
Premium Nickel Resources Ltd. Announces High Extraction Rates for All Metals in Recent Metallurgical Testwork Supporting Low Carbon Metal Production

Premium Nickel Resources Ltd. Announces High Extraction Rates for All Metals in Recent Metallurgical Testwork Supporting Low Carbon Metal Production

Premium Nickel Resources Ltd在最近的冶金测试工作中宣布所有金属的提取率都很高,支持低碳金属生产
newsfile ·  02/22 08:00

"We are very pleased that our vision for future low carbon critical metal mines is supported by these results. PNRL will continue with the evaluation of hydrometallurgical processing options for Selebi and Selkirk, providing a superior alternative to the legacy smelting. It will cut power usage, reduce pollution, boost metal recovery and facilitate local beneficiation."
- CEO, Keith Morrison

- 首席执行官基思·莫里森

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - February 22, 2024) - Premium Nickel Resources Ltd. (TSXV: PNRL) (OTCQX: PNRLF) ("PNRL" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the phase two results of metallurgical testing of the Company's nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum-group elements ("Ni-Cu-Co-PGE") Selkirk project and the nickel, copper, cobalt Selebi project, both of which are located in Botswana.

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 2 月 22 日)- 优质镍业资源有限公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:PNRL)(场外交易所股票代码:PNRL)(“PNRL” 或 “公司”) 很高兴地宣布公司镍、铜、钴、铂族元素(“NI-CU-Co-PGE”)的第二阶段冶金测试结果 塞尔柯克项目 还有镍、铜、钴 塞莱比项目,两者都位于博茨瓦纳。

The Selkirk Ni-Cu-Co-PGE deposit, located 75 kilometres north of PNRL's flagship Selebi Mine in Botswana, is a near surface deposit that has been extensively drilled by previous operators. Initial metallurgical test work carried out in 2021 by PNRL at SGS Canada in Lakefield, Ontario demonstrated that it was possible to produce separate nickel and copper grades at acceptable recoveries. To enhance recoveries, PNRL has been exploring alternate processing options for both the Selebi and Selkirk mines, including producing a lower grade nickel concentrate suitable for hydrometallurgical processing. Given the disseminated nature of the Ni-Cu-Co-PGE mineralization at Selkirk, a processing flowsheet designed to maximize Ni-Cu-Co-PGE recovery via a bulk flotation concentrate is being evaluated. This could add optionality for saleable products, which could include a separate Cu concentrate and a separate Ni-Cu-Co-PGE concentrate, to be further refined by hydrometallurgical processing.

塞尔柯克Ni-Cu-Co-PGE矿床位于博茨瓦纳PNRL旗舰塞莱比矿以北75公里处,是一个近地表矿床,以前的运营商曾广泛钻探。PNRL 于 2021 年在加拿大安大略省莱克菲尔德的 SGS 公司进行的初步冶金测试工作表明,以可接受的回收率生产不同品位的镍和铜是可能的。为了提高回收率,PNRL一直在探索塞莱比和塞尔柯克矿的替代加工方案,包括生产适合湿法冶金加工的低品位镍精矿。鉴于塞尔柯克镍铜钴铂族金属矿化的弥散性,目前正在评估旨在通过散装浮选浓缩物最大限度地提高镍铜钴铂族金属回收率的加工流程。这可能会增加可销售产品的选择性,这些产品可能包括单独的铜精矿和单独的Ni-Cu-Co-PGE浓缩物,可通过湿法冶炼工艺进一步提炼。

Chris Fleming, SGS Canada, commented: "Recoveries of all the pay metals (Ni, Cu, Co, Au, Pt and Pd) to the solution phase were very high (generally >99%) in the initial batch autoclave testing of the Platsol process with concentrates from both the Selkirk and Selebi projects. In fact, in all my years of testing the Platsol process on ores and concentrates from around the world, I have never before experienced Pt and Pd recoveries of >99% by direct autoclave leaching under Platsol conditions. The downstream processes have been tested at bench scale and separate precious metal, copper, cobalt and nickel products have been generated-targeting a final nickel product of battery grade nickel sulphate hexahydrate. Although it is not possible to precisely quantify final metal recoveries to saleable products until continuous, integrated piloting is completed, based on commercial experience of base metal hydrometallurgical plants, overall recoveries of all pay metals from both Selkirk and Selebi nickel and copper concentrates or a combined bulk nickel-copper (+Co, PGE's) concentrate should be >95% in a well-designed, well-operated plant. SGS Minerals looks forward to working with PNRL to advance this project to a pre-feasibility stage."

