
Exploring Mining Podcast With Chris Timmins - Pegasus Resources Inc. Takes Flight With New Assay Results

Exploring Mining Podcast With Chris Timmins - Pegasus Resources Inc. Takes Flight With New Assay Results

与 Chris Timmins 一起探索采矿播客-Pegasus Resources Inc. 公布新的化验结果
newsfile ·  04/02 08:00

CEO Chris Timmins Discusses Latest Assay results and 2024 Upcoming drill program for Energy Sands Project


Vancouver, Kelowna and Delta, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 2, 2024) -, a global investor news source covering mining and metals stocks releases today's Exploring Mining Podcast, featuring a special edition interview with Chris Timmins, CEO and President of Pegasus Resources Inc. (TSXV: PEGA) (OTCQB: SLTFF).

温哥华、基洛纳和不列颠哥伦比亚省达美航空--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年4月2日)——报道矿业和金属股票的全球投资者新闻来源Investorideas.com今天发布了《探索矿业播客》,其中包括对飞马资源公司(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:PEGA)(OTCQB:SLTFF)首席执行官兼总裁克里斯·蒂明斯的特别版采访。

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In this episode, host Cali Van Zant talks to Chris Timmins about the latest assay results from their Energy Sands project (Full company press release here) and some of the permit and drilling programs coming up this summer. Chris talks about his role since becoming CEO in 2023, new board additions to the team, the Pine Channel Project and what he is looking forward to most in the uranium sector.

在本集中,主持人卡利·范赞特与克里斯·蒂明斯谈了他们的 Energy Sands 项目的最新化验结果(公司新闻稿全文 这里)以及今年夏天即将出台的一些许可证和钻探计划。克里斯谈到了自2023年出任首席执行官以来的职位、团队新增的董事会、Pine Channel项目以及他在铀行业最期待的事情。

When speaking about their latest results and the Energy Sands project, Chris states, "We did a program in January on our Energy Sands project in Utah. We had some really good preliminary results. We sent the guys out, and they went around and collected a bunch of samples and we had some really extraordinary results. We were expecting something around 2% but we actually came back with an 18.87% result; very encouraging."

在谈到他们的最新业绩和能源金沙项目时,克里斯说: “我们在一月份在犹他州的能源金沙项目上做了一个项目。我们取得了一些非常不错的初步结果。我们派人出去了,他们四处搜集了一大堆样本,结果非常出色。我们原本预计会达到2%左右,但实际上结果为18.87%;非常令人鼓舞。”

"We're going to take the next step, and that's going to be to apply for the permitting, and get the ball rolling on this project into drill ready status, and hopefully drill it this summer....Our big neighbor is Western Uranium Vanadium, just up the road by a mile or two from us. That's why we staked this land in the first place; it's that it was open, and it is a long trend. Western Uranium's has 4 to 5 million lbs. of uranium sitting up on their property just to the northeast of us. We saw the potential here to follow along trend."

“我们将采取下一步行动,那就是申请许可证,让这个项目进入钻探就绪状态,希望在今年夏天进行钻探... 我们的大邻居是西方铀钒,离我们只有一两英里的路程。这就是我们一开始就押下这块土地的原因;因为它是开放的,而且是一个长期的趋势。西方铀业在我们东北部的土地上有400万至500万磅的铀。我们看到了这里顺应潮流的潜力。”

When asked about surviving the challenges of 2023 as a junior exploration company and what Chris is looking forward to in 2024, he said, "As far as what we're looking forward to; I am looking forward to drilling Energy Sands. I think there's a resource here and if you can take a company with an under a $4 million market cap and start drilling a resource for uranium, I think that'll be a real eye opener for people."


"For 2025 we'll be in Pine Channel and we think there's something there too. So we've got a few things on the go. Thankfully, we can work the Energy Sands project through the summer and our Pine Channel one in the winter. That spreads out our attention a little and gives us a little more bandwidth here to deal with each thing when it comes up."

“到2025年,我们将进入派恩频道,我们认为那里也有一些东西。因此,我们有一些事情要做。值得庆幸的是,我们可以将能源金沙项目持续到夏季,在冬季开展我们的Pine Channel项目。这稍微分散了我们的注意力,为我们提供了更多的带宽,可以在每件事出现时进行处理。”

"As far as uranium in general, I think it only gets better from here. The demand just keeps going up and the supply just keeps lagging. So I think it's an exciting place to be. And I think we see uranium prices continue to go up through the next few years, and I don't think we see this demand supply problem fixed till at least into the 2030's."


Full company press release


About Pegasus Resources Inc

关于 Pegasus 资源公司

Pegasus Resources Inc. is a diversified Junior Canadian Mineral Exploration Company with a focus on uranium, gold, and base metal properties in North America. The Company is also actively pursuing the right opportunity in other resources to enhance shareholder value. For additional information, please visit the Company at

Pegasus Resources Inc. 是一家多元化的加拿大初级矿产勘探公司,专注于北美的铀、金和贱金属特性。公司还积极寻求其他资源中的适当机会,以提高股东价值。欲了解更多信息,请访问公司,网址为

About the Energy Sands Project


The Energy Sands project consists of 100% owned 78 lode claims covering 1,560 acres in the San Rafael Uranium District of Utah approximately 4 kilometres from the San Rafael Uranium Project of Western Uranium and Vanadium.

Energy Sands项目由100%拥有的78块矿脉索赔组成,占地1560英亩,位于犹他州圣拉斐尔铀区,距离西方铀和钒的圣拉斐尔铀项目约4公里。

Utah is ranked among the top 5 most favorable jurisdictions in the United States and is home to two built uranium mills and a third soon to be built by Western Uranium and Vanadium, which gives the companies operating in the area an exceptional advantage for future ore processing for conventional mining projects.


  • Historical small-scale production, between 1953 and 1956, totaling 103,600 Pounds at a grade of 0.373% U3O8 and 1.10% V2O5.
  • 1953年至1956年间的历史小规模产量,总产量为103,600磅,八氧化三含量为0.373%,V2O5品位为1.10%。
  • 4 Corners Mines road runs through the property and connects to Interstate 70 (less 2km away), a mainline route of the Interstate Highway System in the United States connecting Utah and Maryland.
  • 4 Corners Mines公路贯穿该物业,与70号州际公路(不到2公里远)相连,这是连接犹他州和马里兰州的美国州际公路系统的干线。

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