
Evolution Petroleum Reports Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Results and Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend for the Fiscal 2024 Fourth Quarter

Evolution Petroleum Reports Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Results and Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend for the Fiscal 2024 Fourth Quarter

Evolution Petroleum公布2024财年第三季度业绩,并宣布2024财年第四季度的季度现金分红
Evolution Petroleum ·  05/07 00:00

HOUSTON, May 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Evolution Petroleum Corporation (NYSE American: EPM) ("Evolution" or the "Company") today announced its financial and operating results for its fiscal third quarter ended March 31, 2024 ("fiscal Q3" or the "current quarter"). Evolution also declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.12 per common share for the fiscal 2024 fourth quarter.

休斯顿,2024年5月7日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——进化石油公司(纽约证券交易所美国股票代码:EPM)(“Evolution” 或 “公司”)今天公布了截至2024年3月31日的第三财季(“第三财季或 “本季度”)的财务和经营业绩。Evolution还宣布,2024财年第四季度的季度现金分红为每股普通股0.12美元。

Key Highlights


  • Closed previously announced SCOOP/STACK acquisitions in February, adding production of ~1,550 barrels of oil equivalent per day ("BOEPD") on a pro forma basis if the acquisitions had closed at the beginning of the current quarter, and increasing average production for the quarter by ~835 BOEPD.
  • SCOOP/STACK acquisitions added ~300 gross undeveloped locations (average working interest of approximately 3%), 21 of which were drilled and uncompleted wells ("DUC") to be completed at the sellers' expense. Evolution also elected to participate in 15 wells, 13 of which were spudded by quarter-end.
    • 19 of the SCOOP/STACK DUC's were completed by quarter-end with results meeting or exceeding expectations for the wells for which data is available, maintaining pro forma field production for the quarter roughly flat to the production rate as of the 11/1/2023 effective date.
  • Achieved results that met or exceeded expectations on the initial three wells, out of 82 gross locations, in the Chaveroo oilfield.
    • All three wells achieved peak production rates at between approximately 300 and 375 gross barrels gross BOEPD per well (~80% oil).
    • Flatter-than-expected declines have yielded an average of over 750 gross BOEPD for the last 30 days.
    • Net to the Company's ownership, the wells contributed ~290 BOEPD on a pro forma basis if the wells had come online at the beginning of the quarter, increasing average production for the quarter by ~187 BOEPD.
  • Achieved highest ever Company oil production of ~2,200 barrels of oil per day for the current quarter.
  • Fiscal Q3 production increased 14% from the prior quarter to 7,209 net BOEPD with oil increasing 27% and natural gas and NGLs each increasing ~10%, with drilling results and the contribution of the acquisitions more than offsetting normal declines, maintenance and weather-related downtime.
  • Reported current quarter revenue of $23.0 million and net income of $0.3 million, or $0.01 per diluted share, and adjusted net income(1) of $1.0 million, or $0.03 per diluted share.
  • Generated adjusted EBITDA(2) of $8.5 million for fiscal Q3 (up 24% from fiscal Q2).
  • Paid quarterly dividends of $0.12 per common share and repurchased $0.8 million of common shares under previously announced share repurchase plan.
  • 2月份完成了先前宣布的SCOOP/STACK收购,如果收购在本季度初完成,则按预估计算,将增加约1,550桶石油当量(“BOEPD”),并将该季度的平均产量提高约835桶桶石油当量。
  • SCOOP/STACK的收购增加了约300个未开发地点(平均工作权益约为3%),其中21个是已钻探和未完井的油井(“DUC”),将由卖方出资完成。Evolution还选择参与15口油井,其中13口在季度末之前已建成。
    • 19个SCOOP/STACK DUC已在季度末完成,业绩达到或超过了有数据可查油井的预期,使该季度的预计油田产量与2023年1月11日生效之日的产量大致持平。
  • 在查韦鲁油田的82个总地点中,最初的三口油井取得了达到或超过预期的结果。
    • 所有三口油井都实现了峰值产量,每口油井的总产量约为300至375桶(约80%的石油)。
    • 在过去的30天中,跌幅低于预期,平均BOEPD总额超过750美元。
    • 扣除公司所有权后,如果油井在本季度初投产,这些油井按预计计算贡献了约290BOEPD,从而使该季度的平均产量增加了约187BOEPD。
  • 本季度实现了公司历史最高的石油产量,达到每天约2,200桶石油。
  • 第三财季度的产量比上一季度增长了14%,达到7,209英镑的净产量,其中石油增长了27%,天然气和液化天然气各增长了约10%,钻探结果和收购的贡献足以抵消正常的下降、维护和与天气相关的停机时间。
  • 报告的本季度收入为2300万美元,净收益为30万美元,摊薄后每股收益为0.01美元,调整后的净收益(1) 为100万美元,摊薄后每股收益0.03美元。
  • 产生的调整后息折旧摊销前利润(2) 第三财季为850万美元(较第二财年增长24%)。
  • 根据先前宣布的股票回购计划,支付了每股普通股0.12美元的季度股息,并回购了80万美元的普通股。

Kelly Loyd, President and Chief Executive Officer, commented, "Our Company's strong financial results this quarter demonstrate the effectiveness of our strategy to maximize shareholder returns while maintaining a rock-solid balance sheet. We have added scale, diversification, and investment flexibility to our portfolio. The production for a portion of the quarter from our SCOOP/STACK acquisitions and the incremental production from 19 newly drilled SCOOP/STACK wells, as well as production from the initial three wells at Chaveroo, were instrumental to our performance this quarter. Chaveroo and SCOOP/STACK not only bolstered our quarterly average production by more than 1,000 BOEPD but were also key to the impressive 27% increase in quarter over quarter crude oil production. Our ability to swiftly integrate these assets and capitalize on their continued development potential is a clear indication of Evolution's agility and strategic execution. The positive results from these acquisitions and our substantial inventory of drilling locations brings into focus how the organic growth piece of our model is, and will continue to be, an excellent complement to our producing assets and our accretive acquisition strategy for many years to come.


Mr. Loyd concluded, "We remain steadfast in our commitment to delivering long-term total returns to our shareholders. This is evident in our 42nd consecutive quarterly dividend payout in March, which was maintained at $0.12 per share. We are pleased to announce that we will continue this trend by paying our 43rd consecutive dividend at $0.12 per share (our 8th consecutive at this rate) on June 28th, highlighting our commitment to, and belief in, consistency and stability. As we continue to execute our plan and deliver long-term total returns to our shareholders, we are confident that our disciplined and strategic approach will continue to drive our success and position us for sustained growth in the future."

