
AELF Leases 737-800 to Air North, Yukon's Airline

AELF Leases 737-800 to Air North, Yukon's Airline

Accesswire ·  04/22 15:00

Lessor Delivers First New Gen Aircraft to the Canadian Carrier


CHICAGO, IL / ACCESSWIRE / April 22, 2024 / Aircraft Engine Lease Finance, Inc ("AELF") announced today that it leased a recently acquired Boeing 737-8AL to Canadian carrier, Air North, Yukon's Airline, the first of this type for the airline.

伊利诺伊芝加哥 / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年4月22日 / 飞机发动机租赁金融公司(“elf”)今日宣布,将最近收购的波音737-8AL租给了加拿大航空公司“ Air North,Yukon's Airline”,这是该航空公司使用这种机型的首次。

"We couldn't be happier about adding Air North to our client base," said Joe Cirillo, Head of Global Marketing for AELF. "The airline has a strong operation which provides critical air infrastructure to the communities of the Yukon territories, in addition to having a rich history and a wonderful culture. We're honored to work with Joe Sparling and his team to play a role in Air North's growth and continued prosperity."

“我们很高兴将Air North添加到我们的客户群中,”AELF全球市场营销主管乔·西里洛(Joe Cirillo)表示。“该航空公司拥有强大的运营能力,为育空领地社区提供重要的航空基础设施,除此之外,还具有丰富的历史和美妙的文化。我们很荣幸能与Joe Sparling及其团队合作,在Air North的增长和持续繁荣中发挥作用。”

The long-standing carrier commenced operations in the Yukon in 1977 and has served the area consistently for more than 45 years. Over the years, the Air North fleet has expanded from single-engine aircraft in its infancy, to turboprops in the 1980s and '90s, to 737 classics beginning in the early 2000s. AELF leased the first New Gen aircraft into the airline, marking an important milestone.

这家历史悠久的航空公司于1977年在育空领地开始运营,已经连续45多年为该地区服务。多年来,Air North的航空机队已经从早期的单发动机飞机扩大到20世纪80年代和90年代的涡桨机,再到21世纪初开始使用的737经典机型。 AELF向该航空公司租出了首架新一代飞机,标志着一个重要的里程碑。

"With today's increasing focus on the environment, moving ahead to Next Generation Boeing 737s is a significant step for us. Passengers will be impressed by the contemporary, comfortable cabin, and the fuel efficiency and other cost savings will help us to deliver a great product at a fair price for years to come," said Joseph Sparling, CEO and co-founder of Air North.

“随着今天环境问题越来越受到关注,向下一代波音737转型对我们来说是一个重要的步骤。航班乘客们会被现代化的舒适客舱所印象深刻,而燃油效率和其他成本节约措施将帮助我们以公道的价格提供优质产品”,Air North的首席执行官兼联合创始人Joseph Sparling表示。

About AELF

关于AELF 飞机发动机租赁金融公司(AELF)是商业飞机租赁领域的一位经验丰富的领导者。总部位于芝加哥,AELF为全球航空公司和商业飞机运营商提供定制和灵活的融资方案。AELF已经运营近十年,拥有A330-200和737-800机队以及发动机组合。该公司正在战略性地扩大其在737NG市场上的存在。

Aircraft Engine Lease Finance Inc. ("AELF") is an experienced leader in commercial aircraft leasing. Based in Chicago, AELF offers customized and flexible financing solutions to airlines and commercial aircraft operators worldwide. AELF has been in operation for almost a decade and owns a fleet of A330-200s and 737-800s as well as an engine portfolio. The company is strategically expanding its presence in the 737NG market.

关于Air North Air North是于1977年成立的育空领地航空公司,提供育空领地与加拿大南部七座门户城市之间的定期航班服务,以及育空领地内的定期航班服务。Air North真正成为育空领地的航空公司,约十五名育空领地居民中就有一位持有该公司的股权或就业权益,其中包括持有49%股权的Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation。访问 了解更多信息。

About Air North

关于Air North Air North,育空航空公司,成立于1977年,提供育空地区与加拿大南部七个门户城市之间的定期航班服务,以及在育空地区内的定期航班服务。Air North真正是育空地区的航空公司,大约15位育空居民中就有一人持有该航空公司的股权或就业利益,其中包括持有49%股份的Vuntut Gwitchin第一民族。欲了解更多信息,请访问

Air North, Yukon's Airline, was founded in 1977 and provides scheduled service between the Yukon and seven gateway cities in southern Canada as well as scheduled service within the Yukon. Air North is truly Yukon's Airline with about one in 15 Yukon residents holding an equity or employment stake in the airline, including the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, who hold a 49% stake. Visit to learn more.

Air North,育空航空公司,成立于1977年,提供育空地区与加拿大南部七个门户城市之间的定期航班服务,以及在育空地区内的定期航班服务。Air North真正是育空地区的航空公司,大约15位育空居民中就有一人持有该航空公司的股权或就业利益,其中包括持有49%股份的Vuntut Gwitchin第一民族。欲了解更多信息,请访问

Contact Information


Helena Padilla Siles
Communications Manager

Helena Padilla Siles

SOURCE: Aircraft Engine Lease Finance Inc

来源:Aircraft Engine Lease Finance Inc

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