加拿大SGS的克里斯·弗莱明评论说:“在使用塞尔柯克和塞莱比项目的精矿对Platsol工艺进行初批高压灭菌测试中,溶液阶段所有付费金属(镍、铜、钴、金、铂和钯)的回收率都非常高(通常大于99%)。实际上,在我对来自世界各地的矿石和精矿测试 Platsol 工艺的所有年中,我从未经历过在 Platsol 条件下通过直接高压灭菌浸出法回收超过 99% 的铂和钯回收率。下游工艺已在基准上进行了测试,并分别生产了贵金属、铜、钴和镍产品,目标是电池级六水硫酸镍的最终镍产品。尽管根据基本金属湿法冶金厂的商业经验,在持续的综合试点完成之前,无法精确量化可销售产品的最终金属回收率,但在设计良好、运营良好的工厂中,塞尔柯克和塞莱比镍铜精矿或混合散装镍铜(+Co,PGE's)精矿中所有付费金属的总回收率应大于95%。SGS Minerals期待与PNRL合作,将该项目推进到预可行性阶段。”

Keith Morrison, PNRL CEO, commented: "PNRL's recent hydrometallurgical tests show very high extraction rates of Cu, Ni, Co and PGEs into leach solution and subsequently equally high recoveries into precipitates. We are very pleased that our vision for future low carbon critical metal mines is supported by these results. PNRL will continue with the evaluation of hydrometallurgical processing options for Selebi and Selkirk, providing a superior alternative to the legacy smelting. It will cut power usage, reduce pollution, boost metal recovery and facilitate local beneficiation. Next steps include flowsheet optimization studies to maximize Ni recovery to the flotation concentrate."

PNRL 首席执行官基思·莫里森评论说: “PNRL最近的湿法冶金测试显示,铜、镍、钴和铂族元素向浸出溶液的提取率非常高,随后沉淀物的回收率也同样高。这些结果支持了我们对未来低碳关键金属矿山的愿景,我们感到非常高兴。PNRL将继续评估塞莱比和塞尔柯克的湿法冶金加工方案,为传统冶炼提供更好的替代方案。它将减少电力消耗,减少污染,促进金属回收并促进当地选矿。接下来的步骤包括流程图优化研究,以最大限度地提高浮选浓缩物的镍回收率。”

Detailed Platsol Testing

详细的 Platsol 测试

In late 2023 and early 2024, PNRL completed phase 1 scoping level laboratory tests at SGS Canada in Lakefield, Ontario, investigating the application of the Platsol hydrometallurgical technology on the Selebi and Selkirk concentrates, in particular the Selkirk concentrates, which contain potentially valuable levels of PGEs (see news release dated September 13, 2023).


The Platsol process is a high-temperature, chloride-assisted pressure leaching process developed at SGS Canada to simultaneously extract both base metals and precious group metals as soluble chloro-complexes into the autoclave leach solution. Previous work with Platsol has demonstrated that of all the many PGE minerals found in nature, only the sperrylite family of minerals respond poorly to Platsol. Since only minimal sperrylite was found in the Selkirk nickel concentrate and none in the Selebi Ni concentrate (Table 1), these concentrates are expected to respond well to Platsol, provided the PGE minerals are well exposed.

Platsol 工艺是 SGS 加拿大分公司开发的一种高温氯化物辅助压力浸出工艺,可将贱金属和贵族金属作为可溶性氯复合物同时提取到高压灭菌浸出溶液中。先前与Platsol的合作表明,在自然界中发现的所有PGE矿物中,只有sperrylite家族的矿物对Platsol反应不佳。由于在塞尔柯克镍精矿中只发现了极少量的精矿石,而在塞莱比镍精矿中却没有发现任何精矿(表 1),因此,只要PGE矿物暴露良好,这些精矿有望对Platsol产生良好的反应。

Table 1. PGE Association and number of grains

表 1。PGE 协会和谷物数量

Association Formula Selebi Ni
Selkirk Ni
Genkinite (Pt,Pd)4Sb3 0 1
Sperrylite PtAs2 0 6
Michenerite (Pd,Pt)BiTe 0 29
Moncheite (Pt,Pd)(Te,Bi)2 0 1
Merenskyite (Pd,Pt)(Te,Bi)2 1 21
Kotulskite Pd(Te,Bi) 0 59
Gold AuAg 1 0
2 117
协会 公式 Selebi Ni
Selkirk Ni
Genkinite (铂、钯) 4Sb3 0 1
Sperrylite PtaS2 0 6
Michenerite (Pd, Pt) BiTE 0 29
Moncheite (铂、钯)(铁、乙)2 0 1
梅伦斯基特 (钯、铂)(铁、乙)2 1 21
Kotulskite Pd(Te、Bi) 0 59
黄金 AuAG 1 0
2 117

Note: PGE identification is based mainly on acquired spectra from the TIMA-X analysis.