洛伊德先生总结说:“我们坚定不移地致力于为股东提供长期总回报。这在我们的 42 中显而易见 3月份连续季度派发股息,维持在每股0.12美元。我们很高兴地宣布,我们将继续保持这一趋势,支付43美元第三方 连续派发每股0.12美元的股息(我们的 8第四 6月28日连续)第四,凸显了我们对一致性和稳定性的承诺和信念。在我们继续执行计划并为股东提供长期总回报的过程中,我们相信,我们纪律严明的战略方针将继续推动我们的成功,为未来的持续增长做好准备。”

Cash Dividend on Common Stock


On May 6, 2024, Evolution's Board of Directors declared a cash dividend of $0.12 per share, which will be paid on June 28, 2024, to common stockholders of record on June 14, 2024. This will be the Company's 43rd consecutive quarterly cash dividend since December 31, 2013. To date, Evolution has returned approximately $114.4 million, or $3.45 per share, back to stockholders in common stock dividends. Maintaining and ultimately growing the common stock dividend remains a key Company priority.

2024 年 5 月 6 日,Evolution 董事会宣布向于 2024 年 6 月 14 日登记在册的普通股股东派发每股 0.12 美元的现金股息,该股息将于 2024 年 6 月 28 日支付。这将是该公司的43个第三方 自2013年12月31日以来连续的季度现金分红。迄今为止,Evolution已向股东返还了约1.144亿美元,合每股3.45美元的普通股股息。维持并最终增加普通股股息仍然是公司的关键优先事项。

Financial and Operational Results for the Quarter Ended March 31, 2024


($ in millions) 3Q24 2Q24 % Change vs 2Q24
Average BOEPD 7,209 6,304 14%
Revenues ($M) $ 23,025 $ 21,024 10%
Net Income ($M) $ 289 $ 1,082 (73)%
Adjusted Net Income(1)($M) $ 978 $ 1,082 (10)%
Adjusted EBITDA(2)($M) $ 8,476 $ 6,832 24%
(百万美元) 3Q24 2Q24 与 24 年第二季度相比的百分比变化
平均 BOEPD 7,209 6,304 14%
收入 (百万美元) $ 23,025 $ 21,024 10%
净收入 (百万美元) $ 289 $ 1,082 (73)%
调整后净收益(1)(百万美元) $ 978 $ 1,082 (10)%
调整后 EBITDA(2)(百万美元) $ 8,476 $ 6,832 24%
(1) Adjusted net income is a non-GAAP financial measure, see "Non-GAAP Information" section later in this release for more information including reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP measures.
(2) Adjusted EBITDA is Adjusted Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization and is a non-GAAP financial measure; see the "Non-GAAP Information" section later in this release for more information, including reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP measures.
(1) 调整后净收益是一项非公认会计准则财务指标,请参阅本新闻稿后面的 “非公认会计准则信息” 部分,了解更多信息,包括与最具可比性的GAAP指标的对账。
(2) 调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润是扣除利息、税项、折旧和摊销前的调整后收益,是一项非公认会计准则财务指标;有关更多信息,包括与最具可比性的GAAP指标的对账,请参阅本新闻稿后面的 “非公认会计准则信息” 部分。

Total production for the third quarter of fiscal 2024 was 7,209 net BOEPD, including 2,187 barrels per day ("BOPD") of crude oil; 23,242 thousand cubic feet per day ("MCFPD"), or 3,879 BOEPD, of natural gas; and 1,143 BOEPD of natural gas liquids ("NGLs"). The closing of the SCOOP/STACK acquisitions in mid-February and the first production in early February from the initial three wells in the Chaveroo oilfield collectively contributed to operating results for the current quarter, increasing average production for the quarter by approximately 1,020 BOEPD.


  • Oil increased 27% from 1,728 BOPD in fiscal Q2, attributable to production from the Chaveroo oilfield and SCOOP/STACK acquisitions, which increased production by ~500 BOPD combined. This increase was partially offset by decreased production at Delhi and the Williston Basin, primarily due to cold weather downtime in January 2024.
  • Natural gas production increased by 10% from 21,207 MCFPD, or 3,533 BOEPD, in the prior quarter, primarily due to the addition of ~2,350 MCFPD from the SCOOP/STACK acquisitions. This increase was partially offset by natural decline in production and from downtime at the Barnett Shale, which was impacted by the winter storm in January 2024.
  • NGL production increased 10% from 1,043 BOEPD, primarily due to ~110 BOEPD of additional production from the SCOOP/STACK acquisitions.
  • 石油产量从第二财季的1,728桶/日增长了27%,这要归因于查维鲁油田的产量和SCOOP/STACK的收购,这使产量合计增加了约500桶/日。这一增长被德里和威利斯顿盆地的产量下降部分抵消,这主要是由于2024年1月的寒冷天气停机所致。
  • 天然气产量从上一季度的21,207个MCFPD,即3533个BOEPD增长了10%,这主要是由于SCOOP/STACK的收购增加了约2350立方英镑。产量的自然下降以及受2024年1月冬季风暴影响的巴尼特页岩停机部分抵消了这一增长。
  • 液化天然气产量从1,043桶桶油日增长了10%,这主要是由于SCOOP/STACK的收购增加了约110桶的产量。

Evolution reported $23.0 million in total revenue for the current quarter, a 10% increase from the prior quarter. Oil revenue increased 24% from the prior quarter to $14.5 million due to a 25% increase in sales volumes, while realized commodity pricing decreased minimally. The increase in sales volume was primarily from the SCOOP/STACK acquisitions and new production from the Chaveroo oilfield. Natural gas revenue decreased 10% from the prior quarter to $5.9 million due to a 17% decrease in realized commodity pricing, partially offset by an 8% increase in sales volumes. The decrease in realized commodity pricing was related to the overall decrease in natural gas prices as well as the decreased benefit of natural gas price differentials received during the winter at the Jonah Field, where the Company realized an average natural gas price of $3.94 per MCF during the quarter compared to $4.87 per MCF in the prior quarter. NGL revenue decreased 4% to $2.6 million, primarily due to an 11% decrease in realized pricing, partially offset by an 8% increase in sales volumes. The average realized price per BOE (excluding the impact of derivative contracts) decreased 3% to $35.10 compared to $36.25 in the prior quarter.


Lease operating costs ("LOE") increased marginally to $12.6 million in the current quarter compared to $12.4 million in the prior quarter due primarily to LOE costs added as a result of new production from the SCOOP/STACK acquisitions and the Chaveroo oilfield, partially offset by decreases in CO2 purchases at Delhi. On a per unit basis, total LOE decreased 10% from $21.31 per BOE in the prior quarter to $19.24 in the current quarter.

租赁运营成本(“LOE”)与上一季度的1,240万美元相比,本季度的租赁运营成本(“LOE”)略有增加至1,260万美元,这主要是由于SCOOP/STACK收购和查维鲁油田的新产量增加了LOE成本,但一氧化碳的减少部分抵消了租赁运营成本2 在德里购物。按单位计算,总LOE下降了10%,从上一季度的每英国央行的21.31美元降至本季度的19.24美元。

Depletion, depreciation, and accretion expense was $5.9 million compared to $4.6 million in the prior quarter. On a per BOE basis, the Company's current quarter depletion rate of $8.43 per BOE increased from $7.31 per BOE in the prior period due to an increase in the depletable base due to the SCOOP/STACK acquisitions and capital expenditures since the prior quarter.


