
Golconda Gold Announces Closing of Gold Streaming Transaction for Its Galaxy Project

Golconda Gold Announces Closing of Gold Streaming Transaction for Its Galaxy Project

Golconda Gold宣布完成其Galaxy项目的黄金流媒体交易
GlobeNewswire ·  02/27 15:30

TORONTO, Feb. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Golconda Gold Ltd. ("Golconda Gold" or the Company") (TSXV: GG; OTCQB: GGGOF) today announces that further to its November 23, 2023 press release, it has completed the US$5 million stream transaction relating to its Galaxy project in South Africa with Empress Royalty Holding Corp. ("Empress"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Empress Royalty Corp. ("Empress Royalty") (TSXV: EMPR | OTCQX:EMPYF).

多伦多,2024年2月27日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Golconda Gold Ltd.(“Golconda Gold” 或 “公司”)(TSXV:GGG;OTCQB:GGGOF)今天宣布,继2023年11月23日发布新闻稿后,它已与全资子公司皇后皇家控股公司(“Empress”)完成了与其在南非的银河项目相关的500万美元直播交易 Empress Royalty Corp.(“Empress Royalty”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:EMPR | OTCQX: EMPYF)的。

Golconda Gold, its subsidiary Galaxy Gold Reefs (Pty) Ltd., and certain of its affiliates, entered into a metal purchase and sale agreement dated November 21, 2023 (the "Agreement") with Empress for payable gold production from the Galaxy mine in South Africa. Pursuant to the terms of the Agreement, Empress has made an up-front cash payment totalling US$5 million (the "Investment") for payable gold produced from the Galaxy mine. The Investment is based on 3.5% of the payable gold production from the Galaxy mine for an initial 8,000 payable ounces; thereafter, the percentage will reduce to 2.0% of the payable gold production until the earlier of: (i) 20,000 ounces having been paid to Empress; or (ii) 20 years after the first payment was made. The purchase price for the payable gold delivered pursuant to the Agreement is 20% of the gold spot price. The use of proceeds from the transactions contemplated by the Agreement will enhance and expand the production profile at Galaxy moving forward.(1)

Golconda Gold、其子公司Galaxy Gold Reefs(私人)有限公司及其某些关联公司于2023年11月21日与Empress签订了金属买卖协议(“协议”),内容涉及南非银河矿的应付黄金生产。根据协议条款,Empress已为银河矿生产的应付黄金预付了总额为500万美元的现金(“投资”)。该投资基于银河矿应付黄金产量的3.5%,初始应付金额为8,000盎司;此后,该百分比将降至应付黄金产量的2.0%,直至以下两者中较早者:(i)向Empress支付了20,000盎司;或(ii)在首次付款后20年内。根据协议交付的应付黄金的购买价格为黄金现货价格的20%。协议设想的交易收益的使用将提高和扩大Galaxy今后的生产规模。(1)

"The primary use of the funds will be used to procure new underground mining equipment and cover the working capital costs of underground development. The primary goal of the Investment is to increase underground production at both the Princeton and Galaxy ore bodies, to complete Phase 2 of the Company's expansion plan at the Galaxy mine, and to fill the 35,000 tonnes per month of spare capacity at the plant.


The Investment represents a huge opportunity for Golconda to meet its objectives at Galaxy and I am confident that we have the management team and workforce to execute our expansion plans successfully.


Now that the transactions contemplated under the Agreement are completed, we intend to explore the opportunities available to the Company to complete a non-dilutive financing to recommence production at Summit," said Nick Brodie, Chief Executive Officer of the Company.(1)

现在,协议中设想的交易已经完成,我们打算探索公司现有的机会,完成非稀释性融资,在峰会上重新开始生产。” 该公司首席执行官尼克·布罗迪说。(1)

The Galaxy Gold Mine(2)


Golconda Gold acquired the Galaxy mine in November 2015. Galaxy is situated 8 km west of the town of Barberton and 45 km west of the provincial capital of Nelspruit in the Mpumalanga Province of South Africa. The property covers 58.6 km2 and is part of the prolific Barberton Greenstone Belt.

