
Ramp Metals Completes Drill Program and Acquires 100% Ownership in Rottenstone SW and PLD Properties

Ramp Metals Completes Drill Program and Acquires 100% Ownership in Rottenstone SW and PLD Properties

Ramp Metals 完成钻探计划并收购 Rottenstone SW 和 PLD 地产 100% 的所有权
newsfile ·  04/16 08:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - April 16, 2024) - Ramp Metals Inc. (TSXV: RAMP) ("Ramp Metals" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that the Company has successfully completed a 2024 drill program at its Rottenstone SW project and acquired a 100% interest in both the Rottenstone SW and PLD property pursuant to the Company's option agreement with Rottenstone Resources Ltd. dated March 16, 2022.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 4 月 16 日)-Ramp Metals Inc.(TSXV:RAMP)(”斜坡金属“或者”公司“)高兴地宣布,根据公司于2022年3月16日与罗滕斯通资源有限公司签订的期权协议,该公司已成功完成其罗滕斯通西南项目2024年的钻探计划,并收购了罗滕斯通西南和PLD物业的100%权益。



  • Acquisition of a 100% interest in the Rottenstone SW and PLD properties, subject only to a 2% net smelter royalty. The Company has the ability to purchase 1/2 of the royalty (1%) at any time for $1,000,000.
  • A total of 1180m was drilled in four diamond drillholes (Figure 1) at Rottenstone SW.
  • Three of four holes intersected mafic-ultramafic lithologies and Pyrrhotite mineralization. Mineralization styles ranged from disseminated to semi-massive.
  • Core samples are currently being transported to SRC in Saskatoon for geochemical analysis.
  • Two samples from the October field program, 170677 (Figure 3) and 170681, returned significant gold values: 5.11 g/t and 1.09 g/t, respectively.
  • 收购 100% 的权益 在罗滕斯通西南和PLD的物业中,仅需缴纳2%的净冶炼厂特许权使用费。公司可以随时以100万美元的价格购买二分之一的特许权使用费(1%)。
  • 在西南罗滕斯通的四个金刚石钻孔(图 1)中总共钻了 1180 米。
  • 四个孔中有三个与镁质-超镁铁质岩性质和硫铁矿化相交。矿化类型从弥散型到半块状不等。
  • 岩心样本目前正在运送到萨斯卡通的SRC进行地球化学分析。
  • 返回了 10 月实地计划的两个样本,即 170677(图 3)和 170681 显著的黄金价值:分别为 5.11 g/t 和 1.09 g/t

"We are pleased to share that our recent drill program has concluded successfully, with assays currently pending," commented Jordan Black, CEO of Ramp Metals. "These findings highlight the potential of our assets and the expertise of our team. We look forward to sharing the results and remain committed to leveraging these findings to drive value for our stakeholders."

Ramp Metals首席执行官乔丹·布莱克评论说:“我们很高兴与大家分享我们最近的钻探计划已成功结束,目前正在进行化验。”“这些发现突显了我们资产的潜力和我们团队的专业知识。我们期待分享成果,并继续致力于利用这些发现为我们的利益相关者创造价值。”

Figure 1: Rottenstone SW - 2024 Drill Holes.

图 1:Rottenstone SW-2024 钻孔。

The drill program consisted of four diamond drillholes totalling 1180 metres, targeting two high-priority conductors: Rogue and Ranger. Three holes were drilled at Rogue and the remaining hole was drilled at Ranger. The Company was successful in intersecting significant intercepts of mafic-ultramafic lithologies in 3 of 4 holes. Pyrrhotite mineralization was confirmed with a Niton XL5 Plus portable XRF, and is present in most mafic-ultramafic rock packages. Mineralization styles range from disseminated to semi-massive.

钻探计划包括四个总长1180米的钻石钻孔,目标是两个高优先级的导体:Rogue和Ranger。在 Rogue 钻了三个洞,剩下的洞在 Ranger 钻了。该公司成功地在 4 个洞中的 3 个洞中截取了大量的镁质-超镁铁质岩性。Niton XL5 Plus便携式XRF分析仪证实了Pyrhrotite的矿化作用,并且存在于大多数镁铁矿-超镁铁质岩石包中。矿化形式从弥散到半块状。

Rogue-02-24 drillhole was drilled to a depth of 350m and tested a conductive anomaly in the centre of the claim block. Mafic-ultramafic hosted Pyrrhotite was intersected across a total of approximately 53 meters and ranged from disseminated to semi-massive.


