
Thunderstruck Provides Update on Rama Porphyry Copper-Gold Project, Fiji

Thunderstruck Provides Update on Rama Porphyry Copper-Gold Project, Fiji

Thunderstruck 提供斐济 Rama Porphyry 铜金项目的最新情况
newsfile ·  05/07 09:31

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 7, 2024) - Thunderstruck Resources Ltd. (TSXV: AWE) (OTC: THURF) (the "Company" or "Thunderstruck") is pleased to provide the following update on exploration activities at its 100%-owned Rama porphyry copper-gold project located on the island of Viti Levu, Fiji (Figure 1). The Rama project currently consists of four main targets areas - the Rama/Senikura, Gun, and Navua porphyry copper-gold targets and the Liwa epithermal gold(-copper) target (Figure 2) - and lies approximately 30 km due west of Newmont Corporation's Namosi porphyry copper-gold development project1.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 7 日)- 雷电资源有限公司 多伦多证券交易所股票代码:AWE)(场外交易代码:THURF)(“公司” 或 “Thunderstruck”)很高兴提供以下位于斐济维提岛的100%持股的拉玛斑岩铜金项目的勘探活动的最新情况(图1)。拉玛项目目前由四个主要目标区域组成——Rama/Senikura、Gun 和 Navua 斑岩铜金目标以及 Liwa 超热成热金(-铜)目标(图 2)——位于纽蒙特公司纳莫西斑岩铜金开发项目以西约 30 公里处1

"Copper is the critical metal to be exploring for these days," stated Thunderstruck's President & CEO Bryce Bradley. "Globally, we're facing a critical copper shortage for a number of reasons - population growth and with it an increased demand for electronics and renewable energy products, depletion of reserves in existing copper mines, and not enough new mines coming on stream to satisfy expected demand for the metal. As a result, we're seeing high copper prices amid rapidly rising long-term demand accompanied by continuing supply constraints." She continued, "Through Thunderstruck's diligence and concerted exploration efforts, the team has successfully expanded our copper-gold footprint beyond our flagship Rama prospect by making three new discoveries and identifying a new copper-gold target. The Company will continue to advance these prospects while expanding its portfolio on the island to distinguish itself as the preeminent copper-gold district in Fiji."


Figure 1.

图 1。

Project Overview


The Company's flagship Rama copper-gold project was first discovered by Anglo Pacific ("Anglo") in the mid-1970s. Initial work undertaken by Anglo led to the identification of a mineralized porphyry system at Rama and resulted in the drilling of four shallow (<250m in depth) holes within the project area. Anglo drill hole DDH-1, a vertical hole which targeted Anglo's interpreted centre to the Rama system, returned 244m @ 0.22% copper ("Cu") + 0.16 g/t gold (Au") (or 0.33% Cu equivalent, or "CuEq") from 6m downhole, ending within mineralization2,3. Subsequent to completing the discovery hole at Rama, Anglo decided to focus its efforts on the nearby Namosi copper-gold discovery (primarily due to its location and easier access) with no systematic exploration undertaken at Rama until Thunderstruck's maiden program in 2017.


Thunderstruck has significantly enhanced the economic potential of the original Rama discovery by:

Thunderstruck 通过以下方式极大地增强了最初发现的拉玛的经济潜力:

  • Expanding the footprint of the original Rama discovery to approximately 2.5km x 2.5km (and including the discovery of a new gold-rich cap - Senikura - along the southern margin of the main Rama porphyry)
  • The discovery of the new Gun porphyry copper zone, located some 3km east of Rama
  • The discovery of the Liwa epithermal/porphyry gold-copper system immediately to the southeast
  • The identification of a new copper target - Navua - to the South of Rama from stream sediment data
  • 将最初的拉玛发现的覆盖范围扩大到大约 2.5 千米 x 2.5 千米(包括在主拉玛斑岩的南缘发现了一个新的富含黄金的盖帽——塞尼库拉)
  • 发现了新的 Gun 斑岩铜区,位于拉玛以东约 3 公里处
  • 立即在东南部发现了 Liwa 超热/斑岩金铜系统
  • 从溪流沉积物数据中确定拉玛以南的新铜目标——Navua