Golconda Gold 于 2015 年 11 月收购了银河矿。银河位于南非姆普马兰加省巴伯顿镇以西8公里处,省会内尔斯普雷特以西45公里处。该物业覆盖 58.6 km2 并且是多产的巴伯顿绿石带的一部分。

Galaxy consists of 22 ore bodies, all of which can be accessed via adits at level 17 and level 22. Galaxy is currently mining at the following two main ore bodies:


  • Galaxy ore body – a massive pipe shaped ore body with a thickness of 35m and a strike of around 100m (the "Galaxy Ore Body"); and
  • Princeton ore body – a steeply dipping ore body with a thickness of 5m and a strike of 300m (the "Princeton Ore Body").
  • 星系矿体 — 一个厚度为35m、行程约为100m的巨大管状矿体(“银河矿体”);以及
  • 普林斯顿矿体 — 一个陡峭倾斜的矿体,厚度为5米,走向300米(“普林斯顿矿体”)。

The current mine plan includes the mining of the Galaxy Ore Body and the Princeton Ore Body using a mechanised cut and fill mining method. There are also extensive tailings around the Galaxy mine site which Golconda Gold intends to use to supplement production.(1) Golconda Gold has already upgraded the crushing circuit, float plant and filtration plant to 50,000 tpm, from the original 15,000 tpm plant, which produces a gold concentrate.

目前的采矿计划包括使用机械化挖填开采方法开采银河矿体和普林斯顿矿体。银河矿场周围还有大量尾矿,Golconda Gold打算利用这些尾矿来补充产量。(1) Golconda Gold已经将破碎回路、浮动设备和过滤设备从最初生产黄金精矿的15,000吨/小时的工厂升级到每分钟50,000吨。

Galaxy is currently in Phase 1 of its expansion program taking production to 15,000 tpm and 1,100 recovered gold ounces per month. The proceeds from the Agreement will be used to fund the expansion required in Phase 2 to take production to 48,000 tpm and 2,800 recovered gold ounces per month.(1)


Golconda Gold has completed the Galaxy Technical Report and the PEA (as such terms are defined below) for the Galaxy mine, which supports the expansion plans already undertaken and the future plans for expansion. In addition, Golconda Gold has a drill ready plan to expand the resource to over 4 million ounces, which encompasses the other 20 identified ore bodies. Work is already underway to determine how this can support future expansion of Galaxy.

Golconda Gold已经完成了银河矿山的银河技术报告和PEA(定义见下文),这为已经实施的扩建计划和未来的扩张计划提供了支持。此外,Golconda Gold还有一项钻探就绪计划,将资源扩大到400万盎司以上,其中包括其他20个已确定的矿体。确定如何支持Galaxy的未来扩张的工作已经在进行中。

About Golconda Gold

关于 Golconda Gold

Golconda Gold is an un-hedged gold producer and explorer with mining operations and exploration tenements in South Africa and New Mexico. Golconda Gold is a public company and its shares are quoted on the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") under the symbol "GG" and the OTCQB under the symbol "GGGOF". Golconda Gold's management team is comprised of senior mining professionals with extensive experience in managing mining and processing operations and large-scale exploration programmes. It is committed to operating at world-class standards, focused on the safety of its employees, respecting the environment, and contributing to the communities in which it operates.

Golconda Gold是一家未对冲的黄金生产商和勘探商,在南非和新墨西哥州拥有采矿业务和勘探矿权。Golconda Gold是一家上市公司,其股票在多伦多证券交易所风险交易所(“TSXV”)上市,股票代码为 “GG”,OTCQB的股票代码为 “GGGOF”。Golconda Gold的管理团队由资深的采矿专业人员组成,他们在管理采矿和加工业务以及大规模勘探计划方面拥有丰富的经验。它致力于按照世界一流的标准运营,注重员工的安全,尊重环境并为其运营所在的社区做出贡献。

About Empress Royalty Corp.


Empress Royalty is a global royalty and streaming creation company providing investors with a diversified portfolio of gold and silver investments. Since listing in December 2020, Empress Royalty has built a portfolio of precious metal investments and is actively investing in mining companies with development and production stage projects who require additional non-dilutive capital. Empress Royalty has strategic partnerships with Endeavour Financial and Terra Capital which allow Empress Royalty to not only access global investment opportunities but also bring unique mining finance expertise, deal structuring and access to capital markets. Empress Royalty is looking forward to continuously creating value for its shareholders through the proven royalty and streaming models.

