
Avidian Gold To Sell Its Alaskan Subsidiary To Contango Ore

Avidian Gold To Sell Its Alaskan Subsidiary To Contango Ore

Avidian Gold 将其阿拉斯加子公司出售给 Contango Ore
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/05/02 19:00

TORONTO, May 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avidian Gold Corp. ("Avidian" or the "Company") (TSX-V: AVG) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a binding Stock Purchase Agreement (the "Agreement") with Contango ORE, Inc. ("Contango") (NYSE-A: CTGO) pursuant to which Contango has agreed to purchase Avidian's 100% owned Alaskan subsidiary, Avidian Gold Alaska Inc. ("Avidian Alaska") for initial consideration of US$2.4 million (CDN$3.30 million), plus a potential future upside consideration of US$1.0 million, for a total consideration of up to US$3.4 million (CDN$4.68 million at current exchange rate of US$1 = CDN$1.376) (the "Transaction"). The consideration is a combination of cash plus Contango shares, as more fully described below.

多伦多,2024年5月2日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——Avidian Gold Corp.(“Avidian” 或 “公司”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:AVG)欣然宣布,它已与Contango ORE, Inc.(“Contango”)(纽约证券交易所股票代码:CTGO)签订了具有约束力的股票购买协议(“协议”)(“协议”)(纽约证券交易所股票代码:CTGO),根据该协议,Contango同意收购Avidian的100%股权子公司阿拉斯加Avidian Gold Inc.(“Avidian Alaska”),初始对价为240万美元(合330万加元),外加未来可能的上行对价为100万美元,总对价高达340万美元(按当前1美元兑1.376加元的汇率计算,468万加元(“交易”)。对价是现金加上Contango股票的组合,如下文所述。

Avidian Alaska owns and controls the Golden Zone and Amanita NE gold properties and has an option agreement to purchase 100% of the Amanita gold property. Golden Zone is a large, prospective property in between Anchorage and Fairbanks near rail and highway infrastructure. The Amanita and Amanita NE gold properties border Kinross Gold Corporation's Fort Knox operation near Fairbanks.

Avidian Alaska拥有并控制黄金区和Amanita NE黄金地产,并签订了购买Amanita黄金地产100%的期权协议。黄金地带是一处位于安克雷奇和费尔班克斯之间的大型前景房产,靠近铁路和公路基础设施。Amanita和Amanita NE的黄金地产与金罗斯黄金公司在费尔班克斯附近的诺克斯堡业务接壤。

Dino Titaro, Director and Chairman of Avidian Gold states, "On behalf of the Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce this transaction. We believe Avidian is well served by both the cash consideration to immediately strengthen its balance sheet and the Contango shares to better participate in the continued strength in the gold price. Contango is a soon to be producer of gold that is expected to be generating cash flow by mid to late 2024 from the high grade Manh Choh Gold Deposit, a 70:30 joint venture between Kinross Gold Corporation and Contango. Contango has the financial and technical strength to quickly advance these properties. We are of the opinion that this acquisition will enhance their future production growth strategy, which Avidian will participate in and greatly benefit from its share ownership.

Avidian Gold董事兼董事长迪诺·蒂塔罗表示:”我们很高兴代表董事会宣布此次交易。我们认为,立即加强资产负债表的现金对价和Contango股票以更好地参与金价的持续走强,都对Avidian有很好的帮助。康坦戈即将成为黄金生产商,预计到2024年中后期,高品位的Manh Choh金矿将产生现金流,该矿床是Kinross Gold Corporation和Contango在 70:30 的合资企业。Contango拥有足够的资金和技术实力,可以快速推进这些物业的发展。我们认为,此次收购将增强他们未来的产量增长战略,Avidian将参与该战略并从其股份所有权中受益匪浅。

This transaction is a win-win, particularly considering the current market investment climate for non-producing junior exploration companies like Avidian. We believe the Alaska properties will generate more value in Contango's portfolio as a near term producer, as evidenced by Contango's acquisition of these properties for a purchase price plus a future potential upside payment that well exceeded Avidian's market capitalization at the time of negotiations, up to CDN$4.68 million vs a then market capitalization of less than CDN$2.0 million. This at a time where Avidian and most other junior explorers have not benefited by improving gold prices and have not been able to raise the suitable equity to adequately advance exploration.


At the conclusion of this transaction, should Shareholders approve, Avidian will be debt free with a clean balance sheet and will hold cash plus marketable securities, at current equity prices, on the order of CDN$3.0 million dollars, excluding the potential future upside payment on a production decision of US$1.0 million. Avidian will then focus on a value creation strategy for its 100% owned Jungo gold-copper project in Nevada and continue ongoing evaluation of a number of possible strategic opportunities/alternatives that could be transformational for the Company."

