
Northstar Commences EM Surveys Targeting Cam Copper VMS Extensions at Miller Copper-Gold Property

Northstar Commences EM Surveys Targeting Cam Copper VMS Extensions at Miller Copper-Gold Property

Northstar开始对米勒铜金地产的Cam Copper VMS扩建进行新兴市场调查
newsfile ·  2024/03/26 20:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - March 26, 2024) - Northstar Gold Corp. (CSE: NSG) (OTC Pink: NSGCF) ("Northstar" or the "Company") is pleased to announce a borehole electromagnetic (BHEM) and surface electromagnetic (EM) survey have commenced at the Cam Copper Mine area on the Company's 100%-owned Miller Copper-Gold Property, situated 18 kilometres southeast of Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Cam Copper is a road accessible shaft mine and small-scale, past producer of high-grade 'direct shipping' copper ore centred on the historic Boston Creek Copper Trend.1,2 (Figure 1)

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 3 月 26 日)- 北极星黄金公司 (CSE:NSG)(场外交易链接:NSGCF) (”北极星“或者”公司“)很高兴地宣布,公司100%拥有的米勒铜金地产的卡姆铜矿区已开始钻孔电磁(BHEM)和地表电磁(EM)调查,该地产位于安大略省柯克兰湖东南18公里处。Cam Copper 是一个道路通行的竖井矿,过去曾是高品位 “直接运输” 铜矿石的生产商,其核心是历史悠久的波士顿溪铜矿趋势。1,2 (图 1)

A recent 4-hole, Northstar diamond drill program at Cam Copper Mine confirmed a Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) nature to the high-grade copper mineralization, with each hole intersecting massive chalcopyrite, high-grade copper horizons grading up to 14.8% copper over 2.5 metres (See Northstar News Release dated November 23, 2023). (Figure 2)

最近在 Cam Copper Mine 进行的 4 孔 Northstar 金刚石钻探项目证实了高品位铜矿化的火山成因块状硫化物 (VMS) 性质,每个孔都与块状黄铜矿相交,高品位铜矿层的等级高达 2.5 米以上的铜含量为 14.8% (参见 2023 年 11 月 23 日的 Northstar 新闻稿)。(图 2)

The Cam Copper Crone Pulse-EM surveys are being conducted by Mississauga, Ontario based Crone Geophysics and Exploration Ltd. A surface EM survey will define Cam Copper VMS horizon extensions and conductors over a 900-metre strike length towards the southeast, with a priority to identify areas with thicker accumulations of Cu-rich massive sulphides (Figure 3). A borehole BHEM survey will also be conducted on the 4 Cam Copper diamond drill holes completed in 2023. Similar Pulse-EM technology and surveys lead to several previous VMS discoveries across Canada, including Hudbay Minerals' 2003 Lalor VMS deposit discovery in Manitoba.

总部位于安大略省密西沙加的Crone Geophysics and Exploration Ltd正在进行Cam Copper Crone Pulse-EM勘探有限公司的Cam Copper Crone Pulse-EM勘探有限公司。地表电磁勘测将确定Cam Copper VMS地平线延伸部分和向东南方向延伸的导体,优先确定富铜块状硫化物堆积较厚的地区(图3)。还将对2023年完成的4个凸轮铜金刚石钻孔进行钻孔BHEM调查。类似的脉冲电磁技术和调查导致加拿大各地先前发现了几项VMS,包括哈德贝矿业公司2003年在曼尼托巴省发现的Lalor VMS矿床。

To further enhance copper-rich VMS drill target definition, Ronacher Mackenzie Geoscience (RMG) will compile and model historic geophysical survey data, including the digitization of historic near-surface VLEM conductors and strongly chargeable and conductive I.P. anomalies (3), 3D plate model airborne EM conductors (4) and complete 3D inversions of historic magnetic data (5).

为了进一步增强富铜的VMS钻探目标的定义,Ronacher Mackenzie Geoscience(RMG)将汇编和建模历史地球物理调查数据,包括历史近地表VLEM导体和强电荷和传导性I.P. 异常的数字化 (3),3D 板材模型机载电磁导体 (4) 并完成历史磁数据的三维反转 (5)

(1) Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines Mineral Deposit Inventory Record MDI31M13NW000154: Tretheway-Ossian- 1981, Ch.H. Cameron-1981.

