
Mallinckrodt Announces Journal Publication of Real-World Data on Acthar Gel (Repository Corticotropin Injection) to Treat Symptomatic Sarcoidosis in African American and Non-African American Patients

Mallinckrodt Announces Journal Publication of Real-World Data on Acthar Gel (Repository Corticotropin Injection) to Treat Symptomatic Sarcoidosis in African American and Non-African American Patients

Mallinckrodt宣布在期刊上发表有关Acthar Gel(储存库促肾上腺皮质激素注射液)的真实世界数据,用于治疗非裔美国人和非非裔美国人患者的症状性结节病
PR Newswire ·  03/11 06:52

– Retrospective analysis suggests Acthar Gel treatment was associated with similar improvement in health status and overall symptom reduction in African Americans and non-African Americans with symptomatic sarcoidosis1

— 回顾性分析表明,Acthar Gel治疗与有症状结节病的非裔美国人和非裔美国人的健康状况的类似改善和总体症状减轻有关1

Findings on treatment response and physician-reported outcomes indicate that Acthar Gel may be a viable treatment option for both African American and non-African American sarcoidosis patients1

关于治疗反应和医生报告的结果的发现表明,Acthar Gel可能是非裔美国人和非裔美国人结节病患者的可行治疗选择1

DUBLIN, March 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mallinckrodt plc, a global specialty pharmaceutical company, today announced the publication of findings from a retrospective chart review of Acthar Gel (repository corticotropin injection) treatment outcomes for African American and non-African American patients with symptomatic sarcoidosis – including treatment patterns, co-medication use, and overall health outcomes.1 This analysis suggested that Acthar Gel treatment was associated with similar improvements in health outcomes, a reduction in symptoms, and reduced co-medication use in both African Americans and non-African Americans with symptomatic sarcoidosis.1 The manuscript was recently published online in Therapeutics & Clinical Risk Management.

都柏林,2024年3月11日 /PRNewswire/ — 全球特种制药公司Mallinckrodt plc今天宣布公布了对Acthar的回顾性图表审查结果 非裔美国人和非裔美国人有症状结节病患者的凝胶(储存库促肾上腺皮质激素注射液)治疗结果,包括治疗模式、联合用药和整体健康结果。1 该分析表明,对于患有症状结节病的非裔美国人和非裔美国人,Acthar Gel治疗与类似的健康状况改善、症状减轻以及减少联合用药有关。1 该手稿最近在线发表于 治疗与临床风险管理

This research builds upon findings from a study investigating the clinical and real-world outcomes of Acthar Gel treatment in a subgroup of African Americans with symptomatic sarcoidosis, previously presented at the 2022 American Thoracic Society Annual International Conference in San Francisco, CA, and published in Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Disease in 2019.2

这项研究以一项研究的结果为基础,该研究调查了有症状结节病的非裔美国人Acthar Gel治疗的临床和现实结果,该研究先前曾在加利福尼亚州旧金山举行的2022年美国胸科学会年度国际会议上发表,并发表于 呼吸系统疾病的治疗进展 在 2019 年2

Acthar is a naturally sourced complex mixture of adrenocorticotropic hormone analogs and other pituitary peptides.3 Acthar Gel is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of several autoimmune disorders and medical conditions known to cause inflammation, including symptomatic sarcoidosis.3

Acthar 是一种天然来源的促肾上腺皮质激素类似物和其他垂体肽的复杂混合物。3 Acthar Gel 已获美国食品药品监督管理局 (FDA) 批准,用于治疗几种已知会引起炎症的自身免疫性疾病和疾病,包括症状性结节病。3

Please see additional indications and Important Safety Information below.