Empress Royalty是一家全球版税和流媒体创作公司,为投资者提供多元化的黄金和白银投资组合。自2020年12月上市以来,Empress Royalty建立了贵金属投资组合,并积极投资于项目处于开发和生产阶段、需要额外非稀释资本的矿业公司。Empress Royalty与Endeavor Financialty和Terra Capital建立了战略合作伙伴关系,这使Empress Royalty不仅可以获得全球投资机会,还可以带来独特的矿业融资专业知识、交易结构和资本市场准入。Empress Royalty期待通过久经考验的特许权使用费和流媒体模式持续为其股东创造价值。



(1) This is forward-looking information and is based on a number of assumptions. See "Cautionary Notes".

(1) 这是前瞻性信息,基于许多假设。请参阅 “注意事项”。

(2) The deposits at the Galaxy mine are supported by a technical report entitled "NI 43-101 Technical Report on the Galaxy Gold Mine, South Africa" which was issued on July 3, 2020 (the "Galaxy Technical Report"), with an effective date of June 29, 2020, a copy of which is available under the Company's profile on . The Galaxy Technical Report was prepared by Minxcon (Pty) Ltd and approved by Mr. Uwe Engelmann, BSc (Zoo. & Bot.), BSc Hons (Geol.) Pr.Sci.Nat., MGSSA, and Mr. Daniel (Daan) van Heerden, B Eng (Min.), MCom (Bus. Admin.), MMC, Pr.Eng., FSAIMM, AMMSA, both "qualified persons" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 – Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"), and independent of the Company for the purposes of NI 43-101. The preliminary economic assessment ("PEA") supported by the Galaxy Technical Report is preliminary in nature as the resources included in the PEA are comprised 54% of inferred mineral resources. Inferred mineral resources are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves. There is no certainty that the PEA will be realized.

(2) 银河矿的矿床得到2020年7月3日发布的题为 “南非银河金矿NI 43-101技术报告” 的技术报告(“银河技术报告”)的支持,该报告的生效日期为2020年6月29日,其副本可在公司简介下查阅。《银河技术报告》由 Minxcon (Pty) Ltd 编写,并获得理学学士(动物园和机器人)、荣誉理学士(地质学)Uwe Engelmann 先生的批准Pr.Sci.Nat.、MGSSA 和 Daniel (Daan) van Heerden 先生,B Eng(Min.),MCom(Bus.管理员)、MMC、Pr.Eng.、FSAIMM、AMMSA,均为国家仪器43-101——矿业项目披露标准(“NI 43-101”)定义的 “合格人员”,就NI 43-101而言,他们独立于公司。银河技术报告支持的初步经济评估(“PEA”)本质上是初步的,因为PEA中包含的资源占推断矿产资源的54%。推断出的矿产资源在地质学上被认为过于投机,无法将其归类为矿产储量的经济考虑。不确定PEA是否会实现。

Cautionary Notes


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute "forward-looking statements". All statements other than statements of historical fact contained in this press release, including, without limitation, those regarding the Company's projected plans for expansion and production at the Galaxy mine, the Company's use of proceeds from the transactions contemplated by the Agreement, the achievement of the goals of the Investment in the future, any projected financings of the Company, any future transactions contemplated by the Company, the impact of the transactions contemplated by the Agreement on the Company and its expansion plans, creation of long term value for stakeholders, future financial position and results of operations, strategy, proposed acquisitions, plans, objectives, goals and targets, and any statements preceded by, followed by or that include the words "believe", "expect", "aim", "intend", "plan", "continue", "will", "may", "would", "anticipate", "estimate", "forecast", "predict", "project", "seek", "should" or similar expressions or the negative thereof, are forward-looking statements. These statements are not historical facts but instead represent only the Company's expectations, estimates and projections regarding future events. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve assumptions, risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Therefore, actual results may differ materially from what is expressed, implied or forecasted in such forward-looking statements.

