
Calamos Targets Capital Protected Industry With 12 New ETFs Delivering 100% Downside Protection, Growth Potential & Tax-Alpha

Calamos Targets Capital Protected Industry With 12 New ETFs Delivering 100% Downside Protection, Growth Potential & Tax-Alpha

PR Newswire ·  04/22 09:15
  • Planned suite of 12 Structured Protection ETFs will seek 100% protection against loss and upside participation in S&P 500, Nasdaq-100, and Russell 2000 benchmarks to a cap, delivered for the first time over one-year outcome periods.

  • Calamos' leading options expertise coupled with the current market dynamics makes it an optimal time to engineer these new offerings.

  • Calamos seeks to arm advisors and investors with the next generation of capital protection products through the liquid, transparent, cost-effective, and tax-efficient ETF structure.
  • 计划中的12只结构化保护ETF将寻求100%的保护,以防损失和上行参与标普500指数,纳斯达克-100,还有罗素 2000 基准到上限,在一年的结果期内首次公布。

  • Calamos 领先的期权专业知识加上当前的市场动态使其成为设计这些新产品的最佳时机。

  • Calamos旨在通过流动性、透明、具有成本效益和节税的ETF结构,为顾问和投资者提供下一代资本保护产品。

METRO CHICAGO, April 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Calamos Investments LLC ("Calamos"), a leading alternatives manager and decades-long provider of options-based strategies, today announced the planned launch of 12 Structured Protection ETFs which seek to provide 100% protection and equity upside to a pre-determined cap over one-year outcome periods (before fees and expenses). The ETFs are designed to offer capital protected exposures to the S&P 500, Nasdaq-100 and Russell 2000 benchmarks, making it the most comprehensive lineup of its kind. The first listing, Calamos S&P 500Structured Alt Protection ETF – May (ticker: CPSM), is anticipated to launch May 1st with an upside cap range of 9.20% - 9.65%.

芝加哥大都会,2024 年 4 月 22 日 /PRNewswire/ — Calamos Investments LLC (“Calamos”), 一家领先的另类投资管理公司和长达数十年的期权策略提供商,今天宣布计划推出12只结构化保护ETF,旨在在一年业绩期内(不计费用和开支)提供100%的保护和股权上行空间,但上限为预先确定的上限。ETF旨在为标准普尔500指数提供保本风险敞口,纳斯达克-100 还有罗素 2000 基准测试,使其成为同类产品中最全面的阵容。第一个上市,Calamos S&P 500结构化替代保护ETF — 5月(股票代码:CPSM),预计将于5月1日推出st 上行上限范围为9.20%至9.65%。

"The modern use of options to provide returns and protect clients' hard-earned capital has been core to our DNA since John P. Calamos, Sr. founded Calamos in 1977," said John Koudounis, President and CEO of Calamos Investments. "Our expertise, combined with the current interest rate environment and tax efficiencies of ETFs enabled us to design simple, yet compelling offerings that continue to protect and grow investors' capital over a practical one-year outcome period."

“自从老约翰·卡拉莫斯以来,现代使用期权来提供回报和保护客户来之不易的资本一直是我们DNA的核心 卡拉莫斯于1977年创立了卡拉莫斯。” 卡拉莫斯投资总裁兼首席执行官约翰·库杜尼斯说。“我们的专业知识,加上当前的利率环境和ETF的税收效率,使我们能够设计简单而引人注目的产品,在实际的一年业绩期内继续保护和增加投资者的资本。”

The demand for capital protection solutions has significantly increased in recent years. Across the structured product and annuity industries, approximately $309 billion of principal protected strategies were purchased in the US in 2023. Calamos Structured Protection ETFs offer advisors and investors an exciting alternative to achieve this outcome with additional potential benefits.


"We've designed our suite of ETFs to be cost-effective, transparent, and easy to purchase," said Matt Kaufman, SVP and Head of ETFs. "Investors can also realize significant tax alpha as gains will grow tax deferred and will be taxed at long-term capital gains rates if held longer than one year", said Kaufman.


The ETFs will be managed by Calamos' Eli Pars, Co-CIO, Head of Alternative Strategies and Pars' Alternatives team, which collectively oversees more than $15 billion in AUM as of March 31, 2024. All 12 Calamos Structured Protection ETFs will have an annual expense ratio of 0.69%.


While the Funds will utilize the price return versions of the S&P 500, Nasdaq-100 and Russell 2000as primary benchmarks, secondary benchmarks have been developed by MerQube, a leader in options and outcome-based indexes.

而基金将使用标准普尔500指数的价格回报版本,纳斯达克-100 还有罗素 2000作为主要基准,二级基准由期权和基于结果的指数的领导者MerQube开发。

Learn more about the Calamos Structured Protection ETFs here.