General and administrative ("G&A") expenses, including stock-based compensation, decreased slightly in the current quarter to $2.4 million from $2.5 million in the prior quarter. The decrease was primarily due to salary expenses associated with actual and estimated annual incentive compensation reflected in the prior quarter. On a per BOE basis, G&A expenses, including stock-based compensation, for the current quarter was $3.69 versus $4.31 for the preceding quarter.


Net income for the current quarter was $0.3 million, or $0.01 per diluted share, compared to $1.1 million, or $0.03 per diluted share, in the prior quarter. As mentioned above, during the quarter we closed our SCOOP/STACK acquisitions and funded the acquisitions with cash on hand and borrowings under our Senior Credit Facility. During the quarter, we also entered into derivative contracts to hedge a portion of our production and to comply with hedging requirements under our Senior Secured Credit Facility. The increase in commodity prices since entering into the hedges and the continued increase in forward commodity prices resulted in a net loss on derivative contracts of $1.2 million ($0.1 million realized loss and $1.1 million unrealized loss). Excluding the impact of unrealized losses, adjusted net income was $1.0 million, or $0.03 per diluted share, compared to $1.1 million, or $0.03 per diluted share in the prior quarter. Adjusted EBITDA was $8.5 million for the current quarter compared to $6.8 million in the prior quarter. On a per BOE basis, Adjusted EBITDA was $12.92 for the current quarter versus $11.78 for the preceding quarter.


Operations Update


As previously stated, the Company closed the acquisitions of non-operated working interests in the SCOOP/STACK on February 12, 2024 and the assets only contributed revenue and production for 49 days of the 91 day quarter. For the 49 days and fiscal Q3, net production there was 76 MBOE, including 30 MBBL of oil, 10 MBBL of natural gas liquids and 214 MMCF of natural gas. Average realized prices recognized for the SCOOP/STACK assets were $78.71 per BBL for oil and $2.11 per MCF for natural gas. Since the effective date of the acquisitions, 19 of 21 gross (0.48 of 0.50 net) DUC wells have been converted to proved developed producing ("PDP") at the seller's expense and for our benefit. Additionally, we have agreed to participate in 15 gross (0.2 net) new horizontal wells across the acreage, 13 of which are currently in progress. Based on limited information, the completed wells have so far met or exceeded expectations.


In the Chaveroo oilfield, the first production on the initial three wells in the first development block began in early February with production ramping up as frack fluid was recovered. Based on the results to date, the wells have met or exceeded the pre-drill production estimates and contributed 17 MBOE for a portion of fiscal Q3, including 15 MBBL of oil. Evolution plans to participate for its full 50% working interest in four horizontal well locations in Drilling Block 2. These operations are expected to begin in fiscal Q1 of 2025. The Company has preliminarily agreed to six additional horizontal well locations in Drilling Block 3 that are estimated to begin in fiscal Q4 of 2025. The Company also expects to systematically participate in future development blocks, holding rights to over 69 additional horizontal well locations in aggregate. Future acreage costs are fixed at $36,000 per additional net horizontal well, spaced at approximately 160 gross acres per well.


At Jonah Field, the Company realized natural gas prices of $3.94 per MCF in the current quarter, a premium of $1.81 per MCF over the average Henry Hub price. Jonah Field continues to perform well, realizing a premium price selling into West Coast markets.

在乔纳球场,该公司在本季度实现的天然气价格为每立方英尺3.94美元,比亨利枢纽的平均价格高出每立方英尺1.81美元。乔纳·菲尔德(Jonah Field)继续表现良好,实现了向西海岸市场的溢价销售。

Williston Basin production slightly increased due to increased gas sales from the ONEOK Grassland System which came back online during the quarter, offset by downtime associated with the winter storm.


Production from the Barnett Shale was impacted during the quarter due to the winter storm in January. Subsequently, the Barnett Shale has resumed operations and returned production to its historical decline rate. Due to lower realized natural gas prices, low marginal wells remained shut-in, and the operator is working to further reduce operating expenses.


Production at Hamilton Dome during the current quarter was slightly impacted by workover projects at the beginning of the quarter. Overall, Hamilton Dome continues to perform strongly.


At Delhi, production was affected during the quarter by winter storms that impacted oil production and repeated downtime from rental turbine failures impacting NGL production, both of which were resolved by the end of the quarter. The CO2 purchase pipeline was taken offline for preventative maintenance at the end of February and the operator anticipates resuming CO2 purchases in June 2024. The field continues to recycle and inject CO2, the bulk of injected CO2 volumes, therefore the Company does not anticipate a significant temporary production impact. The operator continues to review the field to identify additional projects to improve production and cash flow including the Phase V development.

德里在本季度的产量受到冬季风暴的影响,这些风暴影响了石油产量,以及租赁涡轮机故障影响了液化天然气产量的反复停机,这两个问题均在本季度末得到解决。CO2 购买管道已于2月底下线进行预防性维护,运营商预计将恢复CO2 2024 年 6 月购买。该油田继续回收和注入一氧化碳2,注入的二氧化碳的大部分2 销量,因此该公司预计不会对生产产生重大的暂时影响。运营商继续审查该领域,以确定其他改善生产和现金流的项目,包括第五阶段的开发。

Balance Sheet, Liquidity, and Capital Spending


On March 31, 2024, cash and cash equivalents totaled $3.1 million, and working capital was $7.6 million. Evolution had $42.5 million of borrowings outstanding under its revolving credit facility and total liquidity of $10.6 million, including cash and cash equivalents.


In fiscal Q3, Evolution paid $4.0 million in common stock dividends, $0.8 million for common stock repurchases, $43.8 million upon closing the SCOOP/STACK acquisitions, and incurred $7.0 million in capital expenditures. The Company borrowed $42.5 million under its revolving credit facility to fund the SCOOP/STACK acquisitions. The Company has recorded interim purchase price reductions totaling $3.3 million related to net cash flows received from the SCOOP/STACK properties for a portion of the period between the effective date of November 1, 2023 and the closing date. These purchase price reductions were accrued as a receivable on the balance sheet at March 31, 2024. Evolution expects to receive the remaining net cash flows at the final post-closing settlement occurring during the fourth quarter of fiscal 2024.


For fiscal year 2024, the Company expects capital expenditures to be in the range of $10.0 million to $12.0 million, which excludes any completed or potential acquisitions. The anticipated remaining capital expenditures for fiscal year 2024 include capital projects associated with the properties acquired in the SCOOP/STACK acquisitions and other capital and maintenance projects at the other asset areas. Evolution believes its near-term capital spending requirements will be funded from cash flows from operations, current working capital, and borrowings, as needed, under the revolving credit facility without exceeding the targeted debt level of one times pro forma annual adjusted EBITDA.


