
Inverite Announces Results for Twelve Month and 4th Quarter Ending December 31, 2023

Inverite Announces Results for Twelve Month and 4th Quarter Ending December 31, 2023

newsfile ·  02/27 08:30

Verification Fee Revenue increased by 29% in 2023.

2023 年,验证费收入增长了 29%。

Operating Expenses decreasing by 21% over the same period.


The Company continues down the path towards profitability.


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - February 27, 2024) - Inverite Insights Inc. (CSE: INVR) (OTC Pink: INVRF) (FSE: 2V0) ("Inverite"), a leading AI-driven software provider utilizing real-time financial data to empower businesses to transact more effectively with consumers, is pleased to announce its financial results for the twelve- and three-month periods ended December 31, 2023. The Company remains hyper-focused in monetizing its Consumer Directed Banking Platform (open banking) products for the alternative credit economy, streamlining operations and debt reduction.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年2月27日)——Inverite Insights Inc.(CSE:INVR)(场外交易代码:INVRF)(FSE:2V0)(“Inverite”)是一家领先的人工智能驱动软件提供商,利用实时财务数据使企业能够更有效地与消费者进行交易,很高兴地公布截至2023年12月31日的十二个月和三个月期间的财务业绩。该公司仍然非常专注于将其消费者定向银行平台(开放银行)产品货币化,以促进另类信贷经济,简化运营和减少债务。

Key financial highlights for the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2023, include:


During the twelve-month period ending December 31, 2023, Inverite saw continued revenue growth with its opening banking platform, along with cost reductions and efficiencies in both operating expenses and financing costs.


  • The Company increased total revenues by 15.5% to $1,260,399 (2022 - $1,091,255).

  • The Company increased verification fee revenue by 29% to $936,336 (2022 - $728,503). Inverite saw its transaction volumes increased which contributed to the increase in verification fee revenues over the comparative period in 2022.

  • The Company generated marketing service fees of $99,931 (2022 - $53,630) related to business assets acquired in October 2022.

  • The Company generated interest revenue from its loan portfolio of $134,589 (2022 - $201,630). The decrease is primarily due to lower number of loans with no new Fast-Track loans granted in 2023. The Company no longer offers Fast-Track loans but continues to manage its existing loan portfolio.

  • The Company generated subscription fees of $88,496 (2022 - $94,300) from MyMarble and Boost loans. The decrease of $5,804 is primarily due to lower subscriptions of MyMarble and Boost Loans. The Company has permanently stopped offering MyMarble subscriptions and Boost loans.

  • The Company saw operating expenses decrease by 21.3% or $1,086,478 to $4,018,545 (2022 - $5,105,023) as the Company continues improve efficiencies and streamlining operations.

  • The Company saw administration costs decrease by 48.2% or $434,895 to $468,124 (2022 - $903,019) due to cost management measures introduced.

  • Bad debts expense and allowance for loan impairment of $58,461 (2022 - $289,594) decreased by $231,133 or 80% due to lower loan loss provisions associated with a lower loan portfolio value for its inactive Fast-Track loan program.

  • The Company saw consulting fees decrease by 12.4% or $93,137 to $656,419 (2022 - $749,456) due to lower use of consultants.

  • The Company saw salaries and benefits costs decrease by 25.2% or $492,756 to $1,461,582 (2022 - $1,954,338) due to streamlining operations which resulted in the reduction of employees.

  • Software and platform technology services of $646,848 (2022 - $401,302) increased by $245,546 or 61.2% due to higher technology and software costs associated with providing the Company's products and services, higher Inverite Verification transaction volumes and with the addition of business.

  • Transfer agent and filing fees of $45,407 (2022 - $25,679) increased by $19,728 or 76.8% due to more financing activities and costs related to TPF bond settlement transactions.

  • Investor relations expense of $103,031 (2022 - $139,899) decreased by $36,868 or 26.4% due to the Company decreasing its investor activities.

  • The Company saw interest expenses decrease by 54% or $353,230 to $300,405 (2022 - $653,635), due primary to bonds, convertible debentures and loans which were settled through debt settlement agreements that the Company entered into effective April 6, 2023, in relation to the TPF bonds outstanding, resulting in the cessation of bond interest obligations since that time.

  • The Company recorded a net loss of $201,912 (2022 - $5,292,281). The net income resulted primarily from the gain on settlement of bonds and lower overall operating expenses and lower finance costs between the periods.