在本次交易结束时,如果股东批准,Avidian将无债务,资产负债表不变,并将按当前股价持有现金和有价证券,约为300万加元, 不包括100万美元生产决定可能产生的未来上行补助然后,Avidian将专注于为其在内华达州拥有100%股权的Jungo金铜项目制定价值创造战略,并继续评估许多可能对公司产生变革性的可能的战略机会/替代方案。

Transaction Details


  1. Contango to acquire 100% of the capital stock of Avidian Gold Alaska Inc. from Avidian Gold Corp.;
  2. Contango will pay Avidian an initial purchase price of US$2,400,000 consisting of (i) US$400,000 in cash (the "Cash Consideration") and (ii) US$2,000,000 in shares of Contango common stock (the ("Equity Consideration"). The Cash Consideration shall be paid in the following tranches: (i) a deposit US$50,000 (that has been received) (ii) US$150,000 due on the Closing Date, and (iii) US$200,000 due on or before the 6-month anniversary of the Closing Date. The number of shares of common stock constituting the Equity Consideration will be determined based on Contango's NYSE-A, 10-day volume-weighted average price immediately prior to the Closing Date;
  3. If Contango makes a positive production decision on either of the Amanita or Golden Zone properties within 120 months of the Closing Date, Contango will pay Avidian an additional US$1,000,000 within thirty (30) days of such decision (the "Deferred Purchase Price"). The Deferred Purchase Price can be paid in either cash or shares of Contango at Contango's sole discretion. If at any time prior to this production decision, within the 120-month period, Contango enters into a third party transaction on either of the Amanita or Golden Zone properties, Avidian will receive 20% of the consideration received by Contango (capped at US$500,000 per property), to be credited against the total Deferred Purchase Price; and
  4. The Transaction is subject to Avidian Shareholder approval, as well as the receipt of all required governmental and/or regulatory approvals, including that of the Toronto Venture Exchange and NYSE-A. Should Avidian Shareholders not approve this transaction the Agreement will terminate and a termination fee of US$175,000 will be paid to Contango, representing liquidated damages for the time, resources and opportunities lost in facilitating this transaction.
  1. Contango将从Avidian Gold Corp手中收购阿拉斯加Avidian Gold Inc.100%的股本;
  2. Contango将向Avidian支付24万美元的初始收购价格,包括(i)40万美元的现金(”现金对价“) 和 (ii) 2,000,000美元的Contango普通股((”股权对价“)。现金对价应按以下部分支付:(i)50,000美元(已收到)(ii)在截止日期到期的15万美元存款,以及(iii)在截止日期的6个月周年日当天或之前到期的200,000美元。构成股票对价的普通股数量将根据Contango的纽约证券交易所A在收盘日前10天成交量加权平均价格确定;
  3. 如果Contango在截止日期后的120个月内对Amanita或Golden Zone房产做出积极的生产决定,则Contango将在做出该决定后的三十(30)天内向Avidian额外支付1,000,000美元(”延期购买价格“)。延期购买价格可以由Contango自行决定以现金或Contango的股票支付。如果在做出生产决定之前的任何时候,在120个月的时间内,Contango就Amanita或Golden Zone的房产进行第三方交易,Avidian将获得Contango收到的对价的20%(每处房产上限为500,000美元),计入递延购买总价格;以及
  4. 该交易需要获得Avidian股东的批准,并获得所有必要的政府和/或监管部门的批准,包括多伦多风险交易所和纽约证券交易所的批准。如果Avidian股东不批准本次交易,协议将终止,并将向Contango支付17.5万美元的终止费,这是为促成本次交易而损失的时间、资源和机会的违约金。

Both Avidian's and Contango's Board of Directors have unanimously approved the Transaction. The Board of Directors for Avidian unanimously recommends that shareholders vote in favor of the Transaction. The Annual General and Special Meeting of shareholders will be held on July 4, 2024. It is expected that closing of this Transaction will happen as soon as practically possible following the shareholder meeting that has approved the Transaction.


About Contango ORE Inc.