"The results of this retrospective medical chart review highlight unmet needs that exist for African American patients with symptomatic sarcoidosis, who are disproportionately affected by the disease, and reinforce Acthar Gel's potential to help improve health outcomes for appropriate patients,"1,4,5 said George Wan, Ph.D., M.P.H., Vice President, Evidence Generation and Data Sciences, Mallinckrodt. "This research reflects Mallinckrodt's commitment to collecting real-world data on the relationship between patient characteristics, treatment patterns, and outcomes to support clinicians' treatment decisions and address disparities in symptomatic sarcoidosis care."1

“这份回顾性医学图表审查的结果突显了有症状结节病的非裔美国人患者尚未得到满足的需求,他们受该疾病的影响尤其严重,并增强了Acthar Gel帮助改善适当患者健康状况的潜力,”1,4,5 说过 George Wan,博士,公共卫生硕士,马林克罗特证据生成和数据科学副总裁。 “这项研究反映了马林克罗特致力于收集有关患者特征、治疗模式和结果之间关系的真实数据,以支持临床医生的治疗决策并解决对症结节病护理的差异。”1

About the Study:1


In this retrospective analysis, a national database of Acthar Gel prescribers and the American Medical Association Physician Masterfile listing were merged to obtain a sample of 98 physicians to provide data on the last 6 consecutive patients seen who met the study's eligibility criteria. The medical records were extracted for adult patients (≥18 years) with a diagnosis of advanced symptomatic sarcoidosis, who had ≥1 symptom, and who had either completed at least one course of Acthar Gel or had received Acthar Gel for at least 6 months during data collection.

在这项回顾性分析中,Acthar Gel处方者的全国数据库和美国医学会医师Masterfile清单进行了合并,获得了98名医生的样本,以提供最近6名连续就诊的符合研究资格标准的患者的数据。病历是针对诊断为晚期症状性结节病的成年患者(≥18岁)提取的,这些患者的症状≥1个,并且在数据收集期间至少完成了一个疗程的Acthar Gel或接受了至少6个月的Acthar Gel。

A total of 272 patients with symptomatic sarcoidosis were included in this analysis (African American (AA): n=168; non-African American (non-AA): n=104). Most patients in both race groups were diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 sarcoidosis based on chest imaging and biopsy (AA: 61.3%, n=103 vs. non-AA: 68.3%, n=71; p=0.2453).


Per an assessment of patient characteristics and Acthar Gel treatment patterns, this analysis suggests that the average time since the first diagnosis of sarcoidosis was slightly longer among AA than non-AA (mean ± SD: 5.2 ± 7.6 years vs. 4.3 ± 5.1 years; p>0.05).1 Further, a lower proportion of AA vs. non-AA had completed a course of Acthar Gel therapy (44%, n=74 vs. 55.8%, n=58; p=0.0602) during the data collection period,1 and the duration of Acthar Gel treatment was slightly longer among AA vs. non-AA (mean ± SD: 31.7 ± 32 vs. 29 ± 27.4 weeks; p>0.05).1

根据对患者特征和Acthar Gel治疗模式的评估,该分析表明,AA自首次诊断出结节病以来的平均时间略长于非AA的平均时间(平均±SD:5.2±7.6年,4.3±5.1年;p>0.05)。1 此外,在数据收集期间,完成Acthar凝胶疗法疗程的AA与非AA的比例较低(44%,n=74对55.8%,n=58;p=0.0602),1 而且 AA 与非 AA 相比,AA 的 Acthar Gel 治疗持续时间略长(平均值 ± SD:31.7 ± 32 与 29 ± 27.4 周;p>0.05)。1

"This research underscores the importance of conducting real-world studies to provide data that helps to recognize the disparities in symptomatic sarcoidosis care and address unmet needs to better support health outcomes for all appropriate patients," said Mary McGowan, Chief Executive Officer, Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research (FSR). FSR is the leading international organization dedicated to finding a cure for sarcoidosis and improving care for sarcoidosis patients through research, education, and support.

