
Arrow Announces CN-4 and CN-5 Results

Arrow Announces CN-4 and CN-5 Results

newsfile ·  02/20 02:00

Ubaque formation at Carrizales Norte continues to exceed expectations


Arrow Exploration Corp. (AIM: AXL) (TSXV: AXL) ("Arrow" or the "Company"), the high-growth operator with a portfolio of assets across key Colombian hydrocarbon basins, is pleased to provide an update on activity on the Tapir Block in the Llanos Basin of Colombia in which the Company has a 50% beneficial working interest.

Arrow Exploration Corp.(AIM:AXL)(TSXV:AXL)(”绿箭侠“或者”公司“)是一家在哥伦比亚主要碳氢化合物盆地拥有资产组合的高增长运营商,很高兴提供哥伦比亚拉诺斯盆地Tapir区块的最新活动情况,该公司在该区块中拥有50%的实益营运权益。

CN-4 Well

CN-4 好吧

The CN-4 well was spud on January 17, 2024, and reached target depth on January 27, 2024. The well was drilled to a total measured depth of 9,552 feet (8,613 feet true vertical depth) and targeted the Ubaque formation.

CN-4 油井于 2024 年 1 月 17 日挖出,并于 2024 年 1 月 27 日达到目标深度。该井的总测深度为9,552英尺(实际垂直深度为8,613英尺),目标是乌巴克地层。

Arrow completed the well in the Ubaque formation, which has 29 feet of true vertical depth net oil pay. The pay zone is a clean sandstone exhibiting consistent 26% porosity, 5 Darcy permeability and high resistivities from top of sand to base of sand. An electric submersible pump (ESP) was inserted in the well after perforating.

Arrow 在乌巴克地层完成了油井,该地层的真实垂直深度为 29 英尺。薪酬区是一块干净的砂岩,从沙子顶部到沙底表现出持续的26%的孔隙率,5%的达西渗透率和高电阻率。穿孔后,将潜水电泵(ESP)插入井中。

The well confirms Arrow's understanding of the large Ubaque resource base and commensurate horizontal drilling opportunities it provides.


Specific data for the initial production from the Ubaque formation are as follows:


  • The well initiated production with a flow rate of 780 barrels of fluid per day.
  • After recovery of the drilling and completion fluids, in a 12 hour production period the well produced 758 BOPD gross (379 BOPD net) with a 7% average water cut.
  • Measured oil from the Ubaque formation shows an API gravity of 13°.
  • 该油井开始生产,流速为每天780桶液体。
  • 回收钻井和完井液后,该油井在12小时的生产周期内总产量为758桶/日(净产量379桶),平均减水量为7%。
  • 从乌巴克地层测得的石油显示API重力为13°。

To efficiently manage the reservoir, the ESP is currently running at 42 Hz, minimum optimum pump frequency, and a 128/128 choke size is being used. The CN-4 well is currently on production, producing from the Ubaque formation at 478 BOPD gross (239 BOPD net). Management's intention is to produce the well conservatively, at current rates, to ensure the highest estimated ultimate recovery (EUR). This approach will provide significant operational flexibility.

为了高效管理储油库,ESP 目前以 42 Hz 的频率运行,最低最佳泵频率,并使用 128/128 节流圈尺寸。CN-4油井目前正在投产,产自乌巴克地层,总产量为478桶/日(净产量239桶)。管理层的意图是保守地按目前的利率生产油井,以确保最高的估计最终回收率(欧元)。这种方法将提供显著的操作灵活性。

The CN-4 well did not test the C7 or Gacheta formations. The Ubaque production and reserves potential are considered the first priority for the Company. C7 and Gacheta potential will be unlocked with future wells and recompletions.


Initial production results are not necessarily indicative of long-term performance or ultimate recovery.


CN-5 Well
The CN-5 well was spud on February 8, 2024 to test the Carrizales Noroeste prospect and reached total depth of 9,050 feet true vertical depth on February 14, 2024. Initial interpretation of the logging of this well, drilled to the west of the known pool boundary, shows 45 feet of Ubaque oil pay to base of sand. The reservoir demonstrates consistent 25% porosity and 5 Darcy permeability. CN-5 has confirmed that there is a stratigraphic component to the trapping mechanism in the Ubaque reservoir as it extends to the west and is therefore expected to add significantly to the existing Ubaque oil reserves. The Company expects to complete the well for production over the next few weeks.

