
McGarry, Knight and Mirado Projects Revert to 100% Ownership by Orecap

McGarry, Knight and Mirado Projects Revert to 100% Ownership by Orecap

Orecap 将 McGarry、Knight 和 Mirado 项目恢复为 100% 的所有权
newsfile ·  01/30 06:00



  • Orecap maintains 100% interest in the Knight, McGarry and Mirado Properties in and around Kirkland Lake, Ontario.
  • Agnico spent $2.5 million on the Properties but did not meet the threshold to earn any interest.
  • Orecap is looking forward to regaining control of these strategic and well-placed assets and will be evaluating opportunities to develop the Properties.
  • Orecap持有安大略省柯克兰湖及其周边地区的奈特、麦加里和米拉多地产的100%权益。
  • Agnico在这些房产上花费了250万美元,但没有达到赚取任何利息的门槛。
  • Orecap期待重新获得对这些战略和位置优越的资产的控制权,并将评估开发这些物业的机会。

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - January 30, 2024) - Orecap Invest Corp. (TSXV: OCI) (OTCQB: ORFDF) (the "Company" or "Orecap") announces that Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. ("Agnico"), and Orecap have agreed to terminate the exploration, earn-in and option agreement on the Company's McGarry, Mirado and Knight properties (together, the "Properties"), with Orecap maintaining its 100% interest in the Properties.

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年1月30日)——Orecap Invest Corp.(TSXV:OCI)(OTCQB:ORFDF)(“公司” 或 “Orecap”)宣布,Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd.(“Agnico”)和Orecap已同意终止该公司麦加里、米拉多和奈特房产的勘探、收益和期权协议(合计为 “房产”),Orecap维持其在这些物业中的100%权益。

"It's important to note that this agreement was made with Kirkland Lake Gold, and Agnico Eagle inherited these commitments after their merger. Since the merger of these two major gold miners, our properties have seen very little exploration, hence why we were excited to be back in control of these three assets within the Kirkland Lake camp that has produced over 40 million ounces of gold. Furthermore, since the original agreement with Kirkland Lake Gold, Orecap's model has changed and is now well structured and positioned to be creative with our management of these projects and drive value for shareholders," said Stephen Stewart, Orecap's CEO.

“值得注意的是,该协议是与柯克兰湖黄金公司签订的,Agnico Eagle在合并后继承了这些承诺。自这两家主要金矿开采商合并以来,我们的地产几乎没有勘探,因此,我们很高兴能够重新控制柯克兰湖营地内的这三项资产,该营地已生产了超过4000万盎司的黄金。此外,自从与Kirkland Lake Gold最初签订协议以来,Orecap的模式发生了变化,现在结构良好,有望通过我们对这些项目的管理发挥创造力,为股东创造价值。” Orecap首席执行官斯蒂芬·斯图尔特说。

Map of Orecap's McGarry, Mirado and Knight Properties

Orecap 的 McGarry、Mirado 和 Knight 地产地图

About the McGarry Project
The McGarry property is in Virginiatown, Ontario and spans 2.4km on the Cadillac Larder-Lake Break, one of the world's most prolific gold structures. McGarry hosts a NI43-101 indicated 123,000 oz at an average grade of 7.7 g/t gold, and an inferred resource of 30,000 oz at an average grade of 5.3 g/t gold. McGarry is located east of and immediately adjacent to the Kerr-Addison Mine, one of Canada's largest gold mines producing over 12 million ounces of gold over 58 years, ending in 1996 (see MNDM OFR5831). McGarry has significant infrastructure in place including Head Frame, Hoist, Shaft, Power Station, Core Facility & Tailings Facility.

