NurExone Establishing State-of-the-Art Research and Development Facility in Haifa, Israel
NurExone Establishing State-of-the-Art Research and Development Facility in Haifa, Israel
Joins exclusive group of innovative companies headquartered on Technion Campus
TORONTO and HAIFA, Israel, March 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- NurExone Biologic Inc. (TSXV: NRX) (Germany: J90) (the "Company" or "NurExone"), a pioneering biopharmaceutical company, finalized today a lease and constructing agreement for nearly 200 square meters of laboratories and office space on the campus of the prestigious Israel Institute of Technology ("Technion"). The lease period extends until December 31, 2028, with an option to extend for an additional five years.
多伦多和以色列海法,2024年3月8日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——开创性生物制药公司NurexOne Biologic Inc.(TSXV:NRX)(德国:J90)(“公司” 或 “NurexOne”)今天敲定了在著名的以色列理工学院(“Technion”)校园内近200平方米实验室和办公空间的租赁和施工协议。租赁期限延长至2028年12月31日,可以选择再延长五年。
The Technion's commitment to science research and biotech innovation are reflected in the decision to allocate a new facility on the university's campus to the Company. This exclusive location will provide NurExone with ongoing access to top talent, resources and human capital from the university. The new facilities will play a pivotal role in driving the development of the Company's revolutionary ExoPTEN and ExoTherapy platform, positioning NurExone at the forefront of exosome-based therapies advancements.
Dr. Noa Avni, Director of R&D at NurExone, states, "We're pleased to be expanding to a cutting-edge research and development facility on the Technion campus, tailored to our present and future needs for the ExoTherapy platform and ExoPTEN development. In addition, being located at the Technion provides access to multi-million-dollar equipment and advanced facilities at the Technion, streamlining costs for the Company. We are deeply grateful to the Technion for their partnership and support."
In the pursuit of constructing a cutting-edge facility that will cater to the needs of the Company and its prospective collaboration partners, the Company has signed a construction agreement with Biopharmax Group Ltd ("Biopharmax"), a global designer and constructor for leading biotech companies. Construction of the state-of-the-art laboratories and offices is slated for completion within a 12-week period.
为了建造一座满足公司及其潜在合作伙伴需求的尖端设施,该公司已与领先生物技术公司的全球设计师和建造商Biopharmax Group Ltd(“Biopharmax”)签署了建筑协议。最先进的实验室和办公室的建设计划在12周内完成。
About NurExone Biologic Inc.
关于 Nurexone Biologic Inc.
NurExone Biologic Inc. is a TSXV listed pharmaceutical company that is developing a platform for biologically-guided exosome-based therapies to be delivered, non-invasively, to patients who have suffered Central Nervous System injuries. The company's first product, ExoPTEN for acute spinal cord injury, was proven to recover motor function in 75% of laboratory rats when administered intranasally. ExoPTEN has been granted Orphan Drug Designation by the FDA. The NurExone platform technology is expected to offer novel solutions to drug companies interested in noninvasive targeted drug delivery for other indications.
NurexOne Biologic Inc. 是一家在多伦多证券交易所上市的制药公司,正在开发一个平台,用于以非侵入性方式向中枢神经系统损伤的患者提供基于生物制导的外泌体疗法。事实证明,该公司的第一款治疗急性脊髓损伤的产品exOpten在鼻内给药后可恢复75%的实验室大鼠的运动功能。ExOpten已被美国食品药品管理局授予孤儿药称号。NurexOne平台技术有望为其他适应症的非侵入性靶向药物递送感兴趣的制药公司提供新的解决方案。
For additional information, please visit or follow NurExone on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 或者关注 NurexOne 领英, 推特, Facebook,或 优酷。
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Lior Shaltiel
Chief Executive Officer and Director
Phone: +972-52-4803034
Lior Shaltiel 博士
Thesis Capital Inc.
Investment Relation - Canada
Phone: +1 905-347-5569
电话:+1 905-347-5569
Dr. Eva Reuter
Investment Relation - Germany
Phone: +49-69-1532-5857
This press release contains certain forward-looking statements, including statements about the Company's future plans and intellectual property, the scientific and development and commercial activities to be carried out by the company, the development of a new facility and related lease, and future potential manufacturing activities. Wherever possible, words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "expect", "plan", "intend", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict" or "potential" or the negative or other variations of these words, or similar words or phrases, have been used to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management as at the date hereof. Forward-looking statements involve significant risk, uncertainties and assumptions. Many factors could cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from the results discussed or implied in the forward-looking statements. Certain assumptions include the ability of the Company to commercialize its intellectual property internally and through licensing and that the Company has the appropriate team in order to realize commercialization. Risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, risks related to the Company's early stage of development, lack of revenues to date, government regulation, market acceptance for its products, rapid technological change, dependence on key personnel, protection of the Company's intellectual property and dependence on the Company's strategic partners. These factors should be considered carefully and readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements. Although the forward-looking statements contained in this press release are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, the Company cannot assure readers that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release, and the Company assumes no obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.
本新闻稿包含某些前瞻性陈述,包括有关公司未来计划和知识产权、公司将开展的科学与开发和商业活动、新设施开发和相关租赁以及未来潜在制造活动的陈述。尽可能使用诸如 “可能”、“将”、“应该”、“可以”、“期望”、“计划”、“打算”、“预测”、“相信”、“估计” 或 “潜在” 等词语或这些词语的负面或其他变体,或类似的词语或短语来识别这些前瞻性陈述。这些陈述反映了管理层当前的信念,并基于截至本文发布之日管理层目前获得的信息。前瞻性陈述涉及重大风险、不确定性和假设。许多因素可能导致实际业绩、业绩或成就与前瞻性陈述中讨论或暗示的结果存在重大差异。某些假设包括公司有能力在内部和通过许可将其知识产权商业化,以及公司拥有适当的团队来实现商业化。风险和不确定性包括但不限于与公司早期发展阶段相关的风险、迄今为止收入不足、政府监管、其产品的市场接受度、快速的技术变革、对关键人员的依赖、公司知识产权的保护以及对公司战略合作伙伴的依赖。应仔细考虑这些因素,读者不应过分依赖前瞻性陈述。尽管本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述基于管理层认为的合理假设,但公司无法向读者保证实际业绩将与这些前瞻性陈述一致。这些前瞻性陈述自本新闻稿发布之日起作出,除非法律要求,否则公司没有义务更新或修改这些陈述以反映新的事件或情况。
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