  • 该公司的总收入增长了15.5%,至1,260,399美元(2022年-1,091,255美元)。

  • 该公司将验证费收入增加了29%,达到936,336美元(2022年-728,503美元)。Inverite的交易量有所增加,这促成了2022年同期验证费收入的增加。

  • 该公司产生的营销服务费为99,931美元(2022年至53,630美元),与2022年10月收购的 商业资产有关。

  • 该公司从其贷款组合中产生的利息收入为134,589美元(2022年至201,630美元)。下降的主要原因是贷款数量减少,2023年没有发放新的快速贷款。该公司不再提供快速贷款,但继续管理其现有的贷款组合。

  • 该公司通过MyMarble和Boost贷款产生了88,496美元(2022年至94,300美元)的订阅费。减少5,804美元的主要原因是MyMarble和Boost Loans的订阅量减少。该公司已永久停止提供MyMarble订阅和Boost贷款。

  • 由于公司继续提高效率和精简运营,该公司的运营费用下降了21.3%,至4,018,545美元(2022年至5,105,023美元),下降了1,086,478美元。

  • 由于成本管理措施的出台,该公司的管理成本下降了48.2%,或434,895美元,至468,124美元(2022年至903,019美元)。

  • 坏账支出和58,461美元(2022年-289,594美元)的贷款减值准备金减少了231,133美元,下降了80%,这是由于其不活跃的快速通道贷款计划的贷款组合价值下降相关的贷款损失准备金减少。

  • 由于顾问使用量减少,该公司的咨询费用下降了12.4%,或93,137美元,至656,419美元(2022年-749,456美元)。

  • 由于精简运营导致员工裁员,该公司的工资和福利成本下降了25.2%,或492,756美元,至1,461,582美元(2022年至1,954,338美元)。

  • 646,848美元(2022年至401,302美元)的软件和平台技术服务增加了245,546美元,涨幅61.2%,这是由于与提供公司产品和服务相关的技术和软件成本增加、反向验证交易量增加以及 业务的增加。

  • 由于与TPF债券结算交易相关的融资活动和成本增加,过户代理费和申请费为45,407美元(2022年至25,679美元)增加了19,728美元,增长了76.8%。

  • 由于公司减少了投资者活动,103,031美元(2022年至139,899美元)的投资者关系支出减少了36,868美元,下降了26.4%。

  • 该公司的利息支出下降了54%,或353,230美元,至300,405美元(2022年至653,635美元),这主要是由于债券、可转换债券和贷款是通过公司于2023年4月6日生效的与未偿TPF债券签订的债务清算协议进行结算的,导致债券利息义务自那时起终止。

  • 该公司录得净亏损201,912美元(2022年-5,292,281美元)。净收入主要来自债券结算的收益、总运营支出的减少以及两期之间的财务成本降低。

Key financial highlights for the three-month period ended December 31, 2023, include:


Inverite's increased total revenue by 148% to $274, 226 (2022 - $110,768), representing an increase of 148% over the comparable period and was mainly due to an accounting adjustment in Q4 2022.


  • The Company generated verification fee revenue of $228,355 (2022 - $218,829) representing an increase of 4% and was mainly due to increased transaction volumes on the platform.

  • The Company generated interest revenue from its loan portfolio of $25,011 (2022 - loss of $195,103). The increase of $220,114 is primarily due to a lower number of consumer loans outstanding during the period and an accounting adjustment in Q4 2022. The Company no longer offers new Fast-Track loans but continues to manage its existing loan portfolio.

  • The Company generated subscription fees of $8,089 (2022 - $31,260) from MyMarble and Boost Loans. The decrease of $23,171 was primarily due to the lower number of consumer and Boost loans outstanding. The Company has permanently stopped offering MyMarble subscriptions.

  • The Company generated marketing service fees of $13,000 (2022 - $53,630). The decrease of $40,630 was due to the winding down of the business.

  • Operating Expenses for the three-month period ended December 31, 2023, decreased by $534,445 or 40% to $810, 964 (2022 - $1,345,410), due to continued focus on efficiencies and cost reduction.

  • 该公司产生的验证费收入为228,355美元(2022年至218,829美元),增长了4%,这主要是由于该平台的交易量增加。

  • 该公司从其贷款组合中产生的利息收入为25,011美元(2022年——亏损195,103美元)。增加220,114美元的主要原因是该期间未偿消费贷款数量减少以及2022年第四季度的会计调整。该公司不再提供新的快速贷款,但继续管理其现有的贷款组合。

  • 该公司从MyMarble和Boost Loans中产生了8,089美元(2022年至31,260美元)的订阅费。减少23,171美元的主要原因是未偿还的消费者和Boost贷款数量减少。该公司已永久停止提供MyMarble订阅服务。

  • 该公司产生的营销服务费为13,000美元(2022年至53,630美元)。40,630美元的减少是由于 业务的倒闭。

  • 由于持续关注效率和成本降低,截至2023年12月31日的三个月期间的运营支出下降了534,445美元,下降了40%,至810,964美元(2022年至1,345,410美元)。

The Company provides the following detailed information on variances and components of Operating Expenses for the period:


  • Administration costs of $79,173 (2022 - $264,072) decreased by $184,899 or 70% due to streamlining costs and improved efficiencies implemented by management. Administration costs are largely comprised of office expenses, loan issuance costs, professional fees, telephone and utilities.

  • Bad debts and allowances for loan impairment of reversal of $17,143 (2022 - $41,959) decreased by $24,816 or 59% due to lower loan loss provisions associated with a lower loan portfolio value for its inactive Fast-Track loan program.

