
Could The Market Be Wrong About Chengdu KSW Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688283) Given Its Attractive Financial Prospects?

Could The Market Be Wrong About Chengdu KSW Technologies Co.,Ltd. (SHSE:688283) Given Its Attractive Financial Prospects?

市场对成都KSW科技有限公司的看法会出错吗, Ltd. (SHSE: 688283) 鉴于其诱人的财务前景?
Simply Wall St ·  03/27 19:56

It is hard to get excited after looking at Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd's (SHSE:688283) recent performance, when its stock has declined 42% over the past three months. But if you pay close attention, you might gather that its strong financials could mean that the stock could potentially see an increase in value in the long-term, given how markets usually reward companies with good financial health. In this article, we decided to focus on Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd's ROE.

看了成都KSW TechnologiesLtd(上海证券交易所代码:688283)最近的业绩,很难感到兴奋,当时其股票在过去三个月中下跌了42%。但是,如果你密切关注,你可能会发现,鉴于市场通常会奖励财务状况良好的公司,其强劲的财务状况可能意味着该股的长期价值可能会增加。在本文中,我们决定重点介绍成都KSW科技有限公司的投资回报率。

Return on equity or ROE is an important factor to be considered by a shareholder because it tells them how effectively their capital is being reinvested. Put another way, it reveals the company's success at turning shareholder investments into profits.


How To Calculate Return On Equity?


Return on equity can be calculated by using the formula:


Return on Equity = Net Profit (from continuing operations) ÷ Shareholders' Equity

股本回报率 = 净利润(来自持续经营业务)÷ 股东权益

So, based on the above formula, the ROE for Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd is:

因此,根据上述公式,成都KSW TechnologiesLtd的投资回报率为:

9.3% = CN¥87m ÷ CN¥933m (Based on the trailing twelve months to December 2023).

9.3% = 8700万元人民币 ÷ 9.33亿元人民币(基于截至2023年12月的过去十二个月)。

The 'return' is the amount earned after tax over the last twelve months. So, this means that for every CN¥1 of its shareholder's investments, the company generates a profit of CN¥0.09.

“回报” 是过去十二个月的税后收入。因此,这意味着公司每投资1元人民币,公司就会产生0.09元人民币的利润。

Why Is ROE Important For Earnings Growth?


Thus far, we have learned that ROE measures how efficiently a company is generating its profits. We now need to evaluate how much profit the company reinvests or "retains" for future growth which then gives us an idea about the growth potential of the company. Assuming everything else remains unchanged, the higher the ROE and profit retention, the higher the growth rate of a company compared to companies that don't necessarily bear these characteristics.

到目前为止,我们已经了解到,投资回报率衡量的是公司创造利润的效率。现在,我们需要评估公司再投资或 “保留” 了多少利润以用于未来的增长,从而使我们对公司的增长潜力有所了解。假设其他一切保持不变,那么与不一定具有这些特征的公司相比,投资回报率和利润保留率越高,公司的增长率就越高。

Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd's Earnings Growth And 9.3% ROE

成都KSW TechnologiesLtd的收益增长和9.3%的投资回报率

At first glance, Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd's ROE doesn't look very promising. Although a closer study shows that the company's ROE is higher than the industry average of 6.3% which we definitely can't overlook. Even more so after seeing Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd's exceptional 31% net income growth over the past five years. Bear in mind, the company does have a moderately low ROE. It is just that the industry ROE is lower. Therefore, the growth in earnings could also be the result of other factors. For example, it is possible that the broader industry is going through a high growth phase, or that the company has a low payout ratio.

乍一看,成都KSW TechnologiesLtd的投资回报率看起来并不十分乐观。尽管一项更仔细的研究表明,该公司的投资回报率高于行业平均水平的6.3%,但我们绝对不能忽视。在看到成都KSW TechnologiesLtd在过去五年中实现了31%的惊人净收入增长之后,更是如此。请记住,该公司的投资回报率确实适度低。只是行业的投资回报率较低。因此,收益的增长也可能是其他因素的结果。例如,整个行业可能正在经历高增长阶段,或者该公司的派息率很低。

We then compared Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd's net income growth with the industry and we're pleased to see that the company's growth figure is higher when compared with the industry which has a growth rate of 13% in the same 5-year period.

然后,我们将成都KSW TechnologiesLtd的净收入增长与该行业进行了比较,我们很高兴地看到,与同期同期增长13%的行业相比,该公司的增长数字更高。

SHSE:688283 Past Earnings Growth March 27th 2024
SHSE: 688283 过去的收益增长 2024 年 3 月 27 日

Earnings growth is a huge factor in stock valuation. It's important for an investor to know whether the market has priced in the company's expected earnings growth (or decline). By doing so, they will have an idea if the stock is headed into clear blue waters or if swampy waters await. One good indicator of expected earnings growth is the P/E ratio which determines the price the market is willing to pay for a stock based on its earnings prospects. So, you may want to check if Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd is trading on a high P/E or a low P/E, relative to its industry.

收益增长是股票估值的重要因素。对于投资者来说,重要的是要知道市场是否对公司的预期收益增长(或下降)进行了定价。通过这样做,他们将知道股票是走向清澈的蓝色海水还是沼泽水域在等着呢。衡量预期收益增长的一个很好的指标是市盈率,它根据收益前景决定了市场愿意为股票支付的价格。因此,您可能需要检查成都KSW TechnologiesLtd相对于其行业是高市盈率还是低市盈率。

Is Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd Using Its Retained Earnings Effectively?

成都KSW TechnologiesLtd是否在有效使用其留存收益?

Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd has a really low three-year median payout ratio of 9.3%, meaning that it has the remaining 91% left over to reinvest into its business. So it seems like the management is reinvesting profits heavily to grow its business and this reflects in its earnings growth number.

成都KSW TechnologiesLtd的三年中位数派息率非常低,为9.3%,这意味着其剩余的91%可以再投资于其业务。因此,管理层似乎正在将利润大量再投资以发展业务,这反映在其收益增长数字上。

While Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd has been growing its earnings, it only recently started to pay dividends which likely means that the company decided to impress new and existing shareholders with a dividend. Existing analyst estimates suggest that the company's future payout ratio is expected to drop to 5.7% over the next three years. Accordingly, the expected drop in the payout ratio explains the expected increase in the company's ROE to 14%, over the same period.

尽管成都KSW TechnologiesLtd的收益一直在增长,但它直到最近才开始派息,这可能意味着该公司决定通过分红来打动新老股东。现有的分析师估计表明,该公司未来的派息率预计将在未来三年降至5.7%。因此,派息率的预期下降解释了该公司同期的投资回报率预计将增长至14%。



On the whole, we feel that Chengdu KSW TechnologiesLtd's performance has been quite good. Particularly, we like that the company is reinvesting heavily into its business at a moderate rate of return. Unsurprisingly, this has led to an impressive earnings growth. On studying current analyst estimates, we found that analysts expect the company to continue its recent growth streak. Are these analysts expectations based on the broad expectations for the industry, or on the company's fundamentals? Click here to be taken to our analyst's forecasts page for the company.


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