
Decade Provides Update on Copper Exploration Plans for the 2024 Field Season

Decade Provides Update on Copper Exploration Plans for the 2024 Field Season

newsfile ·  02/22 08:00

Stewart, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 22, 2024) - Decade Resources Ltd (TSXV: DEC) ("Decade") plans to focus on it its copper projects in the 2024 field season. The main focus will be on the Copper River property which is part of a large claim holding consisting of 52 contiguous minerals claims which include Nobody Knows, Dardanelle (presently farmed out) and Treasure Mountain properties totalling 23,016.7 hectares. All 52 mineral claims are 100% owned by Decade Resources Ltd. The project stretches from 10 to 40 air kilometers east of Terrace, B.C., on the northern slopes of the Copper River valley. The Company plans to explore the porphyry copper-gold potential of the Del Norte project as well.

不列颠哥伦比亚省斯图尔特--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年2月22日)——Decade Resources Ltd(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:DEC)(“Decade”)计划在2024年油田季节将重点放在铜矿项目上。主要重点将放在铜河地产上,该地产是大型索赔项目的一部分,包括52项连续矿产索赔,包括 “无人知晓”、Dardanelle(目前已开采)和金银山地产,总面积为23,016.7公顷。所有52项矿产索赔均由Decade Resources Ltd 100%拥有。该项目位于不列颠哥伦比亚省特雷斯以东的铜河谷北坡,绵延10至40空中千米。该公司还计划探索Del Norte项目的斑岩铜金潜力。

Within the Copper River property, there are several red bed copper trends and a granodiorite intrusion separating them. The Nobody Knows trend is approximately 20 km west of the Treasure Mountain trend. On the Treasure Mountain Trend approximately 22 copper-silver showings occur over a 15 km belt.

在Copper River地产中,有几种红层铜矿趋势以及将它们隔开的花岗闪长岩侵入。“没人知道” 趋势位于宝藏山趋势以西约 20 公里处。在 Treasure Mountain Trend 上,大约有 22 次铜银表演发生在 15 千米的带上。

Focus for 2024 on the Copper River property will include exploration on the following:


Nobody Knows #2

没人知道 #2

Drilling in late 2023 intersected mineralization related to a red bed copper-silver bearing horizon. Values intersected are shown below:

2023 年底的钻探发现了与红层铜银含量地平线相关的矿化。相交的值如下所示:

  • 7.19 % Cu equivalent (6.75 % Cu and 50.3 g/t Ag) intersected over 0.76 m in DDH-NB-23-1.
  • 6.73 % Cu equivalent (5.39 % Cu and 155 g/t Ag) intersected over 2.13 m in DDH-NB-23-2.
  • 3.23 % Cu equivalent (2.99 % Cu and 27.3 g/t Ag) intersected over 2.94 m in DDH-NB-23-12.
  • 2.18 % Cu equivalent (2.05 % Cu and 15 g/t Ag) intersected over 5.74 m in DDH-NB-23-16.
  • 在 DDH-NB-23-1 中,7.19% 铜当量(6.75% 铜和 50.3 g/t Ag)相交于 0.76 m 以上。
  • 在 DDH-NB-23-2 中,6.73% 铜当量(5.39% 铜和 155 g/t Ag)在 2.13 米处相交。
  • 在 DDH-NB-23-12 中,3.23% 铜当量(2.99% 铜和 27.3 g/t Ag)的相交量超过 2.94 m。
  • 在 DDH-NB-23-16 中,2.18% 铜当量(2.05% 铜和 15 g/t Ag)在 5.74 米处相交。

The Company has applied for disturbance permits for forested areas along strike to the Nobody Knows # 2 zone in order to expand the area of tested mineralization.

