
Earnings Call Summary | First High-School Education(FHSEY.US) Q4 2023 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | First High-School Education(FHSEY.US) Q4 2023 Earnings Conference

财报电话会议摘要 | 第一届高中教育 (FHSEY.US) 2023 年第四季度财报发布会
moomoo AI ·  04/26 16:49  · 电话会议

The following is a summary of the First High-School Education Group Co., Ltd. (FHSEY) Q4 2023 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • First High-School Education Group saw a significant decline in revenues by 22.3% to RMB 266.3 million in 2023, primarily due to decreases in revenues from government cooperative agreements and education materials sales.

  • The group's gross profit decreased by 44.7% to RMB 71.3 million with a gross margin of 26.8%.

  • A net loss of RMB 70.6 million was recorded for the fiscal year of 2023, largely driven by an asset impairment loss of RMB 52.1 million and decreased income from operations.

  • 第一高中教育集团在2023年收入大幅下降22.3%,至2.663亿元人民币,这主要是由于政府合作协议和教育材料销售收入的减少。

  • 该集团的毛利下降了44.7%,至人民币7,130万元,毛利率为26.8%。

  • 2023财年的净亏损为人民币7,060万元,这主要是由人民币5,210万元的资产减值损失和运营收入减少所致。

Business Progress:


  • In response to challenges in operating new schools, the company shifted its focus towards school management services, expanding its service programme by four schools in 2023 and increasing students under management to 31,928.

  • The company faced difficulty in raising tuition and saw a decline in the sale of educational materials and income from meal catering services. To mitigate, optimization of staff and administrative costs are being pursued.

  • The company is actively working to resolve payment collection issues with local governments.

  • 为了应对新学校运营方面的挑战,该公司将重点转移到学校管理服务上,在2023年将其服务计划扩大了四所学校,并将管理的学生增加到31,928人。

  • 该公司在提高学费方面面临困难,教材销售和餐饮服务收入均有所下降。为了减轻影响,正在优化人员和行政成本。

  • 该公司正在积极努力解决地方政府的收款问题。

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