
Glacier Reports Year End 2023 Results

Glacier Reports Year End 2023 Results

Glacier 报告 2023 年年终业绩
GlobeNewswire ·  03/22 18:22

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, March 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Glacier Media Inc. (TSX: GVC) ("Glacier" or the "Company") reported revenue and earnings for the year ended December 31, 2023.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,2024年3月22日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Glacier Media Inc.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:GVC)(“Glacier” 或 “公司”)公布了截至2023年12月31日的年度的收入和收益。



(thousands of dollars)
except share and per share amounts 2023 2022
Revenue $ 154,940 $ 176,012
EBITDA (1) $ (4,169) $ 3,083
EBITDA (1) margin (2.7%) 1.8%
EBITDA (1) per share $ (0.03) $ 0.02
Capital expenditures $ 4,316 $ 4,945
Net loss attributable to common shareholder $ (99,250) $ (29,553)
Net loss attributable to common shareholder per share $ (0.76) $ (0.22)
Weighted average shares outstanding, net 131,198,520 132,558,408
股票和每股金额除外 2023 2022
收入 $ 154,940 $ 176,012
EBITDA (1) $ (4,169) $ 3,083
EBITDA (1) 保证金 (2.7%) 1.8%
EBITDA (1) 每股 $ (0.03) $ 0.02
资本支出 $ 4,316 $ 4,945
归属于普通股股东的净亏损 $ (99,250) $ (29,553)
归属于普通股股东的每股净亏损 $ (0.76) $ (0.22)
加权平均已发行股份,净额 131,198,520 132,558,408

(1) EBITDA is considered a non-GAAP measure. Refer to "EBITDA Reconciliation" below for a reconciliation of the Company's net (loss) income attributable to common shareholders as reported under IFRS to EBITDA.

(1) 息税折旧摊销前利润被视为非公认会计准则指标。有关根据国际财务报告准则报告的公司归属于普通股股东的净(亏损)收益与息税折旧摊销前利润的对账,请参阅下文 “息税折旧摊销前利润对账”。

Operating Performance


Consolidated revenue for the year ended December 31, 2023, was $154.9 million, down $21.1 million or 12.0% from the prior year. Consolidated EBITDA loss for the year was $4.2 million, down $7.3 million from positive EBITDA of $3.1 million in the prior year. During Q1 2023, the Company completed two separate transactions that resulted in three operations being accounted for as joint ventures, as compared to the operations' profit and loss previously being consolidated. The Company completed the sale of its printing assets into two new joint venture operations. Certain print community media operations were treated as joint ventures from January 1, 2023, as the result of changes made in the structure of the underlying shareholders agreements with the previous minority shareholders, and it was determined that Company no longer has the ability to exercise control and therefore can no longer treat these entities as subsidiaries. These transactions had the effect of reducing reported revenue and EBITDA as compared to the same period in the prior year and increasing equity earnings in the current period as compared to the same period in the prior year. During the year, the Company completed the closure or sale of certain unprofitable print community media publications, which also had the effect of` reducing revenue.

截至2023年12月31日止年度的合并收入为1.549亿美元,比上年下降2,110万美元,下降12.0%。该年度的合并息税折旧摊销前利润亏损为420万美元,较去年同期的正息税折旧摊销前利润310万美元下降730万美元。在2023年第一季度,公司完成了两笔单独的交易,导致三项业务被列为合资企业,而之前合并的业务损益则有所不同。该公司完成了将其印刷资产出售给两家新的合资企业。由于与先前少数股东签订的股东协议结构发生了变化,某些印刷社区媒体业务从2023年1月1日起被视为合资企业,并确定公司不再有能力行使控制权,因此不能再将这些实体视为子公司。与去年同期相比,这些交易减少了报告的收入和息税折旧摊销前利润,与去年同期相比,本期的股票收益有所增加。在这一年中,公司完成了某些无利可图的印刷社区媒体出版物的关闭或销售,这也产生了 “减少收入的效果”。

Organic revenue declines in print media were driven by lower demand for print media products. Digital media achieved some revenue growth during the year. The environmental and property information operations held revenue consistent despite being reliant on the commercial and residential real estate industry, which is being affected by higher interest rates temporarily decreasing demand for real estate related products. The agricultural information operations noted a decrease in revenue driven by declines in print related revenue, resulting from the industry consolidation of advertisers and the declining demand for print products overall, which were partially offset by increases in the outdoor exhibition show revenue. The mining information operations continue to operate in a challenged industry, especially with respect to junior miners, which is resulting in lower advertising revenue. Additionally, the Company sold the mining media operations in the fourth quarter of 2023.