(1) 安大略省能源、北方开发和矿业部矿床库存记录 MDI31M13NW000154:Tretheway-Ossian-1981,Ch.H. Cameron-1981。

(2) Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines and Mines Assessment File #KL-0259, Tretheway-Ossian (Cam Copper Mine). 1961

(2) 安大略省能源、北方开发和矿业部评估文件 #KL -0259,Tretheway-Ossian(Cam Copper Mine)。1961

(3) Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines and Mines Assessment File #KL-0843, Prospectus of Fidelity Mining Investments Ltd. 1962

(3) 安大略省能源、北方开发和矿业部评估文件 #KL -0843,富达矿业投资有限公司招股说明书,1962

(4) Ontario Geological Survey 2000. Airborne Magnetic and Electromagnetic Surveys, Kirkland Lake Area; Ontario Geological Survey, Map 82 040, scale 1: 20 000

(4) 2000年安大略省地质调查局。柯克兰湖地区航空磁学和电磁测量;安大略省地质调查局,地图 82 040,比例 1:20 000

(5) Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines and Mines Assessment File #20009478, Magnetometer Survey Assessment Report - Boston Creek Project., David Laronde, 2011

(5) 安大略省能源、北方开发及矿业和矿业部评估文件 #20009478,磁强计调查评估报告——波士顿溪项目。,David Laronde,2011 年

Figure 1. Rosegrove and Miller Copper-Gold Properties
Highlighting Cam Copper Mine and the Boston Creek Copper Trend

图 1。罗斯格罗夫和米勒铜金地产

Figure 2. Cam Copper Mine - 3D Model and 2023 Phase 1 Drill Results

图 2。Cam Copper Mine-3D 模型和 2023 年第 1 阶段钻探结果

New Au-Cu-Pb-Zn Sulphide Discoveries Southeast of the Cam Copper Mine

在 Cam 铜矿东南部发现新的 Au-Cu-Pb-Zn 硫化物

In the late fall of 2023, Northstar conducted a limited prospecting and sampling program covering the southeast extension of the Cam Copper VMS/exhalite trend along the contact with the Round Lake Batholith (Figure 3). The program, while abbreviated due to snow cover, included the collection of 15 grab samples from older workings and gossanous areas. Several semi-massive to massive sulphide samples collected in proximity to magnetic anomalies, historic ground and airborne EM conductors and IP bedrock targets returned anomalous values in Au (0 - 2.02 g/t Au), Ag (0.15 - 26.9 g/t), Cu (41 ppm - 27,900 ppm), Pb (0.9 ppm - 3340 ppm) and Zn (12ppm - 2070 ppm). These samples could represent extensions of VMS Zones 1 and 2 up to 900 metres along strike to the southeast of the Cam Copper Mine site.

2023年秋末,北极星进行了有限的勘探和采样计划,涵盖了与圆湖基底岩接触处的Cam Copper VMS/Exhalite趋势的东南延伸(图3)。该计划虽然因积雪而缩短,但包括从较旧的作业区和棉质区域收集15份采集样本。在磁异常、历史地面和空中电磁导体以及 IP 基岩目标附近收集的几个半质量到大质量的硫化物样本返回了异常值 Au (0- 2.02 g/t Au), Ag (0.15- 26.9 克/吨), Cu (41 ppm)- 27,900 ppm), Pb (0.9 ppm-3340 ppm)和 (12ppm-2070 ppm)。这些样本可能代表VMS区域1和2沿着走向坎姆铜矿场址东南部的延伸至900米。

Northstar intends to follow up 2023 Cam Copper trend surface sample and 2024 EM survey targets in the spring of 2024, with prospecting, geological mapping, sampling and a Phase II diamond drill program.