Whilst these four target areas will form the immediate focus of the Company's near-term exploration activities, the Company has also significantly expanded its exploration land holdings at Rama through the application for additional concessions between Rama and the nearby Namosi project. Through this consolidation Thunderstruck will become the premiere explorer operating within the Rama-Namosi copper-gold belt. The Namosi deposit has a reported Measured & Indicated Resource of 1,800 Mt @ 0.35% Cu + 0.11 g/t Au resource (source: Newcrest Annual Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Statement - as of 30 June 2023, August 11, 2023).4

尽管这四个目标区域将成为公司近期勘探活动的直接重点,但该公司还通过申请拉玛与附近的纳莫西项目之间的额外特许权,大幅扩大了其在拉玛的勘探用地持有量。通过这次整合,Thunderstruck将成为在拉玛-纳莫西铜金带内运营的首屈一指的探险家。纳莫西矿床报告的测定和指示资源量为18亿吨,铜含量为0.35% + 0.11克/吨金资源(来源:纽克雷斯特年度矿产资源和矿石储量声明——截至2023年6月30日,2023年8月11日)。4

Planned 2024 Exploration Program

计划的 2024 年勘探计划

The Company's immediate focus at Rama is on the prioritization of copper-gold targets for drill testing. The 2024 field exploration program is expected to include additional geological mapping and sampling at Rama/Senikura, Gun, Liwa, and the newly defined copper-gold target area at Navua, all of which now have significantly improved ground access as a result of the construction of new logging roads. The ongoing field campaign will be complemented by either a ground or drone magnetic survey covering the priority targets. The planned field program for Rama is expected to be undertaken from June through October.


Core drilling on priority targets is expected to be undertaken upon conclusion of the field program. Drilling is currently expected to be focused on:


  • deeper drilling (>500m) at the Anglo DDH1 drill location. The Company's geological interpretation is that DDH1 was of insufficient depth to intersect the postulated higher-grade, bornite-bearing core to the Rama porphyry system.
  • maiden drilling at the adjacent Senikura (gold-copper) and Gun (copper-gold) targets.
  • 在 Anglo DDH1 钻探地点进行更深的钻探(>500 米)。该公司的地质解释是,DDH1的深度不足以与拉玛斑岩系统的假定等级更高、含硼砂岩的岩心相交。
  • 在邻近的 Senikura(金铜)和 Gun(铜金)目标处进行了首次钻探。

Additional drilling will be planned once results from the initial drill program have been received and interpreted.


1 References made to adjacent mines/projects provide context for the Company's Rama project but are not necessarily indicative that the project hosts similar tonnages or grades of gold and copper.
2 Copper equivalent grade is calculated by adding Cu % to ((0.16 g/t Au / 31.1 x 1,800) / 8,360 x 100) and assuming 100% metallurgical recovery. Metal price assumptions are copper USD 3.80/lb (USD 8,360/t) and gold USD 1,800/oz.
3 Historic drill results quoted for Rama are derived from original Anglo Pacific company reports. Whilst Thunderstruck has not performed sufficient work to verify the published data reported, the Company believes this information to be considered reliable and relevant.
4 Newcrest's Annual Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Statement has been preparedaccording to thereporting requirements of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Listing RulesChapter 5, July 2022; the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resourcesand Ore Reserves, December 2012(JORC Code), and reconciled to National Instrument 43101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects (NI43101) of the Canadian Securities Administrators,June 2011; Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy andPetroleum (CIM) Definition Standards onMineral Resources and Mineral Reserves, May 2014 and the rules of the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX).