.About Calamos
Calamos Investments is a diversified global investment firm offering innovative investment strategies, including alternatives, multi-asset, convertible, fixed income, private credit, equity, and sustainable equity. With $37.1 billion in AUM, including more than $16 billion in liquid alternatives assets as of March 31, 2024, the firm offers strategies through ETFs, separately managed portfolios, mutual funds, closed-end funds, interval funds, and UCITS funds. Clients include financial advisors, wealth management platforms, pension funds & endowments, foundations, and individuals, globally. Headquartered in the Chicago metropolitan area, the firm also has offices in New York, San Francisco, Milwaukee, Portland (Oregon), and the Miami area. For more information, visit us on LinkedIn, on Twitter (@Calamos), on Instagram (@calamos_investments), or at .

.关于 Calamos
Calamos Investments是一家多元化的全球投资公司,提供创新的投资策略,包括另类投资、多元资产、可兑换、固定收益、私募信贷、股票和可持续股权。截至2024年3月31日,该公司拥有371亿美元的资产管理规模,其中包括超过160亿美元的流动另类资产,通过ETF、独立管理的投资组合、共同基金、封闭式基金、间隔基金和UCITS基金提供策略。客户包括全球财务顾问、财富管理平台、养老基金和捐赠基金、基金会和个人。该公司总部位于芝加哥都会区,还在纽约、旧金山、密尔沃基、波特兰(俄勒冈州)和迈阿密地区设有办事处。欲了解更多信息,请在 LinkedIn、Twitter 上访问我们 (@Calamos)),在 Instagram (@calamos_investments) 上,或者在


即将推出的 CALAMOS 结构化保护 ETF

Launch Date


ETF Name

Cap Range


Outcome Period

May 1, 2024


Calamos S&P 500 Structured Alt Protection ETF – May

9.20% -9.65%

100 %

1 Year

June 3, 2024


Calamos Nasdaq 100 Structured Alt Protection ETF – June


100 %

1 Year

July 1, 2024


Calamos Russell 2000 Structured Alt Protection ETF* – July


100 %

1 Year

August 1, 2024


Calamos S&P 500 Structured Alt Protection ETF – August


100 %

1 Year

September 3, 2024


Calamos Nasdaq-100 Structured Alt Protection ETF – September


100 %

1 Year

October 1, 2024


Calamos Russell 2000 Structured Alt Protection ETF* – October


100 %

1 Year

November 1, 2024


Calamos S&P 500 Structured Alt Protection ETF – November


100 %

1 Year

December 2, 2024


Calamos Nasdaq-100 Structured Alt Protection ETF – December


100 %

1 Year

January 2, 2025


Calamos Russell 2000 Structured Alt Protection ETF* – January


100 %

1 Year

February 3, 2025


Calamos S&P 500 Structured Alt Protection ETF – February


100 %

1 Year

March 3, 2025


Calamos Nasdaq-100 Structured Alt Protection ETF – March


100 %

1 Year

April 1, 2025


Calamos Russell 2000 Structured Alt Protection ETF* – April


100 %

1 Year



ETF 名称






Calamos 标普500指数结构化替代保护ETF — 5月

9.20% -9.65%


1 年



Calamos 纳斯达克 100 指数结构化替代保护ETF — 6月



1 年



Calamos Russell 2000 结构化另类保障 ETF* — 7 月



1 年



Calamos 标普500指数结构化替代保护ETF — 8月



1 年



卡拉莫斯纳斯达克100结构化替代保护ETF — 9月



1 年



Calamos Russell 2000 结构化另类保障 ETF* — 10 月



1 年



Calamos 标普500指数结构化替代保护ETF — 11月



1 年



卡拉莫斯纳斯达克100结构化替代保护ETF — 12月



1 年



Calamos Russell 2000 结构化另类保障 ETF* — 一月



1 年



Calamos 标普500指数结构化替代保护ETF — 2月



1 年



卡拉莫斯纳斯达克100结构化替代保护ETF — 3月



1 年



Calamos Russell 2000 结构化另类保障 ETF* — 4 月



1 年

The information in each fund's prospectus and statement of additional information) is not complete and may be changed. We may not sell the securities of any fund until such fund's registration statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission is effective. Each fund's prospectus and statement of additional information is not an offer to sell such fund's securities and is not soliciting an offer to buy such fund's securities in any state where the offer or sale is not permitted.


Before investing, carefully consider each fund's investment objectives, risks, and charges and expenses. Please see the prospectus and summary prospectus containing this and other information which can be obtained by calling 1-866-363-9219. Read it carefully before investing.

