
Atomic Minerals Looks to Advance Uranium Exploration With Historical Gamma Ray Logs at Dolores Anticline, Colorado

Atomic Minerals Looks to Advance Uranium Exploration With Historical Gamma Ray Logs at Dolores Anticline, Colorado

Atomic Minerals 希望利用科罗拉多州多洛雷斯·安蒂克莱恩的历史伽玛射线日志推进铀勘探
newsfile ·  05/07 07:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 7, 2024) - Atomic Minerals Corporation (TSXV: ATOM) ("ATOMIC MINERALS" or the "Company") ( is pleased to announce the results of a detailed analysis of stratigraphic and gamma ray logs from the historical oil well log data at the Dolores Anticline Project ("Dolores Anticline") in SW Colorado.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 7 日)- 原子矿业公司 (TSXV: 原子) (”原子矿物“或者 “公司”)(很高兴地宣布对来自多洛雷斯反斜线项目历史油井日志数据的地层学和伽玛射线日志的详细分析结果(“多洛雷斯 Anticline”)在科罗拉多州西南部。

This initiative underlines the Company's commitment to integrating advanced geophysical techniques to refine its exploration strategies and enhance the geological understanding of its central uranium prospects.


"Utilizing historical gamma ray logs for a refined geological analysis at the Dolores Anticline enables us to pinpoint geological formations and evaluate their uranium potential with precision," remarked Clive H. Massey, President & CEO of Atomic Minerals. "This advanced technology bolsters our efforts in uranium exploration and optimizes our strategy for assessing our broad portfolio. We are particularly grateful for the support from the communities in Monticello and San Juan County, which is crucial as we advance our projects."


Gamma Ray Logs in Geophysical Evaluation


Atomic Minerals analyzed the stratigraphic logs or stratigraphic estimates in conjunction with the gamma ray logs from historic oil and gas holes drilled throughout the Dolores Anticline to zero in on the favorable Moss Back member of the Chinle formation. The Moss Back hosts the bulk of the Triassic uranium mineralization within the salt anticlines throughout the Paradox Basin within the Colorado Plateau, America's premier uranium mining district. The Chinle formation has produced 120 million pounds of U3O8 to date.1

Atomic Minerals分析了地层日志或地层估算值,同时分析了在多洛雷斯安蒂斜线上钻探的历史石油和天然气孔的伽玛射线日志,以找出Chinle组中有利的Moss Back成员。美国首屈一指的铀矿开采区科罗拉多高原的帕拉多克斯盆地的盐背斜脉内有大部分的三叠纪铀矿化区。钦勒地层已经产生了1.2亿磅的U3O8 迄今为止。1

A total of 93 Colorado oil and gas hole locations were found in the database and were analyzed: 21 holes were permitted but never drilled, 31 holes either did not have a gamma log or were cased through the Chinle, 1 was collared below the base of the Chinle and 1 was lost before intersecting the Chinle. Of the remaining 39 holes, 19 recorded anomalous gamma ray values associated with the suspected base of the Chinle formation, a success rate of almost 50%.


A review of the plan map of the western arcuate belt of the Lisbon Valley Anticline, the type location for the Chinle uranium deposits, shows the uranium occurred in distinct deposits along the 17 km long belt, some clustered and others widespread, most notedly with barren gaps within the deposit clusters.2


Uranium Projects in SE Utah / SW Colorado- A Rich Mining Heritage

犹他州东南部/科罗拉多州西南部的铀项目- 丰富的采矿遗产

Southeastern Utah / Southwesten Colorado hosts a number of prominent uranium districts for both Morrison and/or Chinle uranium deposits, with the majority of the Chinle deposits intimately associated with the salt anticlines. With a long history of uranium exploration, development and production and fully permitted uranium mill, this area of the Colorado Plateau is poised to take advantage of the current uranium boom and the recently announced tarrif on Russian uranium imports.