麦加里房产位于安大略省弗吉尼亚敦,横跨2.4公里,位于凯迪拉克Larder-Lake Break Break,这是世界上最多产的黄金建筑之一。麦加里拥有一台 NI43-101,显示黄金的平均品位为12.3万盎司,黄金的平均品位为7.7克/吨,推断的资源量为3万盎司,平均品位为5.3克/吨。麦加里位于克尔-艾迪生矿以东,紧邻克尔-艾迪生矿。克尔-艾迪生矿是加拿大最大的金矿之一,在截至1996年的时间里生产了超过1200万盎司的黄金(见MNDM OFR5831)。McGarry 拥有重要的基础设施,包括机头、起重机、竖井、发电站、核心设施和尾矿设施。

McGarry was in production as recently as 2013 from underground workings and underwent underground exploration showing outstanding grades over long lengths, including 8.2 g/t gold over 98m length and 1.5m width, Stope #1 (E & W, 325 N Zone - 2280 sublevel). Additional exploration results and grades are available from Kerr Mines news release dated April 22, 2013 which is available on

麦加里最近在2013年从地下开采中开始生产,并进行了地下勘探,在长度上表现出优异的品位,包括长度超过98米、宽度超过1.5米的8.2克/吨黄金,Stope #1(E&W,北区325——2280子层)。更多勘探结果和等级可从克尔矿业于2013年4月22日发布的新闻稿中获得,该新闻稿可在sedarplus.ca上查阅。

About the Mirado Project
Mirado is a past producing underground gold mine located 35km SE of Kirkland Lake, and is easily accessible via road. The deposit is interpreted to be a gold-rich VMS system with a gold-rich stringer footwall (South Zone), overlain by a zinc and gold-rich bedded hanging wall (North Zone).

关于 Mirado 项目

Mirado hosts a pit-constrained, current Indicated Mineral Resource Estimate of 559,000 tonnes at an average grade of 2.61 g/t gold for 46,000 ounces of gold, and an Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate of 382,000 tonnes at an average grade of 2.66 g/t gold for 32,700 ounces, based on a cut-off grade of 1.0 g/t gold. The pit-constrained South Zone was also the subject of a PEA in January 2018, showing an after-tax internal rate of return ("IRR") of 158% and an after-tax NPV5% of $20.5 million. The average gold price used in the PEA was US$1,300 per ounce, and an exchange rate of 1.00 USD = 0.76 CAD.


About the Knight Project
Knight is located along Highway 560 in the Knight and Tyrell townships of Ontario, ~80km east of Gogama and ~100km southwest of Kirkland Lake. The project hosts four high-potential zones, including Tyranite, Minto, Duggan, and Porphyry Lake.


Tyranite is a historical producing mine and has significant infrastructure in place, including a headframe and hoist. Tyranite was historically mined as a 'fault' style deposit, while Orecap's interpretation focuses on the ultramafic units' contact zones striking at right angles to the fault. Tyranite is open to the south and at depth with the potential to expand on its high-grade zones.

Tyranite 是一座历史悠久的生产矿山,拥有重要的基础设施,包括头架和起重机。泰兰石历来是作为 “断层” 式矿床开采的,而Orecap的解释则侧重于超镁铁质单元的接触区域与断层成直角。泰兰石向南和深度开放,有可能扩展到其高品位区域。

Minto is a high-grade Brecia pipe, drilled from surface to over 800 metres depth. Minto's historical resource consists of a pod of carbonate sulphide breccias, with ~204,000 tonnes grading at 0.2 oz/t (6.9 g/t) gold to a depth of 229 metres (750 ft) (Pearson H.A., 1984). Minto showed high grade drill intercepts including 18.2 g/t gold over 65.7 metres, and 4.61 g/t gold over 79.6 metres.

Minto 是一根高品质的布雷西亚管,从地表钻到超过 800 米的深度。明托的历史资源由一群碳酸硫化物角砾岩组成,其中约20.4万吨的黄金品位为0.2盎司/吨(6.9克/吨),深度为229米(750英尺)(Pearson H.A.,1984年)。Minto显示了高品位的钻探截获量,包括超过65.7米的18.2克/吨金和超过79.6米的4.61克/吨黄金。

Duggan is located 1.5km west of Tyranite and hosts similar geology and potential for a high-grade open pit. The previous property owners confirmed historical work and expanded the mineral zone's strike extension to 700 metres and a depth of 410 metres. Previous drilling on the property yielded near-surface intersections, including 2.14 g/t gold over 49.9 metres.