北极星计划在2024年春季跟踪2023年Cam Copper趋势表面样本和2024年新兴市场调查目标,包括勘探、地质测绘、采样和第二阶段金刚石钻探计划。

Figure 3. Cam Copper VMS Trend Geology, Geophysical Targets and EM Survey Area

图 3.Cam Copper VMS 趋势地质、地球物理目标和电磁勘测区域

Quality Control


Samples collected in the 2023 Miller surface exploration and drilling programs were delivered to ALS Global in Timmins, Ontario for preparation and assayed for gold and other elements by ALS Global in Vancouver, British Columbia.

在2023年米勒地表勘探和钻探计划中收集的样本被运送到位于安大略省蒂明斯的ALS Global进行制备,并由位于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的ALS Global进行金和其他元素检测。

Northstar has implemented a quality control program for its Cam Copper Project to ensure best practice in the sampling and analysis of surface samples, which includes the insertion of blanks, and certified standards into the sample stream.

Northstar已为其Cam Copper项目实施了质量控制计划,以确保在表面样品的采样和分析中采用最佳做法,包括在样品流中插入空白和认证标准。

Surface samples were submitted to ALS Global at their Timmins, Ontario facility for sample preparation where the entire sample was crushed to better than 90% passing 2mm, 1000g riffle split and pulverized to 85% passing 75 microns. Pulps are forwarded to ALS Global in Vancouver, British Columbia for analyses. Gold analyses is obtained via industry standard fire assay with ICP finish using 15 g to 30 g aliquots. For samples returning greater than 10 g/t gold follow-up fire assay analysis with a gravimetric finish is completed. Based on initial fire assay gold indications as well as visual indication of mineralization and alteration, samples are selected for re-assay by the screen metallic fire assay method. Samples are also analyzed for 48 trace and major elements by ICP-MS following a four-acid digestion. For samples returning greater than 10,000 ppm Cu, follow-up four acid digestion and ICP finish utilizing a 0.4 g sample is utilized. ALS Global are ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited (Lab No. 579) for the preparation and analyses performed on the Cam Copper samples.

表面样品被提交到位于安大略省蒂明斯的ALS Global工厂进行样品制备,整个样品被压碎至90%以上,通过2mm,1000g riffle分裂并粉碎至85%,通过75微米。纸浆被转送到位于不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华的ALS Global进行分析。黄金分析是通过行业标准火试剂获得的,ICP 表面处理,使用 15 g 到 30 g 等分试样。对于返回金量大于 10 g/t 的样品,将完成带有重量法表面处理的后续火化分析。根据初始火化验金迹象以及矿化和变化的视觉指示,通过筛选金属火测定方法选择样品进行再分析。在四酸消解后,还通过ICP-MS对样品进行了48种微量元素和主要元素的分析。对于返回的铜含量超过 10,000 ppm 的样品,使用后续的四次酸消解和 0.4 g 样品的 ICP 完成。ALS Global 已获得 ISO/IEC 17025:2017 认证(实验室编号 579),可对凸轮铜样品进行制备和分析。

Qualified Person


All scientific and technical information contained in this News Release has been prepared under the supervision of Brian P. Fowler, P.Geo. President, CEO and Director of Northstar Gold Corp., a Qualified Person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿中包含的所有科学和技术信息均在 P.Geo 的 Brian P. Fowler 的监督下编写。北极星黄金公司总裁、首席执行官兼董事,是美国国家仪器43-101所指的合格人士。

About Northstar Gold Corp.


Northstar's primary exploration focus is to advance and expand our near-surface, bulk-tonnage gold-telluride and more recently discovered VMS copper mineral deposits on the Company's flagship, 100%-owned Miller Copper-Gold Property, situated 18 km southeast of Kirkland Lake, Ontario. The Company's strategy is to develop a material (+1M ounce gold / high-grade copper) mineral resource base to either supplement a nearby mining operation or support a stand-alone mining operation at the Property.

