
Prismo Metals To Resume Drilling at Palos Verdes

Prismo Metals To Resume Drilling at Palos Verdes

Prismo Metals 将恢复在帕洛斯维德斯的钻探
newsfile ·  02/06 08:00

Prismo Samples 930 g/t Silver and 10.55 g/t gold at Palos Verdes (2,605 g/t AgEq*)

Prismo 在 Palos Verdes 采样 930 g/t 银和 10.55 g/t 金(2,605 g/t AgeQ*)

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 6, 2024) - Prismo Metals Inc. (CSE: PRIZ) (OTCQB: PMOMF) ("Prismo" or the "Company") is pleased to provide an update for its exploration program at the Palos Verdes property located in the Panuco district in Mexico. Following the completion of its third drill campaign with 2,923 meters drilled in 15 holes, and in preparation of the upcoming expanded drill program to be drilled from Vizsla Silver Corp. (TSXV: VZLA) ("Vizsla") concessions adjacent to the Palos Verdes concession, the Company completed an alteration and geochemical study over the Palos Verdes property. This study was recommended by the Joint Prismo/Vizsla Technical Committee which is comprised of Prismo's CEO Dr. Craig Gibson, Vizsla Silver's VP Exploration Dr. Jesus Velador and Dr. Peter Megaw.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 2 月 6 日)— Prismo Metals Inc.(CSE:PRIZ)(场外交易代码:PMOMF)(”Prismo“或者”公司“)很高兴提供其位于墨西哥帕努科区的帕洛斯维德斯地产勘探计划的最新情况。在完成第三次钻探活动后,在15个钻孔中钻探了2923米,为准备即将从帕洛斯维德斯特许权附近的维兹拉银业公司(TSXV:VZLA)(“Vizsla”)特许权区钻探的扩建钻探计划,该公司完成了对帕洛斯维德斯地产的改造和地球化学研究。这项研究是由Prismo/Vizsla联合技术委员会推荐的,该委员会由Prismo首席执行官克雷格·吉布森博士、Vizsla Silver的探索副总裁杰苏斯·维拉多尔博士和彼得·梅加博士组成。

The results of this work indicate the possibility that the mineralized shoot defined by drilling to date on the west side of the property may be truncated and offset downward along a cross fault, and that a second blind mineralized shoot may exist to the northeast along the Palos Verdes vein.


Dr. Craig Gibson, President and CEO of the Company, stated, "The alteration study provides further evidence that our hypothesis for a downward offset of the northeastern portion of the Palos Verdes vein is correct. Our drilling has shown that the large high-grade mineralized shoot identified on the vein terminates abruptly against this northeast structure, indicating that mineralization was cut by it and offset to deeper levels. The deep drilling to be conducted from our Strategic Partner Vizsla Silver's ground is designed in part to explore this concept and will target the Palos Verdes vein at depth. We deeply appreciate our Partner's willingness to allow the drilling from their ground."

该公司总裁兼首席执行官克雷格·吉布森博士表示:“变更研究提供了进一步的证据,表明我们关于向下抵消帕洛斯维德斯脉东北部的假设是正确的。我们的钻探表明,在矿脉上发现的大片高品位矿化突然终止于这个东北结构,这表明矿化被它切断并抵消到更深的层次。我们的战略合作伙伴Vizsla Silver的地面将进行深度钻探,部分目的是探索这一概念,并将以帕洛斯维德斯矿脉的深度为目标。我们深切感谢我们的合作伙伴愿意允许从他们的地面进行钻探。”

"In addition to giving strong indications of where the eastern end of the Palos Verdes vein lies, demonstrating that the NW-trending structure offsets one vein stage, while hosting mineralization and alteration itself is potentially important confirmation of multiple mineralization stages in this part of the district," said Dr. Peter Megaw, Prismo Exploration Advisor. "Finding blind veins is perhaps even more exciting as that mirror several of the discoveries Vizsla Silver, our Joint Exploration Committee partners have made in the western part of the district."