1 提及邻近矿山/项目为公司的拉玛项目提供了背景信息,但不一定表示该项目拥有相似的吨位或等级的金和铜。
2 铜当量品位是通过在((0.16 g/t Au/31.1 x 1,800)/8,360 x 100)中添加铜%来计算的,并假设冶金回收率为100%。金属价格假设为铜3.80美元/磅(8,360美元/吨)和黄金1,800美元/盎司。
3 Rama引用的历史钻探结果来自盎格鲁太平洋公司的原始报告。尽管Thunderstruck尚未开展足够的工作来验证报告的已发布数据,但该公司认为这些信息被认为是可靠和相关的。
4 Newcrest的年度矿产资源和矿石储量报表是根据2022年7月澳大利亚证券交易所(ASX)上市规则第5章的报告要求编制的;2012年12月《澳大利亚勘探结果、矿产资源和矿石储量报告守则》(JORC守则),并与2011年6月的加拿大证券管理局国家仪器43101矿业项目披露标准(NI43101)保持一致;加拿大矿业协会, 冶金和石油 (CIM) 矿物定义标准资源和矿产储量,2014年5月,以及多伦多证券交易所(TSX)的规则。

Figure 2.

图 2。

Qualified Persons and Disclosure Statement


The technical information in this news release relating to the Rama Copper-Gold Project has been prepared in accordance with Canadian regulatory requirements set out in NI 43-101, and approved by Eric Roth, a Non-Executive Director of Thunderstruck and a Qualified Person under NI 43-101. Mr. Roth holds a Ph.D. in Economic Geology from the University of Western Australia, is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AusIMM) and is a Fellow of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG). Mr. Roth has 35 years of experience in international minerals exploration and mining project evaluation.

本新闻稿中与拉玛铜金项目有关的技术信息是根据NI 43-101规定的加拿大监管要求编制的,并获得了Thunderstruck非执行董事和NI 43-101规定的合格人员埃里克·罗斯的批准。Roth 先生拥有西澳大利亚大学经济地质学博士学位、澳大利亚矿业和冶金研究所 (AusIMM) 院士和经济地质学家协会 (SEG) 会员。Roth 先生在国际矿产勘探和采矿项目评估方面拥有 35 年的经验。

About Thunderstruck Resources


Thunderstruck Resources is a Canadian mineral exploration company focused on the discovery of high value copper-gold porphyry and gold-silver epithermal deposits on the main Fijian island of Viti Levu. The Company also owns 100% interests in two copper-zinc massive sulfide projects at Nakoro and Korokayiu.

Thunderstruck Resources是一家加拿大矿产勘探公司,专注于在斐济主岛维提岛发现高价值的铜金斑岩和金银超成热矿床。该公司还拥有位于纳科罗和科罗卡尤的两个铜锌块状硫化物项目的100%权益。

The Company provides investors with exposure to a diverse portfolio of exploration stage projects with potential for copper, gold, zinc and silver in a politically safe and stable jurisdiction. Thunderstruck trades on the Toronto Venture Exchange (TSXV) under the symbol "AWE" and United States OTC under the symbol "THURF."

该公司为投资者提供多样化的勘探阶段项目投资组合,这些项目有可能在政治安全和稳定的司法管辖区开采铜、金、锌和银。Thunderstruck在多伦多风险交易所(TSXV)上市,股票代码为 “AWE”,在美国场外交易的股票代码为 “THURF”。

For additional information, please contact:
Bryce Bradley, Chief Executive Officer
P: 604 349-8119
or, visit our website:

P:604 349-8119

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange Inc. nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange Inc. 及其监管服务提供商(该术语在多伦多证券交易所的政策中定义)均不对本新闻稿的充分性或准确性承担责任。

This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". Although Thunderstruck believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Thunderstruck's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, Thunderstruck undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新闻稿包含某些可能被视为 “前瞻性陈述” 的陈述。尽管Thunderstruck认为此类前瞻性陈述中表达的预期是基于合理的假设,但此类陈述并不能保证未来的表现,实际业绩可能与前瞻性陈述中的预期存在重大差异。前瞻性陈述基于Thunderstruck管理层在声明发表之日的信念、估计和观点。除非法律要求,否则Thunderstruck没有义务在管理层的信念、估计或观点或其他因素发生变化时更新这些前瞻性陈述。

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