Contango ORE Inc 公司简介

Contango ORE, Inc. (NYSE-A: CTGO) owns a 30% interest in the high grade Manh Choh gold project located in Alaska, in partnership with a subsidiary of Kinross Gold Corporation ("Kinross"). Kinross acts as manager and operator. The Manh Choh project has received all Federal and State permits and mining operations are underway. Mining started at Manh Choh in August of 2023 with ore stockpiled at site. Transportation of the ore from Manh Choh to Kinross' existing Fort Knox mill complex located near Fairbanks, Alaska began in November 2023. Additional ore arrives daily to the stockpile at Fort Knox and first gold production is planned for the second half of 2024. Annual gold production is expected to be 225,000 ounces with 30%, or approximately 67,500 ounces, credited to Contango's account (see Technical Summary Report on the Manh Choh project, dated May 12, 2023 at ).

康坦戈矿业公司(纽约证券交易所股票代码:CTGO)与金罗斯黄金公司(“金罗斯”)的子公司合作,拥有位于阿拉斯加的高品位Manh Choh黄金项目30%的权益。Kinross 担任经理和操作员。Manh Choh项目已获得所有联邦和州许可,采矿业务正在进行中。2023 年 8 月在 Manh Choh 开始采矿,现场储存了矿石。矿石从 Manh Choh 运输到位于阿拉斯加费尔班克斯附近的金罗斯现有的 Fort Knox 工厂大楼于 2023 年 11 月开始。每天都有更多矿石进入诺克斯堡的库存,第一批黄金产量计划于2024年下半年进行。黄金年产量预计为22.5万盎司,其中30%,约合67,500盎司,记入康坦戈的账户(参见2023年5月12日关于Manh Choh项目的技术摘要报告)。

The use of the Fort Knox mill has accelerated the development of the Manh Choh project and resulted in meaningfully reduced environmental impact and upfront capital without the need for separate milling and tailings storage facilities in addition to a shorter permitting and development timeline with less overall risk for the Manh Choh project. In addition to Manh Choh, Peak Gold LLC, the 30/70 joint venture between Contango and Kinross, has had a mining lease since 2008 on 675,000 acres of private lands owned by the Tetlin Tribe and administered by the Tetlin Tribal Council, which offer excellent exploration potential.
Ore is currently being stockpiled at the Manh Choh site and transported by highway ore haul trucks to a stockpile area at the Fort Knox mill complex. A stockpile of approximately 250,000 tons is being built prior to the start of milling in mid 2024.

诺克斯堡工厂的使用加速了Manh Choh项目的开发,从而显著减少了环境影响和前期资金,无需单独的研磨和尾矿储存设施,而且缩短了Manh Choh项目的许可和开发时间表,降低了总体风险。除Manh Choh外,Contango和Kinross之间的30/70合资企业Peak Gold LLC自2008年以来一直在特特林部落拥有并由泰特林部落委员会管理的67.5万英亩私人土地上签订了采矿租约,这些土地具有巨大的勘探潜力。
矿石目前储存在 Manh Choh 工厂,然后通过高速公路矿石运输卡车运送到诺克斯堡工厂大楼的储存区。在2024年中期开始铣削之前,正在建立约25万吨的库存。

Contango also controls the Lucky Shot project near Anchorage, Alaska, and through its subsidiary, has 100% ownership of approximately 8,000 acres of peripheral State of Alaska mining claims. The Lucky Shot project is a past high-grade gold producer in which Contango has outlined an initial indicated mineral resource of 226,963 tonnes at 14.5 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au") and inferred mineral resource of 82,058 tonnes at 9.5 g/t Au (see Technical Summary Report on the Lucky Shot project, dated May 26, 2023 at ). Contango also owns a 100% interest in an additional 137,280 acres of State of Alaska mining claims through its wholly owned subsidiary, providing additional exploration potential.

Contango还控制着阿拉斯加安克雷奇附近的Lucky Shot项目,并通过其子公司拥有阿拉斯加州外围地区约8,000英亩采矿权的100%所有权。Lucky Shot项目是过去的高品位黄金生产商,在该项目中,Contango概述了初步指示的矿产资源为226,963吨,每吨14.5克(“g/t”)黄金(“金”),推断的矿产资源为82,058吨,金为9.5克/吨(见2023年5月26日的Lucky Shot项目技术摘要报告)。Contango还通过其全资子公司拥有阿拉斯加州另外137,280英亩采矿权的100%权益,这提供了额外的勘探潜力。

For additional details see .


About Avidian Gold Corp.