Prismo勘探顾问Peter Megaw博士说:“除了有力地表明帕洛斯维德斯矿脉东端的位置外,这表明西北趋势的构造抵消了一个矿脉阶段,而矿化和蚀变本身可能是对该地区多个矿化阶段的重要证实。”“寻找盲脉可能更令人兴奋,因为这反映了我们的联合勘探委员会合作伙伴Vizsla Silver在该地区西部所做的几项发现。”

The alteration study was carried out using a field portable Terraspec Halo near-infrared spectrometer to identify mica and clay minerals that make up the wall rock alteration assemblage surrounding the mineralized veins in surface exposures and drill core. Clay minerals typically found at high structural levels in low sulfidation vein systems provide evidence that the northeastern portion of the property has been down-dropped, probably along the northerly trending cross structure previously identified.

蚀变研究是使用野外便携式Terraspec Halo近红外光谱仪进行的,目的是识别构成地表暴露和钻芯中矿化脉周围岩石蚀变组合的云母和粘土矿物。粘土矿物通常存在于低硫化矿脉系统中的高结构水平,这提供了证据,表明该地产的东北部已经向下倾斜,可能沿着先前确定的向北的横向结构向北移动。

A geochemical sampling program focused on narrow and most strongly mineralized portions of the vein was conducted along the exposed strike length of the Palos Verdes vein system. The best sample from this program assayed 930 g/t silver and 10.55 g/t gold with 15.4% zinc and 4.5% lead (2,605 g/t Ag/Eq) over 0.5 meters. Strongly anomalous values of precious metal and indicator elements occur above the mineralized shoot identified during drilling and also along the vein system further to the northeast. This area may indicate the presence of a second blind mineralized shoot that will also be tested by the deep drilling from Vizsla ground.


Table 1. Assay highlights for Palos Verdes sampling program.

表 1帕洛斯维德斯采样计划的化验要点。

Sample UTM Coordinates WGS84 Length Au Ag Cu Pb Zn

E N meters g/t g/t % % %
126032 414,003 2,593,429 0.5 0.833 280 - - -
126035 414,173 2,593,467 1.0 0.854 174 - - -
126036 414,171 2,593,459 1.0 0.152 103 - - -
126037 414,188 2,593,470 1.0 5.96 433 - - -
126038 414,205 2,593,469 1.0 0.249 75.5 - - -
126041 414,093 2,593,387 1.0 0.969 415 - - -
126068 413,520 2,593,029 0.5 0.174 103 - - -
126072 413,591 2,593,121 0.5 0.184 98.8 - - -
126077 413,627 2,593,102 0.5 1.285 326 - - -
126079 413,663 2,593,137 0.5 0.331 78.1 - - -
126083 413,722 2,593,333 0.5 0.459 65 - - -
126085 413,740 2,593,176 0.5 0.203 82.6 0.94 4.55 14.23
126086 413,736 2,593,175 0.5 10.55 930 0.78 4.50 15.40
126088 413,746 2,593,182 0.5 0.073 76.8 0.78 1.14 2.03
126089 413,744 2,593,076 0.5 0.034 24.5 0.22 2.33 3.40
126095 413,734 2,593,145 0.5 1.19 190 - - -
517878 413,751 2,593,180 0.5 0.079 61.7 0.32 0.73 11.85
517879 413,742 2,593,180 0.5 0.182 129 0.18 8.22 15.65
示例 UTM 坐标 WGS84 长度 Au Ag Pb

E N g/t g/t % % %
126032 414,003 2,593,429 0.5 0.833 280 - - -
126035 414,173 2,593,467 1.0 0.854 174 - - -
126036 414,171 2,593,459 1.0 0.152 103 - - -
126037 414,188 2,593,470 1.0 5.96 433 - - -
126038 414,205 2,593,469 1.0 0.249 75.5 - - -
126041 414,093 2,593,387 1.0 0.969 415 - - -
126068 413,520 2,593,029 0.5 0.174 103 - - -
126072 413,591 2,593,121 0.5 0.184 98.8 - - -
126077 413,627 2,593,102 0.5 1.285 326 - - -
126079 413,663 2,593,137 0.5 0.331 78.1 - - -
126083 413,722 2,593,333 0.5 0.459 65 - - -
126085 413,740 2,593,176 0.5 0.203 82.6 0.94 4.55 14.23
126086 413,736 2,593,175 0.5 10.55 930 0.78 4.50 15.40
126088 413,746 2,593,182 0.5 0.073 76.8 0.78 1.14 2.03
126089 413,744 2,593,076 0.5 0.034 24.5 0.22 2.33 3.40
126095 413,734 2,593,145 0.5 1.19 190 - - -
517878 413,751 2,593,180 0.5 0.079 61.7 0.32 0.73 11.85
517879 413,742 2,593,180 0.5 0.182 129 0.18 8.22 15.65

