
Evome Sells Simbex R&D Business Unit to Riddell for $4.83M in Cash; Improves Balance Sheet, Reduces Biodex Acquisition Debt

Evome Sells Simbex R&D Business Unit to Riddell for $4.83M in Cash; Improves Balance Sheet, Reduces Biodex Acquisition Debt

GlobeNewswire ·  04/02 11:18

NEW YORK, April 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evome Medical Technologies Inc. (the "Company" or "Evome") (TSXV: EVMT) has reached an agreement with EB Sports Corp. (the "Buyer")‎, the parent company of Riddell Sports Group, an industry leader in football helmet technology and innovation, to sell Simbex LLC ("Simbex"), the Company's R&D business unit, for approximately $4.83M in cash. The proceeds will be used to pay down Simbex debt and reduce Evome's acquisition debt to the seller of its operating subsidiary Biodex Rehab Systems, LLC ("Biodex"), strengthening the Company's balance sheet, as well as increasing focus on revenue and profit growth from the Biodex product line.

纽约,2024年4月2日(环球新闻专线)——Evome Medical Technologies Inc.(“公司” 或 “Evome”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:EVMT)已与足球头盔技术和创新行业领导者里德尔体育集团的母公司EB Sports Corp.(“买方”)‎ 达成协议,出售该公司的研发业务部门Simbex LLC(“Simbex”)大约483万美元的现金。所得款项将用于偿还Simbex债务,减少Evome对运营子公司Biodex Rehab Systems, LLC(“Biodex”)卖方的收购债务,加强公司的资产负债表,并越来越关注Biodex产品线的收入和利润增长。

This focus on revenue growth and market expansion has led Biodex to launch a new, high-tech product called the RST (Reactive Step Trainer). The RST was launched by the Company at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting in Boston on February 15, 2024. The RST is designed to improve balance and reduce tripping and falling, particularly among elderly patients. The Reactive Step Trainer can provide repetitive conditioning training along with random and on-demand perturbation challenges, designed to help patients improve their compensatory step strategies and reduce fall risk. It has been meticulously engineered to be cost-effective, ensuring accessibility to a wider range of patients, while also prioritizing functionality to effectively cater to the clinical requirements of Physical Therapists.

这种对收入增长和市场扩张的关注促使Biodex推出了一款名为RST(反应式步进训练器)的新型高科技产品。RST由公司于2024年2月15日在波士顿举行的美国物理治疗协会联合分会会议上推出。RST 旨在改善平衡,减少绊倒和跌倒,尤其是在老年患者中。Reactive Step Trainer可以提供重复的体能训练以及随机和按需的扰动挑战,旨在帮助患者改善补偿步伐策略并降低跌倒风险。它经过精心设计,具有成本效益,可确保更广泛的患者获得服务,同时还优先考虑功能以有效满足物理治疗师的临床需求。

Looking ahead, Evome plans to continue its innovation with the upcoming launch of the SpaceTek Knee in late 2024. This isokinetic device, co-developed with NASA, represents another milestone in Evome's commitment to advancing medical technology and improving patient outcomes while improving margins and increasing sales by democratizing its technology to a broader market.

展望未来,Evome计划通过即将在2024年底推出SpaceTek Knee来继续创新。这种等速设备是与美国宇航局共同开发的,是Evome致力于推进医疗技术和改善患者预后,同时通过将其技术普及到更广泛的市场来提高利润率和增加销售额的又一个里程碑。

"Since July of 2023, I have worked tirelessly with our team to turn the company around" said Mike Seckler, CEO. "We started with a focus on increasing revenues and margins, which led to two consecutive quarters of positive Adjusted EBITDA. In the first quarter of the year we have focused on two strategic imperatives. First, we are reducing debt and improving our balance sheet by selling non-core business units. We will work towards continuing to make progress on our balance sheet in the second quarter. Second, we have retooled our production platform to deliver on increasing demand from our Biodex products. I believe that we have the potential to have a breakout second quarter of this year in terms of Biodex products and improvement of the balance sheet."


