
Railtown AI Technologies Inc. Announces Increase to Life Non-Brokered Private Placement

Railtown AI Technologies Inc. Announces Increase to Life Non-Brokered Private Placement

Railtown AI Technologies Inc. 宣布增加人寿非经纪私募配售
newsfile ·  02/16 16:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 16, 2024) - Railtown AI Technologies Inc. (CSE: RAIL) ("Railtown" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, due to investor demand, the Company is increasing the maximum number of units of the Company (each, a "Unit") issuable in connection with its previously-disclosed non-brokered private placement from 16,666,667 to 19,333,333, for aggregate gross proceeds of up to $2,900,000 (the "Offering"). The $0.15 issue price of the Units and the $2,300,000 minimum size of the Offering are unchanged.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 16 日)- Railtown AI 技术公司(CSE:RAIL) (”铁路城“或者”公司“)很高兴地宣布,由于投资者的需求,公司正在增加公司的最大单位数量(每个,一个”单元“) 可与其先前披露的从16,666,667到19,333,333的非经纪私募股权发行,总收益高达2900,000美元(”提供“)。这些单位的0.15美元发行价格和2,300,000美元的最低发行规模保持不变。

Each Unit will still consist of one common share in the capital of the Company (each, a "Share") and one-half of one common share purchase warrant (each whole warrant, a "Warrant"). Each Warrant will still entitle the holder thereof to acquire one additional Share at an exercise price of $0.30 per Share for a period of 24 months from the closing date of the Offering.

每个单位仍将由公司资本中的一股普通股组成(每股,一股”分享“) 以及一张普通股购买权证的一半(每张完整的认股权证,a”搜查令“)。每份认股权证持有人仍有权在自发行截止之日起的24个月内以每股0.30美元的行使价再收购一股股票。

The Offering is being completed pursuant to the listed issuer financing exemption under Part 5A of National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions (the "LIFE Exemption"). Any securities issuable under the LIFE Exemption will not be subject to a hold period in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws.

根据National Instrument45-106第5A部分规定的上市发行人融资豁免,本次发行正在完成 招股说明书豁免 (那个”人寿豁免“)。根据适用的加拿大证券法,根据人寿豁免发行的任何证券均不受持有期限制。

The Company may pay eligible finders (each, a "Finder") a cash commission equal to 8% of the gross proceeds raised from purchasers introduced by such Finders and/or issue to such Finders that number of non-transferable common share purchase warrants (each, a "Finder's Warrant") equal to 10% of the number of Units sold to purchasers introduced by such Finders. Each Finder's Warrant will entitle the holder thereof to acquire one Share at an exercise price of $0.15 per Share for a period of 24 months from the date of issuance.

公司可以向符合条件的发现者付款(每人)发现者“) 现金佣金等于从此类发现者介绍的购买者那里筹集的总收益的8%和/或向此类Finders发行一定数量的不可转让的普通股购买权证(每份认股权证,a”发现者搜查令“)等于此类发现者向购买者出售的单位数量的10%。每份发现者认股权证将赋予其持有人自发行之日起24个月内以每股0.15美元的行使价收购一股股票。

Both the Warrants and the Finder's Warrants will be subject to acceleration such that if, during a period of 10 consecutive trading days prior to their respective expiry dates, the daily volume-weighted average trading price of the Shares on the Canadian Securities Exchange (the "CSE") or such other stock exchange where the majority of the trading volume occurs, exceeds $0.60 for each of those 10 consecutive days, the Company may, within 30 days of such an occurrence, give written notice to the holders of the Warrants and the Finder's Warrants that the securities will expire at 5:00 p.m. (Vancouver time) on the 30th day following the giving of notice unless exercised by the holders prior to such date. Any Warrants or Finder's Warrants which remain unexercised at 5:00 p.m. (Vancouver time) on the 30th day following the giving of such notice will expire at that time.

