
Thermal Energy Announces $1.9 Million Turn-key Heat Recovery Project for a Global Materials Company

Thermal Energy Announces $1.9 Million Turn-key Heat Recovery Project for a Global Materials Company

Thermal Energy宣布为一家全球材料公司提供190万美元的交钥匙热回收项目
newsfile ·  05/06 07:01

Project designed to help customer achieve ambitious carbon emission reduction targets with a compelling payback of under two years


Ottawa, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 6, 2024) - Thermal Energy International Inc. (TSXV: TMG) (OTCQB: TMGEF) ("Thermal Energy" or the "Company"), a provider of innovative energy efficiency and carbon emission reduction solutions to major corporations around the world, has announced a $1.9 million carbon reduction and energy efficiency solution for a global materials company. All figures are shown in CAD.

安大略省渥太华省-(新闻资讯社 - 2024年5月6日) - Thermal Energy International Inc. (TSXV: TMG) (OTCQB: TMGEF) (以下简称"Thermal Energy或公司"),一家为世界各大企业提供创新的能源效率和碳排放减少方案的供应商,宣布为一家全球材料公司提供价值190万加元的减碳和能源效率方案。所有数字均以加拿大元显示。"这个客户作为市场领导者,接受其在铸造行业迈向低碳经济方面的角色,并参加了科学基础目标倡议(SBTi)以验证其雄心勃勃的范围1和范围2温室气体排放目标。这个价值190万加元的全包工程预计可使客户每年在能源账单上节省逾98万美元,减少每年977吨二氧化碳排放并改善污染预防和控制。

As a market leader, this customer accepts its role in forging the industry's path to a low-carbon economy, and has engaged with the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) to validate their ambitious scope 1 and scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions targets. This $1.9 million Turn-key project is expected to save the customer over $980,000 annually on its energy bill, reduce co2 emissions by 977 tonnes per year and improve pollution prevention and control.

"这个关系有两个有趣的原因。首先,客户在收购后发现我们的技术并选择与我们的专业工程师合作复制它。其次,这个客户参与了STBi零净化标准化,意味着完全透明和有问责制,所以这个客户信任我们的技术帮助其达到雄心勃勃的减排目标,"Thermal Energy CEO William Crossland说。

"This is an interesting relationship for two reasons. Firstly, the customer became aware of our technology following an acquisition and chose to replicate it collaboratively with our expert engineers. Secondly, the customer is engaged with STBi net zero standardization, meaning total transparency and accountability, so it speaks volumes that this customer trusts our technology to help reach its ambitious emissions reduction targets," said William Crossland, Thermal Energy CEO.

这个订单标志着Thermal Energy为该客户提供的第三个热回收和碳排放减少解决方案,涉及其在欧洲的三个站点。前两个项目在客户收购这些站点之前完成,并且是较小的定制设备订单。在发现Thermal Energy在这两个站点的技术有效性后,客户扩大了与Thermal Energy的关系,将包括进一步站点的全包工程。

This order marks the third heat recovery and carbon emission reduction solution Thermal Energy has delivered for this customer across three of its European sites. The earlier two projects preceded this customer's acquisition of the sites and were smaller custom equipment orders. Upon discovering the effectiveness of Thermal Energy's technology at these two sites the customer has expanded its relationship with Thermal Energy to include full turn-key projects across further sites.

这个客户不仅对创新技术印象深刻,而且对Thermal Energy的全面工程能力和对干燥应用和客户流程的深入理解也印象深刻。Thermal Energy和客户之间的合作,实现了从喷雾干燥器排气中恢复热量,而不是从典型的干燥机排气中恢复热量的FLU-ACE热量回收系统的渐进式应用,这可以在几个行业中重复使用。

It wasn't only the innovative technology that impressed this customer, but also Thermal Energy's comprehensive engineering capabilities and in-depth understanding of drying applications and the customer's processes. A collaborative approach between Thermal Energy and the customer resulted in a progressive application of the FLU-ACE heat recovery system to recover heat from the spray dryer stack, rather than the typical dryer exhaust, that could be repeatable across several industries.


The project is expected to be completed and revenue earned within nine months.


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For media enquiries contact:
Thermal Energy International Inc.
Canada: 613-723-6776
UK: +44 (0)117 917 2179

Thermal Energy International Inc.
英国:+44 (0)117 917 2179

For investor enquiries:
William Crossland
President and CEO
Thermal Energy International Inc.

William Crossland
Thermal Energy International Inc.

Notes to editors


About Thermal Energy International Inc.

关于Thermal Energy International Inc.

