
EuroPacific Announces Hiring of Drill Contractors for Miguel Vacas Copper Project, Portugal

EuroPacific Announces Hiring of Drill Contractors for Miguel Vacas Copper Project, Portugal

Accesswire ·  03/28 13:35

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / March 28, 2024 / Europacific Metals Inc (TSXV:EUP)(OTCQB:AUCCF) (the "Company" or "Europacific") is pleased to announce that it has awarded a drilling contract to SPI, Sondeos Y Perforaciones Industriales del Bierzo, SA, one of the most active drilling companies in Spain and Portugal with a vast working experience. SPI possesses international environmental and quality management certifications, respectively ISO1 4001 and ISO 9001. The Company is planning for the immediate commencement of drilling and is preparing the drill pad locations.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华/ACCESSWIRE/2024年3月28日/欧洲太平洋金属公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:EUP)(OTCQB: AUCCF)(“公司” 或 “欧洲太平洋”)欣然宣布,它已向SPI、Sondeos Y Perforaciones del Bierzo授予了钻探合同,该公司是西班牙和葡萄牙最活跃的钻探公司之一,拥有丰富的工作经验。SPI 拥有国际环境和质量管理认证,分别是 ISO1 4001 和 ISO 9001。该公司正计划立即开始钻探,并正在准备钻台的位置。

"We're making preparations at the drill site for the immediate commencement of drill operations at the Miguel Vacas Copper project, over the last few months we have completed a reinterpretation and geological modelling along with further sampling. This has enabled us to generate a very compelling drill target model at Miguel Vacas. The drill program will focus on and confirm the extensions and the quality of the oxidized blanket for an open pit heap leaching operation. If successful, this will allow us to come up and confirm an initial resource estimation and enable a bulk sample operation in the short term while the sulfide parts of the system are assessed by deeper drilling at a later stage. We have a very experienced technical team and are looking forward to boots on the ground next week." stated Karim Rayani, Chief Executive Officer.

“我们正在钻探现场为立即开始Miguel Vacas Copper项目的钻探作业做准备,在过去的几个月中,我们已经完成了重新解释和地质建模以及进一步的采样。这使我们能够在 Miguel Vacas 生成一个非常有吸引力的钻探目标模型。钻探计划将重点关注并确认露天堆浸作业的氧化覆盖层的延伸和质量。如果成功,这将使我们能够得出并确认初步的资源估计,并在短期内实现批量样品作业,同时在稍后阶段通过更深的钻探对系统的硫化物部分进行评估。我们拥有一支经验非常丰富的技术团队,期待下周投入使用。” 首席执行官卡里姆·拉亚尼说。

The campaign will be initially focused on Miguel Vacas Copper advanced copper project which is located approximately 180 km east by road from Lisbon and approximately 70 km east from Évora, the Alentejo region capital.


Miguel Vacas open pit copper deposit which produced 1.9 million lbs of copper from the oxide zone of a shear zone in schists at least 2,000 meters along strike and 10 to 20 meters in width. Drilling priority will be focused in this phase on the evaluation of the shallow (<80m) open pittable section of the deposit which consists mainly of oxidised copper ore amenable to heap leaching. Historical near surface drilling (60 to 71.63m) intercepted 1.79 % Cu over 10.54m including 2.29% Cu over 7.30 m. An in-house resource estimation based on 20 historical holes carried out by Rio Narcea came up with a total of 1.2 Mt @ 1.23% Cu for the supergene blanket and 4.4 Mt @ 1.24% Cu for the sulphide ore, respectively from 0 to 80m and >80m to 250m over a drilled strike length of approximately 1.1km. The mineralized system extends on at least 2 km along l strike and is open at depth.


These drilling data has been compiled from reports from a Portuguese private company, EMIL-Empresa de Mineração S.A. in the seventies of the previous century and Colt Resources, a Canadian junior, during the period 2014-2015. Highlights of these results are depicted in the table below:

这些钻探数据是根据葡萄牙私营公司Emil-Empresa de Mineracaão S.A. 在上个世纪70年代的报告和加拿大初级公司柯尔特资源公司在2014-2015年期间的报告汇编而成的。这些结果的重点如下表所示:

The plan includes a total of 11 shallow holes to confirm previous results and detail the morphology of the oxidized blanket in order to outline an initial resource estimation. A deep undercut hole is also planned to confirm the deeper sulphide zone for further follow-up. All relevant authorizations from the public authorities and landowners have all been cleared and drilling platforms have been concluded. Work is scheduled to start effectively in the first week of April 2024.


Borba 2 projects have a well-documented potential to host precious and base metals mineralization often enhanced by the presence of abundant Au and /or Cu mineral occurrences in shear zones hosted in Devonian and Silurian metasediments and in epithermal systems associated with intra-Ordovician volcanics.

有据可查的Borba 2项目具有储存贵金属和基本金属矿化的潜力,这通常是因为泥盆纪和志留纪变沉积物中的剪切带以及与奥陶纪内部火山岩相关的超热系统中存在丰富的金和/或铜矿物,从而增强了矿化。

About Europacific Metals Inc.