The Company completed its third drill campaign last year with 2,923 meters drilled in 15 holes with high grade mineralization encountered in several holes. Assays previously reported from this program include the highest-grade intercept recorded at the project in hole PV-23-25 with 102 g/t gold, 3,100 g/t silver and 0.26% zinc over 0.5 meters, or 11,520 g/t silver equivalent (see News Release of July 27, 2023). The last eight drill holes in the program, PV-23-26 to PV-23-33 were drilled to test the limits of the mineralized shoot in the western portion of the vein at depth and to the east of the NW fault.

该公司去年完成了第三次钻探活动,在15个钻孔中钻探了2923米,在多个孔中遇到了高品位的矿化作用。该项目先前报告的化验结果包括该项目在 PV-23-25 孔中记录的最高等级截获物,在 0.5 米以内含有 102 g/t 金、3,100 g/t 银和 0.26% 的锌,或 11,520 克/吨银当量 (参见 2023 年 7 月 27 日的新闻稿)。该项目的最后八个钻孔,即 PV-23-26 至 PV-23-33,是为了测试矿脉西部深度和西北断层以东的矿化枝条的极限。

Holes PV-23-27 and PV-23-29 to PV-23-33 tested the mineralized shoot to define the limits of mineralization and cut variably mineralized vein material (Table 1). The angle of inclination of several holes was very steep at -75 degrees, and drilling from the Vizsla Silver ground will provide more useful information.

PV-23-27 和 PV-23-29 至 PV-23-33 孔对矿化枝条进行了测试,以确定矿化极限并切割可变矿化的矿脉物质(表 1)。几个洞的倾角非常陡峭,为-75度,从Vizsla Silver地面钻探将提供更多有用的信息。

Holes PV-23-26 and PV-23-28 explored to the east of the NW fault and did not cut significant mineralization but provided valuable information for the next holes that need to be drilled deeper from the adjoining Vizsla Silver ground.

PV-23-26 和 PV-23-28 孔在西北断层以东进行了勘探,没有开采出明显的矿化区,但为下一步需要从毗邻的维兹拉银矿地更深处钻探的钻孔提供了宝贵的信息。

2023 Drilling Highlights

2023 年钻探亮点



  • This hole intersected 11,520 g/t Ag equivalent over 0.5 meters (3,100 g/t Ag, 102 g/t Au and 0.26% Zn)

    • This intercept is part of a wider mineralized interval with 4,311 g/t Ag equivalent over 1.35 meters (1157 g/t Ag, 38 g/t Au and 0.1% Zn)

  • 这个洞相交了 在 0.5 米以内,银当量为 11,520 g/t (3,100 克/吨银、102 克/吨金和 0.26% 锌)

    • 这种截距是更宽的矿化区间的一部分 1.35 米以上的银当量为 4,311 g/t (1157 克/吨银、38 克/吨金和 0.1% 锌)

  • A second interval higher in the hole yielded 512 g/t Ag equivalent over 0.3 meter (384 g/t Ag, 1.36 g/t Au and 0.27% Zn).
  • 在洞里再往上第二个间隔就会产生 0.3 米以上的银当量为 512 g/t (384 克/吨银、1.36 克/吨金和 0.27% 锌)。
  • PV-23-24:
  • PV-23-24:
  • This hole intercepted 1,234 g/t g/t Ag equivalent over 0.7 meter (60 g/t Ag, 11.9 g/t Au and 3.9% Zn)