Rogue-03-24 drillhole was drilled from a pad approximately 105 meters NW of Rogue-02 to a depth of 266m and attempted to pierce the same zone intersected in Rogue-02. Mafic-ultramafic hosted Pyrrhotite (Figure 2) was intersected across a total of approximately 140 meters and ranged from disseminated to net-texture.

Rogue-03-24 钻孔是从 Rogue-02 西北约 105 米处钻出来的,深度为 266 米,并试图穿透 Rogue-02 中相交的相同区域。MAFIC-UltraMafic 托管的 Pyrrhotite(图 2)总长度约为 140 米,从播散纹理到网状纹理不等。

Figure 2: Rogue-03-24 boxes 39 and 40 showing ultramafic hosted Pyrrhotite.

图 2:Rogue-03-24 方框 39 和 40 显示了超镁铁托管的黄铁矿。

Ranger-01-24 drillhole was drilled to a depth of 314m and tested a conductive anomaly approximately 3km east-south-east of the Rogue target. Prospecting in October 2023 discovered angular ultramafic boulders and outcrop at this location. Two samples from the October program, 170677 (Figure 3) and 170681, returned significant gold values: 5.11 g/t and 1.09 g/t, respectively. Ranger-01 drillhole intersected ultramafic hosted Pyrrhotite (Figure 4) across a total of approximately 20 meters. Mineralization styles ranged from disseminated to net-textured.

Ranger-01-24钻孔的钻孔深度为314米,并测试了Rogue目标东南偏东约3公里处的传导异常。2023 年 10 月的勘探工作在该地点发现了有角度的超镁铁质巨石和露头。十月计划的两个样本,170677(图 3)和 170681, 返回了可观的黄金价值:分别为5.11克/吨和1.09克/吨。 Ranger-01 钻孔与超镁铁矿相交(图 4),总长约为 20 米。矿化风格从弥散型到网状纹理不等。

Figure 3: Sample 170677. Ultramafic outcrop sample from the Ranger target which returned values of 5.11 g/t Au.

图 3:示例 170677。来自 Ranger 目标的超镁质露头样本,返回的金值为 5.11 g/t Au。

Figure 4: Ranger-01-24 - boxes 11 and 12 showing ultramafic hosted Pyrrhotite.

图 4:Ranger-01-24-方框 11 和 12 显示了超镁铁托管的黄铁矿。

Next Steps


The Company will look to further investigate the two conductors tested (Rogue & Ranger) in this drill program and two other untested conductive anomalies on the Rottenstone SW property with an extensive ground geophysical program. The unexpected gold showings from the October 2023 field program add a new level of intrigue to the Rottenstone SW Project. The Company is excited to follow the Ranger target to identify the source of the gold. Information regarding the program and the potential for additional drill targets and further groundwork will be provided once initial assay results are received and a ground geophysical program can be completed.

该公司将寻求通过一项广泛的地面地球物理计划,进一步调查该钻探计划中测试的两种导体(Rogue & Ranger)以及西南罗滕斯通地产上另外两个未经测试的导电异常。2023年10月实地项目中意想不到的金牌秀为罗滕斯通西南项目增添了新的吸引力。该公司很高兴能按照Ranger的目标来确定黄金的来源。收到初步分析结果并完成地面地球物理计划后,将提供有关该计划以及增加钻探目标和进一步基础工作的可能性的信息。

Geochemical Sampling Procedures


All drill core samples were sent to Saskatchewan Research Council Geoanalytical Laboratories ("SRC") in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (an accredited laboratory) by secure transport for base and precious metal assay. Base metals were assayed by their ICP3 base metal package, which includes a total of 35 analytes by ICP-OES. All assay samples will be analyzed for gold, platinum and palladium using the AU5 Fire Assay Technique.


All drill holes are systematically logged, photographed and sampled by a trained geologist at Ramp Metals' core processing facility. Drill core samples are marked in intervals of up to 1.5m and cut in half using a diamond saw with half sent for assay and the other half saved for reference. Samples are then bagged and zip-tied, with 10-13 bagged samples placed into sealed rice bags for transport to SRC by Company personnel directly. Sample QA/QC procedures were applied by inserting a regular and systematic schedule of standards, blanks and duplicates into the sample stream. Certified standard reference material, blanks and duplicates were inserted into the sample stream at a minimum target of 5% insertion rate. Blanks were inserted at the start of each batch (35-36 poly bags) and additionally at the discretion of a trained geologist after samples of high sulphide content. Certified standard reference material and duplicates were inserted into the sample sequence at a rate of 1 in every 30 samples each, alternating between a standard and duplicate every 15 samples.

