
Sanu Announces New High Priority Targets From Ground Geophysics at the Daina Exploration Permit in Guinea, West Africa

Sanu Announces New High Priority Targets From Ground Geophysics at the Daina Exploration Permit in Guinea, West Africa

newsfile ·  03/22 07:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 22, 2024) - Sanu Gold Corporation (CSE: SANU) (OTCQB: SNGCF) ("Sanu Gold" or the "Company") is pleased to announce positive results from the recent ground geophysics program completed on the Company's Daina Gold Exploration Permit ("Daina"), located in the prolific Siguiri Basin of Guinea, West Africa.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 3 月 22 日)- Sanu Gold Corporation(CSE:SANU)(OTCQB:SNGCF) (“Sanu Gold” 或 “公司”)很高兴地宣布,最近根据该公司位于西非多产的几内亚西吉里盆地的戴纳黄金勘探许可证(“Daina”)完成的地面地球物理项目取得了积极成果。



  • Targets Ready to Drill: There are large targets highlighted at Daina 1 South and Daina 6 targets.

  • Gold at Surface: Past drilling, recent trenching and rock chip sampling demonstrate high-grade gold mineralization at these targets:

    • 9 m of 7.97 g/t Au in trench DAI-TR-007 at Daina 1 South,

    • Rock chip samples as high as 61.6 g/t Au, 22.3 g/t Au and 20 g/t Au across the Daina 1 South and Daina 6 target areas.

    • 1m of 36.2 g/t Au from drill hole DAI-RC-021 at Daina 6

  • Size and Scale: The geophysical surveys have identified significant trends of chargeability and resistivity in the areas of known gold mineralization and along the trend of the surface gold anomalies which extend for over 1 km at both the Daina 1 and Daina 6 targets.

  • 准备钻探的目标: 在 Daina 1 South 和 Daina 6 目标处突出显示了大型目标。

  • 地表金: 过去的钻探、最近的挖沟和岩屑采样表明,这些目标有高品位的金矿化作用:

    • 在 Daina 1 South 的 DAI-TR-007 沟槽中 9 m 的 7.97 g/t Au,

    • 在 Daina 1 South 和 Daina 6 目标区域,岩屑样本高达 61.6 g/t Au、22.3 g/t Au 和 20 g/t Au。

    • 从 Daina 6 的 DAI-RC-021 钻孔中提取 1m 的 36.2 g/t Au

  • 大小和比例: 地球物理调查已经确定了已知金矿化区域以及Daina 1和Daina 6目标延伸超过1公里的地表金异常趋势的显著电荷和电阻率趋势。

Martin Pawlitschek, President, and CEO of Sanu Gold commented: "The relatively small programs of induced polarization (IP) over some of our key targets at Daina extensive strike lengths of highly interesting suggest chargeability and resistivity trends, in many cases aligned with our surface gold geochemistry. These initial surveys and their results demonstrate that this type of survey also adds value at the Daina permit. While in the near term Bantabaye remains the main focus, the survey results confirm that significant strike length of mineralized structures remain untested."

Sanu Gold总裁兼首席执行官Martin Pawlitschek评论说:“我们在戴纳的一些关键目标上实施的相对较小的诱导极化(IP)计划范围很大,而且非常有趣,这表明可充电性和电阻率趋势,在许多情况下与我们的地表金地球化学相一致。这些初步调查及其结果表明,这种类型的调查还增加了戴纳许可证的价值。尽管在短期内,班塔巴耶仍然是主要焦点,但调查结果证实,矿化结构的大量走向长度仍未经过测试。”

Program Summary


The ground geophysical survey program consisted of 21 line-km of 200m spaced and east-west oriented Gradient Induced Polarization (IP) lines. Four blocks have been completed covering all priority targets including the Daina 1 South, Daina 1 North, Daina 2 Main Zone, and Daina 6 target areas within the Daina Project.

地面地球物理调查计划包括21条线-千米,间隔200米,东西向的梯度诱导极化(IP)线。四个区块已经完工,涵盖了所有优先目标,包括戴纳项目内的Daina 1 South、Daina 1 North、Daina 2主区域和Daina 6目标区域。

The survey was completed by SAGAX Afrique of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso using the IP method. SAGAX is well experienced in these types of surveys over many other deposits in the region. This release reports on the results from the Daina 1 South and Daina 6 targets. Compilation of results from Daina 2 and Daina 1 North are still ongoing.