CN-5 油井

Operations Update


  • The CN-6 well will spud once the CN-5 well is on production and will target the C7 Carbonara formation in a structurally high location. 3-D seismic shows considerable running room for C7 development drilling within the sizeable primary Carrizales Norte structure.
  • Work continues on the construction of the Carrizales Norte Horizontal Pad ("CN B"), the Matteguafa Attic pad and the Baquiano road and pad. The Company expects to bring in a second rig for deployment at the CN B pad and a third rig for use at the Matteguafa Attic pad. The Company expects the first horizontal well at the CN B pad will be spud in Q2.
  • Preliminary interpretation of the recently acquired Tapir 3D seismic program has further established the presence of an appreciable number of low risk prospects in this fertile part of the Llanos Basin. Analysis of the 3D data is ongoing, with expectations that additional prospects will be developed. This data has provided considerably more detail over the northern portion of the Tapir block.
  • The Company continues to have a strong balance sheet, with no debt and over US$13 million in the bank at February 15, 2024.
  • Capella production remains shut-in, waiting on government and operator meetings with communities in the area.
  • The stimulation design for OP-3 and OP-4 are being reviewed internally. Expectations are that the operations will commence in Q2.
  • CN-6油井将在CN-5油井投入生产后开采,并将目标对准位于结构较高位置的C7 Carbonara地层。三维地震显示,在相当大的Carrizales Norte主结构中,C7开发钻探有相当大的运行空间。
  • Carrizales Norte水平停机坪(“CN B”)、Matteguafa Attic Pad以及Baquiano公路和停机坪的施工仍在继续。该公司预计将引进第二台钻机部署在CNB停机坪上,第三台钻机用于Matteguafa Attic停机坪使用。该公司预计,CNB油田的第一口水平井将在第二季度开采。
  • 对最近收购的塔皮尔三维地震计划的初步解释进一步证实了拉诺斯盆地这一肥沃地区存在相当多的低风险前景。对三维数据的分析正在进行中,预计还会开发更多前景。这些数据提供了有关Tapir区块北部的更多细节。
  • 该公司的资产负债表继续保持强劲,截至2024年2月15日,没有债务,银行存款超过1300万美元。
  • Capella的生产仍处于关闭状态,等待政府和运营商与该地区社区的会议。
  • OP-3和OP-4的刺激设计正在内部审查中。预计运营将在第二季度开始。

Marshall Abbott, CEO of Arrow commented:

Arrow 首席执行官马歇尔·阿伯特评论说:

"The thick pay zones encountered in the CN-4 and CN-5 wells underpins the step change in value that has been created. The Company expects material reserves additions and production from further development of the multi-zone potential at Carrizales Norte. The defined Ubaque reservoir has set the stage for conventional horizontal exploitation which we expect to lead to material production, cash flow and reserves growth. Additional pay zones currently behind pipe provide further opportunities for production and reserves increases in the future.


"The CN-4 and CN-5 well results have helped determine the size of the Ubaque pool at Carrizales Norte and there are strong indications that the reserves additions will transform Arrow into a much larger company. Multiple development locations are anticipated based on current results.


"With both the RCE and CN fields, management plans to control pump speed and choke wells back to efficiently manage the reservoir and discourage premature water production. Arrow believes this is in the best long-term interest of the reservoir and will maximize recovery from both fields.


"There is strong momentum at Arrow, as we continue with our fully funded, low risk drilling program across our extensive portfolio. The CN-4 and CN-5 wells have successfully increased production and are expected to add materially to reserves. Alongside this, we are encouraged by the number of prospects the Tapir 3D seismic has outlined and the drilling inventory it has provided.

“随着我们继续在广泛的投资组合中实施资金充足、低风险的钻探计划,Arrow的势头强劲。CN-4和CN-5油井成功地提高了产量,预计将大幅增加储量。除此之外,Tapir 3D地震所概述的许多前景及其提供的钻探库存令我们感到鼓舞。

"I would like to recognize the professionalism and work ethic that our entire team has dedicated to our continued success."


For further Information, contact:


Arrow Exploration


Marshall Abbott, CEO
+1 403 651 5995
Joe McFarlane, CFO
+1 403 818 1033

+1 403 651 5995
首席财务官 Joe McFarlane
+1 403 818 1033

Brookline Public Relations, Inc.


Shauna MacDonald
+1 403 538 5645

+1 403 538 5645

Canaccord Genuity (Nominated Advisor and Joint Broker)

Canaccord Genuity(提名顾问和联合经纪人)

Henry Fitzgerald-O'Connor
James Asensio
George Grainger
+44 (0)20 7523 8000

+44 (0) 20 7523 8000

Auctus Advisors (Joint Broker)

Auctus 顾问(联合经纪人)

Jonathan Wright
Rupert Holdsworth Hunt
+44 (0)7711 627449

+44 (0) 7711 627449

Camarco (Financial PR)


Andrew Turner
Rebecca Waterworth
+44 (0)20 3781 8331

+44 (0) 20 3781 8331

About Arrow Exploration Corp.