Conference Call


As previously announced, Evolution Petroleum will host a conference call on May 8, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. Central Time to review its third quarter fiscal 2024 financial and operating results. To join by phone, please dial (844) 481-2813 (Toll-free) or (412) 317-0677 (International) and ask to join the Evolution Petroleum Corporation call. To join online via webcast, click the following link:

正如先前宣布的那样,Evolution Petroleum将于中部时间2024年5月8日上午10点举行电话会议,审查其2024财年第三季度的财务和经营业绩。要通过电话加入,请拨打(844)481-2813(免费电话)或(412)317-0677(国际),要求加入进化石油公司的电话会议。要通过网络直播在线加入,请点击以下链接:

A webcast replay will be available through May 8, 2025, via the webcast link above and on Evolution's website at

网络直播重播将持续到 2025 年 5 月 8 日,可通过上方的网络直播链接和 Evolution 的网站上播出

About Evolution Petroleum


Evolution Petroleum Corporation is an independent energy company focused on maximizing total shareholder returns through the ownership of and investment in onshore oil and natural gas properties in the U.S. The Company aims to build and maintain a diversified portfolio of long-life oil and natural gas properties through acquisitions, selective development opportunities, production enhancements, and other exploitation efforts. Properties include non-operated interests in the following areas: the SCOOP/STACK plays of the Anadarko Basin located in central Oklahoma; the Chaveroo oilfield located in Chaves and Roosevelt Counties, New Mexico; the Jonah Field in Sublette County, Wyoming; the Williston Basin in North Dakota; the Barnett Shale located in North Texas; the Hamilton Dome Field located in Hot Springs County, Wyoming; the Delhi Holt-Bryant Unit in the Delhi Field in Northeast Louisiana; as well as small overriding royalty interests in four onshore Texas wells. Visit for more information.

Evolution Petroleum Corporation是一家独立的能源公司,专注于通过拥有和投资美国陆上石油和天然气资产来实现股东总回报最大化。该公司的目标是通过收购、选择性开发机会、提高产量和其他开采工作,建立和维持多元化的长期石油和天然气资产组合。财产包括以下领域的非运营权益:位于俄克拉荷马州中部的阿纳达科盆地的SCOOP/STACK油田;位于新墨西哥州查韦斯县和罗斯福县的查维鲁油田;怀俄明州苏布莱特县的乔纳油田;北达科他州的威利斯顿盆地;位于德克萨斯州北部的巴尼特页岩;位于温泉县的汉密尔顿圆顶油田;德里霍尔特-布莱恩特油田位于路易斯安那州东北部德里油田的单位;以及德克萨斯州四口陆上油井的小额压倒一切的特许权使用费权益。访问 www.evolutionpetrol 了解更多信息。

Cautionary Statement


All forward-looking statements contained in this press release regarding the Company's current expectations, potential results, and future plans and objectives involve a wide range of risks and uncertainties. Statements herein using words such as "believe," "expect," "plans," "outlook," "anticipate," "should," "will," and words of similar meaning are forward-looking statements. Although the Company's expectations are based on business, engineering, geological, financial, and operating assumptions that it believes to be reasonable, many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from its expectations and can give no assurance that its goals will be achieved. These factors and others are detailed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in our periodic documents filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement.

本新闻稿中包含的有关公司当前预期、潜在业绩以及未来计划和目标的所有前瞻性陈述都涉及广泛的风险和不确定性。此处使用 “相信”、“期望”、“计划”、“展望”、“预测”、“应该”、“将” 等词语的陈述以及具有类似含义的词语均为前瞻性陈述。尽管公司的预期基于其认为合理的业务、工程、地质、财务和运营假设,但许多因素可能导致实际业绩与其预期存在重大差异,并且无法保证其目标会实现。这些因素和其他因素在 “风险因素” 标题下以及我们向美国证券交易委员会提交的定期文件的其他地方进行了详细介绍。公司没有义务更新任何前瞻性陈述。