Europacific Metals Inc. is a Canadian public company listed on TSXV and in US on OTCQB. The Company holds brownfield gold, and copper-gold projects located in Portugal. The Company is focused on exploration in highly prospective geological settings in Europe jurisdictions. EuroPacific Metals ("EUP") owns a total of 100% equity interest in EVX Portugal, a private Portugal based company, that holds the legal exploration rights from the Portugal Government on the Borba 2 ("Borba 2") exploration properties, covering approximately 328 square kilometers in the Alentejo region in Southern Portugal. Miguel Vacas is the most advanced prospect within the Borba 2 license.

欧洲太平洋金属公司是一家加拿大上市公司,在多伦多证券交易所上市,在美国OTCQB上市。该公司持有位于葡萄牙的棕地黄金和铜金项目。该公司专注于在欧洲司法管辖区极具前景的地质环境中进行勘探。EuroPacific Metals(“EUP”)共拥有葡萄牙私营公司EVX Portugal的100%股权,该公司持有葡萄牙政府对Borba 2(“Borba 2”)勘探地产的合法勘探权,该地产覆盖葡萄牙南部阿连特茹地区约328平方千米。米格尔·瓦卡斯是Borba 2许可证中最先进的潜在客户。

Qualified Person


Technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 and approved for inclusion by Mr. José Mario Castelo Branco, EuroGeol, who is a "qualified person" with over 35 years' experience in the Exploration and Mining Geology industry. Mr. Castelo Branco holds a B.Sc. in Geology from the University of Porto in Portugal. He is also a member of the Portuguese Association of Geologists, the European Federation of Geologists, Member of the Prospectors and Developers of Canada, the Society of Economic Geologists and the Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits.

本新闻稿中的技术信息是根据国家仪器43-101编制的,并经EuroGeol的何塞·马里奥·卡斯特洛·布兰科先生批准纳入其中,他是一位在勘探和采矿地质行业拥有超过35年的经验的 “合格人士”。卡斯特洛·布兰科先生拥有葡萄牙波尔图大学地质学学士学位。他还是葡萄牙地质学家协会、欧洲地质学家联合会的成员、加拿大探矿者和开发者协会的成员、经济地质学家协会和矿床应用地质学会的成员。

On behalf of the Board of Directors


Europacific Metals Inc.


Mr. Karim Rayani, Chief Executive Officer
11th Floor - 1111 Melville Street
Vancouver, BC V6E 3V6

11 楼-梅尔维尔街 1111 号
不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华 V6E 3V6

This news release contains "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws relating to the exploration potential of the Company's properties. Generally forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of terminology such as "anticipate", "will", "expect", "may", "continue", "could", "estimate", "forecast", "plan", "potential" and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties relating to, among other things, results of future exploration and development activities, uninsured risks, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of materials and equipment, timeliness of government approvals, changes in commodity prices and unanticipated environmental impacts on operations. Although the Company believes current conditions and expected future developments and other factors that have been considered are appropriate and that the expectations reflected in this forward-looking information are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on them because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct or enduring. Readers are cautioned to not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The statements in this press release are made as of the date of this release. Except as required by law, the Company does not undertake any obligation to update publicly or to revise any forward-looking statements that are contained or incorporated in this press release. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. The readers should not rely on any historical estimates. The Company and the QP have not done sufficient work to classify historical estimate as a current resource. The Company is not treating the historical estimate as a current resource. Additional work including drilling will be required to verify and upgrade historical estimates.

本新闻稿包含适用证券法所指与公司物业勘探潜力有关的 “前瞻性信息”。通常,前瞻性陈述可以通过使用 “预期”、“将”、“预期”、“可能”、“继续”、“可能”、“估计”、“预测”、“计划”、“潜力” 等术语和类似的表述来识别。这些前瞻性陈述涉及风险和不确定性,除其他外,涉及未来勘探和开发活动的结果、未投保的风险、监管变化、所有权缺陷、材料和设备的可用性、政府批准的及时性、大宗商品价格的变化以及对运营的意外环境影响。尽管公司认为当前状况和预期的未来发展以及已经考虑的其他因素是适当的,并且这些前瞻性信息中反映的预期是合理的,但不应过分依赖这些预期,因为公司无法保证这些预期会被证明是正确或持久的。提醒读者不要过分依赖前瞻性信息。本新闻稿中的声明是截至本新闻稿发布之日发表的。除非法律要求,否则公司不承担任何义务公开更新或修改本新闻稿中包含或纳入的任何前瞻性陈述。本新闻稿中包含的所有前瞻性陈述均受本警示声明的明确限制。读者不应依赖任何历史估计。该公司和QP在将历史估计值归类为当前资源方面做得还不够。该公司没有将历史估计值视为当前资源。需要进行包括钻探在内的其他工作来验证和升级历史估计。

SOURCE: Europacific Metals Inc.


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