Arrow Exploration Corp. (operating in Colombia via a branch of its 100% owned subsidiary Carrao Energy S.A.) is a publicly traded company with a portfolio of premiere Colombian oil assets that are underexploited, under-explored and offer high potential growth. The Company's business plan is to expand oil production from some of Colombia's most active basins, including the Llanos, Middle Magdalena Valley (MMV) and Putumayo Basin. The asset base is predominantly operated with high working interests, and the Brent-linked light oil pricing exposure combines with low royalties to yield attractive potential operating margins. Arrow's 50% interest in the Tapir Block is contingent on the assignment by Ecopetrol SA of such interest to Arrow. Arrow's seasoned team is led by a hands-on executive team supported by an experienced board. Arrow is listed on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange and on TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol "AXL".

Arrow Exploration Corp.(通过其100%控股的子公司Carrao Energy S.A. 的分支机构在哥伦比亚运营)是一家上市公司,其投资组合包括开发不足、开发不足且具有高增长潜力的哥伦比亚首屈一指的石油资产。该公司的业务计划是扩大哥伦比亚一些最活跃的盆地的石油产量,包括拉诺斯、中马格达莱纳河谷(MMV)和普图马约盆地。资产基础主要以高额营运利益,与布伦特挂钩的轻油定价敞口与低特许权使用费相结合,产生了诱人的潜在营业利润率。Arrow在Tapir Block中的50%权益取决于Ecopetrol SA向Arrow分配的此类权益。Arrow 经验丰富的团队由一支亲力亲为的高管团队领导,并由经验丰富的董事会提供支持。Arrow在伦敦证券交易所的AIM市场和多伦多证券交易所风险交易所上市,股票代码为 “AXL”。

Forward-looking Statements


This news release contains certain statements or disclosures relating to Arrow that are based on the expectations of its management as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to Arrow which may constitute forward-looking statements or information ("forward-looking statements") under applicable securities laws. All such statements and disclosures, other than those of historical fact, which address activities, events, outcomes, results or developments that Arrow anticipates or expects may, could or will occur in the future (in whole or in part) should be considered forward-looking statements. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of the words "continue", "expect", "opportunity", "plan", "potential" and "will" and similar expressions. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release reflect several material factors and expectations and assumptions of Arrow, including without limitation, Arrow's evaluation of the impacts of COVID-19, the potential of Arrow's Colombian and/or Canadian assets (or any of them individually), the prices of oil and/or natural gas, and Arrow's business plan to expand oil and gas production and achieve attractive potential operating margins. Arrow believes the expectations and assumptions reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable at this time, but no assurance can be given that these factors, expectations, and assumptions will prove to be correct.

本新闻稿包含与Arrow相关的某些陈述或披露,这些陈述或披露基于Arrow管理层的预期,以及Arrow做出的假设和目前可获得的信息,这些信息可能构成适用的证券法规定的前瞻性陈述或信息(“前瞻性陈述”)。除历史事实外,所有涉及Arrow预期、可能或将来(全部或部分)可能发生的活动、事件、结果、结果或发展的陈述和披露均应被视为前瞻性陈述。在某些情况下,可以通过使用 “继续”、“期望”、“机会”、“计划”、“潜力” 和 “将” 等词语以及类似的表达方式来识别前瞻性陈述。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述反映了Arrow的多个重要因素以及预期和假设,包括但不限于Arrow对 COVID-19 影响的评估、Arrow的哥伦比亚和/或加拿大资产(或其中任何一项)的潜力、石油和/或天然气的价格,以及Arrow扩大石油和天然气产量并实现诱人的潜在营业利润率的商业计划。Arrow认为,目前前瞻性陈述中反映的预期和假设是合理的,但无法保证这些因素、预期和假设会被证明是正确的。

The forward-looking statements included in this news release are not guarantees of future performance and should not be unduly relied upon. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results or events to differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and the Company undertakes no obligations to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




API: A specific gravity scale developed by the American Petroleum Institute (API) for measuring the relative density of various petroleum liquids, expressed in degrees.


Bopd: barrels of oil per day


boe/d: barrels of oil equivalent per day


Qualified Person's Statement


The technical information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and approved by Grant Carnie, senior non-executive director of Arrow Exploration Corp. Mr. Carnie a past member of the Canadian Society of Petroleum Engineers, holds a B.Sc. in Geology from the University of Alberta and has over 40 years' experience in the oil and gas industry.

本公告中包含的技术信息已经过Arrow Exploration Corp. 高级非执行董事格兰特·卡尼的审查和批准。卡尼先生曾是加拿大石油工程师学会会员,拥有阿尔伯塔大学地质学学士学位,在石油和天然气行业拥有40多年的经验。



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