Investor Relations
(713) 935-0122

(713) 935-0122

Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
(In thousands, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
March 31, December 31, March 31,
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
Crude oil $ 14,538 $ 11,799 $ 11,759 $ 38,913 $ 40,062
Natural gas 5,860 21,598 6,531 17,943 58,816
Natural gas liquids 2,627 3,470 2,734 7,794 11,462
Total revenues 23,025 36,867 21,024 64,650 110,340
Operating costs
Lease operating costs 12,624 13,570 12,358 36,865 47,727
Depletion, depreciation, and accretion 5,900 3,383 4,598 14,760 10,439
General and administrative expenses 2,417 2,267 2,502 7,522 7,320
Total operating costs 20,941 19,220 19,458 59,147 65,486
Income (loss) from operations 2,084 17,647 1,566 5,503 44,854
Other income (expense)
Net gain (loss) on derivative contracts (1,183) 270 (1,183) 513
Interest and other income 63 13 104 283 26
Interest expense (518) (32) (34) (584) (404)
Income (loss) before income taxes 446 17,898 1,636 4,019 44,989
Income tax (expense) benefit (157) (3,941) (554) (1,174) (9,938)
Net income (loss) $ 289 $ 13,957 $ 1,082 $ 2,845 $ 35,051
Net income (loss) per common share:
Basic $ 0.01 $ 0.42 $ 0.03 $ 0.09 $ 1.04
Diluted $ 0.01 $ 0.41 $ 0.03 $ 0.08 $ 1.04
Weighted average number of common shares outstanding:
Basic 32,702 33,013 32,693 32,692 33,108
Diluted 32,854 33,156 32,900 32,920 33,291
三个月已结束 九个月已结束
3月31日 十二月三十一日 3月31日
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
原油 $ 14,538 $ 11,799 $ 11,759 $ 38,913 $ 40,062
天然气 5,860 21,598 6,531 17,943 58,816
液化天然气 2,627 3,470 2,734 7,794 11,462
总收入 23,025 36,867 21,024 64,650 110,340
租赁运营成本 12,624 13,570 12,358 36,865 47,727
损耗、折旧和增加 5,900 3,383 4,598 14,760 10,439
一般和管理费用 2,417 2,267 2,502 7,522 7,320
总运营成本 20,941 19,220 19,458 59,147 65,486
运营收入(亏损) 2,084 17,647 1,566 5,503 44,854
衍生品合约的净收益(亏损) (1,183) 270 (1,183) 513
利息和其他收入 63 13 104 283 26
利息支出 (518) (32) (34) (584) (404)
所得税前收入(亏损) 446 17,898 1,636 4,019 44,989
所得税(费用)补助 (157) (3,941) (554) (1,174) (9,938)
净收益(亏损) $ 289 $ 13,957 $ 1,082 $ 2,845 $ 35,051
基本 $ 0.01 $ 0.42 $ 0.03 $ 0.09 $ 1.04
稀释 $ 0.01 $ 0.41 $ 0.03 $ 0.08 $ 1.04
基本 32,702 33,013 32,693 32,692 33,108
稀释 32,854 33,156 32,900 32,920 33,291
Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
(In thousands, except share and per share amounts)
March 31, 2024 June 30, 2023
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents $ 3,067 $ 11,034
Receivables from crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids revenues 13,368 7,884
Derivative contract assets 347
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 6,275 2,277
Total current assets 23,057 21,195
Property and equipment, net of depletion, depreciation, and impairment
Oil and natural gas properties—full-cost method of accounting:
Oil and natural gas properties, net—full-cost method of accounting, of which none were excluded from amortization 142,157 105,781
Other assets 1,318 1,341
Total assets $ 166,532 $ 128,317
Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity
Current liabilities
Accounts payable $ 8,096 $ 5,891
Accrued liabilities and other 5,985 6,027
Derivative contract liabilities 1,410
State and federal taxes payable 365
Total current liabilities 15,491 12,283
Long term liabilities
Senior secured credit facility 42,500
Deferred income taxes 6,927 6,803
Asset retirement obligations 18,079 17,012
Operating lease liability 79 125
Total liabilities 83,076 36,223
Commitments and contingencies
Stockholders' equity
Common stock; par value $0.001; 100,000,000 shares authorized: issued and
outstanding 33,359,854 and 33,247,523 shares as of March 31, 2024
and June 30, 2023, respectively 33 33
Additional paid-in capital 40,652 40,098
Retained earnings 42,771 51,963
Total stockholders' equity 83,456 92,094
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ 166,532 $ 128,317
2024年3月31日 2023年6月30日
现金和现金等价物 $ 3,067 $ 11,034
来自原油、天然气和液化天然气收入的应收账款 13,368 7,884
衍生合约资产 347
预付费用和其他流动资产 6,275 2,277
流动资产总额 23,057 21,195
石油和天然气财产,净全成本会计法,其中没有一项不包括在摊销范围内 142,157 105,781
其他资产 1,318 1,341
总资产 $ 166,532 $ 128,317
应付账款 $ 8,096 $ 5,891
应计负债和其他 5,985 6,027
衍生合约负债 1,410
州和联邦应缴税款 365
流动负债总额 15,491 12,283
高级担保信贷额度 42,500
递延所得税 6,927 6,803
资产报废债务 18,079 17,012
经营租赁责任 79 125
负债总额 83,076 36,223
分别是 2023 年 6 月 30 日和 33 33
额外的实收资本 40,652 40,098
留存收益 42,771 51,963
股东权益总额 83,456 92,094
负债和股东权益总额 $ 166,532 $ 128,317
Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Condensed Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
(In thousands)
Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
March 31, December 31, March 31,
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
Cash flows from operating activities:
Net income (loss) $ 289 $ 13,957 $ 1,082 $ 2,845 $ 35,051
Adjustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by operating activities:
Depletion, depreciation, and accretion 5,900 3,383 4,598 14,760 10,439
Stock-based compensation 549 453 564 1,585 1,155
Settlement of asset retirement obligations (19) (48) (19) (119)
Deferred income taxes 766 255 (567) 124 (100)
Unrealized (gain) loss on derivative contracts 1,063 195 1,063 (1,994)
Accrued settlements on derivative contracts 94 (211) 94 (1,130)
Other (3) 1 3 (3)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Receivables from crude oil, natural gas, and natural gas liquids revenues (2,495) 8,370 447 (4,734) 16,483
Prepaid expenses and other current assets (1,151) (664) (443) (1,425) (980)
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities (1,629) (2,748) 2,123 814 (8,146)
State and federal income taxes payable 1,007 (753) (365) 1,063
Net cash provided by operating activities 3,364 23,950 7,054 14,742 51,719
Cash flows from investing activities:
Acquisition of oil and natural gas properties (43,788) (43,788) (31)
Capital expenditures for oil and natural gas properties (2,648) (1,348) (3,878) (8,353) (4,234)
Net cash used in investing activities (46,436) (1,348) (3,878) (52,141) (4,265)
Cash flows from financing activities:
Common stock dividends paid (4,003) (4,029) (4,021) (12,037) (12,114)
Common stock repurchases, including stock surrendered for tax withholding (818) (3,896) (108) (1,031) (3,983)
Borrowings under senior secured credit facility 42,500 42,500
Repayments of senior secured credit facility (21,250)
Net cash (used in) provided by financing activities 37,679 (7,925) (4,129) 29,432 (37,347)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (5,393) 14,677 (953) (7,967) 10,107
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of period 8,460 3,710 9,413 11,034 8,280
Cash and cash equivalents, end of period $ 3,067 $ 18,387 $ 8,460 $ 3,067 $ 18,387
三个月已结束 九个月已结束
3月31日 十二月三十一日 3月31日
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
净收益(亏损) $ 289 $ 13,957 $ 1,082 $ 2,845 $ 35,051
损耗、折旧和增加 5,900 3,383 4,598 14,760 10,439
基于股票的薪酬 549 453 564 1,585 1,155
资产报废债务的结算 (19) (48) (19) (119)
递延所得税 766 255 (567) 124 (100)
衍生品合约的未实现(收益)亏损 1,063 195 1,063 (1,994)
衍生品合约的应计结算 94 (211) 94 (1,130)
其他 (3) 1 3 (3)
来自原油、天然气和液化天然气收入的应收账款 (2,495) 8,370 447 (4,734) 16,483
预付费用和其他流动资产 (1,151) (664) (443) (1,425) (980)
应付账款和应计负债 (1,629) (2,748) 2,123 814 (8,146)
应缴州和联邦所得税 1,007 (753) (365) 1,063
经营活动提供的净现金 3,364 23,950 7,054 14,742 51,719
收购石油和天然气资产 (43,788) (43,788) (31)
石油和天然气物业的资本支出 (2,648) (1,348) (3,878) (8,353) (4,234)
用于投资活动的净现金 (46,436) (1,348) (3,878) (52,141) (4,265)
已支付的普通股股息 (4,003) (4,029) (4,021) (12,037) (12,114)
普通股回购,包括为预扣税而上缴的股票 (818) (3,896) (108) (1,031) (3,983)
优先担保信贷额度下的借款 42,500 42,500
偿还优先担保信贷额度 (21,250)
融资活动提供的(用于)净现金 37,679 (7,925) (4,129) 29,432 (37,347)
现金和现金等价物的净增加(减少) (5,393) 14,677 (953) (7,967) 10,107
现金和现金等价物,期初 8,460 3,710 9,413 11,034 8,280
现金和现金等价物,期末 $ 3,067 $ 18,387 $ 8,460 $ 3,067 $ 18,387

Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Non-GAAP Reconciliation – Adjusted EBITDA (Unaudited)
(In thousands)


Adjusted EBITDA and Net income (loss) and earnings per share excluding selected items are non-GAAP financial measures that are used as supplemental financial measures by our management and by external users of our financial statements, such as investors, commercial banks, and others, to assess our operating performance as compared to that of other companies in our industry, without regard to financing methods, capital structure, or historical costs basis. We use these measures to assess our ability to incur and service debt and fund capital expenditures. Our Adjusted EBITDA and Net income (loss) and earnings per share, excluding selected items, should not be considered alternatives to net income (loss), operating income (loss), cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities, or any other measure of financial performance or liquidity presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Our Adjusted EBITDA and Net income (loss) and earnings per share excluding selected items may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of another company because all companies may not calculate Adjusted EBITDA and Net income (loss) and earnings per share excluding selected items in the same manner.


We define Adjusted EBITDA as net income (loss) plus interest expense, income tax expense (benefit), depreciation, depletion, and accretion (DD&A), stock-based compensation, ceiling test impairment, and other impairments, unrealized loss (gain) on change in fair value of derivatives, and other non-recurring or non-cash expense (income) items.


Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
March 31, December 31, March 31,
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
Net income (loss) $ 289 $ 13,957 $ 1,082 $ 2,845 $ 35,051
Adjusted by:
Interest expense 518 32 34 584 404
Income tax expense (benefit) 157 3,941 554 1,174 9,938
Depletion, depreciation, and accretion 5,900 3,383 4,598 14,760 10,439
Stock-based compensation 549 453 564 1,585 1,155
Unrealized loss (gain) on derivative contracts 1,063 195 1,063 (1,994)
Severance 74
Transaction costs 345
Adjusted EBITDA $ 8,476 $ 21,961 $ 6,832 $ 22,011 $ 55,412
三个月已结束 九个月已结束
3月31日 十二月三十一日 3月31日
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
净收益(亏损) $ 289 $ 13,957 $ 1,082 $ 2,845 $ 35,051
利息支出 518 32 34 584 404
所得税支出(福利) 157 3,941 554 1,174 9,938
损耗、折旧和增加 5,900 3,383 4,598 14,760 10,439
基于股票的薪酬 549 453 564 1,585 1,155
衍生品合约的未实现亏损(收益) 1,063 195 1,063 (1,994)
遣散费 74
交易成本 345
调整后 EBITDA $ 8,476 $ 21,961 $ 6,832 $ 22,011 $ 55,412
Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Non-GAAP Reconciliation – Adjusted Net Income (Unaudited)
(In thousands, except per share amounts)
Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
March 31, December 31, March 31,
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
As Reported:
Net income (loss), as reported $ 289 $ 13,957 $ 1,082 $ 2,845 $ 35,051
Impact of Selected Items:
Unrealized loss (gain) on commodity contracts 1,063 195 1,063 (1,994)
Severance 74
Transaction costs 345
Selected items, before income taxes $ 1,063 $ 195 $ $ 1,063 $ (1,575)
Income tax effect of selected items(1) 374 40 311 (343)
Selected items, net of tax $ 689 $ 155 $ $ 752 $ (1,232)
As Adjusted:
Net income (loss), excluding selected items(2) $ 978 $ 14,112 $ 1,082 $ 3,597 $ 33,819
Undistributed earnings allocated to unvested restricted stock (21) (256) (24) (73) (497)
Net income (loss), excluding selected items for earnings per share calculation $ 957 $ 13,856 $ 1,058 $ 3,524 $ 33,322
Net income (loss) per common share — Basic, as reported $ 0.01 $ 0.42 $ 0.03 $ 0.09 $ 1.04
Impact of selected items 0.02 0.02 (0.03)
Net income (loss) per common share — Basic, excluding selected items(2) $ 0.03 $ 0.42 $ 0.03 $ 0.11 $ 1.01
Net income (loss) per common share — Diluted, as reported $ 0.01 $ 0.41 $ 0.03 $ 0.08 $ 1.04
Impact of selected items 0.02 0.01 0.03 (0.04)
Net income (loss) per common share — Diluted, excluding selected items(2)(3) $ 0.03 $ 0.42 $ 0.03 $ 0.11 $ 1.00
三个月已结束 九个月已结束
3月31日 十二月三十一日 3月31日
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
报告的净收益(亏损) $ 289 $ 13,957 $ 1,082 $ 2,845 $ 35,051
大宗商品合约的未实现亏损(收益) 1,063 195 1,063 (1,994)
遣散费 74
交易成本 345
所得税前所选项目 $ 1,063 $ 195 $ $ 1,063 $ (1,575)
所选项目对所得税的影响(1) 374 40 311 (343)
选定项目,扣除税款 $ 689 $ 155 $ $ 752 $ (1,232)
净收益(亏损),不包括选定项目(2) $ 978 $ 14,112 $ 1,082 $ 3,597 $ 33,819
分配给未归属限制性股票的未分配收益 (21) (256) (24) (73) (497)
净收益(亏损),不包括计算每股收益的选定项目 $ 957 $ 13,856 $ 1,058 $ 3,524 $ 33,322
每股普通股净收益(亏损)——基本,如报告所示 $ 0.01 $ 0.42 $ 0.03 $ 0.09 $ 1.04
选定项目的影响 0.02 0.02 (0.03)
每股普通股净收益(亏损)——基本,不包括选定项目(2) $ 0.03 $ 0.42 $ 0.03 $ 0.11 $ 1.01
每股普通股净收益(亏损)——摊薄,如报告所示 $ 0.01 $ 0.41 $ 0.03 $ 0.08 $ 1.04
选定项目的影响 0.02 0.01 0.03 (0.04)
每股普通股净收益(亏损)——摊薄,不包括选定项目(2) (3) $ 0.03 $ 0.42 $ 0.03 $ 0.11 $ 1.00
(1) The tax impact for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023, is represented using estimated tax rates of 35.2% and 20.7%, respectively. The tax impact for the nine months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023, is represented using estimated tax rates of 29.2% and 21.8%, respectively.
(2) Net income (loss) and earnings per share excluding selected items are non-GAAP financial measures presented as supplemental financial measures to enable a user of the financial information to understand the impact of these items on reported results. These financial measures should not be considered an alternative to net income (loss), operating income (loss), cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities, or any other measure of financial performance or liquidity presented in accordance with U.S. GAAP. Our Adjusted Net Income (Loss) and earnings per share may not be comparable to similarly titled measures of another company because all companies may not calculate Adjusted Net Income (Loss) and earnings per share in the same manner.
(3) The impact of selected items for the three months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 was calculated based upon weighted average diluted shares of 32.9 million and 33.2 million, respectively, due to the net income (loss), excluding selected items. The impact of selected items for the three months ended December 31, 2023, was calculated based upon weighted average diluted shares of 32.9 million due to the net income (loss), excluding selected items. The impact of selected items for the nine months ended March 31, 2024, and 2023 was calculated based upon weighted average diluted shares of 32.9 million and 33.3 million, respectively, due to the net income (loss), excluding selected items.
