前对Dixie-North Star地产的勘探重点是描绘这种深度接触,并发现控制雨矿和移民矿化的区域结构的可能延伸部分及其对迪克西-北极星地产的演示延伸。有关邻近项目的信息来自公开来源,并不一定表示迪克西平原——北极星地产的矿化情况。

Additional information on the Dixie -North Star Gold Project can be found in the National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") technical report entitled "Technical Report on the Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Exploration Property", Elko, Nevada, dated September 21, 2022, which has been filed on SEDAR at .

有关迪克西-北极星黄金项目的更多信息可以在内华达州埃尔科的National Instrument 43-101(“NI 43-101”)于2022年9月21日在内华达州埃尔科提交的国家仪器43-101(“NI 43-101”)技术报告中找到,该报告已在SEDAR上提交。

Qualified Person:


Mr. Seth Cude, P.G., R.M., M.Sc., C.P.G. is a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 and has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

塞思·库德先生,P.G.,R.M.,理学硕士,CP.G. 是 National Instrument 43-101 定义的合格人士,他已审查并批准了本新闻稿中的技术信息。

About Showcase Minerals Inc.


Showcase is a Canadian mineral exploration company with an exclusive option to acquire a 100% interest in Dixie Flats-North Star Gold Project and the Woodruff Gold-Vanadium Project (subject to various net smelter returns royalties ranging from 2.25% to 4.25%), which collectively consist of unpatented 254 lode mining claims covering approximately 1,818 hectares located in Elko County, Nevada.

Showcase是一家加拿大矿产勘探公司,拥有收购Dixie Flats-North Star黄金项目和伍德拉夫金钒项目100%权益的独家选择权(取决于冶炼厂净收益从2.25%到4.25%不等),这两个项目共包括未获得专利的254个矿脉开采索权,占地约1,818公顷,位于内华达州埃尔科县。

For further information, please contact:


Kirk Reed, President
Showcase Minerals Inc.
Telephone: 1-800-982-0670


Figure 1. Controlled Source Audio Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) surveys from 2017 and 2023 shown below topography. Strong agreement between resistivity values was observed where the lines intersect giving confidence in the location of the anomaly identified in the 2023 surveys.

图 1。2017年和2023年的受控源音频大地电磁(CSAMT)调查显示在地形下方。观察到线相交处的电阻率值之间非常一致,这使人们对2023年调查中发现的异常位置充满信心。

Figure 2. Polygonal modeling of a resistivity anomaly identified in the Controlled Source Audio Magnetotelluric (CSAMT) surveys 2023. The anomaly correlates with historic high grade mineralization intercepts and represents a strong drill target for future exploration.

图 2。对2023年受控源音频大地电磁(CSAMT)调查中发现的电阻率异常进行多边形建模。该异常与历史上高品位的矿化截获相关,是未来勘探的强大钻探目标。

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