Community and Operational Insights in Moab and Monticello


Exploration activities at the SW US Projects are feasible throughout the year, albeit with some interruptions due to potential seasonal muddy conditions during the rainy season. The town of Moab, situated near the 10 Mile project and the town of Monticello near the Harts Point and Dolores Projects, provide a comprehensive array of essential services and infrastructure, from healthcare and education to retail and lodging. This supportive community backdrop ensures a steady supply of skilled labor and sufficient resources, such as power and water, to sustain continuous mining operations.


Dolores Anticline

Dolores Anticline

As a result of the Dolores database thorough analysis, the Company is now laying out drill hole locations, guided by the oil and gas drilling, to allow commencement of the permitting process for summer drilling.


The Dolores claim group (SC claims) lies in San Miguel County, Colorado, on the northern end of the Dolores anticline and proximal to the southern end of the Uravan mineral belt. The Uravan (a contraction of uranium-vanadium) mineral belt produced 75.5 million pounds of uranium oxide and 331.8 million pounds of vanadium from the Salt Wash member of the Jurassic Morrison formation during the years between 1947 and 1979, from more than 1,200 mines.3 While these mining claims are located on the southern end of the Uravan, they were located in an area considered to be very favourable for the concentration of uranium mineralization in the Moss Back member of the Triassic-age Chinle formation and the Permian Cutler formation, as well as the Salt Wash member of the Morrison formation. Atomic Minerals' geological consultants have confirmed the presence of uranium mineralization in several prospects in the Dolores River Canyon, where the favourable Moss Back member has been exposed and appears to have a wide extent, which guided the location of the SC claim block.

多洛雷斯索赔组(SC索赔)位于科罗拉多州的圣米格尔县,位于多洛雷斯背斜线的北端,靠近乌拉万矿带的南端。在1947年至1979年期间,乌拉万(铀钒的收缩)矿带从侏罗纪莫里森组的盐洗成员中从1,200多个矿山生产了7,550万磅的氧化铀和3.318亿磅的钒。3 虽然这些采矿主张位于乌拉湾的南端,但它们所处的区域被认为非常有利于三叠纪时代奇内尔组和二叠纪卡特勒组的莫斯巴克成员以及莫里森组的盐洗成员的铀矿化浓度。Atomic Minerals的地质顾问已经证实,在多洛雷斯河峡谷的几个勘探区中存在铀矿化现象,那里有利的Moss Back成员已经暴露在外,而且范围似乎很广,这为SC索赔区块的选址提供了指导。

In the late 1970s, widely spaced exploration drilling for uranium by the Hunt Oil Company and Newmont Mining Company confirmed the presence of the highly favourable Moss Back member of the Chinle formation on this anticlinal structure. Gamma ray logs of a number of these holes reported spikes within the Moss Back.

在1970年代后期,亨特石油公司和纽蒙特矿业公司进行了大间隔的铀勘探钻探,证实了奇内尔地层中非常有利的莫斯巴克岩层在该背斜结构上存在。其中许多洞的伽玛射线记录显示,Moss Back内部出现了尖峰。



  1. Hall,S.M.; Van Gosen,B.S. and Zielinski,R.R. (2023). Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits of the Colorado Plateau, USA. Ore Geology Reviews 155. 39p.
  2. DahlKamp,F.J. (2010) Uranium Deposits of the World - USA and Latin America. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 499p.
  3. Chenoweth, W.L. (1981). The Uranium-Vanadium Deposits of the Uravan Mineral Belt and Adjacent Areas, Colorado and Utah. New Mexico Geological Society Guidebook, 32nd Field Conference. pp. 165-170.
  1. Hall,S.M.;Van Gosen,B.S. 和 R.R. Zielinski (2023)。美国科罗拉多高原的砂岩铀矿床。《矿石地质评论》155. 39p。
  2. DahlKamp,F.J.(2010)《世界铀矿床——美国和拉丁美洲》。柏林海德堡施普林格出版社。499p。
  3. 谢诺维斯,W.L.(1981)。科罗拉多州和犹他州乌拉文矿带及邻近地区的铀钒矿床。新墨西哥州地质学会指南,第 32 届实地会议。第 165-170 页。

The data disclosed in this news release are related to historical exploration and drilling results. Atomic Minerals has not undertaken any independent investigation of the sampling, nor has it independently analyzed the results of the historical exploration work in order to verify the results. Atomic Minerals considers these historical exploration and drill results relevant as the Company is using these data as a guide to plan exploration programs. The Company's current and future exploration work includes verification of the historical data through sampling and drilling.

