
Earnings Call Summary | Exxon Mobil(XOM.US) Q4 2023 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Exxon Mobil(XOM.US) Q4 2023 Earnings Conference

财报电话会议摘要 | 埃克森美孚 (XOM.US) 2023 年第四季度财报发布会
moomoo AI ·  02/02 12:34  · 电话会议

The following is a summary of the Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Exxon Mobil reported 15% return on capital employed, with earnings worth $36 billion in 2023.

  • Cost reductions and asset optimization have facilitated a 100% increase in the company's earnings.

  • Through the sale of assets, Exxon Mobil generated over $4 billion in cash during 2023.

  • Despite adverse conditions in 2023, investments made by Exxon Mobil generated profits and remained cash-positive.

  • For the fourth quarter, cash flow from operations amounted to $13.7 billion; ignoring working capital, cash flow stood at $16.9 billion.

  • 埃克森美孚报告了15%的资本回报率,2023年收益为360亿美元。

  • 成本降低和资产优化促进了公司收益的100%增长。

  • 通过出售资产,埃克森美孚在2023年创造了超过40亿美元的现金。

  • 尽管2023年情况不利,但埃克森美孚的投资创造了利润并保持了现金正增长。

  • 第四季度,运营现金流为137亿美元;扣除营运资金,现金流为169亿美元。

Business Progress:


  • Exxon Mobil registered record-breaking performance in upstream and refining operations.

  • Exxon launched Proxxima, a resin product, and entered the lithium business; successfully developing unique technology for carbon capture.

  • Exxon Mobil has three new organizations in place - Global Supply, Trading, and Global Business Solutions; this organizational restructuring is anticipated to achieve $15 billion in cost savings by 2027.

  • They expect oil volumes to grow to about 650,000 barrels per day in 2024, with continued growth planned until 2027.

  • Acquisitions of Denbury and Pioneer are positioned to expedite the company's Low Carbon Solutions operations.

  • Exxon Mobil has established a pilot plant for testing new carbon capture technologies, emphasizing its commitment to a low-carbon society.

  • Through utilization of AI, chatbots, and predictive analytics, the company is implementing advanced technologies to enhance business value.

  • There is a commitment to expand oil equivalent barrels, with strong output in the Permian region and Guyana.

  • Exxon Mobil is working on the 'gas to energy' project, aiming to cut costs for customers in Guyana.

  • The company has reliably delivered projects ahead of schedule, as evidenced by the early completion of the Payara project.

  • 埃克森美孚的上游和炼油业务表现破纪录。

  • 埃克森推出了树脂产品Proxima,并进入了锂业务;成功开发了独特的碳捕集技术。

  • 埃克森美孚成立了三个新组织——全球供应、贸易和全球业务解决方案;预计到2027年,此次组织重组将节省150亿美元的成本。

  • 他们预计,到2024年,石油产量将增长到每天约65万桶,并计划持续增长到2027年。

  • 对登伯里和先锋的收购有望加快公司的低碳解决方案运营。

  • 埃克森美孚已经建立了一个试点工厂,用于测试新的碳捕集技术,强调了其对低碳社会的承诺。

  • 通过利用人工智能、聊天机器人和预测分析,该公司正在实施先进的技术来提高业务价值。

  • 已承诺扩大石油当量桶,二叠纪地区和圭亚那的产量将保持强劲。

  • 埃克森美孚正在开展 “天然气转能源” 项目,旨在削减圭亚那客户的成本。

  • 该公司可靠地提前交付了项目,Payara项目的提前完成就证明了这一点。

More details: Exxon Mobil IR

更多详情: 埃克森美孚红外

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