Avidian brings a disciplined and veteran team of project managers together with a focus on advanced-stage gold exploration projects in Alaska. The Company's district-scale (over 40sqkm) Golden Zone property hosts a NI 43-101 Indicated gold resource of 267,400 ounces (4,187,000 tonnes at 1.99 g/t Au) plus an Inferred gold resource of 35,900 ounces (1,353,000 tonnes at 0.83 g/t Au) within the Breccia Pipe Deposit. This resource is exposed on the surface and was pit constrained for an open-pit mining scenario. The Technical Report was filed on November 17, 2017, and was authored by Leon McGarry, B.Sc., P.Geo. and Ian D. Trinder, M.Sc., P.Geo. Additional projects include the Amanita and the Amanita NE gold properties which are both adjacent to Kinross Gold's Fort Knox gold mine in Alaska, and the Jungo gold-copper property in Nevada.

Avidian 拥有一支纪律严明的资深项目经理团队,专注于阿拉斯加的后期黄金勘探项目。该公司的区域规模(超过40平方公里)的黄金地带物业在角砾岩管矿床中拥有NI 43-101的指定黄金资源,为267,400盎司(按1.99克/吨金计算为4,187,000吨),外加35,900盎司(按0.83克/吨金计算为1,35.3万吨)的推断黄金资源。这种资源暴露在地表上,受到露天采矿场景的矿坑限制。该技术报告于2017年11月17日提交,由理学学士、P.Geo. Leon McGarry和P.Geo理学硕士Ian D. Trinder撰写。其他项目包括位于阿拉斯加Kinross Gold的诺克斯堡金矿附近的Amanita和Amanita NE黄金地产,以及内华达州的Jungo金铜矿产。

Avidian is a shareholder in High Tide Resources (CSE: HTRC), which is focused on and committed to the development of mineral projects critical to infrastructure development using industry best practices combined with a strong social license from local communities. Avidian Gold controls approximately 28% of High Tide's outstanding shares. High Tide owns a 100% interest in the Labrador West Iron Project which hosts a NI 43-101 Inferred iron resource of 654.9 Mt @ 28.84% Fe and is located adjacent to the Iron Ore Company of Canada's ("IOCC") Carol Lake Mine in Labrador City, NL operated by Rio Tinto PLC. This resource is exposed at surface and was pit constrained for an open-pit mining scenario. The Technical Report was filed on SEDAR on April 6, 2023 and was authored by Ryan Kressall M.Sc., P. Geo, Matthew Herrington, M.Sc., P. Geo, Catharine Pelletier, P. Eng. and Jeffrey Cassoff P. Eng. The Company also owns a 100% interest in the Lac Pegma copper-nickel-cobalt deposit located 50 kilometres southeast of Fermont, Quebec.

Avidian是High Tide Resources(CSE: HTRC)的股东,该公司专注于并致力于利用行业最佳实践结合当地社区的强大社会许可,开发对基础设施发展至关重要的矿产项目。Avidian Gold控制着High Tide约28%的已发行股份。High Tide 拥有 Labrador West Iron Project 100% 的权益,该项目拥有 NI 43-101 推断铁资源 654.9 万吨 @ 28.84% 铁,毗邻加拿大铁矿石公司(“IOCC”)位于荷兰拉布拉多市的卡罗尔湖矿,由力拓集团运营。这种资源暴露在地表,受露天采矿场景的矿坑限制。该技术报告于2023年4月6日在SEDAR上提交,由瑞安·克雷索尔理学硕士、P. Geo、理学硕士马修·赫灵顿、P. Geo、P.Eng.Catharine Pelletier和Jeffrey Cassoff P. Eng撰写。该公司还拥有位于魁北克费蒙特东南50公里处的Lac Pegma铜镍钴矿床的100%权益。

Further details on the Company and the individual projects, including the NI 43-101 Technical reports on the Golden Zone property, can be found on the Company's website at .

有关公司和各个项目的更多详细信息,包括有关黄金地带物业的NI 43-101技术报告,可在该公司的网站上找到,网址为。

For further information, please contact:


Steve Roebuck
President & CEO
Mobile: (905) 741-5458

手机:(905) 741-5458



Dino Titaro
Director, Chairman of the Board
Mobile: (647) 283 7600

手机:(647) 283 7600

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Forward-looking information


This News Release includes certain "forward-looking statements" which are not comprised of historical facts, including statements regarding the use of proceeds. Forward-looking statements include estimates and statements that describe the Company's future plans, objectives or goals, including words to the effect that the Company or management expects a stated condition or result to occur. Forward-looking statements may be identified by such terms as "believes", "anticipates", "expects", "estimates", "may", "could", "would", "will", or "plan". Since forward-looking statements are based on assumptions and address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Although these statements are based on information currently available to the Company, the Company provides no assurance that actual results will meet management's expectations. Risks, uncertainties and other factors involved with forward-looking information could cause actual events, results, performance, prospects and opportunities to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Forward looking information in this news release includes, but is not limited to, the progress, timing and potential closing of the Transaction, the Company's acquisition of shares in Contango, the Company's receipt of the Cash Consideration or any part thereof, the Company's potential receipt of the Deferred Purchase Price, any receipt by the Company of shareholder, TSX Venture Exchange, NYSE-A or any other applicable regulatory approval of the Transaction or Agreement, the Company's objectives, goals or future plans, statements, exploration results, potential mineralization, the estimation of mineral resources, exploration and mine development plans, timing of the commencement of operations by the Company or any other company in which it has an interest, the material or financial outcomes of any such operations so commenced, any anticipated benefit to the Company or its shareholders resulting from the Company's shareholdings, the financial state of the Company should the Transaction be successfully completed, the payment or non-payment of any termination fee in connection with the Transaction, and estimates of market conditions. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information include, but are not limited to: the failure to complete the Transaction on the terms provided or at all, failure to receive requisite approvals in respect of the Transaction, failure to identify mineral resources, failure to convert estimated mineral resources to reserves, the inability to complete a feasibility study which recommends a production decision, the preliminary nature of metallurgical test results, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required governmental, environmental or other project approvals, political risks, inability to fulfill the duty to accommodate First Nations and other indigenous peoples, uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future, changes in equity markets, inflation, changes in exchange rates, fluctuations in commodity prices, delays in the development of projects, capital and operating costs varying significantly from estimates and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry, and those risks set out in the Company's public documents filed on SEDAR. Although the Company believes that the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking information in this news release are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on such information, which only applies as of the date of this news release, and no assurance can be given that such events will occur in the disclosed time frames or at all. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, other than as required by law.

本新闻稿包括某些不包含历史事实的 “前瞻性陈述”,包括有关所得款项用途的陈述。前瞻性陈述包括描述公司未来计划、目标或目标的估计和陈述,包括大意为公司或管理层预计将出现既定条件或结果的言论。前瞻性陈述可以用 “相信”、“预期”、“预期”、“估计”、“可能”、“可能”、“将”、“将” 或 “计划” 等术语来识别。由于前瞻性陈述基于假设并涉及未来的事件和状况,因此就其本质而言,它们涉及固有的风险和不确定性。尽管这些陈述基于公司目前获得的信息,但公司无法保证实际业绩将符合管理层的预期。前瞻性信息所涉及的风险、不确定性和其他因素可能导致实际事件、结果、业绩、前景和机会与此类前瞻性信息所表达或暗示的事件、业绩、前景和机会存在重大差异。本新闻稿中的前瞻性信息包括但不限于交易的进展、时间和可能的完成情况、公司对Contango股份的收购、公司收到的现金对价或其任何部分、公司可能收到的延期购买价格、公司对股东的任何收据、多伦多证券交易所风险交易所、纽约证券交易所A或对交易或协议的任何其他适用的监管批准、公司的目标或目标未来计划、声明、勘探结果、潜力矿化、矿产资源估算、勘探和矿山开发计划、公司或其拥有权益的任何其他公司开始运营的时间、以此方式开始的任何此类业务的实质或财务成果、公司或其股东因持股而获得的任何预期收益、交易成功完成后的公司财务状况、与交易相关的任何终止费的支付或不支付,以及估计市场条件。可能导致实际结果与此类前瞻性信息存在重大差异的因素包括但不限于:未能按照规定的条款完成交易、未能获得交易的必要批准、未能识别矿产资源、未能将估计的矿产资源转化为储量、无法完成建议生产决策的可行性研究、冶金测试结果的初步性质、延迟获得或未能获得所需的矿产资源政府、环境或其他项目的批准、政治风险、无法履行容纳原住民和其他土著人民的责任、与未来所需资金的供应和成本有关的不确定性、股票市场的变化、通货膨胀、汇率变动、商品价格的波动、项目开发的延迟、资本和运营成本与估计数和矿产勘探和开发行业涉及的其他风险有很大差异,以及其中规定的风险公司在SEDAR上提交的公开文件。尽管公司认为在本新闻稿中准备前瞻性信息时使用的假设和因素是合理的,但不应过分依赖此类信息,这仅适用于本新闻稿发布之日,也无法保证此类事件将在披露的时间范围内发生或根本无法保证。除非法律要求,否则公司不打算或义务更新或修改任何前瞻性信息,无论这些信息是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因造成的。

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