注意:PGE 识别主要基于从 TIMA-X 分析中获得的光谱。

The Phase 1 Platsol studies using a 2 litre autoclave tested the optimal conditions (pressure, temperature, residence time, grind size) and extraction rates of metals into the leach solution. Results showed very high extractions rates are possible for all metals, including PGEs (Table 2).


Table 2. Results of Phase 1- Initial laboratory testwork on Platsol testing of Selebi and Selkirk concentrates.

表 2.第一阶段的结果——对塞莱比和塞尔柯克浓缩物进行Platsol测试的初步实验室测试工作。

Test No. Date Concentrate, conditions Extraction to leach solution, %
Ni Cu Co Pt Pd Au
P1 11 Aug Selkirk Ni conc. 220°C 98.8 99.8 99.0 99.5 98.2 90.8
P2 14 Aug Selebi Ni conc. 220°C 99.3 99.8 98.2 95.5 94.3 55.3
P3 21 Aug Selkirk Cu conc. 220°C 99.1 98.9 85.0 82.9 87.0 74.2
P4 29 Aug Selkirk Cu conc. 235°C 94.3 90.2 97.4 85.4 83.2 79.0
P5 9 Sept Selkirk Cu conc. 225°C & 10 microns grind size 98.8 99.7 82.4 97.3 97.1 94.7
P6 26 Sept Selkirk bulk Ni-Cu conc 225°C & 10 microns grind size 99.4 99.6 97.8 96.9 96.9 96.2
测试编号 日期 集中精力,条件 萃取至浸出溶液,%
Ni 有限公司 Pt Pd Au
P1 8 月 11 日 塞尔柯克镍浓度 220°C 98.8 99.8 99.0 99.5 98.2 90.8
P2 8 月 14 日 Selebi 镍浓度 220°C 99.3 99.8 98.2 95.5 94.3 55.3
P3 8 月 21 日 塞尔柯克铜浓度 220°C 99.1 98.9 85.0 82.9 87.0 74.2
P4 8 月 29 日 塞尔柯克铜浓度 235°C 94.3 90.2 97.4 85.4 83.2 79.0
P5 9 月 9 日 Selkirk 铜浓度 225°C 和 10 微米研磨尺寸 98.8 99.7 82.4 97.3 97.1 94.7
P6 9 月 26 日 Selkirk 散装镍铜浓度 225°C 和 10 微米研磨尺寸 99.4 99.6 97.8 96.9 96.9 96.2

Note: Extraction is based on levels in leach solution and residue.
Pressure constant at 100psi and residence times constant at 120 minutes.

压力恒定在 100 磅/平方英寸,停留时间恒定在 120 分钟。

Phase two extraction from solution focused on the Selkirk nickel concentrate. A larger volume of Selkirk nickel concentrate was tested in a 20 litre autoclave giving extractions rate shown in Table 3.

第二阶段从溶液中提取的重点是塞尔柯克镍浓缩物。在 20 升的高压灭菌器中测试了更大体积的 Selkirk 镍浓缩物,提取率如表 3 所示。

Table 3. Extraction rates of metals for Selkirk nickel concentrate used in Phase 2 scoping study

表 3.第二阶段范围界定研究中使用的塞尔柯克镍精矿的金属提取率

Test No. Date Concentrate Extraction to leach solution, %
Ni Cu Co Pt Pd Au
P8 8 Nov Selkirk Ni 97.8 99.7 98.9 99.6 98.9 94.0
测试编号 日期 集中精力 萃取至浸出溶液,%
Ni 有限公司 Pt Pd Au
P8 11 月 8 日 Selkirk Ni 97.8 99.7 98.9 99.6 98.9 94.0

Tests using 5 litres of autoclave solution measured PGE and base metal recovery through precipitation of the leach solution. Table 4 shows the high recovery of PGEs to precipitate.