Pursuant to a membership interest purchase agreement signed and dated April 1, 2024 between an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of the Company (the "Seller"), the Buyer and the Company, the Buyer has acquired all of the issued and outstanding capital stock of Simbex from the Seller in consideration for US$3,550,000 (approximately $4.83M) in cash. The gross proceeds will reduce senior debt of Simbex by US$824,441 upon closing and acquisition debt of the Evome associated with its acquisition of Biodex by US$2,115,559, with the remainder of funds used for transaction costs and debt reduction to subordinated and unsecured creditors.


As a result of the sale, Evome expects a reduction in annual revenue of ~US$6,000,000. Net income is expected to decrease immaterially.


Mike Seckler ‎
Chief Executive Officer ‎
Tel: 1 (800) 760-6826 ‎

电话:1 (800) 760-6826‎

Cautionary Statements


Unless otherwise specified, all dollar amounts in this press release are expressed in Canadian ‎dollars.‎

除非另有说明,否则本新闻稿中的所有美元金额均以加拿大语‎dollars 表示。‎

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute "forward-looking information" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and applicable Canadian securities laws. These statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "expects" "believes", "estimates", "may", "would", "could", ‎‎"should", "potential", ‎‎‎‎‎"will", "seek", "intend", "plan", and "anticipate", and similar expressions as they relate ‎‎‎‎to the Company, including: the Company launching new products in 2024 and the timing of such launches. All ‎statements ‎other than statements of ‎historical fact may be forward-looking‎ information. Such statements reflect the Company's current views and intentions with respect to future ‎events, and current information available to the Company, and are subject to certain risks, ‎uncertainties and assumptions, including, the Company having the necessary capital to complete its business objectives. The Company cautions that the forward-looking statements contained herein are qualified by important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected by such statements. Such factors include but are not limited to the ‎‎general business and ‎‎economic ‎conditions in the regions in ‎which the Company operates; the ability of the Company to execute on key ‎‎priorities, ‎including the successful completion of acquisitions, business‎ retention, and‎‎ strategic plans and to‎‎ attract, develop ‎and retain key executives; difficulty integrating newly acquired businesses; ‎‎ongoing or new disruptions in the supply chain, the extent and scope of such supply chain disruptions, and the timing or extent of the resolution or improvement of such disruptions; the ability to‎‎‎ implement business strategies and pursue business opportunities; ‎‎disruptions in or attacks (including ‎cyber-attacks) on the Company's information technology, internet, network access or other ‎‎voice or data ‎communications systems or services; the evolution of various types of fraud or other ‎‎‎criminal behavior to which ‎ the Company is exposed; the failure of third parties to comply with their obligations to ‎‎ the Company or its ‎affiliates; the‎ impact of new and changes to, or application of, current laws and regulations; ‎granting of permits and licenses in a highly regulated business; the ‎overall difficult ‎‎‎‎‎litigation environment, including in the United States; increased competition; changes in foreign currency rates; ‎increased ‎‎‎‎funding ‎costs and market volatility due to market illiquidity and competition for funding; the ‎availability of funds ‎‎‎‎and resources to pursue operations; critical ‎accounting estimates and changes to accounting standards, policies,‎‎‎‎ and methods used by the Company; the occurrence of natural and unnatural‎‎ catastrophic ‎events ‎and claims ‎‎‎‎resulting from such events; as well as those risk factors discussed or ‎referred to ‎in the ‎Company's disclosure ‎documents filed with United States Securities and Exchange Commission ‎and ‎available at ‎, and with ‎the securities regulatory authorities in certain provinces of Canada and ‎‎available at ‎. Should any ‎factor affect the Company in an unexpected manner, or should ‎‎assumptions underlying ‎the forward-looking ‎information prove incorrect, the actual results or events may differ ‎‎materially from the results ‎or events predicted. ‎Any such forward-looking information is expressly qualified in its ‎‎entirety by this cautionary ‎statement. Moreover, ‎the Company does not assume responsibility for the accuracy or ‎‎completeness of such ‎forward-looking ‎information. The forward-looking information included in this press release ‎‎is made as of the ‎date of this press ‎release and the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise ‎‎any forward-‎looking information, ‎other than as required by applicable law‎.