该公司已向Nobody Knows 2区申请了罢工沿线森林地区的干扰许可证,以扩大测试矿化区域。

For Treasure Mountain, exploration has identified 3 periods of mineralization: namely copper-silver bearing sulphides in volcanic red beds followed by copper sulphide-silver bearing shear zones and last, a late-stage epithermal copper sulphide-silver-gold bearing quartz - carbonate stockworks. Copper bearing sulphides include chalcopyrite, bornite and chalcocite and possibly native copper. Zones to be explored in 2024 include:

对于宝藏山,勘探已经确定了三个矿化时期:即火山红床中含有铜银的硫化物,其次是含硫化铜-银的剪切带,最后是晚期的超热液硫化铜-银-金含石英——碳酸盐库存。含铜的硫化物包括黄铜矿、硼砂和硫铝石,可能还有原生铜。2024 年将要探索的区域包括:

North Ridge Area- Treasure Mountain


On the North Ridge area of Treasure Mountain, several zones of significant mineralization were identified. Work indicated a zone that was 50 x 30 m in exposure with numerous copper bearing veins and shears in the NE part of the North Ridge area. For assay results please see the Press Release for February 6, 2024. Surface work is planned to continue sampling in order to expand on the high - grade copper values obtained in the 2023 surface work.

在宝藏山的北岭地区,发现了几个显著的矿化区域。研究表明,北岭地区东北部的暴露区域为50 x 30 m,有许多含铜矿脉和剪刀。有关化验结果,请参阅 2024 年 2 月 6 日的新闻稿。地表工作计划继续进行采样,以扩大2023年表面工作中获得的高品位铜值。

Purdex Showing - Treasure Mountain

Purdex Showing-宝藏山

Considerable work has been done on the zone which include trenching, drilling and construction of an adit. This is the main copper-silver zone within the Treasure Mountain property. MINFILE gives the following description of the zone: A 26 metre surface chip sample assayed 2.44 per cent copper and 0.4 grams per tonne silver (Minister of Mines Annual Report 1965). A parallel zone, similar in character and 60 metres to the west, measures 30 by 10 metres. Surface samples average 3.26 per cent copper. The Company verified these results during the 2017 exploration program where a total of nine chip samples ranging in length from 0.9 to 4.0 metres were collected. All samples except one were collected from old trenches. They assayed from 0.49 to 5.51 % copper and from 7.2 to 42.7 g/t silver.

该区域已经做了大量工作,包括挖沟、钻探和修建审计区。这是宝藏山地产内的主要铜银区域。MINFILE对该区域进行了以下描述:26米的地表芯片样本测定了2.44%的铜和每吨0.4克的银(1965年矿业部长年度报告)。一个性质相似的平行区域,向西 60 米,长 30 x 10 米。表面样本的铜含量平均为3.26%。该公司在2017年的勘探计划中验证了这些结果,共收集了九个长度在0.9至4.0米之间的芯片样本。除了一个样本外,所有样本都是从旧战沟中采集的。他们测定了0.49%至5.51%的铜和7.2至42.7克/吨的银。

The Company plans to follow up the significant results during the 2024 exploration season for the North Ridge area as well as continued work at the Purdex showing.


Del Norte

Del Norte

The Company is earning a 55 % interest through a farm-out agreement with Teuton Resources Corp. To date the Company has spent $3,000,000 towards the final exploration expenditure of $4,000,000.

该公司通过与Teuton Resources Corp.签订的分包协议获得了55%的利息。迄今为止,该公司已花费300万美元支付了400万美元的最终勘探支出。

The Company plans to explore the porphyry copper-gold potential of Del Norte, following up on historic results. There are 8 copper-gold showings as well as drill results indicating this potential. Along Del Norte Creek and the ridge immediately south, these results correspond to an airborne EM anomaly. These following results were obtained in the O-zone.

该公司计划根据历史成果,探索Del Norte的斑岩铜金潜力。有8次铜金矿勘探和钻探结果表明了这种潜力。沿着德尔诺特溪和紧靠南部的山脊,这些结果对应于空中电磁异常。以下结果是在O区获得的。

In this zone, disseminated and fracture filling chalcopyrite and pyrite (1 to 5 per cent) pervade a phyllic and +/- argillic altered horizon which has been overprinted by carbonate alteration probably related to faulting and fracturing. The horizon ranges between 6 and 15 metres in width and has been delineated for a strike length of 176 metres, open to the north and south and a dip length of 35 metres, open to depth. The zone was targeted by 11 trenches and 4 drill holes. The best results from the trenches were 10.53 g/ t gold and 0.23% copper over a 5 m interval. The best results from drilling were 3.67 g/t gold and 0.41% copper over 15 m interval (Assessment Report 21535). Mineralized halos often extend into carbonate altered host rock and fracture systems. The Company has not verified these historic results but E. Kruchkowski was involved in the early exploration on the O-zone and believes the results are reliable.