他说:“这项研究强调了进行现实世界研究的重要性,这些数据有助于识别有症状结节病护理的差异,并解决未满足的需求,以更好地支持所有适当患者的健康结果。” 玛丽·麦克高恩,结节病研究基金会(FSR)首席执行官。FSR 是领先的国际组织,致力于通过研究、教育和支持,寻找治疗结节病的方法,改善对结节病患者的护理。

Key Findings:
Co-Medication Utilization Patterns1


  • Significantly fewer patients among both race groups were on any co-medication after Acthar Gel initiation (p<0.0001):
    • AA before: 88.1%, n=148 vs. after: 20.2%, n=34
    • Non-AA before: 83.7%, n=87 vs. after: 24%, n=25
  • 在启动Acthar Gel后,两个种族群体中联合用药的患者明显减少(p
  • AA 之前:88.1%,n = 148 对比之后:20.2%,n = 34
  • 之前的非 AA:83.7%,n = 87 对比之后:24%,n = 25
  • More AA had a reduction in any co-medication use after Acthar Gel initiation (AA: -77% vs. non-AA: -71%; p<0.0001).
    • After Acthar Gel initiation, fewer AA (before: 59.5%, n=100 vs. after: 11.9%, n=20; p<0.0001) and non-AA (before: 65.4%, n=68 vs. after: 14.4%, n=15; p<0.0001) were on glucocorticoids.
    • Overall, the mean prednisone dose reduced after Acthar Gel initiation among AA (before: 18.5 mg/day vs. after: 10.1 mg/day) and non-AA (before: 17.6 mg/day vs. after: 10 mg/day).
    • The proportion of patients on prednisone daily dose of <10 mg increased after Acthar Gel initiation among both race groups (AA before: 27.8%, n=27/97 vs. after: 31.6%, n=6/19; non-AA before: 13.6%, n=9/66 vs. after: 60%, n=9/15).
  • 在Acthar Gel启动后,更多AA的联合用药量有所减少(AA:-77%,非AA:-71%;p
  • Acthar Gel 启动后,服用糖皮质激素的 AA(之前:59.5%,n = 100 与之后:11.9%,n=20;p
  • 总体而言,AA(之前:18.5 mg/天 vs 之后:10.1 mg/天)和非 AA(之前:17.6 mg/天对比:10 mg/天)和非 AA(之前:17.6 mg/天 vs 之后:10 mg/天)的泼尼松平均剂量减少了。
  • 在两个种族群体中,每天服用

Physicians' Assessment of Improvement1


  • The health status of 95.2% (n=160) of AA and 97.1% (n=101) of non-AA improved following treatment with Acthar Gel, based on physician-provided assessments of patient outcomes. Treatment response to overall symptoms was not statistically significantly different between both race groups (AA: 72.6%, n=122 vs. non-AA: 70.2%, n=73)
  • The most frequently reported changes in symptoms following Acthar Gel treatment in both race groups were:
    • Reduction in inflammation (AA: 33.9%, n=57 vs. non-AA: 32.7%, n=34)
    • Improvement in quality of life (AA: 31.5%, n=53 vs. non-AA: 34.6%, n=36)
    • Improvement in lung function (AA: 30.4%, n=51 vs. non-AA: 53.8%, n=56; p<0.05)
    • Reduction in fatigue (AA: 27.4%, n=46 vs. non-AA: 35.6%, n=37)
  • 根据医生提供的患者预后评估,使用Acthar Gel治疗后,95.2%(n=160)的AA和97.1%(n=101)的非AA的健康状况有所改善。两个种族组对总体症状的治疗反应在统计学上没有显著差异(AA:72.6%,n=122 与非 AA:70.2%,n=73)
  • 在两个种族组中,Acthar Gel治疗后最常报告的症状变化是:
    • 炎症减轻(AA:33.9%,n=57 对比非 AA:32.7%,n=34)
    • 生活质量改善(AA:31.5%,n = 53 与非 AA:34.6%,n = 36)
    • 肺功能改善(AA:30.4%,n=51 对比非 AA:53.8%,n=56;p
    • 减轻疲劳(AA:27.4%,n=46 与非 AA:35.6%,n=37)



Data retrospectively collected from medical charts of patients may have omissions and errors. Completeness of information was assessed to the extent possible to minimize bias resulting from any missing data. In addition, only data available in medical charts or known to be complete to the respondents were extracted. Additional limitations of this study include:


  • Physicians' standards for the interpretation of change in each patient's health status vary which may result in bias due to over- or under-estimation of the effectiveness of Acthar Gel.
  • This study was unable to quantify clinical data such as diagnostic and safety measures, clinical and sustained response after treatment, and reasons for discontinuation or dose adjustments related to Acthar Gel.
  • Due to the exploratory nature of this analysis, data were not collected for other medications besides Acthar Gel.
  • Data on adverse reactions in this population, drivers of the decision to use Acthar Gel, and detailed information on prior therapies were not captured.
  • 医生解释每位患者健康状况变化的标准各不相同,这可能会由于高估或低估Acthar Gel的有效性而导致偏差。
  • 该研究无法量化临床数据,例如诊断和安全措施、治疗后的临床和持续反应,以及与Acthar Gel相关的停药或剂量调整的原因。
  • 由于这种分析的探索性质,除了Acthar Gel之外,没有收集其他药物的数据。
  • 没有收集有关该人群中不良反应的数据、决定使用Acthar Gel的驱动因素以及有关先前疗法的详细信息。

This study was sponsored by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals.




Acthar Gel is indicated for:

Acthar Gel 适用于:

  • Inducing a diuresis or a remission of proteinuria in nephrotic syndrome without uremia of the idiopathic type or that due to lupus erythematosus
  • Monotherapy for the treatment of infantile spasms in infants and children under 2 years of age
  • Treatment of acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis in adults. Controlled clinical trials have shown Acthar to be effective in speeding the resolution of acute exacerbations of multiple sclerosis. However, there is no evidence that it affects the ultimate outcome or natural history of the disease
  • Severe acute and chronic allergic and inflammatory processes involving the eye and its adnexa such as: keratitis, iritis, iridocyclitis, diffuse posterior uveitis and choroiditis, optic neuritis, chorioretinitis, anterior segment inflammation
  • Symptomatic sarcoidosis
  • Treatment during an exacerbation or as maintenance therapy in selected cases of systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Treatment during an exacerbation or as maintenance therapy in selected cases of dermatomyositis (polymyositis)
  • Adjunctive therapy for short-term administration (to tide the patient over an acute episode or exacerbation) in: psoriatic arthritis; rheumatoid arthritis, including juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (selected cases may require low-dose maintenance therapy); ankylosing spondylitis
  • 在没有特发性尿毒症或红斑狼疮引起的尿毒症的肾病综合征中诱发利尿或蛋白尿缓解
  • 单一疗法治疗婴儿和2岁以下儿童的婴儿痉挛
  • 治疗成人多发性硬化症的急性发作。对照临床试验表明,Acthar可有效加快多发性硬化症急性发作的缓解。但是,没有证据表明它会影响该疾病的最终结果或自然病史
  • 涉及眼睛及其附件的严重急性和慢性过敏和炎症过程,例如:角膜炎、虹膜炎、虹膜睫状体炎、弥漫性后葡萄膜炎和脉络膜炎、视神经炎、脉络膜视网膜炎、前节炎症
  • 有症状的结节病
  • 在某些系统性红斑狼疮病例中作为维持疗法进行治疗或作为维持疗法
  • 恶化期间的治疗或特定皮肌炎(多发性肌炎)病例的维持疗法
  • 短期给药(使患者渡过急性发作或恶化)的辅助治疗:银屑病关节炎;类风湿关节炎,包括幼年类风湿关节炎(某些病例可能需要低剂量维持治疗);强直性脊柱炎





Acthar is contraindicated:

Acthar 是禁忌的:

  • For intravenous administration
  • In infants under 2 years of age who have suspected congenital infections
  • With concomitant administration of live or live attenuated vaccines in patients receiving immunosuppressive doses of Acthar
  • In patients with scleroderma, osteoporosis, systemic fungal infections, ocular herpes simplex, recent surgery, history of the presence of a peptic ulcer, congestive heart failure, uncontrolled hypertension, primary adrenocortical insufficiency, adrenocortical hyperfunction, or sensitivity to proteins of porcine origin
  • 用于静脉注射
  • 对于疑似先天性感染的 2 岁以下婴儿
  • 对接受免疫抑制剂量的Acthar的患者同时接种活疫苗或减毒活疫苗
  • 硬皮病、骨质疏松症、全身性真菌感染、单纯性眼部疱疹、近期手术、有消化性溃疡史、充血性心力衰竭、高血压失控、原发性肾上腺皮质功能不全、肾上腺皮质功能亢进或对猪来源蛋白过敏的患者

