
Riverside Further Strengthens Dastex's Footprint in the Nordics With the Add-on Acquisition of AET

Riverside Further Strengthens Dastex's Footprint in the Nordics With the Add-on Acquisition of AET

PR Newswire ·  04/30 00:00

Global Investor Wraps Up Norwegian Add-on Acquisition for Cleanroom Contamination Control Expert Dastex


CLEVELAND, April 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Riverside Company, a global private investor focused on the smaller end of the middle market, has closed the acquisition of Arbeidsmiljø og Energiteknikk AS (AET), a Norwegian distributor of third-party consumables and laboratory / cleaning equipment, from RA Service AS and management. The investment is an add-on to Riverside's portfolio company Dastex Reinraumzubehör GmbH & Co. KG (Dastex), a specialized cleanroom garment and consumables distributor in Europe.

克利夫兰,2024年4月30日 /PRNewswire/ — 专注于中小端市场的全球私人投资者河滨公司已完成对挪威第三方消耗品和实验室/清洁设备分销商RA Service AS和管理层对第三方消耗品和实验室/清洁设备分销商ArbeidsmiljØ og Energiteknikk AS(AET)的收购。这项投资是Riverside的投资组合公司Dastex Reinraumzubehor GmbH & Co.的附加投资。KG(Dastex),欧洲一家专业的洁净室服装和消耗品分销商。

Founded more than 30 years ago, AET is a leading independent player in Norway, differentiated by its strong technical know-how and industry expertise. Next to the distribution of third party-brands, the company also provides tailored disinfection services and training courses focused on the operations and maintenance of cleanrooms and other clean environments. AET, based in Kongsberg, Norway, has a strong presence in various industries including pharmaceutical, semiconductor, and healthcare sectors.

AET 成立于 30 多年前,是挪威领先的独立公司,其强大的技术知识和行业专业知识与众不同。除了分销第三方品牌外,该公司还提供量身定制的消毒服务和培训课程,重点是洁净室和其他清洁环境的运营和维护。总部位于挪威康斯伯格的AET在制药、半导体和医疗保健领域等各个行业都有强大的影响力。

Damien Gaudin, Partner at Riverside Europe who led the deal, commented: "The addition of AET is another milestone in our pan-European buy-and-build strategy for Dastex. There is a strong strategic fit with Dastex as AET's consumables distribution offering aligns perfectly with the core focus of the group, while the disinfection services form a complementary addition to the existing verification and validation services business. The acquisition of AET expands the group's geographical footprint by establishing a direct presence in Norway, strengthening Dastex' competitive position in the Nordics."

领导该交易的Riverside Europe合伙人达米安·高丁评论说:“AET的加入是我们对Dastex的泛欧收购和建造战略的又一个里程碑。与Dastex的战略契合度很强,因为AET的消耗品分销产品与集团的核心重点完全一致,而消毒服务是对现有验证和验证服务业务的补充。对AET的收购通过在挪威建立直接业务来扩大集团的地理足迹,巩固了Dastex在北欧的竞争地位。”

Following the transaction, the focus will be on increasing commercial and marketing efforts across Norway and further enhancing the group's presence in the Nordics, stimulating commercial synergies and capitalizing on cross-selling opportunities. The current CEO of AET, Barbro Reiersøl, will continue to lead the Norwegian operations, ensuring a smooth transition and sustained leadership under the Dastex group umbrella.

交易完成后,重点将放在加强挪威各地的商业和营销工作上,进一步加强该集团在北欧的影响力,刺激商业协同效应,利用交叉销售机会。AET现任首席执行官Barbro Reiersöl将继续领导挪威业务,确保在达斯特克斯集团旗下的平稳过渡和持续的领导地位。

Reiersøl commented: "It is with great enthusiasm that we join forces with Dastex, whose reputation for excellence and deep industry expertise is highly regarded. This strategic alliance represents a significant leap forward for AET, as it allows us to further enrich our offerings and expand our reach within the cleanroom and broader healthcare space. The entire AET team is committed to excellence, ensuring that we continue to deliver the high-quality products, excellent service and rapid delivery that our customers have come to expect. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to our dedicated team, loyal customers and trusted suppliers. Together, we are poised for a thrilling new chapter in our journey."