本新闻稿中披露的数据与历史勘探和钻探结果有关。Atomic Minerals没有对取样进行任何独立调查,也没有独立分析历史勘探工作的结果以验证结果。Atomic Minerals认为这些历史勘探和钻探结果是相关的,因为该公司正在使用这些数据作为规划勘探计划的指南。该公司当前和未来的勘探工作包括通过采样和钻探来验证历史数据。

Qualified Person


Mr. R. Tim Henneberry, P.Geo. (BC), an advisor to the Company, is the "Qualified Person" under National Instrument 43-101 responsible for the technical contents of this news release and has approved the disclosure of the technical information contained herein.

R. Tim Henneberry 先生,P.Geo。(BC)是公司的顾问,是National Instrument 43-101下的 “合格人员”,负责本新闻稿的技术内容,并已批准披露此处包含的技术信息。

About the Company


Atomic Minerals Corp. is a publicly listed exploration company on the TSX Venture Exchange, trading under the symbol ATOM, led by a highly skilled management and technical team with a proven track record in the junior mining sector. Atomic Minerals' objective is to identify exploration opportunities in regions that have been previously overlooked but are geologically similar to those with previous uranium discoveries. These underexplored areas hold immense potential and are in stable geopolitical and economic environments.

Atomic Minerals Corp. 是一家在多伦多证券交易所风险交易所上市的勘探公司,交易代码为ATOM,由一支在初级采矿业拥有良好记录的高技能管理和技术团队领导。Atomic Minerals的目标是在以前被忽视但地质上与先前发现铀的地区相似的地区寻找勘探机会。这些未开发的地区具有巨大的潜力,并且处于稳定的地缘政治和经济环境中。

Atomic Minerals' property portfolio contains uranium projects in three locations within North America, all of which have significant technical merit and or are known for hosting uranium production in the past. Three of the properties are located on the Colorado Plateau, an area which has previously produced 597 million pounds of U3O8; Three others are in the prolific Athabasca Basin region and nine uranium projects are located Northern Saskatchewan, encompassing a total exploration area of 6,495 hectares.

Atomic Minerals的房地产投资组合包括位于北美三个地点的铀项目,所有这些项目都具有显著的技术价值,并且/或过去曾以铀生产而闻名。其中三处地产位于科罗拉多高原,该地区此前曾生产过5.97亿磅的八氧化三铀;另外三个位于多产的阿萨巴斯卡盆地地区,九个铀项目位于萨斯喀彻温省北部,总勘探面积为6,495公顷。

For additional information about the Company and its projects, please visit our website at .




"Clive Massey"
Clive H. Massey
President & CEO


For further information, please contact:


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Forward-Looking Statements:


This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking" statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although Atomic Minerals Corporation believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Atomic Minerals Corporation management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, Atomic Minerals Corporation undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新闻稿包含某些可能被视为 “前瞻性” 陈述的陈述。前瞻性陈述是指非历史事实的陈述,通常但并非总是以 “期望”、“计划”、“预期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估计”、“项目”、“潜力” 和类似表述来识别,或者事件或条件 “将”、“可能” 或 “应该” 发生。尽管Atomic Minerals Corporation认为此类前瞻性陈述中表达的预期是基于合理的假设,但此类陈述并不能保证未来的业绩,实际业绩可能与前瞻性陈述中存在重大差异。前瞻性陈述基于原子矿业公司管理层在声明发表之日的信念、估计和意见。除非法律要求,否则如果管理层的信念、估计或意见或其他因素发生变化,Atomic Minerals Corporation没有义务更新这些前瞻性陈述。

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