
Global Self Storage Comments on Unsolicited, Non-Binding, and Conditional Acquisition Proposal Received From Etude Storage Partners LLC

Global Self Storage Comments on Unsolicited, Non-Binding, and Conditional Acquisition Proposal Received From Etude Storage Partners LLC

全球自存储对Etude Storage Partners LLC所发来的非约束性、非约束性和有条件的收购提议进行了评论。
Accesswire ·  05/07 18:30

No Stockholder Action Required at this Time


MILLBROOK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / May 7, 2024 / Global Self Storage, Inc. (NASDAQ:SELF), (the "Company"), a real estate investment trust that owns, operates, manages, acquires and redevelops self-storage properties, today commented on the unsolicited, non-binding, and conditional acquisition proposal that it received today from Etude Storage Partners LLC to acquire all of the outstanding shares of the Company for $6.15 per share in cash.

纽约州,密尔布鲁克/ACCESSWIRE/2024年5月7日/ 全球自助存储公司(NASDAQ:SELF),(以下简称“公司”),一家股权房地产投资信托(reits),拥有、经营、管理、收购和重建自助存储物业,今天对Etude存储合作伙伴有限责任公司发表评论,称其收到的非约束性、非约束性和有条件收购建议不利于股东利益,无优势且低估了公司的当前和潜在的长期价值。根据Etude先前提出的两轮非约束性、有条件的并购建议,分别以每股普通股5.52美元和6.05美元、现金为价格, 全球自助存储董事会(以下简称“董事会”),由大多数独立董事组成,经咨询其财务和法律顾问一致判断表示:Etude先前提出的两轮非约束性、有条件的并购建议均不充分且低估了公司的当前和潜在的长期价值,不符合公司和股东的最佳利益。此外,董事会判断,继续执行公司的战略业务计划符合公司和股东的最佳利益。 “在审慎审查Etude先前的非约束性、有条件的并购提议后,我们的董事会清楚地认识到Etude正试图在当前影响公开交易自助存储公司估值的宏观经济营运环境下,投机主义地剥夺我们的股东目前继承的价值以及从公司继续实施战略业务计划中获益的机会,”董事会主席、首席执行官和总裁Mark C. Winmill表示。董事会将根据其法定职责及其顾问的咨询认真审查和考虑Etude最新的非约束性、有条件的并购建议,以确定认为是符合全球自助存储及其股东最佳利益的行动方向。 全球自助存储注意到Etude的信函并不构成正式要约,因此股东不需要采取任何行动。董事会致力于服务所有股东的利益,确保他们实现其投资的全部潜力。公司的目标是随着时间的推移增加价值,以造福于所有股东。因此,公司打算继续执行其战略业务计划,包括直接或通过合资企业融资收购和对现有物业的扩建项目。董事会定期审查战略业务计划,其中涉及的话题和指标包括资本形成、债务与权益比率、分红政策、资本和债务的使用、运营现金流和调整后运营现金流的表现以及最佳的现金储备水平。 全球自助存储的董事会和管理层认为,公司持续的经营表现和资本资源使其有能力继续推进其战略业务计划。 全球自助存储是一家自我管理的股权房地产投资信托(reits),拥有、经营、管理、收购和重建自助存储物业。该公司的自助存储物业旨在为住宅和商业客户提供经济实惠、易于访问和安全的存储空间。通过其全资子公司,该公司在康涅狄格州、伊利诺伊州、印第安纳州、纽约州、俄亥俄州、宾夕法尼亚州、南卡罗来纳州和俄克拉何马州拥有和/或管理13个自助存储设施。欲了解更多信息,请访问ir.globalselfstorage.us或进入公司客户网站。您也可以在Twitter、LinkedIn和Facebook上关注全球自助存储。

The proposal announced by Etude today is the third unsolicited, non-binding, and conditional acquisition proposal that Etude has submitted to Global Self Storage within the past ninety days. The Global Self Storage Board of Directors (the "Board"), which consists of a majority of independent directors, unanimously determined, in consultation with its financial and legal advisors, that each of Etude's previous unsolicited, non-binding, and conditional acquisition proposals, initially at a price of $5.52, and then later at a price of $6.05, in cash per share of common stock, was inadequate and undervalued the Company's current and potential long-term value, and was not in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders. In addition, the Board determined that the continued execution of the Company's strategic business plan was in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders.

Etude今天宣布的收购是在过去90天内向Global Self Storage提交的第三份非约束性、有条件的收购建议。 全球自助存储董事会(以下简称“董事会”),由大多数独立董事组成,经咨询其财务和法律顾问一致判断表示:Etude先前提出的两轮非约束性、有条件的并购建议均不充分且低估了公司的当前和潜在的长期价值,不符合公司和股东的最佳利益。此外,董事会判断,继续执行公司的战略业务计划符合公司和股东的最佳利益。

"After careful review of Etude's previous unsolicited, non-binding, and conditional acquisition proposals, it was clear to our entire Board that Etude is seeking to opportunistically exploit the challenging macro-economic operating environment currently impacting the valuation of publicly traded self-storage companies and thereby deprive our stockholders of the value currently inherent in the Company as well as the opportunity to benefit from the Company's significant upside potential as we continue to execute on our strategic business plan," said Mark C. Winmill, Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, and President.