    • This interval is within a wider 2.6-meter interval with 384 g/t Ag equivalent (32 g/t Ag, 3.3 g/t Au and 1.57% Zn)

  • 这个洞被拦截了 0.7 米以上 1,234 g/t g/t 银当量 (60 克/吨银、11.9 克/吨金和 3.9% 锌)

    • 这个间隔在更宽的范围内 间隔 2.6 米,银当量为 384 g/t (32 克/吨银、3.3 克/吨金和 1.57% 锌)

  • A second interval higher in the hole yielded 302 g/t Ag equivalent over 1.2. meters (95 g/t Ag, 1.84 g/t Au and 1.2% Zn).
  • 在洞里再往上第二个间隔就会产生 1.2 米以上的银当量为 302 g/t (95 克/吨银、1.84 克/吨金和 1.2% 锌)。



  • This hole intercepted 189 g/t g/t Ag equivalent over 0.9 meters (58 g/t Ag and 1.58 g/t Au) and is the first mineralized intercept in the northeastern portion of the concession.
  • 这个洞被拦截了 在 0.9 米以内 189 g/t g/t 银当量 (58 克/吨银和 1.58 克/吨金),是特许权东北部的第一个矿化截距。



  • This hole intersected 450.2 g/t Ag equivalent over 0.3 meters (45 g/t Ag, 0.83 g/t Au, 0.43% Pb, and 0.47% Zn) as part of a larger zone of 2.2 meters with 115 g/t Ag equivalent.

  • A second interval deeper in the hole yielded 391.5 g/t Ag equivalent over 0.4 meters (17 g/t Ag, 3.56% Pb, 6.03%Zn) within a larger interval of 5.55 meters with 103.8 g/t Ag equivalent.

  • 这个洞相交了 0.3 米以上的银当量为 450.2 g/t (45 g/t Ag、0.83 g/t Au、0.43% Pb 和 0.47% Zn)是 2.2 米更大区域的一部分,银当量为 115 克/吨。

  • 在孔洞深处的第二个间隔内,在5.55米的更大间隔内产生了超过0.4米(17克/吨银,3.56%铅,6.03%的锌)的银当量为391.5克/吨,银当量为103.8克/吨。



  • This hole intersected 112.7 g/t Ag equivalent over 0.35 meters (37 g/t Ag, 0.489 g/t Au, 0.36% Pb, and 0.56% Zn)

  • A second interval deeper in the hole yielded 105.6 g/t Ag equivalent over 0.3 meters (20 g/t Ag, 0.22% Pb, 1.79% Zn).

  • A third interval contained 382.2 g/t Ag equivalent over 0.45 meters (144 g/t Ag, 0.45% Pb, 5.12% Zn) within a 0.75-meter interval of 253.4 g/t Ag equivalent (95 g/t Ag, 0.31% Pb, 3.39% Zn)

  • 这个洞相交了 0.35 米以上银当量为 112.7 g/t (37 g/t Ag、0.489 g/t Au、0.36% Pb 和 0.56% Zn)

  • 在洞深处的第二个间隔产生了 0.3 米以上的银当量为 105.6 g/t (20 克/吨银,0.22% 铅,1.79% 锌)。

  • 第三个间隔在 0.45 米(144 g/t Ag、0.45% Pb、5.12% Zn)内含有 382.2 g/t Ag 当量 0.75 米间隔为 253.4 g/t 银当量 (95 g/t Ag,0.31% 铅,3.39% 锌)

Table of drill highlights for the previously unreported holes at the Palos Verdes Project