Warnings and Precautions


  • The adverse effects of Acthar are related primarily to its steroidogenic effects
  • Acthar may increase susceptibility to new infection or reactivation of latent infections
  • Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may occur following prolonged therapy with the potential for adrenal insufficiency after withdrawal of the medication. Adrenal insufficiency may be minimized by tapering of the dose when discontinuing treatment. During recovery of the adrenal gland patients should be protected from the stress (e.g., trauma or surgery) by the use of corticosteroids. Monitor patients for effects of HPA axis suppression after stopping treatment
  • Cushing's syndrome may occur during therapy but generally resolves after therapy is stopped. Monitor patients for signs and symptoms
  • Acthar can cause elevation of blood pressure, salt and water retention, and hypokalemia. Monitor blood pressure and sodium and potassium levels
  • Acthar often acts by masking symptoms of other diseases/disorders. Monitor patients carefully during and for a period following discontinuation of therapy
  • Acthar can cause gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding and gastric ulcer. There is also an increased risk for perforation in patients with certain GI disorders. Monitor for signs of perforation and bleeding
  • Acthar may be associated with central nervous system effects ranging from euphoria, insomnia, irritability, mood swings, personality changes, and severe depression to psychosis. Existing conditions may be aggravated
  • Patients with comorbid disease may have that disease worsened. Caution should be used when prescribing Acthar in patients with diabetes and myasthenia gravis
  • Prolonged use of Acthar may produce cataracts, glaucoma, and secondary ocular infections. Monitor for signs and symptoms
  • Acthar is immunogenic and prolonged administration of Acthar may increase the risk of hypersensitivity reactions. Cases of anaphylaxis have been reported in the postmarketing setting. Neutralizing antibodies with chronic administration may lead to loss of endogenous ACTH and Acthar activity
  • There may be an enhanced effect in patients with hypothyroidism and in those with cirrhosis of the liver
  • Long-term use may have negative effects on growth and physical development in children. Monitor pediatric patients
  • Decrease in bone density may occur. Bone density should be monitored in patients on long-term therapy
  • Acthar 的不良反应主要与其类固醇生成作用有关
  • Acthar 可能会增加对新感染或潜伏感染重新激活的敏感性
  • 长期治疗后可能会抑制下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴,停药后可能会出现肾上腺功能不全。停止治疗时可以通过逐渐减少剂量来最大限度地减少肾上腺功能不全。在肾上腺恢复期间,应使用皮质类固醇保护患者免受压力(例如创伤或手术)。停止治疗后,监测患者是否有HPA轴抑制的影响
  • 库欣综合征可能在治疗期间发生,但通常在停止治疗后会消退。监测患者的体征和症状
  • Acthar 可导致血压升高、盐分和水分滞留以及低钾血症。监测血压以及钠和钾水平
  • Acthar 通常通过掩盖其他疾病/失调的症状来行事。在停止治疗期间和之后的一段时间内仔细监测患者
  • Acthar 可导致胃肠道 (GI) 出血和胃溃疡。某些胃肠道疾病患者穿孔的风险也增加。监测穿孔和出血迹象
  • Acthar 可能与中枢神经系统影响有关,包括欣快感、失眠、易怒、情绪波动、性格改变、严重抑郁和精神病。现有情况可能会恶化
  • 合并症患者的病情可能会恶化。为糖尿病和重症肌无力患者开Acthar处方时应谨慎使用
  • 长期使用Acthar可能会导致白内障、青光眼和继发性眼部感染。监测体征和症状
  • Acthar 具有免疫原性,长期服用 Acthar 可能会增加发生超敏反应的风险。在上市后环境中已经报告了过敏反应的病例。长期给药中和抗体可能导致内源性 ACTH 和 Acthar 活性丧失
  • 甲状腺功能减退患者和肝硬化患者的疗效可能会增强
  • 长期使用可能会对儿童的成长和身体发育产生负面影响。监测儿科患者
  • 骨密度可能会降低。应监测长期治疗患者的骨密度

