
RevoluPay Announces Strategic Agreement With SHIFT Financial Services Ltd.

RevoluPay Announces Strategic Agreement With SHIFT Financial Services Ltd.

GlobeNewswire ·  03/19 08:00

Vancouver, BC, March 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. (TSX-V: REVO), (Frankfurt: IJA2), (Munich: A2PU92) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that RevoluGROUP, through its wholly owned subsidiary RevoluPAY, has entered into a strategic collaboration with SHIFT Financial Services Ltd. ("SHIFT"). This collaboration offers SHIFT intermediary transfer solutions for core, high-value, and high-margin payment transactions, leveraging the RevoluPAY innovative multi-currency payment solutions catering to the dynamic needs of global businesses and consumers.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,2024 年 3 月 19 日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)— 加拿大RevoluGroup Inc. (TSX-V): REVO),(法兰克福: IJA2),(慕尼黑: A2PU92)(“公司”) 很高兴地宣布,RevoluGroup已通过其全资子公司RevoluPay与SHIFT金融服务有限公司(“SHIFT”)进行战略合作。此次合作利用RevoluPay创新的多币种支付解决方案,为核心、高价值和高利润支付交易提供SHIFT中介转账解决方案,以满足全球企业和消费者的动态需求。

"Our collaboration with SHIFT is a testament to our commitment to providing top-tier financial solutions that meet the evolving demands of the global market," commented Alfred Manresa, Director of RevoluGROUP and General Manager of RevoluPAY. "Together, we are setting a new standard for multi-currency transactions, driving the digital payments revolution forward."


The agreement sets forth a detailed operational framework that encompasses intermediary services for processing international transactions streamlined through the RevoluPAY platform. SHIFT has concluded extensive compliance and transaction testing, delivering global transactions exceeding USD $400,000 in under a week and is prepared to rapidly scale up transactions to support clients evolving requirements.


Update on the Erik Riveros Agreement


RevoluGROUP is also excited to announce an initial verbal agreement with Mr. Erik Aaran Lara Riveros, marking a significant milestone in our commitment to innovate within the financial sector. This agreement, built on mutual respect and a shared vision for the future, underscores a firm foundation of trust and collaboration. A key highlight from our discussions includes Mr. Riveros's commitment to a $647,000 penalty payment, demonstrating his strong belief and confidence in the shared objectives. This amount will be held in trust as both parties enter into a formal agreement to solidify our strategic partnership, aiming to substantially increase transaction volumes and secure a financial injection of up to CAD 12.47MM by Mr. Riveros into RevoluGROUP Canada Inc.

RevoluGroup还很高兴地宣布与埃里克·阿兰·拉拉·里维罗斯先生达成初步口头协议,这标志着我们在金融领域内致力于创新的重要里程碑。该协议建立在相互尊重和共同的未来愿景的基础上,强调了信任与合作的坚实基础。我们讨论的一个主要亮点包括里维罗斯先生承诺支付647,000美元的罚款,这表明了他对共同目标的坚定信念和信心。随着双方签订正式协议以巩固我们的战略合作伙伴关系,这笔款项将以信托形式持有,旨在大幅增加交易量,并确保里维罗斯先生向加拿大Revolugroup Inc.注入高达1247万加元的资金。

Moving forward, both parties are focused on finalising the written agreement and completing the due diligence to ensure a seamless and prompt finalisation. RevoluGROUP will keep its shareholders informed of any developments throughout this process.


"Mr. Riveros's commitment and financial backing are paramount to accelerating our mission of revolutionizing the financial ecosystem.", remarked Gavin McMillan, CEO of RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. "This partnership is an excellent example of the mutual dedication to innovation, and we look forward to rapidly concluding the steps necessary to move forward quickly and efficiently."

“里维罗斯先生的承诺和财务支持对于加快我们彻底改变金融生态系统的使命至关重要。“,加拿大Revolugroup Inc.首席执行官加文·麦克米兰说:“这种伙伴关系是共同致力于创新的绝佳例子,我们期待迅速完成快速高效地向前迈进所需的步骤。”

About SHIFT Financial Services

关于 SHIFT 金融服务

SHIFT Financial Services Ltd., based in the UK, has rapidly established itself as a leader in the fintech space, specialising in providing innovative and secure payment solutions that cater to a diverse clientele ranging from individuals to businesses. With a focus on compliance and customer satisfaction, SHIFT utilises state-of-the-art technology to ensure that each transaction is fast and secure, offering its users peace of mind. The company is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and regulated by HMRC, underscoring its commitment to adhering to the highest standards of regulatory oversight. SHIFT's suite of services includes money transfers, mobile wallet solutions, and custom payment services tailored to the specific needs of its clients. Through its dedication to excellence and innovation, SHIFT Financial Services Ltd. is reshaping the landscape of financial transactions, making them more accessible, efficient, and safe for all parties involved.