Palos Verdes 项目以前未报告的钻孔亮点表

Hole From
*Ag eq
PV-27 0.90 1.30 0.40 0.10 0.216 107 - 0.02 0.02 126.2

PV-32 109.40 111.60 2.20 1.41 0.16 17.5 0.27 0.92 1.30 115.4

111.30 111.60 0.30 0.19 0.83 45.0 0.68 4.32 4.67 333.9

150.10 155.65 5.55 3.57 0.20 20.7 0.16 0.61 1.09 103.8

155.25 155.65 0.40 0.26 0.04 17 0.21 3.56 6.03 391.5

PV-33 225.65 226.40 0.75 0.26 0.03 94.8 2.28 0.31 3.39 253.4

225.95 226.40 0.45 0.14 0.04 144 3.65 0.45 5.12 382.2
*Silver equivalent values are calculated using the following metals prices: Au, US$1,750/oz, Ag, $21.24/oz, Pb, $0.97/lb and Zn, $1.34/lb. Cu was not used in the calculation, and metallurgical recoveries were not considered as there is no data available for the Palos Verdes vein. True width estimated from hole inclination and estimated vein dip, where known.


*Ag eq
PV-27 0.90 1.30 0.40 0.10 0.216 107 - 0.02 0.02 126.2

PV-32 109.40 111.60 2.20 1.41 0.16 17.5 0.27 0.92 1.30 115.4

111.30 111.60 0.30 0.19 0.83 45.0 0.68 4.32 4.67 333.9

150.10 155.65 5.55 3.57 0.20 20.7 0.16 0.61 1.09 103.8

155.25 155.65 0.40 0.26 0.04 17 0.21 3.56 6.03 391.5

PV-33 225.65 226.40 0.75 0.26 0.03 94.8 2.28 0.31 3.39 253.4

225.95 226.40 0.45 0.14 0.04 144 3.65 0.45 5.12 382.2

Table of drill hole data for holes not previously released.


Hole Target Easting Northing Elev Azim Incl Depth (m)
PV-23-26 NW fault 413,807 2,593,082 1,236 10 -45 327.00
PV-23-27 PV vein 413,814 2,593,082 1,226 320 -75 234.00
PV-23-28 NW fault 413,801 2,593,136 1,244 35 -60 117.00
PV-23-29 SW PV gap 413,735 2,593,073 1,216 330 -75 183.00
PV-23-30 SW PV gap 413,707 2,592,990 1,202 330 -50 180.00
PV-23-31 SW PV gap 413,709 2,592,990 1,200 330 -75 246.00
PV-23-32 SW PV gap 413,677 2,592,942 1,211 315 -50 199.50
PV-23-33 SW PV gap 413,678 2,592,938 1,216 330 -75 250.50
Coordinates in UTM WGS84 using handheld Garmin GPS.
目标 向东 北方 Elev 阿齐姆 包含 深度 (m)
PV-23-26 西北故障 413,807 2,593,082 1,236 10 -45 327.00
PV-23-27 光伏静脉 413,814 2,593,082 1,226 320 -75 234.00
PV-23-28 西北故障 413,801 2,593,136 1,244 35 -60 117.00
PV-23-29 SW 光伏缺口 413,735 2,593,073 1,216 330 -75 183.00
PV-23-30 SW 光伏缺口 413,707 2,592,990 1,202 330 -50 180.00
PV-23-31 SW 光伏缺口 413,709 2,592,990 1,200 330 -75 246.00
PV-23-32 SW 光伏缺口 413,677 2,592,942 1,211 315 -50 199.50
PV-23-33 SW 光伏缺口 413,678 2,592,938 1,216 330 -75 250.50
使用手持式 Garmin GPS 以 UTM WGS84 进行坐标。



Samples taken by Prismo are analyzed by multielement ICP-AES and MS methods internationally recognized analytical service providers. Certified Reference Materials including standard pulps and coarse blank material are inserted in the sample stream at regular intervals. Dr. Craig Gibson, PhD., CPG., a Qualified Person as defined by NI-43-01 regulations and President, CEO and a director of the Company, has reviewed and approved the technical disclosures in this news release.