Adverse Reactions


  • Commonly reported postmarketing adverse reactions for Acthar include injection site reaction, asthenic conditions (including fatigue, malaise, asthenia, and lethargy), fluid retention (including peripheral swelling), insomnia, headache, and blood glucose increased
  • The most common adverse reactions for the treatment of infantile spasms (IS) are increased risk of infections, convulsions, hypertension, irritability, and pyrexia. Some patients with IS progress to other forms of seizures; IS sometimes masks these seizures, which may become visible once the clinical spasms from IS resolve
  • 常见的Acthar上市后不良反应包括注射部位反应、虚弱(包括疲劳、全身乏力、虚弱和嗜睡)、体液滞留(包括外周肿胀)、失眠、头痛和血糖升高
  • 治疗婴儿痉挛(IS)最常见的不良反应是感染、抽搐、高血压、易怒和发烧的风险增加。一些 IS 患者发展为其他形式的癫痫发作;IS 有时会掩盖这些癫痫发作,一旦 IS 引起的临床痉挛消退,这种发作可能会变得明显



  • Acthar may cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman
  • 给孕妇服用 Acthar 可能会对胎儿造成伤害

Please see full Prescribing Information for additional Important Safety Information.


Sarcoidosis is a challenging and rare multisystem disease.6 In some cases, the symptoms may come and go throughout a lifetime.6 This is referred to as symptomatic sarcoidosis.6 In people with sarcoidosis, the immune system overreacts, forming clumps of cells called granulomas that result in inflammation to the body's tissues.7 The disease can impact any organ, but it most often impacts the lungs, lymph nodes, eyes, liver, and skin.8 Nearly 90 percent of people with sarcoidosis will suffer lung problems.8 Concomitant involvement of organs outside of the lungs is common, occurring in more than half of all sarcoidosis cases, according to one study.2

结节病是一种具有挑战性且罕见的多系统疾病。6 在某些情况下,症状可能会在一生中来来去去。6 这被称为症状性结节病。6 在结节病患者中,免疫系统反应过度,形成称为肉芽肿的细胞团,导致人体组织发炎。7 这种疾病可以影响任何器官,但最常影响肺部、淋巴结、眼睛、肝脏和皮肤。8 将近90%的结节病患者会出现肺部问题。8 一项研究表明,肺部外器官同时受累很常见,在所有结节病病例中,有一半以上发生这种情况。2

Mallinckrodt is a global business consisting of multiple wholly owned subsidiaries that develop, manufacture, market and distribute specialty pharmaceutical products and therapies. The company's Specialty Brands reportable segment's areas of focus include autoimmune and rare diseases in specialty areas like neurology, rheumatology, hepatology, nephrology, pulmonology, ophthalmology, and oncology; immunotherapy and neonatal respiratory critical care therapies; analgesics; and gastrointestinal products. Its Specialty Generics reportable segment includes specialty generic drugs and active pharmaceutical ingredients. To learn more about Mallinckrodt, visit .


This release contains forward-looking statements, including with regard to Acthar Gel, its potential to improve health and treatment outcomes, its potential impact on patients. The statements are based on assumptions about many important factors, including the following, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements: the effects of Mallinckrodt's recent emergence from bankruptcy; satisfaction of, and compliance with, regulatory and other requirements; actions of regulatory bodies and other governmental authorities; changes in laws and regulations; issues with product quality, manufacturing or supply, or patient safety issues or adverse side effects or adverse reactions associated with Acthar Gel; and other risks identified and described in more detail in the "Risk Factors" section of Mallinckrodt's most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the SEC, all of which are available on its website. The forward-looking statements made herein speak only as of the date hereof and Mallinckrodt does not assume any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events and developments or otherwise, except as required by law.