Thermal Energy International Inc. provides energy efficiency and emissions reduction solutions to Fortune 500 and other large multinational companies. We save our customers money by reducing their fuel use and cutting their carbon emissions. Thermal Energy's proprietary and proven solutions can recover up to 80% of energy lost in typical boiler plant and steam system operations while delivering a high return on investment with a short, compelling payback.

Thermal Energy International Inc.为财富500强和其他大型跨国公司提供节能减排解决方案。我们通过减少燃料使用和削减碳排放来为客户省钱。Thermal Energy的专有和经过验证的解决方案可以在典型锅炉设备和蒸汽系统运行中找回高达80%的能量损失,同时提供高回报率和短期,引人注目的回报率。

Thermal Energy is a fully accredited professional engineering firm with engineering offices in Ottawa, Canada, Pittsburgh, USA, as well as Bristol, UK, with sales offices in Canada, UK, USA, Germany, Poland, and Italy. By providing a unique mix of proprietary products together with process, energy, and environmental engineering expertise, Thermal Energy can deliver unique, site-specific turnkey and custom engineered solutions with significant financial and environmental benefits for our customers.

Thermal Energy是一家具有全面认证的专业工程公司,在加拿大渥太华,美国匹兹堡以及英国布里斯托尔设有工程办事处,在加拿大,英国,美国,德国,波兰和意大利设有销售办事处。通过提供独特的专有产品以及处理,能源和环保工程专业知识的独特组合,Thermal Energy可以为客户提供独特的,针对特定站点的交钥匙式和定制的工程解决方案,具有显著的财务和环境效益。

Thermal Energy's common shares are traded on the TSX Venture Exchange (TSX-V) under the symbol TMG and on the OTCQB under the symbol TMGEF. For more information, visit our investor website at or company website at and follow us on Twitter at .

Thermal Energy的普通股在TSX Venture Exchange(TSX-V)上交易,缩写为TMG,在OTCQB上交易,缩写为TMGEF。欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的投资者网站 或公司网站,并在Twitter上关注我们。

Cautionary Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements relating to, and amongst other things, based on management's expectations, estimates, and projections, the anticipated effectiveness of the Company's products and services and the timing of revenues to be received by the Company.


Information as to the amount of heat recovered, energy savings, and payback period associated with Thermal Energy International's products are based on the Company's own testing and average customer results to date. Statements relating to the order-intake, expected installation and revenue recognition for projects, statements about the anticipated effectiveness and lifespan of the Company's products, statements about the expected environmental effects and cost savings associated with the Company's products, and statements about the Company's ability to cross-sell its products and sell to more sites are forward-looking statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve several risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. Orders received in a fiscal year may not become revenue for the Company within such fiscal year. Many factors, some of which are outside of the Company's control, could cause events and results to differ materially from those stated. Fulfilment of orders, installation of products, and activation of products could all be delayed for several reasons, some of which are outside of the Company's control, which would result in anticipated revenues from such projects being delayed or in the most serious cases eliminated. Actions taken by the Company's customers and factors inherent in the customer's facilities but not anticipated by the Company can have a negative impact on the expected effectiveness and lifespan of the Company's products and on the expected environmental effects and cost savings expected from the Company's products. Any customer's willingness to purchase additional products from the Company is dependent on many factors, some of which are outside of the Company's control, including but not limited to the customer's perceived needs and the continuing financial viability of the customer. The Company disclaims any obligation to publicly update or revise any such statements except as required by law. Readers are referred to the risk factors associated with the Company's business as described in the Company's most recent Management's Discussion and Analysis available at .

有关Thermal Energy International产品所回收的热量、节能情况和回收期信息,是基于公司自身测试和平均客户结果计算的。有关订单接收,预计安装和项目的收入确认,关于公司产品预期效果和使用寿命的声明,关于公司产品预期环境效应和成本节省的声明,以及关于公司能否交叉销售其产品和向更多站点销售的声明都是前瞻性声明。这些声明并不代表未来业绩的保证,涉及若干风险、不确定性和假设。一年内接收的订单可能不会成为公司当年的收入。由于多种多样的原因,公司收到的订单履行和产品安装可能会出现延迟,其中一些延迟是公司所无法控制的,这将导致预计从此类项目中获得的收入被推迟,甚至在最严重的情况下被消除。公司客户采取的行动以及客户设施中存在但公司没有预料到的因素可能会对公司产品预期效果和使用寿命产生负面影响,从而对公司产品预期环境效应和成本节省所产生的预期影响产生负面影响。任何客户是否愿意从公司购买更多产品都取决于许多因素,其中一些因素是公司所无法控制的,包括但不限于客户的认知需求和客户的持续财务稳定性。公司不承担公开更新或修订此类声明的任何义务,除非法律要求。请参阅公司最近的管理讨论与分析报告中提到的与公司业务相关的风险因素。

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