“在审慎审查Etude先前的非约束性、有条件的并购提议后,我们的董事会清楚地认识到Etude正试图在当前影响公开交易自助存储公司估值的宏观经济营运环境下,投机主义地剥夺我们的股东目前继承的价值以及从公司继续实施战略业务计划中获益的机会,”董事会主席、首席执行官和总裁Mark C. Winmill表示。

The Board, consistent with its fiduciary duties and in consultation with its advisors, will carefully review and consider Etude's latest unsolicited, non-binding, and conditional acquisition proposal to determine the course of action that it believes is in the best interests of Global Self Storage and its stockholders. Global Self Storage notes that Etude's letter did not constitute a formal offer and, as such, stockholders do not need to take any action.

董事会根据其法定职责及其顾问的咨询认真审查和考虑Etude最新的非约束性、有条件的并购建议,以确定认为是符合全球自助存储及其股东最佳利益的行动方向。 全球自助存储注意到Etude的信函并不构成正式要约,因此股东不需要采取任何行动。

The Board is committed to serving the interests of all stockholders and ensuring that they realize the full potential of their investment.


Company Objective


The objective of the Company is to increase value over time for the benefit of all its stockholders. Toward this end, the Company intends to continue to execute its strategic business plan, which includes funding acquisitions, either directly or through joint ventures, and expansion projects at its existing properties. The Board regularly reviews the strategic business plan, with topics and metrices that include capital formation, debt versus equity ratios, dividend policy, use of capital and debt, FFO and AFFO performance, and optimal cash levels.


The Board and management of Global Self Storage believes that the Company's continued operational performance and capital resources position it well to continue to pursue its strategic business plan.


About Global Self Storage


Global Self Storage is a self-administered and self-managed REIT that owns, operates, manages, acquires, and redevelops self-storage properties. The Company's self-storage properties are designed to offer affordable, easily accessible and secure storage space for residential and commercial customers. Through its wholly owned subsidiaries, the Company owns and/or manages 13 self-storage properties in Connecticut, Illinois, Indiana, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Oklahoma.


For more information, go to or visit the Company's customer site at . You can also follow Global Self Storage on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.


Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


Certain information presented in this press release may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws including, but not limited to, the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, the Company's ability to execute on its strategic business plan and create value for its stockholders, the Company's potential for growth and value creation, other statements concerning the Company's plans, objectives, goals, strategies, future events, future revenues or performance, capital expenditures, financing needs, plans or intentions, and all other information that is not historical information. In some cases, forward-looking statements can be identified by terminology such as "believes," "plans," "intends," "expects," "estimates," "may," "will," "should," "anticipates," or the negative of such terms or other comparable terminology, or by discussions of strategy. All forward-looking statements by the Company involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond the control of the Company, which may cause the Company's actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such statements. The Company may also make additional forward-looking statements from time to time. All such subsequent forward-looking statements, whether written or oral, by the Company or on its behalf, are also expressly qualified by these cautionary statements. Investors should carefully consider the risks, uncertainties, and other factors, together with all of the other information included in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, and similar information. All forward-looking statements, including without limitation, the Company's examination of historical operating trends and estimates of future earnings, are based upon the Company's current expectations and various assumptions. The Company's expectations, beliefs and projections are expressed in good faith, but there can be no assurance that the Company's expectations, beliefs and projections will result or be achieved. All forward-looking statements apply only as of the date made. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements which may be made to reflect events or circumstances after the date made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. The amount, nature, and/or frequency of dividends paid by the Company may be changed at any time without notice.

此新闻稿中呈现的某些信息可能包含根据联邦证券法“前瞻性陈述”,包括但不限于《1995年公司治理改革与证券诉讼救济法案》。此类前瞻性陈述包括但不限于关于公司能否执行其战略业务计划并为股东创造价值,公司的增长和价值创造潜力,其他有关公司计划、目标、目标、策略、未来事件、未来收入或表现、资本支出、融资需求、计划或意图的声明,以及所有其他非历史信息。在某些情况下,前瞻性陈述可以通过“相信”、“计划”、“意图”、“期望”、“估计”、“可能”、“将”、“应该”、“预期”、“预计”、“预测”、“反对”或其它类似的术语或策略性的讨论来识别。公司的所有前瞻性陈述都涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,其中许多因素超出了公司的控制,这些因素可能导致公司的实际结果与所述的表述差别显著,结果可能是公司的实际结果与所述的表述不同。该公司还可能随时作出其他前瞻性陈述。无论是公司还是代表该公司的任何人口头上或书面上作出的所有后续前瞻性陈述,都是明确受到这些警示性声明的约束。 投资者应谨慎考虑公司一起向证券和交易委员会提出的所有文件中包含的风险、不确定性和其他因素,以及类似信息。所有前瞻性陈述,包括但不限于公司对历史运营趋势和未来收益的估算,都基于公司的当前期望和各种假设。该公司的期望、信仰和预测是出于善意表达的,但不能保证该公司的期望、信仰和预测会导致结果或实现。所有前瞻性陈述仅适用于发表时。公司不承担公开更新或修订前瞻性陈述的义务,即无论是否对发生的事件或情况进行了公开更新,或者无论是否发生了未预期的事件。所支付的股息金额、性质和/或频率可能随时变更而不另行通知。

Company Contact:


Thomas O'Malley
Chief Financial Officer
Global Self Storage
1 (212) 785-0900, ext. 267
Email Contact


Investor Relations Contact:


Ron Both
CMA Investor Relations
Tel (949) 432-7566
Email Contact


SOURCE: Global Self Storage


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