
Mistango Completes Phase II Goldie Drill Program, Awarded $200,000 in OJEP Funding

Mistango Completes Phase II Goldie Drill Program, Awarded $200,000 in OJEP Funding

Mistango 完成了第二阶段 Goldie Drill 计划,获得了 20 万美元的 OJEP 资助
newsfile ·  03/11 06:00

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - March 11, 2024) - Mistango River Resources Inc. (CSE: MIS) ("Mistango" or the "Company") is pleased to announce assay results from its Phase II diamond drill program at its Goldie project in Thunder Bay District, Ontario.

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年3月11日)——米斯坦戈河资源公司(CSE:MIS)(“Mistango” 或 “公司”)欣然宣布其位于安大略省桑德贝区的Goldie项目二期钻石钻探计划的化验结果。

Jamie Spratt, CEO commented: "The goal of our program was to investigate the extensions of known mineralized structures from the adjacent Delta 1 project and new target areas on our property. From this perspective the program has been a success. We will evaluate these results in the context of all previous drilling at Goldie to assess the project's most effective follow-up program. We remain in a favourable balance sheet position with working capital of $4MM. We continue to evaluate the most impactful opportunities to deploy our capital."

首席执行官杰米·斯普拉特评论说:“我们项目的目标是调查邻近的Delta 1项目的已知矿化结构的扩建以及我们物业的新目标区域。从这个角度来看,该计划取得了成功。我们将在 Goldie 之前的所有钻探背景下评估这些结果,以评估该项目最有效的后续计划。我们的资产负债表状况保持良好,营运资金为400万美元。我们将继续评估最有影响力的资金部署机会。”



  • Three holes, totaling 1,487 metres, tested extensions of the adjacent Delta 1 Project mineralization and new target areas.

  • Notable intercepts included:

    • 0.95 g/t Au over 1.5m from 129m in GLD-24-002

    • 0.62 g/t Au over 2.5m from 136.5m in GLD-24-002

    • 0.47 g/t Au over 2m from 243m in GLD-24-003

    • 0.75 g/t Au over 3m from 429m in GLD-24-003

  • Phase II Drill Program partly funded by $200,000 grant from Ontario Junior Exploration Program through the Ontario Ministry of Mines

  • 三个总长 1,487 米的钻孔测试了邻近的 Delta 1 项目矿化和新目标区域的延伸部分。

  • 值得注意的截获包括:

    • 0.95 g/t Au 从 GLD-24-002 的 129 米高于 1.5 米

    • 在 GLD-24-002 中,从 136.5 米高于 2.5 米的 0.62 g/t Au

    • 在 GLD-24-003 中,从 243 米高于 2 米的 0.47 g/t Au

    • 在 GLD-24-003 中,从 429 米高于 3m 的 0.75 g/t Au

  • 第二阶段钻探计划的部分资金来自安大略省矿业部的安大略省初级勘探计划提供的20万加元拨款

Phase II Drill Program Details


The primary objective of this drilling initiative was to evaluate mineralization extensions of the adjacent Delta 1 Project and explore new target areas.

该钻探计划的主要目标是评估邻近的 Delta 1 项目的矿化延伸部分并探索新的目标区域。

The program's comprehensive planning involved detailed sampling, geophysical studies, and a thorough review of previous drill results within the district. Geophysical targeting was informed, in part, by a 420-line-kilometer high-resolution airborne magnetic survey conducted by Mistango in 2023.


Hole GLD-24-002: Targeted an area with previous drilling and high-grade sampling, correlating with interpreted structures from a previously completed magnetic survey. Additionally, this hole was drilled beneath an IP anomaly.

GLD-24-002 洞: 先前的钻探和高等级采样对准了某个区域,与先前完成的磁力勘测中解释的结构相关联。此外,这个洞是在一个IP异常下钻的。

  • Returned 1.5m @ 0.95 g/t Au from 129-130.5m and 2.5m @ 0.62 g/t Au from 136.5-139m downhole.
  • 从 129-130.5m 返回了 1.5m @ 0.95 g/t Au,从 136.5-139m 的井下返回了 2.5m @ 0.62 g/t Au。

The mineralized intervals feature greenish-grey intensely altered sandstone sandwiched between two red and pink syenite intrusive units. The significant silica alteration suggests a potential alteration halo from the intrusions affecting the sandstone. Additionally, there is moderate chlorite alteration, weak foliation, slight fracturing, and localized weak K-spar alteration. Quartz veins are present, ranging up to 10% in some areas. Fine-grained disseminated pyrite can reach up to 2% in parts of the rock.

矿化区间的特点是绿灰色强烈变化的砂岩夹在两个红色和粉色的正长岩侵入单元之间。显著的二氧化硅变化表明,影响砂岩的侵入物可能产生变化光环。此外,还有中等的亚氯酸盐变化、微弱的叶片变化、轻微的裂缝和局部的微弱 K-spar 变化。存在石英脉,某些区域的石英脉高达10%。在岩石的某些部分,细颗粒浸染的黄铁矿最多可达2%。

Hole GLD-24-003: Focused on an area with previous drilling and high-grade sampling, aligning with interpreted structures and geophysical anomalies.