所有钻孔均由训练有素的地质学家在 Ramp Metals 的岩心加工设施进行系统记录、拍照和采样。钻芯样品每隔最多 1.5 米进行标记,然后使用金刚石锯切成两半,一半送去化验,另一半保存以供参考。然后将样品装袋并用拉链扎好,将10-13个袋装样本放入密封的米袋中,由公司人员直接运送到SRC。样本质量保证/质量控制程序是通过在样本流中插入定期和系统的标准、空白和副本时间表来进行的。将经过认证的标准参考资料、空白和副本插入样本流中,最低目标插入率为 5%。每批(35-36 个聚乙烯袋)开始时都要插入空白,此外还要由训练有素的地质学家在采集高硫化物样本后自行决定。经认证的标准参考材料和副本以每 30 个样本中各有 1 个的速率插入样本序列中,每隔 15 个样本交替生成一个标准参考材料和副本。

The Rottenstone SW Property


The Rottenstone SW property is located in the Rottenstone Domain, in Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, approximately 115 kilometers North of La Ronge, Saskatchewan. The property consists of 12 mineral deposit claims covering approximately 17,285 hectares. The Rottenstone SW property is located along a regional NE-SW structure from the historic Rottenstone Mine, which produced 40,000 tons of high grade nickel-copper-platinum group elements plus gold (Ni-Cu-PGE + Au) ore grading 3.28% Ni, 1.83% Cu and 9.63 g/t (Pt-Pd-Au).

西南罗滕斯通地产位于加拿大萨斯喀彻温省北部的罗滕斯通领地,位于萨斯喀彻温省拉龙日以北约115公里处。该物业包括12份矿床索赔,占地约17,285公顷。西南罗滕斯通地产位于历史悠久的罗滕斯通矿的东北西南区域结构沿线,该矿生产了4万吨高品位镍铜铂族元素,外加金(Ni-Cu-PgE + Au)矿石,镍品位为3.28%,铜品位为1.83%,铜含量为9.63 g/t(Pt-Pd-Au)。

Qualified Person


Brett Williams, P.Geo., VP Operations and Senior Geologist for Ramp Metals, and a "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the technical content in this news release.

Brett Williams,P.Geo.,坡道金属运营副总裁兼高级地质学家,美国国家仪器公司 43-101 下的 “合格人员” 矿产项目披露标准,已审查并批准了本新闻稿中的技术内容。

About Ramp Metals Inc.

关于 Ramp Metals Inc.

Ramp Metals is a battery and base metal exploration company with two flagship properties located in northern Saskatchewan and one property in Nye County, Nevada. The management team is passionate about green field exploration and new technologies. The vision of Ramp Metals is to make the next big discovery required to fuel the green technology movement.

Ramp Metals是一家电池和贱金属勘探公司,在萨斯喀彻温省北部拥有两处旗舰物业,在内华达州奈县拥有一处旗舰物业。管理团队对绿地探索和新技术充满热情。Ramp Metals的愿景是做出推动绿色技术运动所需的下一个重大发现。

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This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements contained herein that are not clearly historical in nature may constitute forward-looking statements. Generally, such forward-looking information or forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or may contain statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "will continue", "will occur" or "will be achieved". The forward-looking information and forward-looking statements contained herein include, but are not limited to, statements regarding the Company's exploration activities.

本新闻稿包含适用证券法所指的 “前瞻性陈述”。此处包含的所有不明确的历史陈述均可能构成前瞻性陈述。通常,此类前瞻性信息或前瞻性陈述可以通过使用前瞻性术语来识别,例如 “计划”、“预期” 或 “不预期”、“预算”、“预期”、“估计”、“打算”、“预期” 或 “不相信”,或此类词语和短语的变体或可能包含某些行为、事件或结果 “可能” 的陈述, “可以”, “将”, “可能” 或 “将被采取”, “将继续”, “将发生” 或 “将实现”.此处包含的前瞻性信息和前瞻性陈述包括但不限于有关公司勘探活动的陈述。

These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including but not limited to: requirements for additional capital; future prices of minerals; changes in general economic conditions; changes in the financial markets and in the demand and market price for commodities; other risks of the mining industry; the inability to obtain any necessary governmental and regulatory approvals; changes in laws, regulations and policies affecting mining operations; hedging practices; and currency fluctuations.


Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual actions, events or results to differ materially from those described in forward-looking statements, there may be other factors that cause actions, events or results to differ from those anticipated, estimated or intended. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on any forward-looking statements or information. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed. Except as required by applicable securities laws, forward-looking statements speak only as of the date on which they are made and the Company does not undertake any obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.


For further information, please contact:


Ramp Metals Inc.
Jordan Black
Chief Executive Officer

Ramp Metals Inc

Prit Singh


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