Duggan 位于 Tyranite 以西 1.5 公里处,地质条件相似,有可能开采高品位露天矿。以前的业主证实了历史工作,并将矿区的罢工延伸范围扩大到700米,深度为410米。先前对该地产的钻探产生了近地表交叉点,包括超过49.9米的2.14克/吨黄金。

Porphyry Lake hosts two gold mineralized porphyry systems with wide, low-grade gold intersections in drilling. There is potential to develop this zone into a large, bulk tonnage open pitable deposit. Additionally, the property potentially hosts breccia pipes similar to that at Minto, as it is located immediately to the west of Minto and contiguous to Aris Mining's Juby's north boundary.

Porphyry Lake拥有两个金矿化斑岩系统,在钻探中具有宽阔的低品位金交叉点。该区域有可能开发成一个大型的散装吨位露天矿床。此外,该物业可能拥有与明托相似的角砾岩管道,因为它位于明托以西,毗邻Aris Mining的Juby的北部边界。

QP Statement
The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Antoine Schwartzmann, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined in "National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects. For Minto, a qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves and the issuer is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. This historical estimate should not be relied upon.

QP 声明
本新闻稿中的技术信息已经过P.Geo. Antoine Schwartzmann的审查和批准,他是 “国家仪器43-101——矿业项目披露标准” 中定义的合格人士。对于明托而言,合格人员在将历史估计值归类为当前矿产资源或矿产储量方面做得不够,发行人也没有将历史估计值视为当前的矿产资源或矿产储量。不应依赖这一历史估计。

About Orecap Invest Corp.
Orecap seeks Special Situation investments in the natural resource sector that offer shareholders diverse exposure to high returns in precious and critical metal assets and businesses. Orecap has significant equity positions in portfolio companies, such as American Eagle Gold (TSXV: AE) (OTCQB: AMEGF), QC Copper and Gold (TSXV: QCCU) (OTCQB: QCCUF), Mistango (CSE: MIS), Awale Resources (TSXV: ARIC), and Cuprum Corp. in addition to owning a broad portfolio of land packages focussed on gold, copper and zinc. Agnico Eagle Mines Limited is a 9.9% shareholder and holds an option to acquire up to a 75% interest in Orecap's Knight and McGarry projects in exchange for spending $60 million on the Projects.

关于 Orecap Invest Corp
Orecap寻求对自然资源领域的特殊情况投资,为股东提供多样化的贵金属和关键金属资产和业务的高回报机会。Orecap在投资组合公司拥有大量股权,例如美国鹰金(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:AE)(场外交易代码:AMEGF)、QC铜金(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:QCCU)(场外交易代码:QCCU)、Mistango(CSE:MIS)、Awale Resources(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:ARIC)和Cuprum Corp.,此外还拥有大量以黄金为重点的土地套餐投资组合,铜和锌。Agnico Eagle Mines Limited持有9.9%的股东,并持有收购Orecap奈特和麦加里项目高达75%的权益的选择权,以换取在这些项目上花费6000万美元。

Orecap's Current Equity Holdings include:


Company (Ticker) Shares Owned / (% of Outstanding Shares)
Cuprum Corp. (PrivateCo) 29,500,000 / (42.7%)
Mistango River Resources (CSE: MIS) 24,708,975 / (13.9%)
QC Copper and Gold (TSXV: QCCU) (OTCQB: QCCUF) 5,059,752 / (2.9%)
American Eagle Gold (TSXV: AE) (OTCQB: AMEGF) 11,683,748 / (9.9%)
Awale Resources (TSXV: ARIC) 8,333,332 / (13.3%)
公司(股票代码) 拥有的股份/(占已发行股份的百分比)
Cuprum 公司(PrivateCo) 29,500,000/(42.7%)
米斯坦戈河资源(CSE:MIS) 24,708,975/(13.9%)
QC 铜和金(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:QCCU)(场外交易代码:QCCUF) 5,059,752/(2.9%)
American Eagle Gold(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:AE)(场外交易代码:AMEGF) 11,683,748/(9.9%)
Awale Resources (TSXV: ARIC) 8,333,332/(13.3%)