本新闻稿包含前瞻性陈述,包括与Acthar有关的前瞻性陈述 凝胶,它改善健康和治疗结果的潜力,对患者的潜在影响。这些陈述基于对许多重要因素的假设,包括以下因素,这些因素可能导致实际结果与前瞻性陈述中存在重大差异:马林克罗特最近摆脱破产的影响;监管和其他要求的满意度和遵守情况;监管机构和其他政府机构的行动;法律法规的变化;产品质量、制造或供应问题,或患者安全问题或与之相关的不良副作用或不良反应Acthar Gel;以及马林克罗特最近向美国证券交易委员会提交的10-K表年度报告的 “风险因素” 部分以及其他向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件中更详细地确定和描述的其他风险,所有这些文件均可在其网站上查阅。除非法律要求,否则此处的前瞻性陈述仅代表截至本文发布之日,除非法律要求,否则马林克罗特不承担任何更新或修改任何前瞻性陈述的义务,无论是由于新信息、未来事件和发展还是其他原因。



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Mallinckrodt, the "M" brand mark and the Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals logo are trademarks of a Mallinckrodt company. Other brands are trademarks of a Mallinckrodt company or their respective owners.

马林克罗特、“M” 品牌商标和马林克罗特制药公司徽标是马林克罗特公司的商标。其他品牌是马林克罗特公司或其各自所有者的商标。

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1 Bindra J, et al. Acthar Gel in African Americans versus Non-African Americans with Symptomatic Sarcoidosis: Physician Assessment of Patient Medical Records. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2024;20:83-94

1 Bindra J 等人。有症状结节病的非裔美国人与非裔美国人的Acthar Gel:医生对患者病历的评估。 他们的客户风险管理. 2024; 20:83-94

2Chopra I, et al. Repository Corticotropin Injection in Patients with Advanced Symptomatic Sarcoidosis: Retrospective Analysis of Medical Records. Ther Adv Res Dis. 2019(13);1-11. DOI: 10.1177/1753466619888127.

2乔普拉一世等人为晚期症状性结节病患者注射促肾上腺皮质激素的资料库:病历的回顾性分析。 他们的 Adv Res Disk. 2019 (13); 1-11。DOI:10.1177/1753466619888127。

3 Acthar Gel (repository corticotropin injection) [prescribing information]. Mallinckrodt ARD LLC. 2023.

3 阿克萨尔 凝胶(储存库促肾上腺皮质激素注射液)[处方信息]。Mallinckrodt ARD LLC。2023。

4 Judson MA. Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: A Guide for the Practicing Clinician. Humana Press, New York, NY. 2014. 8;149-186.

4 马萨诸塞州贾德森肺结节病:执业临床医生指南。 Humana 出版社,纽约,纽约。 2014. 8; 149-186。

5 Hena, K. M. Sarcoidosis Epidemiology: Race Matters. Front Immunol. 2020;11:1-5.

5 Hena,K.M. 结节病流行病学:种族问题。 前线免疫力. 2020; 11:1-5。

6 Sarcoidosis. American College of Chest Physicians. Available at: Accessed February 2024.

6 结节病。美国胸科医师学会。可在以下网址获得:2024 年 2 月访问。

7 Sarcoidosis Overview. 2019. Cleveland Clinic. Available at: Accessed February 2024.

7 结节病概述。2019 年。克利夫兰诊所。可在以下网址获得:2024 年 2 月访问。

8 Judson MA, Boan AD, Lackland DT. The Clinical Course of Sarcoidosis: Presentation, Diagnosis, and Treatment in a Large White and Black Cohort in the United States. Sarcoidosis Vasc Diffuse Lung Dis. 2012. 29(2);119-127.

8 Judson MA、Boan AD、Lackland DT结节病的临床病程:美国大型白人和黑人队列的表现、诊断和治疗。 结节病血管弥漫性肺病. 2012. 29 (2); 119-127。

SOURCE Mallinckrodt plc

来源 Mallinckrodt plc

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