(1) 截至2024年3月31日和2023年3月31日的三个月,税收影响分别使用35.2%和20.7%的估计税率来表示。截至2024年3月31日和2023年3月31日的九个月的税收影响分别使用29.2%和21.8%的估计税率来表示。
(2) 净收益(亏损)和不包括选定项目的每股收益是作为补充财务指标列报的非公认会计准则财务指标,旨在使财务信息的用户能够了解这些项目对报告业绩的影响。不应将这些财务指标视为净收益(亏损)、营业收入(亏损)、(用于)经营活动提供的现金流或根据美国公认会计原则列报的任何其他财务业绩或流动性衡量标准的替代方案。我们的调整后净收益(亏损)和每股收益可能无法与其他公司的类似标题的指标相提并论,因为所有公司可能无法以相同的方式计算调整后净收益(亏损)和每股收益。
(3) 截至2024年3月31日和2023年3月31日的三个月,选定项目的影响是根据净收益(亏损)(不包括选定项目)的加权平均摊薄后股票分别为3,290万股和3,320万股计算得出的。截至2023年12月31日的三个月,选定项目的影响是根据净收益(亏损)(不包括选定项目)摊薄后的加权平均股数3,290万股计算得出的。截至2024年3月31日和2023年3月31日的九个月中,选定项目的影响是根据净收益(亏损)(不包括选定项目)的加权平均摊薄后股票分别为3,290万股和3,330万股计算得出的。
Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Supplemental Information on Oil and Natural Gas Operations (Unaudited)
(In thousands, except per unit and per BOE amounts)
Three Months Ended Nine Months Ended
March 31, December 31, March 31,
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
Crude oil $ 14,538 $ 11,799 $ 11,759 $ 38,913 $ 40,062
Natural gas 5,860 21,598 6,531 17,943 58,816
Natural gas liquids 2,627 3,470 2,734 7,794 11,462
Total revenues $ 23,025 $ 36,867 $ 21,024 $ 64,650 $ 110,340
Lease operating costs:
CO2costs $ 1,035 $ 1,821 $ 1,628 $ 4,241 $ 6,027
Ad valorem and production taxes 1,458 1,642 1,272 4,008 7,001
Other lease operating costs 10,131 10,107 9,458 28,616 34,699
Total lease operating costs $ 12,624 $ 13,570 $ 12,358 $ 36,865 $ 47,727
Depletion of full cost proved oil and natural gas properties $ 5,532 $ 3,098 $ 4,238 $ 13,680 $ 9,598
Crude oil (MBBL) 199 167 159 519 501
Natural gas (MMCF) 2,115 2,204 1,951 6,091 7,065
Natural gas liquids (MBBL) 104 104 96 295 325
Equivalent (MBOE)(1) 656 638 580 1,829 2,004
Average daily production (BOEPD)(1) 7,209 7,089 6,304 6,651 7,314
Average price per unit(2):
Crude oil (BBL) $ 73.06 $ 70.65 $ 73.96 $ 74.98 $ 79.96
Natural gas (MCF) 2.77 9.80 3.35 2.95 8.32
Natural Gas Liquids (BBL) 25.26 33.37 28.48 26.42 35.27
Equivalent (BOE)(1) $ 35.10 $ 57.79 $ 36.25 $ 35.35 $ 55.06
Average cost per unit:
CO2costs $ 1.58 $ 2.85 $ 2.81 $ 2.32 $ 3.01
Ad valorem and production taxes 2.22 2.57 2.19 2.19 3.49
Other lease operating costs 15.44 15.84 16.31 15.65 17.31
Total lease operating costs $ 19.24 $ 21.26 $ 21.31 $ 20.16 $ 23.81
Depletion of full cost proved oil and natural gas properties $ 8.43 $ 4.86 $ 7.31 $ 7.48 $ 4.79
CO2costs per MCF $ 0.92 $ 0.92 $ 0.97 $ 0.97 $ 1.01
CO2volumes (MMCF per day, gross) 52.1 91.7 76.4 67.0 90.8
三个月已结束 九个月已结束
3月31日 十二月三十一日 3月31日
2024 2023 2023 2024 2023
原油 $ 14,538 $ 11,799 $ 11,759 $ 38,913 $ 40,062
天然气 5,860 21,598 6,531 17,943 58,816
液化天然气 2,627 3,470 2,734 7,794 11,462
总收入 $ 23,025 $ 36,867 $ 21,024 $ 64,650 $ 110,340
CO2成本 $ 1,035 $ 1,821 $ 1,628 $ 4,241 $ 6,027
从价税和生产税 1,458 1,642 1,272 4,008 7,001
其他租赁运营成本 10,131 10,107 9,458 28,616 34,699
租赁运营成本总额 $ 12,624 $ 13,570 $ 12,358 $ 36,865 $ 47,727
已证实的石油和天然气资产的全部成本耗尽 $ 5,532 $ 3,098 $ 4,238 $ 13,680 $ 9,598
原油 (MBBL) 199 167 159 519 501
天然气 (MMCF) 2,115 2,204 1,951 6,091 7,065
液化天然气 (MBBL) 104 104 96 295 325
等效 (MBOE)(1) 656 638 580 1,829 2,004
平均日产量 (BOEPD)(1) 7,209 7,089 6,304 6,651 7,314
原油 (BBL) $ 73.06 $ 70.65 $ 73.96 $ 74.98 $ 79.96
天然气 (MCF) 2.77 9.80 3.35 2.95 8.32
液化天然气 (BBL) 25.26 33.37 28.48 26.42 35.27
等值(英国央行)(1) $ 35.10 $ 57.79 $ 36.25 $ 35.35 $ 55.06
CO2成本 $ 1.58 $ 2.85 $ 2.81 $ 2.32 $ 3.01
从价税和生产税 2.22 2.57 2.19 2.19 3.49
其他租赁运营成本 15.44 15.84 16.31 15.65 17.31
租赁运营成本总额 $ 19.24 $ 21.26 $ 21.31 $ 20.16 $ 23.81
已证实的石油和天然气资产的全部成本耗尽 $ 8.43 $ 4.86 $ 7.31 $ 7.48 $ 4.79
CO2每个 MCF 的费用 $ 0.92 $ 0.92 $ 0.97 $ 0.97 $ 1.01
CO2交易量(每天 MMCF,总量) 52.1 91.7 76.4 67.0 90.8
(1) Equivalent oil reserves are defined as six MCF of natural gas and 42 gallons of NGLs to one barrel of oil conversion ratio, which reflects energy equivalence and not price equivalence. Natural gas prices per MCF and NGL prices per barrel often differ significantly from the equivalent amount of oil.
(2) Amounts exclude the impact of cash paid or received on the settlement of derivative contracts since we did not elect to apply hedge accounting.
(1) 等效石油储量定义为六立方英尺的天然气和42加仑的液化天然气与一桶石油的换算率,这反映了能源等效性,而不是价格等效性。每立方英尺的天然气价格和每桶液化天然气的价格通常与等量的石油有很大差异。
(2) 金额不包括支付或收到的现金对衍生品合约结算的影响,因为我们没有选择使用套期保值会计。
Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Summary of Production Volumes and Average Sales Price (Unaudited)
Three Months Ended
March 31, December 31,
2024 2023 2023
Volume Price Volume Price Volume Price
Crude oil (MBBL)
SCOOP/STACK 30 $ 78.71 $ $
Chaveroo Field 15 76.39