该调查由布基纳法索瓦加杜古的SAGAX Afrique使用知识产权方法完成。SAGAX在对该地区许多其他矿床进行此类调查方面经验丰富。本新闻稿报告了Daina 1 South和Daina 6目标的结果。Daina 2和Daina 1 North的结果汇编仍在进行中。

The objective of this ground geophysical survey program was the detection and delineation of geophysical features (chargeability and resistivity) and structures which may indicate favorable zones for gold mineralization in the covered targets and to help further with assessing the potential of the targets for future drill testing. The results of this program show that the IP surveys delineate distinct features that help map the mineralized zones and that there is significant undrilled strike potential at Daina 1 South and Daina 6.

该地面地球物理调查计划的目标是探测和描绘地球物理特征(可充电性和电阻率)和结构,这些特征可能表明所覆盖目标中有利的金矿化区域,并帮助进一步评估目标在未来钻探测试中的潜力。该项目的结果表明,知识产权调查描绘了有助于绘制矿化区域的独特特征,并且在Daina 1 South和Daina 6有巨大的未钻探潜力。

Daina 1 South

Daina 1 South

The Program consists of six east-west oriented lines, totaling 6.3 line Km of 200m spaced of Gradient Array IP/Resistivity (Figure 1). The survey identified the presence of a large zone of high chargeability trending NNW, following the main trend of the gold anomalies defined by auger sampling and surface geochemistry.


This area of elevated chargeability extends for at least 1.2 km and is open to the south. The trend of high chargeability is close to recent results obtained at Daina 1 South (Figure 1):

这个可充电性高的区域延伸至少 1.2 千米,向南开放。高充电率的趋势与最近在 Daina 1 South 获得的结果接近(图 1):

  • Trench DAI-TR-007: 9 m of 7.97 g/t Au, including 3 m of 21.75 g/t Au and
  • Auger hole: 3 m of 6.59 g/t Au, including 2 m of 6.48 g/t Au (DAI-AUG-1250) and 9 m of 2.26 g/t Au, including 2 m of 9.78 g/t Au (DAI-AUG-1246) from the 2021/2022 auger programs
  • High-grade gold in rock chip samples including 61.6 g/t Au, 16.2 g/t Au and 12.8 g/t Au (Figure 1).
  • DAI-TR-007 沟槽:9 m 的 7.97 g/t Au,包括 3 m 的 21.75 g/t 金和
  • 螺旋孔:3 m 的 6.59 g/t Au,包括 2 m 的 6.48 g/t Au (DAI-AUG-1250) 和 9 m 的 2.26 g/t Au,包括 2021/2022 年螺旋钻计划中的 2 m 9.78 g/t Au (DAI-AUG-1246)
  • 岩屑样品中的高品位金包括 61.6 克/吨金、16.2 克/吨金和 12.8 克/吨金(图 1)。

Daina 6 Target

Daina 6 Target

The geophysics survey consisted of four east-west oriented lines, totaling 5.5 line Km of 200m spaced of Gradient Array IP/Resistivity (Figure 2). The results from this survey indicate that the Daina 6 target sits in an extensive zone of high chargeability trending NNW (Figure 2). This area of elevated chargeability is open to the south and the north and is consistent with observations of rock chips in auger, RC holes and exposed saprolite in artisanal working pits that consist of strongly hydrothermally altered coarse-grained greywacke invaded by zones of quartz vein stockwork and breccia with high-sulphide content (Pyrite and arsenopyrite) and boxwork after oxidized, disseminated sulphide in fractures and breccia zones that contain the high-grade gold mineralization.

地球物理调查由四条东西向的线路组成,共计5.5线Km,间距为200米的梯度阵列IP/电阻率(图2)。本次调查的结果表明,Daina 6目标位于具有高充电能力的广阔区域,呈NNW趋势(图2)。这个可充电性较高的区域向南和向北开放,与对螺旋钻中的岩屑、混凝土孔以及手工工作坑中裸露的腐殖岩的观测结果一致,这些矿坑由强烈的水热改变的粗粒灰瓦克组成,被高硫化物含量的石英脉和角砾岩以及氧化后的箱体结构侵入含有高品位金矿化的裂缝和角砾岩带中的浸染硫化物。

Previous results at Daina 6 include 8 m of 1.97 g/t Au, including 2 m of 7.36 g/t Au (DAI-AUG-1164) (see Sanu Gold news release dated July 29, 2022), 9 m of 1.2 g/t Au (DAI-TR-015) and 3 m of 4.66 g/t Au, including 1 m of 12.6 g/t Au (DAI-TR-016) and high grades in rock chips samples collected in working pits including 10.6 g/t, 9.11 g/t, 7.02 g/t, 6.56 g/t, 6 g/t, 3.47 g/t, 3.09 g/t, and 2.79 g/t Au (Figure 2). These rock chips samples consisted of strongly hydrothermally altered coarse-grained greywacke invaded by zones of quartz vein stockwork and boxwork that contain high gold mineralization (see Sanu Gold news release dated March 15, 2024.