总部位于英国的SHIFT Financial Services Ltd. 已迅速确立了自己作为金融科技领域的领导者的地位,专门提供创新和安全的支付解决方案,以满足从个人到企业的各种客户。SHIFT注重合规性和客户满意度,利用最先进的技术来确保每笔交易快速安全,使用户高枕无忧。该公司由金融行为监管局(FCA)授权并受英国税务及海关总署监管,这凸显了其对遵守最高监管监督标准的承诺。SHIFT的服务套件包括汇款、移动钱包解决方案和针对其客户特定需求量身定制的自定义支付服务。通过对卓越和创新的追求,SHIFT Financial Services Ltd. 正在重塑金融交易格局,使所有相关方更容易获得、更高效、更安全。

About RevoluPAY

关于 RevoluPa

The Company's flagship Neobanking technology is RevoluPAY, the Apple and Android multinational payment app. Conceived entirely in-house, RevoluPAY features proprietary, sector-specific technology of which the resulting source code is the Company's intellectual property. RevoluPAY's built-in features include Remittance Payments, Forex, Retail and Hospitality payments, Real Estate Payments, pay-as-you-go phone top-ups, Gift Cards & Online Credits, Utility Bill payments, Leisure payments, Travel Payments, etc. RevoluPAY is aimed at the worldwide multi-billion dollar Open Banking sector and + $630 billion family remittance market. RevoluPAY is operated by the European wholly owned subsidiary RevoluPAY EP S.L located in Barcelona. RevoluPAY is a licensed United States MSB, Canadian FINTRAC, and European PSD2 payment institution 6900 under E.U. Directive 2015/2366 with EU Passporting. RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. controls five wholly owned subsidiaries on four continents.

该公司的旗舰新银行技术是RevoluPay,这是苹果和安卓的跨国支付应用程序。RevoluPay完全由内部构思,采用专有的、针对特定领域的技术,其产生的源代码是公司的知识产权。RevoluPay的内置功能包括汇款支付、外汇、零售和酒店支付、房地产支付、即用即付电话充值、礼品卡和在线积分、公用事业账单支付、休闲支付、旅行支付等。RevoluPay的目标是全球数十亿美元的开放银行业和超过6,300亿美元的家庭汇款市场。RevoluPay由位于巴塞罗那的欧洲全资子公司RevoluPay EP S.L运营。RevoluPay是一家根据欧盟第2015/2366号指令获得许可的美国MSB、加拿大FINTRAC和欧洲PSD2支付机构6900。加拿大RevoluGroup Inc.控制着四大洲的五家全资子公司。

About RevoluGROUP Canada Inc.

关于 RevoluGroup 加拿大公司

RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. is a multi-asset, multidivisional, publicly traded Canadian Company deploying advanced technologies in; Banking, Mobile Apps, Money Remittance, Cross-Border Forex Payments, Mobile Phone Top-Ups, EGaming, Healthcare Payments, Esports, Invoice factoring, Online Travel, Vacation Resort, Blockchain Systems, and Fintech app sectors. Click here to read more.

RevoluGroup Canada Inc. 是一家多资产、多部门、上市的加拿大公司,在银行、移动应用程序、汇款、跨境外汇支付、手机充值、电子游戏、医疗支付、电子竞技、发票保理、在线旅行、度假胜地、区块链系统和金融科技应用领域部署先进技术。点击这里阅读更多。

For further information on RevoluGROUP Canada Inc. (TSX-V: REVO), visit the Company's website at .

有关加拿大RevoluGroup Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:REVO)的更多信息,请访问该公司的网站,网址为。

RevoluGROUP Canada, Inc.

加拿大RevoluGroup, Inc.

"Gavin McMillan"
Gavin McMillan
CEO and Director


For further information, contact:
RevoluGROUP Canada Inc.
Telephone: (604) 332 5355

RevoluGroup 加拿大公司
电话:(604) 332 5355



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