在投资之前,请仔细考虑每只基金的投资目标、风险以及费用和支出。请看看 招股说明书和简要招股说明书 包含此信息和其他信息,可致电 1-866-363-9219 获得。投资前请仔细阅读。

Calamos Investments LLC, referred to herein Calamos is a financial services company offering such services through its subsidiaries: Calamos Advisors LLC, Calamos Wealth Management LLC, Calamos Investments LLP, and Calamos Financial Services LLC.

Calamos Investments LLC(以下简称 Calamos LLC)是一家金融服务公司,通过其子公司提供此类服务:卡拉莫斯顾问有限责任公司、卡拉莫斯财富管理有限责任公司、卡拉莫斯投资有限责任公司和卡拉莫斯金融服务有限责任公司。

An investment in the Fund(s) is subject to risks, and you could lose money on your investment in the Fund(s). There can be no assurance that the Fund(s) will achieve its investment objective. Your investment in the Fund(s) is not a deposit in a bank and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other government agency. The risks associated with an investment in the Fund(s) can increase during times of significant market volatility. The Fund(s) also has specific principal risks, which are described below. More detailed information regarding these risks can be found in the Fund's prospectus.

对基金的投资存在风险,您可能会因投资基金而蒙受损失。 无法保证基金将实现其投资目标。您在基金中的投资不是银行存款,也没有联邦存款保险公司(FDIC)或任何其他政府机构的保险或担保。在市场大幅波动期间,与基金投资相关的风险可能会增加。基金还存在特定的主要风险,如下所述。有关这些风险的更多详细信息可以在基金的招股说明书中找到。

*The Calamos Russell 2000 Structured Alt Protection ETFs are currently reflected in an initial SEC filing under the name Calamos Capital Protected Russell 2000 ETFs.

*Calamos Russell 2000结构化另类保护ETF目前反映在美国证券交易委员会首次以卡拉莫斯资本保护罗素2000ETF的名义提交的文件中。

Investing involves risks. Loss of principal is possible. The Fund(s) face numerous market trading risks, including authorized participation concentration risk, cap change risk, capital protection risk, capped upside risk, cash holdings risk, clearing member default risk, correlation risk, derivatives risk, equity securities risk, investment timing risk, large-capitalization investing risk, liquidity risk, market maker risk, market risk, non-diversification risk, options risk, premium-discount risk, secondary market trading risk, sector risk, tax risk, trading issues risk, underlying ETF risk and valuation risk. For a detailed list of fund risks see the prospectus.

投资涉及风险。本金损失是可能的。 基金面临众多市场交易风险,包括授权参与集中风险、上限变动风险、本金保障风险、上限上行风险、现金持有风险、清算成员违约风险、关联风险、衍生品风险、股票证券风险、投资时机风险、大盘投资风险、流动性风险、做市商风险、市场风险、非分散风险、期权风险、溢价折扣风险、二级市场交易风险、行业风险、税收风险、交易风险问题,基础ETF风险和估值风险。有关基金风险的详细清单,请参阅招股说明书。

There are no assurances the Fund(s) will be successful in providing the sought-after protection. The outcomes that the Fund(s) seeks to provide may only be realized if you are holding shares on the first day of the outcome period and continue to hold them on the last day of the outcome period, approximately one year. There is no guarantee that the outcomes for an outcome period will be realized or that the Fund(s) will achieve its investment objective. If the outcome period has begun and the underlying ETF has increased in value, any appreciation of the Fund(s) by virtue of increases in the underlying ETF since the commencement of the outcome period will not be protected by the sought-after protection, and an investor could experience losses until the underlying ETF returns to the original price at the commencement of the outcome period. Fund shareholders are subject to an upside return cap (the "Cap") that represents the maximum percentage return an investor can achieve from an investment in the fund(s) for the outcome period, before fees and expenses. If the outcome period has begun and the Fund(s) have increased in value to a level near to the Cap, an investor purchasing at that price has little or no ability to achieve gains but remains vulnerable to downside risks. Additionally, the Cap may rise or fall from one outcome period to the next. The Cap, and the Fund(s) position relative to it, should be considered before investing in the Fund(s). The Fund(s) website, , provides important Fund information as well information relating to the potential outcomes of an investment in the Fund(s) on a daily basis.