Daina 6 先前的结果包括 8 m 的 1.97 g/t Au,包括 2 m 的 7.36 g/t Au (DAI-AUG-1164)(参见 Sanu Gold 于 2022 年 7 月 29 日发布的新闻稿)、9 m 的 1.2 g/t Au (DAI-TR-015) 和 3 m 的 4.66 g/t Au,包括 1 m 的 12.6 g/t Au (DAI-TR-016) 和在工作坑中采集的高品位岩屑样品,包括 10.6 g/t,9.11 g/t、7.02 g/t、6.56 g/t、6 g/t、3.47 g/t、3.09 g/t 和 2.79 g/t Au(图 2)。这些岩屑样本由强烈的水热改变的粗粒灰岩组成,这些灰岩被含有高金矿化的石英脉石块和箱体区域侵入(见2024年3月15日Sanu Gold新闻稿)。

Next Steps


While the Company is focused on preparing the for the drilling program at Bantabaye, it will in parallel evaluate and progress the key targets on its other properties for future drill testing. Additional data from Daina includes IP from targets Daina 1 North and Daina 2, where previous drilling returned very encouraging drill intercepts. The data from these two targets is still being processed and evaluated and will be released as soon as this is finalized.

虽然该公司专注于为班塔巴耶的钻探计划做准备,但它将同时评估和推进其他物业的关键目标,以备将来的钻探测试。来自Daina的其他数据包括来自目标Daina 1 North和Daina 2的知识产权,之前的钻探返回了非常令人鼓舞的钻探截获量。来自这两个目标的数据仍在处理和评估中,将在最终确定后立即发布。

Figure 1: Target Daina 1 South, Chargeability trend with anomalies, rock samples, trenches, drill collars and artisanal workings.

图 1: 以 Daina 1 South 为目标,包括异常、岩石样本、沟槽、钻圈和手工作业,可充电性趋势。

Figure 2: Target Daina 6 Chargeability trend with anomalies, rock samples, trenches, drill collars and artisanal workings.

图 2: 通过异常、岩石样本、沟槽、钻圈和手工作业,瞄准 Daina 6 充电率趋势。

Quality Assurance / Quality Control ("QA/QC")


Sampling was completed following industry best practices, conducted under the supervision of the Company's project geologists and the chain of custody from the project to the sample preparation facility as continuously monitored. An appropriate number and type of certified reference materials (standards) and blanks totaling 5% of the total number of samples shipped to the laboratory was inserted approximately every 20th sample to ensure an effective QA/QC program was carried out. Data verification of the analytical results included a statistical analysis of the standards and blanks that must pass certain parameters for acceptance to ensure accurate and verifiable results. All samples were analyzed using Fire Assay FAA505 at the SGS Laboratory in Bamako, Mali ("SGS"). SGS is an internationally recognized and commercially certified laboratory and is independent of Sanu Gold.

采样是按照行业最佳实践完成的,是在公司项目地质学家的监督下进行的,从项目到样品制备设施的监管链都在持续监测下进行的。大约每20份样本插入适当数量和类型的经认证的参考材料(标准)和空白,总计占运往实验室的样本总数的5%,以确保有效的质量保证/质量控制计划得到执行。分析结果的数据验证包括对标准和空白进行统计分析,这些标准和空白必须通过某些参数才能验收,以确保结果准确和可验证。所有样本均在马里巴马科的SGS实验室(“SGS”)使用火焰检测 FAA505 进行了分析。SGS 是国际认可的商业认证实验室,独立于 Sanu Gold。

The Company is being advised on the IP survey by in3D Geoscience Inc., an independent geophysical consulting firm based in British Columbia. The data collection survey is subject to standard contractors' protocols including:

该公司正在就知识产权调查提供咨询意见 in3D Geoscience Inc., 一家位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的独立地球物理咨询公司。数据收集调查受标准承包商协议的约束,包括:

  • daily checking of equipment
  • signal/noise ratio monitoring.
  • Checking of extreme readings
  • Verification of equipment locations
  • Monitoring of measurement cycles
  • Data is checked at the end of each day by a team at the SAGAX Head Office.
  • 每天检查设备
  • 信号/噪声比监控。
  • 检查极端读数
  • 验证设备位置
  • 监测测量周期
  • SAGAX 总部的团队每天结束时都会检查数据。

Sanu's geophysicists and SAGAX regularly review and discuss the progress of the work, program adjustments, data quality and modelling parameters.


Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Serigne Dieng, Ph.D., M.Sc., a Member (MAIG) of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), Exploration Manager of the Company and a qualified person within the meaning of NI 43-101.

本新闻稿中包含的科学和技术信息已经过Serigne Dieng博士、理学硕士、澳大利亚地球科学家协会(AIG)成员(MAIG)、公司勘探经理和NI 43-101所指的合格人员的审查和批准。

The technical information with respect to the geophysical data contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Todd Ballantyne, P.Geo., a member of Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia, independent geophysical consultant (through in3D Geoscience Inc.) to the Company and a qualified person within the meaning of NI 43-101.

与本新闻稿中包含的地球物理数据有关的技术信息已由Todd Ballantyne, P.Geo.、不列颠哥伦比亚省工程师和地球科学家成员、公司的独立地球物理顾问(通过in3D Geoscience Inc.)以及NI 43-101所指的合格人员的审查和批准。

About Sanu


Located within the world class Siguiri Basin, host to several operating mines, Sanu is exploring three high quality gold exploration permits in Guinea, West Africa targeting multi-million-ounce gold discoveries. The Company has defined multi-kilometer scale gold bearing structures on each of the gold exploration permits, with multiple high-value drill targets. Sanu is operated by a highly experienced team with successful records of discovery, resource development and mine permitting.


Martin Pawlitschek
President & CEO, Sanu Gold Corp.

Martin Pawlitschek
Sanu Gold Corp. 总裁兼首席执行官

For further information regarding Sanu Gold, please visit the Company's website at or contact:

有关Sanu Gold的更多信息,请访问该公司的网站或联系:

Anthony Simone
Simone Capital


Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential", "indicates", "opportunity", "possible" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although Sanu believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such material risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the Company's plans for exploration on its properties and ability to execute on plans, ability to raise sufficient capital to fund its obligations under its property agreements going forward, ability to maintain its material property agreements, mineral tenures, permits and concessions in good standing, to explore and develop its projects; changes in economic conditions or financial markets; the inherent hazards associated with mineral exploration and mining operations, future prices of gold and other metals, changes in general economic conditions and local risks in the jurisdiction (Guinea) in which it operates, accuracy of mineral resource and reserve estimates, the potential for new discoveries, the ability of the Company to obtain the necessary permits and consents required to explore, drill and develop the projects and if obtained, to obtain such permits and consents in a timely fashion relative to the Company's plans and business objectives for the projects; the general ability of the Company to monetize its mineral resources; and changes in environmental and other laws or regulations that could have an impact on the Company's operations, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, dependence on key management personnel and general competition in the mining industry. Forward-looking statements are based on the reasonable beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新闻稿包含某些陈述,根据适用的证券法,这些陈述可能被视为与公司有关的 “前瞻性陈述”。前瞻性陈述不是历史事实,通常以 “期望”、“计划”、“预期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估计”、“项目”、“潜在”、“表明”、“机会”、“可能” 或 “应该” 发生的事件或条件等词语来识别,但并非总是如此。尽管萨努认为此类前瞻性陈述中表达的预期是基于合理的假设,但此类陈述不能保证未来的表现,受风险和不确定性的影响,实际结果或现实可能与前瞻性陈述中的结果或现实存在重大差异。此类重大风险和不确定性包括但不限于公司的物业勘探计划和执行计划的能力、筹集足够资金为其未来财产协议下的义务提供资金的能力、维持其物质财产协议、矿产保有权、许可证和特许权信誉良好的能力、勘探和开发其项目的能力;经济状况或金融市场的变化;与矿产勘探和采矿业务相关的固有危险、未来黄金价格和其他金属、其经营所在司法管辖区(几内亚)总体经济状况的变化和当地风险、矿产资源和储量估算的准确性、新发现的可能性、公司获得勘探、钻探和开发项目所需的必要许可证和同意的能力,以及在获得后及时获得与公司项目计划和业务目标相关的此类许可证和同意的能力;公司的总体能力将其矿产资源货币化;以及变化可能对公司运营、环境法律法规的遵守情况、对关键管理人员的依赖以及采矿业的总体竞争产生影响的环境和其他法律或法规。前瞻性陈述基于公司管理层在陈述发表之日的合理信念、估计和观点。除非法律要求,否则公司没有义务在管理层的信念、估计或观点或其他因素发生变化时更新这些前瞻性陈述。

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