For the latest videos from Orecap, Ore Group, and all things Mining, subscribe to our YouTube Channel:

要了解来自Orecap、Ore Group和所有矿业的最新视频,请订阅我们的YouTube频道: @theoregroup

For further information, please contact us:


Orecap Invest Corp.
Stephen Stewart, Chief Executive Officer
416.644.1567‎ ‎

Orecap Invest 公司

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Forward-Looking Statements


Certain information set forth in this news release contains forward-looking statements or information ("forward-‎looking statements)", including details about the business of the Company. All statements in this news ‎release, other than statements of historical facts, that address events or developments that the Company ‎expects to occur, are forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to, the receipt by the Company of the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange for the name change. By their nature, forward-looking statements ‎are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, some of which are beyond the Company's control, including ‎the impact of general economic conditions, industry conditions, volatility of commodity prices, currency ‎fluctuations, environmental risks, operational risks, competition from other industry participants, stock market ‎volatility. Although the Company believes that the expectations in its forward-looking statements are ‎reasonable, its forward-looking statements have been based on factors and assumptions concerning future ‎events which may prove to be inaccurate. Those factors and assumptions are based upon currently available ‎information. Such statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that ‎could influence actual results or events and cause actual results or events to differ materially from those ‎stated, anticipated or implied in the forward-looking statements. Accordingly, readers are cautioned not to ‎place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements, as no assurance can be provided as to future results, ‎levels of activity or achievements. Risks, uncertainties, material assumptions and other factors that could ‎affect actual results are discussed in the Company's public disclosure documents available at ‎. Furthermore, the forward-looking statements contained in this document are made as of the ‎date of this document and, except as required by applicable law, the Company does not undertake any ‎obligation to publicly update or to revise any of the included forward-looking statements, whether as a result of ‎new information, future events or otherwise. The forward-looking statements contained in this document are ‎expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.‎

本新闻稿中列出的某些信息包含前瞻性陈述或信息(“前瞻性陈述-‎looking 陈述)”,包括有关公司业务的详细信息。除历史事实陈述外,本新闻‎release 中涉及公司‎expects 将要发生的事件或事态发展的所有陈述均为前瞻性陈述,包括但不限于公司收到多伦多证券交易所风险交易所批准更名的声明。就其性质而言,前瞻性陈述‎are 存在许多风险和不确定性,其中一些是公司无法控制的,包括‎the 总体经济状况的影响、行业状况、大宗商品价格的波动、货币‎fluctuations、环境风险、运营风险、来自其他行业参与者的竞争、股票市场‎volatility。尽管公司认为其前瞻性陈述中的预期为‎reasonable,但其前瞻性陈述基于与未来‎events 相关的因素和假设,这些因素和假设可能被证明是不准确的。这些因素和假设基于当前可用的‎information。此类陈述受已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素的影响,这些因素‎could 会影响实际业绩或事件,并导致实际结果或事件与前瞻性陈述中预期或暗示的‎stated 存在重大差异。因此,提醒读者不要‎place 过度依赖前瞻性陈述,因为无法为未来的业绩、活动或成就提供任何保证。‎levels公司的公开披露文件中讨论了可能‎affect 实际业绩的风险、不确定性、重大假设和其他因素,网址为‎。此外,本文件中包含的前瞻性陈述自本文件第‎date 条起作出,除非适用法律要求,否则公司不承诺对所包含的任何前瞻性陈述进行任何‎obligation 的公开更新或修改,无论这些陈述是由于‎new 信息、未来事件还是其他原因造成的。本文件中包含的前瞻性陈述‎expressly 受本警示声明的限制。‎

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