GLD-24-003 洞: 重点关注先前曾进行过钻探和高等级采样的区域,与解释过的结构和地球物理异常保持一致。

  • Returned 2m @ 0.47 g/t Au from 243-245m downhole
  • 从井下 243-245 米处返回 2m @ 0.47 g/t Au

The mineralized interval is characterized by dark grey to black, very fine-grained, strongly fractured, graphitic argillite, containing small pockets of black matrix hydrothermal breccia. At a depth of 243m, the unit becomes moderately fractured, displaying a higher strain texture and an increased content of quartz veins. The pyrite content also intensifies, with localized areas containing 3% fine-grained disseminated pyrite and localized pyrite stringers reaching up to 5%.

矿化区间的特征是深灰色至黑色、颗粒非常细腻、断裂性强的石墨质粘土岩,含有少量黑色基质热液角砾岩。在 243m 的深度下,该装置会出现中度断裂,表现出更高的应变质地和更高的石英脉含量。黄铁矿含量也有所增加,局部区域含有 3% 的细颗粒浸染黄铁矿,局部黄铁矿纵梁的含量高达 5%。

  • Returned 3m @ 0.74 g/t Au from 429-432m downhole
  • 从井下 429-432 米处返回 3m @ 0.74 g/t Au

The mineralized interval is defined by its grey-to-green coloration and contains a black matrix hydrothermal breccia. The unit exhibits strong chloritization, moderate silica alteration, and weak, patchy sericite, aligning with a strong foliation texture. It includes up to 10% quartz and 1% overall sulfide content, mainly fine-grained disseminated pyrite, with small areas of trace euhedral pyrite (0.1%) and patchy pyrite.

矿化区间由其灰到绿的颜色定义,并含有黑色基质热液角砾岩。该装置具有较强的氯化作用、适度的二氧化硅变化和弱的斑状蚕丝岩,与强烈的树叶纹理保持一致。它包括高达 10% 的石英和 1% 的总硫化物含量,主要是细颗粒浸染黄铁矿,还有小面积的微量真面体黄铁矿(0.1%)和片状黄铁矿。

Hole GLD-24-001: A vertical hole strategically designed to assess north-dipping mineralization from the adjacent Delta 1 property. The hole did not intersect significant mineralization.

GLD-24-001 洞: 一个战略性地设计的垂直钻孔旨在评估邻近的 Delta 1 地产向北倾斜的矿化。该洞没有与明显的矿化区相交。

Awarded $200,000 From The Ontario Junior Exploration Program

从安大略省青少年探索计划中获得 200,000 美元的奖励

Mistango is also pleased to announce that a portion of exploration was made possible by a grant from the Ontario Junior Exploration Program ("OJEP"). The Company was selected to receive a $200,000 grant from OJEP, which partly funded the Phase II drilling and geophysics that were completed at Goldie. The Company would like to thank the Ministry of Mines for this program, which has supported Mistango in investing in northern and Indigenous communities.


About the Goldie Gold Project

关于 Goldie Gold 项目

Goldie is within the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt, which also hosts Goldshore Resources Inc.'s (TSXV: GSHR) low-grade, high-tonnage Moss Lake gold deposit, 50 km to the west. Goldie is also adjacent to Delta Resources Limited (TSXV: DLTA) Delta 1 Gold Property.

Goldie 位于 Shebandowan Greenstone Belt 内,那里还有 Goldshore Resources Inc.s(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:GSHR)低品位、高吨位的莫斯湖金矿,位于向西50公里处。戈尔迪还毗邻达美资源有限公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:DLTA)Delta 1 Gold Property。

QP Statement
The technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Antoine Schwartzmann, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

QP 声明
本新闻稿中的技术信息已经过P.Geo. Antoine Schwartzmann的审查和批准,他是国家仪器43-101——矿业项目披露标准中定义的合格人士。

About Mistango River Resources Inc.
Mistango is a Canadian-based exploration company with a 100% interest in two prospective properties in Kirkland Lake, Ontario. The Omega Property is located in Larder Lake surrounded by MAG Silver's Larder Lake property and on trend from the Kerr Addison mine that historically produced 11 Moz. The Kirkland West property is continguous with Agnico Eagle's operating Macassa mine and exploration conducted on the property has shown that major structures, including the Amalgamated and Main Breaks, converge with the Cadillac-Larder Lake Break on the Kirkland West property. The company is exploring at its Goldie project, 50km west of Thunder Bay, within the Shebandowan Greenstone Belt.

Mistango是一家总部位于加拿大的勘探公司,拥有安大略省柯克兰湖两处潜在房产的100%权益。欧米茄地产位于拉尔德湖,周围环绕着MAG Silver的Larder Lake房产,沿着历史上生产11莫兹的克尔·艾迪生矿的方向发展。柯克兰西部地产与Agnico Eagle正在运营的马卡萨矿山相继开采,对该地产进行的勘探表明,包括合并和主断层在内的主要建筑物与柯克兰西部地产的凯迪拉克-拉德湖断裂融为一体。该公司正在其位于桑德贝以西50公里处的谢班多万绿石带内的Goldie项目进行勘探。

For further information, please contact us:


Mistango River Resources
Jamie Spratt, CEO


Forward-Looking Statements


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. Certain information in this press release may contain forward-looking statements. This information is based on current expectations that are subject to significant risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict. Actual results might differ materially from results suggested in any forward-looking statements. Mistango assumes no obligation to update the forward-looking statements, or to update the reasons why actual results could differ from those reflected in the forward looking-statements unless and until required by securities laws applicable to Mistango. Additional information identifying risks and uncertainties is contained in filings by Mistango with Canadian securities regulators, which filings are available under Mistango profile at .


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