本新闻稿中包含的某些陈述构成1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》和适用的加拿大证券法所指的 “前瞻性信息”。这些陈述可以通过使用前瞻性术语来识别,例如 “期望”,“相信”,“估计”,“可能”,”会”、“可以”、‎‎ “应该”、“潜在”、‎‎‎‎‎ “将”、“寻求”、“打算”、“计划” 和 “预测”,以及相关的类似表达‎‎‎‎to 该公司,包括: 该公司在2024年推出新产品以及此类发布的时间安排。 除‎historical 事实陈述外,所有‎statements‎other 都可能是前瞻性的‎ 信息。此类陈述反映了公司当前对未来‎events 的看法和意图以及公司目前获得的信息,并受某些风险、‎uncertainties 和假设的约束,包括公司拥有完成其业务目标所需的资本。公司警告说,此处包含的前瞻性陈述受重要因素的限制,这些因素可能导致实际业绩与此类陈述所反映的业绩存在重大差异。这些因素包括但不限于公司运营地区的‎‎general 业务和‎‎economic‎conditions;公司执行关键任务的能力‎which‎‎priorities,‎including 成功完成收购、业务‎ 保留和‎‎ 战略计划以及‎‎ 吸引、发展‎and 留住关键高管;难以整合新收购的业务;‎‎ongoing 或供应链出现新的中断、此类供应链中断的程度和范围,以及解决或改善此类中断的时机或程度;能力‎‎‎ 实施业务战略并寻求商机;‎‎disruptions 对公司信息技术、互联网、网络接入或其他方面的攻击(包括‎cyber-攻击)‎‎voice 或数据‎communications 系统或服务;公司面临的各种欺诈或其他‎‎‎criminal 行为的演变;‎第三方未能履行其对‎‎ 公司或其‎affiliates 的义务;现行法律法规的新、变更或适用的‎ 影响;‎granting 在高度监管的企业中对许可证和执照的影响;‎overall 艰难‎‎‎‎‎litigation 环境,包括美国的环境;竞争加剧;外币汇率的变化;‎increased‎‎‎‎funding‎costs 以及市场流动性不足和资金竞争导致的市场波动;基金的‎availability‎‎‎‎and 用于开展运营的资源;关键‎accounting 估计和会计准则、政策的变化,‎‎‎‎ 以及公司使用的方法;自然和非自然的发生‎‎ 灾难性‎events‎and 索赔‎‎‎‎resulting 来自此类事件;以及所讨论的风险因素或‎referred 至‎in 向美国证券交易委员会提交的披露‎documents‎Company‎and‎available 在‎www,还有加拿大某些省份的‎the 证券监管机构,‎‎available 位于‎。如果任何‎factor 以意想不到的方式影响公司,或者‎‎assumptions 标的‎the 前瞻性‎information 被证明不正确,则实际业绩或事件可能会有所不同‎‎materially 来自结果‎or 事件的预测。‎Any 本警示词在‎‎entirety 中对此类前瞻性信息进行了明确限定‎statement。此外,‎the Company 对这种外观‎forward 的‎information 的准确性或‎‎completeness 不承担任何责任。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性信息‎‎is 截至本新闻稿‎date 发布‎release 且公司没有义务公开更新或修改‎‎any 向前发布‎looking 信息,‎other 超出适用法律的要求‎。

This press release refers to "Adjusted EBITDA" which is a non-GAAP and non-IFRS financial ‎measure that does ‎not have a standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP or IFRS. "Adjusted EBITDA" is defined as net operating loss excluding depreciation of property and equipment, amortization ‎of right-of-use asset, amortization of intangible asset, severance expense due to restructuring, and stock-based ‎compensation‎.

本新闻稿提及 “调整后息税折旧摊销前利润”,这是一项非公认会计准则和非国际财务报告准则财务‎measure,‎not 具有公认会计原则或国际财务报告准则规定的标准化含义。 “调整后息税折旧摊销前利润” 定义为净营业亏损,不包括财产和设备折旧、摊销‎of 使用权资产、无形资产摊销、重组产生的遣散费用以及股票型‎compensation‎。

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