Reiersöl评论说:“我们怀着极大的热情与Dastex合作,后者的卓越声誉和深厚的行业专业知识备受推崇。这一战略联盟代表着AET向前迈出的重大飞跃,因为它使我们能够进一步丰富我们的产品并扩大我们在洁净室和更广泛的医疗保健领域的影响力。整个 AET 团队都致力于追求卓越,确保我们继续提供客户所期望的高质量产品、卓越的服务和快速交付。我们衷心感谢我们的敬业团队、忠实的客户和值得信赖的供应商。我们齐心协力,准备开启激动人心的新篇章。”

Linda Vereycken, CEO of Dastex, commented: "Together, with the management team, I am very excited to welcome AET to the group. Their exceptional technical expertise and proven track record of sustaining enduring partnerships with customers and suppliers aligns seamlessly with the core strengths of Dastex and Vita Verita. We are confident that the addition of AET will mark a pivotal moment in our journey, enhancing our geographical reach and service offerings, and serve as another steppingstone in achieving our ambitious objectives. This strategic expansion is a testament to our vision 'to be the leading experts in cleanroom contamination control,' and our unwavering commitment to quality in this domain."

达斯特克斯首席执行官琳达·韦雷肯评论说:“与管理团队一起,我很高兴欢迎AET加入该集团。他们卓越的技术专长和与客户和供应商保持持久合作关系的良好记录与达斯特克斯和Vita Verita的核心优势无缝契合。我们相信,AET的加入将标志着我们旅程中的关键时刻,扩大我们的地理覆盖范围和服务范围,并成为实现我们雄心勃勃目标的又一垫脚石。这种战略扩张证明了我们'成为洁净室污染控制领域的领先专家'的愿景,以及我们对该领域质量的坚定承诺。”

Rune Arnhoff, owner of RA Service AS, commented: "I am convinced that Dastex is the ideal partner to continue the legacy of AET. The priority of AET has always been the satisfaction of AET's customers, employees and suppliers, and the alignment of values and operational excellence demonstrated by Dastex assures that these relationships will be in capable hands."

RA Service AS的所有者鲁恩·阿恩霍夫评论说:“我坚信达斯特斯是延续AET遗产的理想合作伙伴。AET的首要任务一直是让AET的客户、员工和供应商感到满意,而Dastex表现出的价值观和卓越运营的一致性确保了这些关系将掌握在有能力的人手中。”

Riverside acquired Dastex and its first add-on Vita Verita mid-2023 to establish a leading platform in cleanroom contamination control, well-positioned to grow organically and via acquisitions. Dastex serves the resilient and growing cleanroom industry, helping customers in pharmaceuticals, life sciences, semiconductor and other high-tech industries to meet ever stricter quality and regulatory standards.

Riverside在2023年中期收购了Dastex及其第一个附加产品Vita Verita,以建立一个领先的洁净室污染控制平台,处于有机增长和通过收购实现有机增长的有利地位。Dastex 为弹性强且不断增长的洁净室行业提供服务,帮助制药、生命科学、半导体和其他高科技行业的客户满足更严格的质量和监管标准。

Working with Gaudin on the deal for Riverside were Vice President Maxime Meulemeester and Senior Associate Sebastiaan Pauwels.


About The Riverside Company
The Riverside Company is a global investment firm focused on being one of the leading private capital and credit options for investors, business owners and employees at the smaller end of the middle market by seeking to fuel transformative growth and create lasting value. Since its founding in 1988, Riverside has made more than 1,000 investments. The firm's international private equity and flexible capital portfolios include more than 140 companies. Riverside Europe is an integral part of the firm's broad global network and has invested in Europe since 1989. Riverside believes a truly global presence provides exceptional insight into local conditions, culture and business practices, making team members better investors and business partners.

Riverside Company是一家全球投资公司,致力于通过寻求推动变革性增长和创造持久价值,成为中间市场较小端投资者、企业主和员工的主要私人资本和信贷选择之一。自1988年成立以来,河滨已经进行了1,000多笔投资。该公司的国际私募股权和灵活的资本投资组合包括140多家公司。Riverside Europe是公司广泛全球网络不可分割的一部分,自1989年以来一直在欧洲进行投资。Riverside认为,真正的全球影响力可以为他们提供对当地条件、文化和商业惯例的非凡见解,从而使团队成员成为更好的投资者和商业伙伴。

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