EBITDA for the year decreased as the result of lower revenues in the operations as discussed above and certain entities which were consolidated becoming joint ventures. Additionally, rising costs related to inflation, (e.g. increased employee costs, newsprint, and printing costs) compounded the effects of reduced revenue, and legal costs increased as compared to the prior year. This was partially offset by the effects of cost reduction measures that were put in place earlier in 2023, including lower investment spending and targeted print publication closures having a positive effect on results overall.




Despite the challenging economic environment, the Company continues to focus on a combination of generating long-term revenue gains in its growth businesses and cost management in its legacy businesses. Operational investments in key strategic development areas continue to be scaled back until the economic outlook becomes more certain. The Company is monitoring economic conditions and will respond accordingly.


The Company has taken action to reduce print operations where print products are no longer economically feasible. This transition has already been completed in a number of markets resulting in the closure of the related print publications. The targeted closure of print operations will continue to occur into 2024 and allow the Company to focus on the transformation to digital products.


Higher interest rates continue to negatively impact results. Softness in the residential and commercial real estate markets negatively affected operations during the year. It is expected that industry specific softness will continue with overall economic uncertainty, inflation, and the impact of higher interest rates. Although uncertain, it is anticipated that the pressures from increased interest rates will begin to stabilize sometime in 2024.


Long-term, the digital media, data, and information businesses offer growth potential for the future. The underlying fundamentals of these products have demonstrated their value in the face of the challenging market conditions.


Even with the challenging economic environment, some of the Company's operations continue to perform well. The Company is optimistic that many of its operations can and will continue to perform well in the long-term and will continue to generate strong cash flows and enhance shareholder value. The respective brands, market positions, and value to customers have remained strong. The Company continues to focus on the long-term growth of its data and information and digital media operations. The targeted closure of print publications which are no longer economically feasible will help the transition to digital and support the long-term growth therein. Strategic investment spending in the core areas of focus has resulted in lower operating profits in the short term, with the goal of improved and more robust product offerings over time. This investment spending has become more targeted to strictly necessary spending and will continue to be scaled back until economic recovery is more certain. The Company has implemented cost cutting measures throughout 2023 and will continue to proactively implement targeted measures into 2024.


The Company is working to reach the point where increases in the revenue, profit and cash flow from its data, analytics and intelligence products and digital media products exceeds the decline of its print advertising related profit and cash flow.


Uncertain Tax Position


In relation to the tax notices of reassessments and assessments from the Canada Revenue Agency ("CRA"), and unfavourable rulings in similar cases heard in the Supreme Court of Canada and in the Court of Appeal in 2023, the Company has recorded a full provision of the $23.5 million against the carrying value of the deposits and deferred tax assets related to unused carryforward amounts and a liability of approximately $47.3 million for unpaid taxes and estimated interest for the reassessment. The total of these amounts, $70.8 million, was recognized in the Statement of Operations and was recorded as income tax expense for the provision of uncertain tax positions of $52.2 million and an estimated interest expense on uncertain tax positions of $18.7 million.


Financial Position. As at December 31, 2023, the Company had a cash balance of $6.6 million and $7.2 million of non-recourse mortgages and loans (which relates to farm show land in Saskatchewan and Ontario).


The Company has net $3.0 million of deferred purchase price obligations to be paid over the next two years. This amount is net of contributions from minority partners.


For further information please contact Mr. Orest Smysnuik, Chief Financial Officer, at 604-708-3264.

欲了解更多信息,请致电 604-708-3264 联系首席财务官 Orest Smysnuik 先生。



Glacier Media Inc. is an information & marketing solutions company pursuing growth in sectors where the provision of essential information and related services provides high customer utility and value. The Company's products and services are focused in two areas: 1) data, analytics and intelligence; and 2) content & marketing solutions.

Glacier Media Inc. 是一家信息和营销解决方案公司,致力于在提供基本信息和相关服务为客户提供高效用和价值的行业中实现增长。该公司的产品和服务侧重于两个领域:1) 数据、分析和情报;以及 2) 内容和营销解决方案。



This news release contains forward-looking statements that relate to, among other things, the Company's objectives, goals, strategies, intentions, plans, beliefs, expectations, and estimates. These forward-looking statements include, among other things, statements relating to our expectations as to investment spending and in targeted key strategic areas and the scaling back of such spending; the expected effects of cost cutting measures and targeted closure of print publications; the expected industry specific softness in 2024; our expectations as to timing of easing of interest rate increases; and pressures from increased interest rates will begin to stabilize in 2024. These forward-looking statements are based on certain assumptions, including continued economic growth and recovery and the realization of cost savings in a timely manner and in the expected amounts, which are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements, and undue reliance should not be placed on such statements.


Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from these expectations include failure to implement or achieve the intended results from our strategic initiatives, the failure to reduce debt and the other risk factors listed in our Annual Information Form under the heading "Risk Factors" and in our MD&A under the heading "Business Environment and Risks", many of which are out of our control. These other risk factors include, but are not limited to that future cash flow from operations and the availability under existing banking arrangements are believed to be adequate to support financial liabilities, the ability of the Company to sell advertising and subscriptions related to its publications, foreign exchange rate fluctuations, the seasonal and cyclical nature of the agricultural and energy sectors, discontinuation of government grants, general market conditions in both Canada and the United States, changes in the prices of purchased supplies including newsprint, the effects of competition in the Company's markets, dependence on key personnel, integration of newly acquired businesses, technological changes, tax risk, financing risk, debt service risk and cybersecurity risk.

可能导致实际业绩与这些预期存在重大差异的重要因素包括未能实施或实现我们的战略举措的预期成果、未能减少债务以及我们在年度信息表中 “风险因素” 标题下以及我们的管理与分析中列出的其他风险因素,其中许多风险因素是我们无法控制的。这些其他风险因素包括但不限于未来的运营现金流和现有银行安排下的可用性被认为足以支持金融负债、公司销售与其出版物相关的广告和订阅的能力、外汇汇率波动、农业和能源行业的季节性和周期性、政府补助金的终止、加拿大和美国的总体市场状况、已购供应品价格的变化包括新闻纸、公司市场竞争的影响、对关键人员的依赖、新收购业务的整合、技术变革、税收风险、融资风险、还本付息风险和网络安全风险。

The forward-looking statements made in this news release relate only to events or information as of the date on which the statements are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date on which the statements are made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events.




Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization ("EBITDA"), EBITDA margin and EBITDA per share, are not generally accepted measures of financial performance under IFRS. Management utilizes EBITDA as a financial performance measure to assess profitability and return on equity in its decision making. In addition, the Company, its lenders and its investors use EBITDA to measure performance and value for various purposes. Investors are cautioned; however, that EBITDA should not be construed as an alternative to net income (loss) attributable to common shareholders determined in accordance with IFRS as an indicator of the Company's performance.


The Company's method of calculating these financial performance measures may differ from other companies and, accordingly, they may not be comparable to measures used by other companies. A quantitative reconciliation of these non-IFRS measures is included in the section entitled EBITDA Reconciliation.

公司计算这些财务业绩指标的方法可能与其他公司不同,因此,它们可能无法与其他公司使用的衡量标准进行比较。这些非国际财务报告准则指标的量化对账载于标题为 “息税折旧摊销前利润对账” 的章节中。



(thousands of dollars)
except share and per share amounts 2023 2022
Net loss attributable to common shareholders $ (99,250) $ (29,553)
Add (deduct):
Non-controlling interests $ (2,436) $ 624
Net interest expense, debt and lease liability $ 19,925 $ 1,713
Depreciation and amortization $ 11,873 $ 12,455
Loss on disposal, net $ 2,726 $ -
Impairment expense $ 13,588 $ 15,525
Other income $ (2,115) $ (4,247)
Restructuring and other expenses (net) $ 7,790 $ 904
Share of (earnings) losses
from joint ventures and associates $ (590) $ 11,829
Income tax expense (recovery) $ 44,320 $ (6,167)
EBITDA (1) $ (4,169) $ 3,083
(1) Refer to "Non-IFRS Measures" section of MD&A for discussion of non-IFRS measures used in this table.
股票和每股金额除外 2023 2022
归属于普通股股东的净亏损 $ (99,250) $ (29,553)
非控股权益 $ (2,436) $ 624
净利息支出、债务和租赁负债 $ 19,925 $ 1,713
折旧和摊销 $ 11,873 $ 12,455
处置损失,净额 $ 2,726 $ -
减值支出 $ 13,588 $ 15,525
其他收入 $ (2,115) $ (4,247)
重组和其他费用(净额) $ 7,790 $ 904
来自合资企业和联营企业 $ (590) $ 11,829
所得税支出(恢复) $ 44,320 $ (6,167)
税前利润 (1) $ (4,169) $ 3,083
(1) 有关本表中使用的非国际财务报告准则指标的讨论,请参阅MD&A的 “非国际财务报告准则指标” 部分。

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