认股权证和发现者认股权证都将受到加速,因此,如果在各自到期日之前的连续10个交易日内,加拿大证券交易所股票的每日交易量加权平均交易价格(”案例“)或大部分交易量发生的其他证券交易所,连续10天中每天超过0.60美元,公司可以在发生此类情况后的30天内向认股权证和发现者认股权证的持有人发出书面通知,除非持有人在该日期之前行使,否则证券将在发出通知后的第30天下午5点(温哥华时间)到期。在发出此类通知后的第30天下午 5:00(温哥华时间)仍未行使的任何认股权证或发现者认股权证将在该时间到期。

There is an offering document related to the Offering that can be accessed under Railtown's profile at and on the Company's website at . In addition, the Company has filed an amended and restated version of the offering document that reflects the increased size of the Offering and provides information supplemental to the original offering document dated January 31, 2024. Prospective purchasers should read this offering document before making an investment decision.


None of the securities referenced in this news release have been or will be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "U.S. Securities Act"), or any applicable state securities laws and may not be offered or sold in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. persons (as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act) or persons in the United States absent registration or an applicable exemption from such registration requirements. This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful.

本新闻稿中提及的证券均未根据经修订的1933年《美国证券法》进行注册(”《美国证券法》“) 或任何适用的州证券法,不得在美国发行或出售,也不得向未注册或未获得此类注册要求适用豁免的美国个人(定义见美国证券法案的S条)或在美国的个人提供或出售,也不得为其提供或受益。本新闻稿不构成在任何要约、招揽或出售为非法的司法管辖区内的任何证券的出售要约或招揽购买要约。


关于 RAILTOWN 人工智能技术公司

Railtown is a developer of an Application General Intelligence Platform designed to allow software developers to extract much deeper knowledge about their application and team. The Company's platform preforms a variety of functions from understanding the root cause of every issue at the earliest stage of the pipeline, to knowledge around the history of all documentation, builds, deployments, assigned tasks, engineering performance and velocity to preforming tasks ranging from automated progress reports to ticket generation. The platform continually learns and provides actionable knowledge for every stakeholder in the company from the developers all the way up to c-level management. Railtown's proprietary AI technology, designed to enable our clients to be more productive and profitable, is accessible on Microsoft's Azure Marketplace. To learn more, visit and click here to receive our latest investor news alerts.

Railtown 是应用通用情报平台的开发商,该平台旨在让软件开发人员提取有关其应用程序和团队的更深入的知识。该公司的平台履行了各种职能,从在管道的最初阶段了解每个问题的根本原因,到了解所有文档、构建、部署、分配的任务、工程性能和速度的历史,再到执行从自动进度报告到工单生成等各种任务。该平台不断学习并为公司的每位利益相关者(从开发人员一直到高管级管理层)提供可操作的知识。Railtown的专有人工智能技术旨在提高我们的客户的工作效率和利润,可在微软的Azure Marketplace上获得。要了解更多信息,请访问 并点击此处接收我们最新的投资者新闻提醒。



Rebecca Kerswell
Vice President, Investor Relations and Marketing


This news release contains forward-looking statements relating to the future operations of the Company and other statements that are not historical facts. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as "will", "may", "should", "intends", "anticipates", "expects" and similar expressions. All statements other than statements of historical fact included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding the future plans and objectives of the Company, are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the Company's expectations are risks detailed from time to time in the filings made by the Company with securities regulators.

本新闻稿包含与公司未来运营有关的前瞻性陈述以及其他非历史事实的陈述。前瞻性陈述通常由 “意愿”、“可能”、“应该”、“打算”、“预期”、“期望” 等术语和类似表达方式来识别。除本新闻稿中包含的历史事实陈述以外的所有陈述,包括但不限于有关公司未来计划和目标的陈述,均为涉及风险和不确定性的前瞻性陈述。无法保证此类陈述会被证明是准确的,实际结果和未来事件可能与此类陈述中的预期存在重大差异。可能导致实际业绩与公司预期存在重大差异的重要因素是公司向证券监管机构提交的文件中不时详细说明的风险。

Readers are cautioned that assumptions used in the preparation of any forward-looking information may prove to be incorrect. Events or circumstances may cause actual results to differ materially from those predicted, as a result of numerous known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company. As a result, the Company cannot guarantee that any forward-looking statement will materialize, and readers should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking information. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date of this news release and the Company will only update or revise publicly any of the included forward-looking statements as expressly required by Canadian securities law.




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