在该区域,浸润和裂缝填充的黄铜矿和黄铁矿(1%至5%)渗透到片状和+/-泥质改变的地平线,可能与断层和压裂有关的碳酸盐蚀变覆盖了该地平线。地平线的宽度在6至15米之间,划定的走向长度为176米,向北和向南开放,倾斜长度为35米,向深处开放。该区域被11个战沟和4个钻孔作为目标。在5米的间隔内,挖掘出的最好结果是10.53克/吨的金和0.23%的铜。钻探的最佳结果是在15米间隔内获得3.67克/吨金和0.41%的铜(评估报告21535)。矿化光环通常延伸到碳酸盐岩蚀变的主体岩和裂缝系统。该公司尚未证实这些历史成果,但E. Kruchkowski参与了O区的早期勘探,并认为结果是可靠的。

In 2016 drilling, three holes testing for porphyry copper-gold encountered a contact between intermediate volcanics and the intrusive rocks at various depths. Long intervals intersected by these holes were characterized by significant K-spar alteration and, locally, sericitization. It appears that the zones of stronger mineralization are crossing this intrusive boundary and they occur in both the volcanogenic and intrusive rocks. The table below shows the historic drill results:


Drill Hole From (m) To (m) Width (m) Cu % Au g/t
DDH-16-03 160.29 172.24 11.95 0.19 0.23
DDH-16-04 19.51 110.03 90.52 0.08 0.15
including 19.51 33.83 14.32 0.17 0.36
DDH-16-05 264.6 338.8 74.2 0.15 0.27
including 284.9 296.6 11.7 0.31 0.37
钻孔 从 (m) 到 (m) 宽度 (m) 铜% Au g/t
DDH-16-03 160.29 172.24 11.95 0.19 0.23
DDH-16-04 19.51 110.03 90.52 0.08 0.15
包括 19.51 33.83 14.32 0.17 0.36
DDH-16-05 264.6 338.8 74.2 0.15 0.27
包括 284.9 296.6 11.7 0.31 0.37

E. Kruchkowski observed the drilling, logging and supervised core cutting and believes the results to be reliable. The Company interpretation is that the EM anomaly associated with the above mineralization suggest a porphyry copper-gold bearing intrusive at depth. The Company believes that drill holes at least 1000m each would best test this interpretation.

E. Kruchkowski观察了钻探、测井和监督岩心切割,并认为结果是可靠的。该公司的解释是,与上述矿化相关的电磁异常表明深处存在侵入性的斑岩铜金。该公司认为,每个钻至少1000米的孔最能检验这种解释。

Ed. Kruchkowski, P. Geo., a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101, is in charge of the exploration programs on behalf of the Company and is responsible for the contents of this release. E. Kruchkowski is not independent of Decade as he is the president of the Company.

埃德。Kruchkowski,P. Geo. 是美国国家仪器公司43-101的合格人员,他代表公司负责勘探计划,并对本新闻稿的内容负责。E. Kruchkowski并非独立于Decade,因为他是公司的总裁。

Decade Resources Ltd. is a Canadian based mineral exploration company actively seeking opportunities in the resource sector. Decade holds numerous properties at various stages of development and exploration from basic grass roots to advanced ones. Its properties and projects are all located in the "Golden Triangle" area of northern British Columbia. For a complete listing of the Company assets and developments, visit the Company website at . For investor information please call 250- 636-2264 or Gary Assaly at 604-377-7969.

Decade Resources Ltd.是一家总部位于加拿大的矿产勘探公司,积极在资源领域寻找机会。Decade拥有许多处于不同开发和勘探阶段的房产,从基础基层到高级地产。其物业和项目均位于不列颠哥伦比亚省北部的 “金三角” 地区。有关公司资产和发展的完整清单,请访问公司网站,网址为。如需投资者信息,请致电250-636-2264或拨打604-377-7969的加里·阿萨利。



"Ed Kruchkowski"
Ed Kruchkowski, President

“Ed Kruchkowski”

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