  • Consulting fees of $111,848 (2022 - $189,889) decreased by $78,041 or 41.1% due to reduced use of consultants.

  • Salaries and benefits of $317,310 (2022 - $491,441) decreased by $174,131 or 35.4% as the Company had fewer employees.

  • Software and platform technology services of $113,496 (2022 - $109,634) an increase of $3,862 or 3.5% was consistent with the previous period.

  • The Company incurred interest expense of $48,073 (2022 - $163,277) a decrease of $115,204 or 70.6% is due primarily related to the TPF bonds interest expense decreased because of the shares for debt settlement of the outstanding bonds which eliminated the bond interest after April 6, 2023.

  • The Company recorded net loss of $584,821 for the three-month period ended December 31, 2023 (2022 - $2,159,066). The decrease in the net loss was primarily due to lower overall operating expenses and finance costs compared to 2022.

  • 由于管理层精简了成本和提高了效率,79,173美元(2022年至264,072美元)的管理成本减少了184,899美元,下降了70%。管理费用主要包括办公费用、贷款发放成本、专业费用、电话和水电费。

  • 坏账和逆转贷款减值准备金为17,143美元(2022年-41,959美元)减少了24,816美元,跌幅为59%,这是由于其不活跃的快速贷款计划的贷款组合价值降低导致贷款损失准备金减少。

  • 由于顾问的使用减少,111,848美元(2022年至189,889美元)的咨询费用减少了78,041美元,下降了41.1%。

  • 由于公司员工减少,317,310美元(2022年至491,441美元)的工资和福利减少了174,131美元,跌幅35.4%。

  • 软件和平台技术服务为113,496美元(2022年至109,634美元),增长3,862美元,增长3.5%,与前一时期持平。

  • 公司产生的利息支出为48,073美元(2022年至163,277美元),减少了115,204美元,下降了70.6%,这主要是由于TPF债券利息支出的减少是由于未偿债券的债务清算股票在2023年4月6日之后取消了债券利息。

  • 截至2023年12月31日的三个月期间,该公司录得净亏损584,821美元(2022年-2,159,066美元)。净亏损的减少主要是由于与2022年相比,总体运营费用和财务成本降低。

Karim Nanji, CEO of Inverite, adds, "Our steadfast focus on increasing revenue and streamlining operations is driving Inverite towards profitability. As market dynamics continue to drive momentum towards Consumer-Directed (Open) Banking) and Alternative Data, Inverite's platform and AI/Machine Learning technologies are revolutionizing lending, improving efficiency, reducing defaults, and optimizing collections for lenders in the ecosystem. We continue towards our goal of Financial Inclusion by empowering all lenders to unlock the credit potential of the underbanked through cutting-edge AI-driven data enrichment and innovative verification solutions."


A comprehensive discussion of Inverite's financial position and results of operations is provided in the condensed consolidated interim financial statements and management's discussion and analysis for the twelve-month period ended December 31, 2023, are filed on SEDAR+ at .


About Inverite Insights Inc.

关于Inverite Insights Inc

Inverite Insights Inc. ("Inverite") (CSE: INVR) (OTC Pink: INVRF) (FSE: 2V0) is a Vancouver-based, AI-driven software provider specializing in real-time financial data. With a vast database of over seven billion financial data points from more than four million unique Canadian consumers transactions, Inverite empowers businesses to transact more effectively with consumers through innovative solutions for data enrichment, identity, risk management and compliance.

Inverite Insights Inc.(“Inverite”)(CSE:INVR)(场外交易代码:INVRF)(FSE:2V0)是一家总部位于温哥华的人工智能驱动软件提供商,专门提供实时金融数据。Inverite拥有庞大的数据库,其中包含来自400多万笔加拿大独特消费者交易的70多亿个财务数据点,通过数据丰富、身份、风险管理和合规方面的创新解决方案,使企业能够更有效地与消费者进行交易。

For further information about Inverite, please visit:

有关 Inverite 的更多信息,请访问。

Mike Marrandino, Executive Chairman
T: (855) 661-2390 ext. 104 Email:

电话:(855) 661-2390 分机 104 电子邮件

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既不是加拿大证券交易所也不是其 监管服务提供商/做市商 (该术语在加拿大证券交易所的政策中定义)对本新闻稿的充分性或准确性承担责任,也没有以任何方式忽视拟议交易的优点,也没有批准或不批准本新闻稿的内容。

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release may include forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements within, other than statements of historical fact, are to be considered forward-looking. Although the Company believes that any forward-looking statements in this news release are reasonable, there can be no assurance that any such forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate. The Company cautions readers that all forward-looking statements, are based on assumptions none of which can be assured and are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements represent management's best judgment based on information currently available. Readers are advised to rely on their own evaluation of such risks and uncertainties and should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements.


The forward‐looking statements and information contained in this news release are made as of the date hereof and no undertaking is given to update publicly or revise any forward‐looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless so required by applicable securities laws or the CSE. The forward-looking statements or information contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.


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