Northstar的主要勘探重点是在安大略省柯克兰湖东南18公里处的公司旗舰米勒铜金地产 100% 所有权的米勒铜金地产上推进和扩建我们的近地表大吨位特柳赖德和最近发现的VMS铜矿床。该公司的战略是开发原料(+100万盎司黄金/高品位铜)矿产资源基础,以补充附近的采矿业务或支持该物业的独立采矿业务。

Allied Gold Zone


Since going public by IPO in late 2020, Northstar has spent over $5.6 million in exploration at Miller, resulting in the discovery of a series of broad, near-surface, shallow dipping sheeted quartz-gold-telluride vein structures in the Allied Syenite (Allied Gold Zone) and Planet Syenites and numerous 70 - 750 gold gram/metre drill hole intercepts. Drilling to date at the AGZ has returned near-surface gold intercepts that include 6.6 g/t Au over 117.0 metres, 4.0 g/t Au over 50.6 metres, 1.4 g/t Au over 118.5 metres, and 1.2 g/t Au over 107.3 metres. Step out AGZ drilling in 2021 intersected peripheral steeply dipping copper-gold bearing structures (CG1 and CG2 Zones) returning intercepts that include 9.41 g/t Au, 1.03% Cu over 3.0m. The AGZ shares numerous compelling similarities to Agnico Eagle's nearby Upper Beaver Deposit, currently in the pre-development stage.

自2020年底通过首次公开募股上市以来,Northstar已花费超过560万美元在米勒进行勘探,结果在盟军正长岩(盟军金区)和正弦岩星球中发现了一系列宽阔、近地表、浅浸的石英金-特柳赖德岩脉结构以及许多 70-750 金克/米 钻孔截距。迄今为止,在AGZ的钻探已经返回了近地表的金截获物,其中包括 117.0 米以上为 6.6 g/t Au,超过 50.6 米的 4.0 g/t Au,118.5 米以上的 1.4 g/t Au,超过 107.3 米的 1.2 g/t Au。 2021 年,AGZ 钻探与外围急剧浸泡的含铜金结构(CG1 和 CG2 区域)相交,返回的截距包括 9.41 g/t Au、1.03% Cu(超过 3.0 米)。AGZ与Agnico Eagle附近的Upper Beaver Deposit有许多引人注目的相似之处,该矿床目前处于开发前阶段。

In April, 2022, as a precursor to a Mineral Resource Estimate and for reporting purposes, the Company commissioned Ronacher Mackenzie Geoscience and SRK Consulting (Canada) to conduct an Exploration Target Study of the Miller Property Allied Gold Zone and No. 1 Vein. An upper range exceeding 500,000 ounces of gold averaging 2.04 g/t Au has been referenced in this study. Reported results (Northstar News Release dated July 26, 2022) verify the significance, size and gold grade potential of the Allied gold mineralizing system. Results provide the Company and investors a fact-based conceptual tonnage and gold grade range for the Allied Syenite Gold Zone, and basis for continued expansion drilling and mineral resource development.

2022年4月,作为矿产资源估算的前提和报告目的,该公司委托罗纳切尔·麦肯齐地球科学和SRK咨询公司(加拿大)对米勒地产联合金区和一号矿脉进行勘探目标研究。上限范围超过 500,000 盎司黄金,平均含金量为 2.04 克/吨 在这项研究中已被引用。报告的结果(2022年7月26日的北极星新闻稿)证实了盟军金矿化系统的重要性、规模和金品位潜力。业绩为公司和投资者提供了基于事实的Allied Syenite金区的概念吨位和黄金品位范围,并为持续扩张钻探和矿产资源开发提供了基础。

Cam Copper Mine

Cam 铜矿

On November 23rd, 2023 Northstar announced results from a 720 metre, 4-hole diamond drill program completed on the historic high-grade Cam Copper Mine, located 2.5 kilometres southwest of the Allied Gold Zone and also on Northstar's 100%-owned Miller Property. The Company reported all drill holes intersected lenses of Cu-rich volcanogenic massive sulphides, including massive and stringer chalcopyrite in drill hole CC03-23 grading 14.8% Cu over 2.45m from 116.55m to 119m in Zone 2 (See Northstar News Release dated November 23, 2023). These results suggest Zone 2 is thickening in a southeast and down-plunge direction. Zones 1, 3 and 4 also remain open along strike and at depth.