使用5升高压灭菌溶液进行的测试测量了通过浸出溶液的沉淀来回收PGE和贱金属。表 4 显示了沉淀的 PGE 的高回收率。

Table 4. Overall recoveries of PGEs for Selkirk nickel concentrate tested in Phase 2 scoping study

表 4.在第二阶段范围界定研究中测试的塞尔柯克镍精矿的总回收率

Item PGE recovery-Ni conc to PGE precipitate, %
Pt Pd Au
PGE recovery (rounded) 97 97 81
物品 PGE 回收率-镍浓度与 PGE 沉淀物,%
Pt Pd Au
PGE 恢复(四舍五入) 97 97 81

Downstream processing to remove copper, cobalt and nickel followed established methods, with high recoveries of metals using multi-stage processes. In a commercial plant, solution would be recirculated and expected recoveries of copper, nickel and cobalt are indicated below in Table 5.


Table 5. Expected overall recoveries of base metals for Selkirk nickel concentrate tested in Phase 2 scoping study

表 5.在第二阶段范围研究中测试的塞尔柯克镍精矿中基本金属的预期总体回收率

Item Expected base metal recovery to final product, %
Ni Cu Co
Metal recovery (rounded) >95 >95 >95
物品 预计基本金属回收率到最终产品,%
Ni 有限公司
金属回收(四舍五入) >95 >95 >95

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Phillip Mackey, Consulting Metallurgist, who is a "qualified person" for the purposes of NI 43-101.

本新闻稿的科学和技术内容已经过咨询冶金学家菲利普·麦基的审查和批准,就NI 43-101而言,他是 “合格人士”。

Historic Estimates


Certain scientific and technical information in this news release pertaining to Selkirk (including the mineral resource estimates presented in Table 1 and Table 2) are considered to be historical in nature and should not be relied upon as a current mineral resource estimate. The historical information contained in this news release does not comply with NI 43-101. While management believes that these historical mineral resource estimates could be indicative of the presence of mineralization on the Selkirk Mines property, a "qualified person" (for purposes of NI 43-101) has not completed sufficient work to classify the historical mineral estimate as a current mineral resource estimate and the Company is not treating the historical mineral estimates as current mineral resource estimate.

本新闻稿中与塞尔柯克有关的某些科学和技术信息(包括表1和表2中列出的矿产资源估计)本质上被认为是历史性的,不应作为当前的矿产资源估算。本新闻稿中包含的历史信息不符合 NI 43-101。尽管管理层认为这些历史矿产资源估计值可能表明塞尔柯克矿业存在矿化现象,但 “合格人员”(就NI 43-101而言)尚未完成足够的工作,无法将历史矿产估算值归类为当前的矿产资源估计,而且公司没有将历史矿产估算值视为当前的矿产资源估计。

About SGS Canada Inc.

关于 SGS 加拿大公司

SGS Canada Inc. is accredited to the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 for specific tests as listed on their scope of accreditation, including geochemical, mineralogical, and trade mineral tests. To view a list of the accredited methods, please visit the following website and search SGS Canada .

SGS 加拿大公司已获得 ISO/IEC 17025 认证范围中列出的特定测试要求的认可,包括地球化学、矿物学和贸易矿物测试。要查看认证方法清单,请访问以下网站并搜索 SGS 加拿大。

About Premium Nickel Resources Ltd.


PNRL is a mineral exploration and development company that is focused on the redevelopment of the previously producing nickel, copper and cobalt resources mines owned by the Company in the Republic of Botswana. We are driven by our belief that the demand for these metals will continue to grow in the medium to long term, as a result of global urbanization and the increasing adoption of electric motors over internal combustion engines. These metals are vital for achieving a low-carbon future.


PNRL is committed to governance through transparent accountability and open communication within our team and our stakeholders. Our skilled team has worked over 100 projects collectively, accumulating over 400 years of resource discoveries, mine development and mine re-engineering experience on projects like the Company's Selebi and Selkirk mines. PNRL's senior team members have on average more than 20 years of experience in every single aspect of mine discovery and development, from geology to operations.




Keith Morrison
Director and Chief Executive Officer
Premium Nickel Resources Ltd.