本新闻稿中包含的某些陈述构成 “前瞻性陈述”。除本新闻稿中包含的历史事实陈述以外的所有声明,包括但不限于有关公司预计的银河矿扩建和生产计划、公司对协议所设想交易收益的使用、未来投资目标的实现情况、公司的任何预计融资、公司考虑的任何未来交易、协议所设想的交易对公司及其扩张的影响的声明计划,创建利益相关者的长期价值、未来的财务状况和经营业绩、战略、拟议收购、计划、目标、目标和目标,以及任何前面加上 “相信”、“期望”、“目标”、“打算”、“计划”、“继续”、“将”、“可能”、“将”、“预测”、“估计”、“预测”、“项目” 等字样的陈述”、“寻找”、“应该” 或类似的表述或其否定词均为前瞻性陈述。这些陈述不是历史事实,而仅代表公司对未来事件的预期、估计和预测。这些陈述不能保证未来的表现,涉及难以预测的假设、风险和不确定性。因此,实际结果可能与此类前瞻性陈述中表达、暗示或预测的结果存在重大差异。

Additional factors that could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially include, but are not limited to: the Company's dependence on two mineral projects; gold price volatility; risks associated with the conduct of the Company's mining activities in South Africa and New Mexico; regulatory, consent or permitting delays; risks relating to the Company's exploration, development and mining activities being situated in South Africa and New Mexico; risks relating to reliance on the Company's management team and outside contractors; risks regarding mineral resources and reserves; the Company's inability to obtain insurance to cover all risks, on a commercially reasonable basis or at all; currency fluctuations; risks regarding the failure to generate sufficient cash flow from operations; risks relating to project financing and equity issuances; risks arising from the Company's fair value estimates with respect to the carrying amount of mineral interests; mining tax regimes; risks arising from holding derivative instruments; the Company's need to replace reserves depleted by production; risks and unknowns inherent in all mining projects, including the inaccuracy of reserves and resources, metallurgical recoveries and capital and operating costs of such projects; contests over title to properties, particularly title to undeveloped properties; laws and regulations governing the environment, health and safety; the ability of the communities in which the Company operates to manage and cope with the implications of any local, regional, national or international outbreak of a contagious disease; operating or technical difficulties in connection with mining or development activities; lack of infrastructure; employee relations, labour unrest or unavailability; health risks in Africa; the Company's interactions with surrounding communities and artisanal miners; the Company's ability to successfully integrate acquired assets; risks related to restarting production; the speculative nature of exploration and development, including the risks of diminishing quantities or grades of reserves; development of the Company's exploration properties into commercially viable mines; stock market volatility; conflicts of interest among certain directors and officers; lack of liquidity for shareholders of the Company; risks related to the market perception of junior gold companies; and litigation risk. Management provides forward-looking statements because it believes they provide useful information to investors when considering their investment objectives and cautions investors not to place undue reliance on forward-looking information. Consequently, all of the forward-looking statements made in this press release are qualified by these cautionary statements and other cautionary statements or factors contained herein, and there can be no assurance that the actual results or developments will be realized or, even if substantially realized, that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on, the Company. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect subsequent information, events or circumstances or otherwise, except as required by law.


Information of a technical and scientific nature that forms the basis of the disclosure in the press release has been prepared and approved by Kevin Crossling Pr. Sci. Nat., MAusIMM. and former Business Development Manager for Golconda Gold, and a "qualified person" as defined by NI 43-101. Mr. Crossling has verified the technical and scientific data disclosed herein and has conducted appropriate verification on the underlying data.

构成新闻稿披露基础的技术和科学性信息已由凯文·克罗斯林公关编写和批准。Sci。Nat.、Mausimm. 和Golconda Gold的前业务发展经理,以及NI 43-101定义的 “合格人员”。克罗斯林先生核实了此处披露的技术和科学数据,并对基础数据进行了适当的核实。

Neither the TSXV nor its regulation services provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSXV) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


For further information please contact:
Nick Brodie
CEO, Golconda Gold Ltd.
+ 44 7905 089878

Golconda Gold Ltd. 首席执行官
+ 44 7905 089878

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