2023年11月23日,北极星公布了位于盟军黄金区西南2.5公里处的历史悠久的高品位卡姆铜矿以及北极星100%所有权的米勒地产完成的720米4孔金刚石钻探项目的结果。该公司报告说,所有钻孔都与富含铜的火山成因块状硫化物的透镜相交,包括钻孔 CC03-23 等级中的块状黄铜矿和纵梁黄铜矿 14.8% 铜超过 245 万 在 2 区从 116.55 米到 119 米(参见 2023 年 11 月 23 日的 Northstar 新闻稿)。这些结果表明,2区正在向东南和向下倾斜方向增厚。1、3和4区在打击和深度上也保持开放。

Cam Copper is a road accessible shaft mine and small-scale, past producer of high-grade 'direct shipping' copper ore centred on the historic Boston Creek Copper Trend.

Cam Copper 是一个道路通行的竖井矿,过去曾是高品位 “直接运输” 铜矿石的生产商,其核心是历史悠久的波士顿溪铜矿趋势。

Cam Copper Mine is centred on a newly recognized high-grade "Besshi-type" volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) copper system situated at the northwest end of a 0.9 km long southeast trending belt of VMS horizons. Besshi-type VMS deposits are an important global source of base metals, simplistically characterized as vented, broad sheet-like layers of magnetite, iron-copper-lead-zinc-arsenic sulphides, cobalt, sulphosalts, silver and possibly gold deposited on an ancient sea floor, hosted in volcano-sedimentary rock packages.

Cam Copper Mine以一个新认可的高品位 “Besshi型” 火山块状硫化物(VMS)铜系统为中心,该系统位于VMS地平线长0.9千米长的东南趋势带的西北端。Besshi型VMS矿床是全球重要的基本金属来源,简单地说,其特征是通风的宽片状磁铁矿、铁-铜-铅-锌-砷硫化物、钴、硫酸盐、银,可能还有金沉积在古老的海底,以火山沉积岩包为主。

Northstar has commenced down-hole and grid-scale EM geophysical surveys at Cam Copper Mine to define Phase II drill targets in Q2, 2024.


Northstar is seeking a senior partner to conduct Allied Gold Zone lateral and depth expansion diamond drilling on the Miller Property.


Northstar's 3 additional 100%-owned exploration projects in northern Ontario, include the recently acquired 1,150 ha Rosegrove Property situated 0.5 km from the Miller Property, the 4,650 ha Bryce Gold Property (includes the recently optioned Britcanna Lease), an intrusive-gold / PME VMS project located along the projected east extension of the Ridout Break, and the recently expanded Temagami-Milestone Cu-Ni-Co Critical Minerals Property located in Strathcona Township. Northstar is seeking exploration partners to advance all 3 properties.

Northstar在安大略省北部另外3个100%持股的勘探项目,包括最近收购的距离米勒地产0.5公里的1,150公顷的罗斯格罗夫地产、占地4,650公顷的布莱斯黄金地产(包括最近选择的Britcanna租赁)、位于Ridout Break预计东延伸部分的侵入性黄金/PME VMS项目,以及最近扩建的位于斯特拉思的Temagami-Milestone Cu-Ni-Co关键矿产地产科纳镇。Northstar正在寻找勘探合作伙伴来推进所有3处房产的开发。

On behalf of the Board of Directors,


Mr. Brian P. Fowler, P.Geo.

Brian P. Fowler 先生,P.Geo。

President, CEO and Director
(604) 617-8191

(604) 617-8191

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Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain forward-looking statements which involve known and unknown risks, delays, and uncertainties not under the control of Northstar Gold Corp. which may cause actual results, performance or achievements of Northstar Gold Corp. to be materially different from the results, performance or expectation implied by these forward looking statements. By their nature, forward looking statements involve risk and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on factors that will or may occur in the future. Actual results may vary depending upon exploration activities, industry production, commodity demand and pricing, currency exchange rates, and, but not limited to, general economic factors.


Forward-looking statements in this news release are made as of the date hereof and the Company assumes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements, except as required by applicable laws.


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