无法保证基金会成功地提供急需的保护。只有当您在结果周期的第一天持有股票并在结果周期的最后一天(大约一年)继续持有股票时,基金寻求提供的结果才能实现。无法保证结果期的结果会实现,也不能保证基金将实现其投资目标。如果结果周期已经开始,标的ETF的价值有所增加,则自结果期开始以来,由于标的ETF的增加而导致基金的任何升值都将不受备受追捧的保护的保护,在标的ETF在结果周期开始时恢复到原始价格之前,投资者可能会遭受损失。基金股东受上行回报上限(“上限”)的约束,该上限代表投资者在结果期内在扣除费用和支出前可以从基金投资中获得的最大回报百分比。如果结果周期已经开始,并且基金的价值已增长至接近上限的水平,则以该价格购买的投资者几乎没有或根本没有获得收益的能力,但仍然容易受到下行风险的影响。此外,从一个结果周期到下一个结果周期,上限可能会上升或下降。在投资基金之前,应考虑上限以及基金相对于该上限的状况。基金网站, ,每天提供重要的基金信息以及与基金投资的潜在结果有关的信息。

The Fund(s) are designed to provide point-to-point exposure to the price return of the reference asset via a basket of Flex Options. As a result, the ETFs are not expected to move directly in line with the reference asset during the interim period. Investors purchasing shares after an outcome period has begun may experience very different results than fund's investment objective. Initial outcome periods are approximately 1-year beginning on the fund's inception date. Following the initial outcome period, each subsequent outcome period will begin on the first day of the month the fund was incepted. After the conclusion of an outcome period, another will begin.


FLEX Options Risk The Fund(s) will utilize FLEX Options issued and guaranteed for settlement by the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC). In the unlikely event that the OCC becomes insolvent or is otherwise unable to meet its settlement obligations, the Fund(s) could suffer significant losses. Additionally, FLEX Options may be less liquid than standard options. In a less liquid market for the FLEX Options, the Fund(s) may have difficulty closing out certain FLEX Options positions at desired times and prices. The values of FLEX Options do not increase or decrease at the same rate as the reference asset and may vary due to factors other than the price of reference asset. Shares are bought and sold at market price, not net asset value (NAV), and are not individually redeemable from the fund. NAV represents the value of each share's portion of the fund's underlying assets and cash at the end of the trading day. Market price returns reflect the midpoint of the bid/ask spread as of the close of trading on the exchange where fund shares are listed.

FLEX 期权风险 这些基金将使用期权清算公司(OCC)发行和担保的FLEX期权。万一OCC破产或以其他方式无法履行其结算义务,则基金可能会遭受重大损失。此外,FLEX期权的流动性可能低于标准期权。在FLEX期权流动性较低的市场中,基金可能难以在所需的时间和价格平仓某些FLEX期权头寸。FLEX Options的价值的增减幅度不与参考资产相同,并且可能因参考资产价格以外的因素而变化。股票是按市场价格而不是净资产价值(NAV)买入和卖出的,并且不可单独从基金中赎回。资产净值代表交易日结束时基金标的资产和现金中每股份额的价值。市场价格回报反映基金股票上市交易所交易收盘时买入/卖出价差的中点。

100% capital protection is over a one-year period before fees and expenses. All caps are pre-determined.

在扣除费用和开支之前,100% 的本金保障期限为一年。所有大写都是预先确定的。

Cap Range – Maximum percentage return an investor can achieve from an investment in the Fund if held over the Outcome Period. Cap range depicted is the high and low cap rate over the past 15 trading days. Actual cap delivered by the Fund may be different.

上限范围 — 如果在结果期内持有,投资者可以从基金的投资中获得的最大百分比回报。所描绘的上限范围是过去15个交易日的最高和低市值利率。基金提供的实际上限可能有所不同。

Protection Level – Amount of protection the Fund is designed to achieve over the Days Remaining.

保护级别 — 该基金旨在在剩余天数内实现的保护金额。

Outcome Period – Number of days in the Outcome Period.

结果周期— 结果周期中的天数。

Nasdaq and Nasdaq-100 are registered trademarks of Nasdaq, Inc. (which with its affiliates is referred to as the "Corporations") and are licensed for use by Calamos Advisors LLC. The Fund has not been passed on by the Corporations as to their legality or suitability. The Fund is not issued, endorsed, sold, or promoted by the Corporations. The Corporations make no warranties and bear no liability with respect to the Fund(s).

纳斯达克和纳斯达克100是纳斯达克公司(该公司及其附属公司被称为 “公司”)的注册商标,由Calamos Advisors LLC许可使用。两家公司尚未就该基金的合法性或适用性作出决定。本基金不由公司发行、认可、出售或推广。 公司对基金不作任何担保,也不承担任何责任。

Annuities data according to Limra. Structured products data according to SRP.


Calamos Financial Services LLC, Distributor


2024 Calamos Investments LLC. All Rights Reserved. Calamos and Calamos Investments are registered trademarks of Calamos Investments LLC.

2024 卡拉莫斯投资有限责任公司。版权所有。卡拉莫斯和卡拉莫斯投资是卡拉莫斯投资有限责任公司的注册商标。

SOURCE Calamos Investments

来源 Calamos 投资

声明:本内容仅用作提供资讯及教育之目的,不构成对任何特定投资或投资策略的推荐或认可。 更多信息