Jonah Field 8 72.25 9 80.17 8 80.25
Williston Basin 35 70.29 39 73.32 35 71.71
Barnett Shale 3 73.05 2 73.40 2 76.77
Hamilton Dome Field 35 61.21 36 55.40 36 62.03
Delhi Field 73 77.08 80 75.23 78 79.02
Other 1 80.76
Total 199 $ 73.06 167 $ 70.65 159 $ 73.96
Natural gas (MMCF)
SCOOP/STACK 214 $ 2.11 $ $
Chaveroo Field 7 2.29
Jonah Field 843 3.94 886 20.31 883 $ 4.87
Williston Basin 20 1.36 29 3.30 14 1.91
Barnett Shale 1,031 1.98 1,289 2.73 1,054 2.10
Total 2,115 $ 2.77 2,204 $ 9.80 1,951 $ 3.35
Natural gas liquids (MBBL) 21,440 3,573.26
SCOOP/STACK 10 $ 25.14 $ $
Chaveroo Field 1 22.86
Jonah Field 9 31.93 9 33.22 10 25.88
Williston Basin 4 23.96 7 25.54 4 20.41
Barnett Shale 59 22.85 67 33.30 60 30.07
Delhi Field 20 30.48 21 38.09 22 26.90
Other 1 25.87
Total 104 $ 25.26 104 $ 33.37 96 $ 28.48
Equivalent (MBOE)(1)
SCOOP/STACK 76 $ 40.56 $ $
Chaveroo Field 17 68.40
Jonah Field 158 26.72 166 114.97 165 31.60
Williston Basin 42 61.15 51 62.01 41 63.22
Barnett Shale 234 15.41 284 20.80 238 17.61
Hamilton Dome Field 35 61.21 36 55.40 36 62.03
Delhi Field 93 67.21 100 67.62 100 67.63
Other 1 25.87 1 80.76
Total 656 $ 35.10 638 $ 57.79 580 $ 36.25
Average daily production (BOEPD)(1)
Chaveroo Field 187
Jonah Field 1,736 1,844 1,793
Williston Basin 462 567 446
Barnett Shale 2,571 3,156 2,587
Hamilton Dome Field 385 400 391
Delhi Field 1,022 1,111 1,087
Other 11 11
Total 7,209 7,089 6,304
3月31日 十二月三十一日
2024 2023 2023
音量 价格 音量 价格 音量 价格
原油 (MBBL)
SCOOP/STACK 30 $ 78.71 $ $
查韦鲁球场 15 76.39
乔纳·菲尔德 8 72.25 9 80.17 8 80.25
威利斯顿盆地 35 70.29 39 73.32 35 71.71
Barnett Shale 3 73.05 2 73.40 2 76.77
汉密尔顿圆顶场 35 61.21 36 55.40 36 62.03
德里球场 73 77.08 80 75.23 78 79.02
其他 1 80.76
总计 199 $ 73.06 167 $ 70.65 159 $ 73.96
天然气 (MMCF)
SCOOP/STACK 214 $ 2.11 $ $
查韦鲁球场 7 2.29
乔纳·菲尔德 843 3.94 886 20.31 883 $ 4.87
威利斯顿盆地 20 1.36 29 3.30 14 1.91
Barnett Shale 1,031 1.98 1,289 2.73 1,054 2.10
总计 2,115 $ 2.77 2,204 $ 9.80 1,951 $ 3.35
液化天然气 (MBBL) 21,440 3,573.26
SCOOP/STACK 10 $ 25.14 $ $
查韦鲁球场 1 22.86
乔纳·菲尔德 9 31.93 9 33.22 10 25.88
威利斯顿盆地 4 23.96 7 25.54 4 20.41
Barnett Shale 59 22.85 67 33.30 60 30.07
德里球场 20 30.48 21 38.09 22 26.90
其他 1 25.87
总计 104 $ 25.26 104 $ 33.37 96 $ 28.48
等效 (MBOE)(1)
SCOOP/STACK 76 $ 40.56 $ $
查韦鲁球场 17 68.40
乔纳·菲尔德 158 26.72 166 114.97 165 31.60
威利斯顿盆地 42 61.15 51 62.01 41 63.22
Barnett Shale 234 15.41 284 20.80 238 17.61
汉密尔顿圆顶场 35 61.21 36 55.40 36 62.03
德里球场 93 67.21 100 67.62 100 67.63
其他 1 25.87 1 80.76
总计 656 $ 35.10 638 $ 57.79 580 $ 36.25
平均日产量 (BOEPD)(1)
查韦鲁球场 187
乔纳·菲尔德 1,736 1,844 1,793
威利斯顿盆地 462 567 446
巴尼特页岩 2,571 3,156 2,587
汉密尔顿圆顶场 385 400 391
德里球场 1,022 1,111 1,087
其他 11 11
总计 7,209 7,089 6,304
(1) Equivalent oil reserves are defined as six MCF of natural gas and 42 gallons of NGLs to one barrel of oil conversion ratio, which reflects energy equivalence and not price equivalence. Natural gas prices per MCF and NGL prices per barrel often differ significantly from the equivalent amount of oil.
(1) 等效石油储量定义为六立方英尺的天然气和42加仑的液化天然气与一桶石油的换算率,这反映了能源等效性,而不是价格等效性。每立方英尺的天然气价格和每桶液化天然气的价格通常与等量的石油有很大差异。
Evolution Petroleum Corporation
Summary of Average Production Costs (Unaudited)
Three Months Ended
March 31, December 31,
2024 2023 2023
Amount Price Amount Price Amount Price
Production costs (in thousands, except per BOE):
Lease operating costs
SCOOP/STACK $ 619 $ 8.18 $ $ $ $
Chaveroo Field 161 9.12
Jonah Field 2,313 14.63 4,227 25.59 2,392 14.45
Williston Basin 1,413 33.69 1,636 32.40 1,205 28.74
Barnett Shale 3,767 16.07 2,806 9.88 3,883 16.31
Hamilton Dome Field 1,566 45.34 1,351 37.11 1,404 39.43
Delhi Field 2,785 30.19 3,550 35.42 3,474 35.00
Total $ 12,624 $ 19.24 $ 13,570 $ 21.26 $ 12,358 $ 21.31
3月31日 十二月三十一日
2024 2023 2023
金额 价格 金额 价格 金额 价格
SCOOP/STACK $ 619 $ 8.18 $ $ $ $
查韦鲁球场 161 9.12
乔纳·菲尔德 2,313 14.63 4,227 25.59 2,392 14.45
威利斯顿盆地 1,413 33.69 1,636 32.40 1,205 28.74
Barnett Shale 3,767 16.07 2,806 9.88 3,883 16.31
汉密尔顿圆顶场 1,566 45.34 1,351 37.11 1,404 39.43
德里球场 2,785 30.19 3,550 35.42 3,474 35.00
总计 $ 12,624 $ 19.24 $ 13,570 $ 21.26 $ 12,358 $ 21.31
(1) Adjusted net income is a non-GAAP financial measure, see "Non-GAAP Information" section later in this release for more information including reconciliations to the most comparable GAAP measures.
(2) Adjusted EBITDA is Adjusted Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization and is a non-GAAP financial measure; see the "Non-GAAP Reconciliation" tables later in this release for more information on the most comparable GAAP measures.
(1) 调整后净收益是一项非公认会计准则财务指标,请参阅本新闻稿后面的 “非公认会计准则信息” 部分,了解更多信息,包括与最具可比性的GAAP指标的对账。
(2) 调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润是扣除利息、税项、折旧和摊销前的调整后收益,是一项非公认会计准则财务指标;有关最具可比性的GAAP指标的更多信息,请参阅本新闻稿后面的 “非公认会计准则对账” 表。
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