Prismo 采集的样本由国际认可的分析服务提供商的多元素 ICP-AES 和 MS 方法进行分析。经过认证的参考材料,包括标准纸浆和粗糙的空白材料,会定期插入样品流中。CPG. Craig Gibson 博士是 NI-43-01 法规定义的合格人士,也是公司总裁、首席执行官和董事,已审查并批准了本新闻稿中的技术披露。

Video Interview commenting on today's news release:


You can watch our President & CEO and Executive Chairman Alain Lambert discuss today's news at:


About Palos Verdes


The Palos Verdes project is located in the historic Panuco-Copala silver-gold district in southern Sinaloa, Mexico, approximately 65 kilometers NE of Mazatlán, Sinaloa, in the Municipality of Concordia. The Palos Verdes concession (claim) covers 700 meters of strike length of the Palos Verdes vein, a member of the north-easterly trending vein family located in the eastern part of the district outside of the area of modern exploration. Shallow drilling (<100m) conducted in 2018 on the Palos Verdes Vein was targeted 30 to 50 meters beneath largely barren vein outcrops and cut a well mineralized multistage vein two to seven metres wide with narrow intervals of high-grade precious metal values and subordinate base metals (see table of intercepts at ). This mineralization is open in all directions and the currently planned drilling program is designed to follow it along strike and to depth.

帕洛斯维德斯项目位于墨西哥锡那罗亚州南部历史悠久的帕努科-科帕拉银金区,位于康科迪亚市锡那罗亚州马扎特兰以北约65公里处。帕洛斯维德斯特许权(索赔)涵盖了帕洛斯维德斯矿脉700米的走向长度,该矿脉是位于该地区东部现代勘探区域以外的东北趋势矿脉家族的一员。2018 年在 Palos Verdes 矿脉进行的浅层钻探(

About Prismo

关于 Prismo

Prismo (CSE: PRIZ) is mining exploration company focused on two precious metal projects in Mexico (Palos Verdes and Los Pavitos) and a copper project in Arizona (Hot Breccia).

Prismo(CSE:PRIZ)是一家矿业勘探公司,专注于墨西哥的两个贵金属项目(帕洛斯维德斯和洛斯帕维托斯)和亚利桑那州(Hot Breccia)的一个铜项目。

Please follow @PrismoMetals on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube

请在推特、脸书、领英、Instagram 和 YouTube 上关注 @PrismoMetals

Prismo Metals Inc.
1100 - 1111 Melville St., Vancouver, British Columbia V6E 3V6

Prismo Metals Inc
1100-1111 梅尔维尔街,温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省 V6E 3V6

Craig Gibson, President & Chief Executive Officer


Jason Frame, Manager of Communications

Jason Frame,传播经理

Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively, "forward-looking statements") within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. All statements other than statements of historical fact, including without limitation, statements regarding the anticipated content, commencement and exploration program results, the ability to complete future financings, required permitting, exploration programs and drilling, and the anticipated business plans and timing of future activities of the Company, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as: believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future events. Although the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.

本新闻稿包含适用的加拿大证券立法所指的前瞻性陈述和前瞻性信息(统称为 “前瞻性陈述”)。除历史事实陈述外,所有陈述,包括但不限于有关预期内容、开工和勘探计划结果、完成未来融资的能力、所需许可、勘探计划和钻探以及公司未来活动的预期商业计划和时间安排的陈述,均为前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述通常由诸如:相信、期望、预测、打算、估计、假设和类似的表达方式等词语来识别,或者是那些本质上指未来事件的词语。尽管公司认为此类陈述是合理的,但它无法保证此类预期会被证明是正确的。

The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including, but not limited to, the state of the financial markets for the Company's equity securities, the state of the commodity markets generally, variations in the nature, the analytical results from surface trenching and sampling program, including diamond drilling programs, the results of IP surveying, the results of soil and till sampling program. the quality and quantity of any mineral deposits that may be located, variations in the market price of any mineral products the Company may produce or plan to produce, the inability of the Company to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations required, including CSE acceptance, for its planned activities, the inability of the Company to produce minerals from its properties successfully or profitably, to continue its projected growth, to raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement its business strategies, the potential impact of COVID-19 (coronavirus) on the Company's exploration program and on the Company's general business, operations and financial condition, and other risks and uncertainties. All of the Company's Canadian public disclosure filings may be accessed via and readers are urged to review these materials, including the technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral properties.


声明:本内容仅用作提供资讯及教育之目的,不构成对任何特定投资或投资策略的推荐或认可。 更多信息