For further information about Premium Nickel Resources Ltd., please contact:
Jaclyn Ruptash
Vice President, Communications and Government and Investor Relations
+1 (604) 770-4334

有关Premium Nickel Resources Ltd. 的更多信息,请联系:
Jaclyn Ruptash
+1 (604) 770-4334

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:


Certain statements contained in this news release may be considered "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements and based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. These forward-looking statements, by their nature, require the Company to make certain assumptions and necessarily involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of performance. Words such as "may", "will", "would", "could", "expect", "believe", "plan", "anticipate", "intend", "estimate", "continue", or the negative or comparable terminology, as well as terms usually used in the future and the conditional, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Information contained in forward-looking statements are based upon certain material assumptions that were applied in drawing a conclusion or making a forecast or projection, including management's perception of geology and mineralization; assumptions, limitations and qualifications in the Selkirk Technical Report; the ability to the Company to expand mineral resources beyond current mineral resources estimates; the utility of any historical data in respect of the Selkirk deposit; the results of any testing; the ability of exploration activities (including drill results) to accurately predict mineralization; the significance of the metallurgical study; the timing and results (if any) of the Phase 2 Platsol testing program; the significance of PGE in the concentrate; perceptions of historical trends; current conditions and expected future developments; current information available to the management of the Company; risks relating to mining activities and the business of mineral exploration; the general business and prospects of the Company; public disclosure from operators of the relevant mines, as well as other considerations that are believed to be appropriate in the circumstances. The Company considers its assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available but cautions the reader that there can be no assurance that forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements and the Company's assumptions, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, may ultimately prove to be incorrect since they are subject to risks and uncertainties that affect the Company and its businesses.

根据适用的加拿大证券法,本新闻稿中包含的某些陈述可能被视为 “前瞻性陈述”。除历史事实陈述外,所有陈述均为前瞻性陈述,基于截至本新闻发布之日的预期、估计和预测。就其性质而言,这些前瞻性陈述要求公司做出某些假设,并且必然涉及已知和未知的风险和不确定性,这些风险和不确定性可能导致实际业绩与这些前瞻性陈述中表达或暗示的业绩存在重大差异。前瞻性陈述并不能保证业绩。诸如 “可能”、“将”、“将”、“可以”、“期望”、“相信”、“计划”、“预期”、“打算”、“估计”、“继续” 等词语或否定或可比术语,以及将来通常使用的术语和有条件的术语,旨在识别前瞻性陈述。前瞻性陈述中包含的信息基于在得出结论或进行预测或预测时适用的某些重大假设,包括管理层对地质和矿化的看法;塞尔柯克技术报告中的假设、限制和资格;公司在当前矿产资源估计之外扩展矿产资源的能力;有关塞尔柯克矿床的任何历史数据的效用;任何测试的结果;勘探活动的能力(包括钻探)结果)以准确预测矿化;冶金研究的意义;第二阶段Platsol测试计划的时间和结果(如果有);PGE在精矿中的重要性;对历史趋势的看法;当前状况和预期的未来发展;公司管理层目前可获得的信息;与采矿活动和矿产勘探业务有关的风险;公司的一般业务和前景;相关矿山运营商的公开披露,如以及其他被认为适合具体情况的考虑因素。根据目前获得的信息,公司认为其假设是合理的,但提醒读者,无法保证前瞻性陈述会被证明是准确的,因为实际结果和未来事件可能与此类陈述中的预期存在重大差异,而且公司的假设(其中许多是公司无法控制的)最终可能会被证明是不正确的,因为它们受到影响公司及其业务的风险和不确定性的影响。

For additional information with respect to these and other factors and assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements made in this news release concerning the Company, please refer to the public disclosure record of the Company, including the risk factors outlined in the most recent management discussion and analysis of the Company and the filing statement of the Company dated July 22, 2022, both of which are available electronically on SEDAR+ () under the Company's issuer profile. The forward-looking statements set forth herein concerning the Company reflect management's expectations as at the date of this news release and are subject to change after such date. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

有关这些因素以及本新闻稿中有关公司的前瞻性陈述所依据的其他因素和假设的更多信息,请参阅公司的公开披露记录,包括公司最新管理层讨论和分析中概述的风险因素以及公司2022年7月22日的申报声明,这两份声明均可在SEDAR+ () 上以电子方式在公司发行人简介下查阅。此处提出的有关公司的前瞻性陈述反映了管理层截至本新闻稿发布之日的预期,此后可能会发生变化。除非法律要求,否则公司不打算或义务更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述,无论是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.


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