
Swiss Water Reports 2024 First Quarter Earnings

Swiss Water Reports 2024 First Quarter Earnings

GlobeNewswire ·  05/08 17:17

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Inc. (TSX: SWP) ("Swiss Water" or "the Company"), a leading specialty coffee company and premium green coffee decaffeinator, today reported financial results for the three months ended March 31, 2024.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,2024年5月8日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——领先的特种咖啡公司和优质生咖啡脱咖啡因生产商瑞士水务公司(TSX:SWP)(“瑞士水务” 或 “公司”)今天公布了截至2024年3月31日的三个月的财务业绩。

First Quarter Financial and Operational Highlights


  • Since completing the commissioning process during the third quarter of last year, the Company has been decaffeinating commercial grade coffee on its new second production line in Delta. During the first quarter of this year, processing volumes and quality metrics on the new line continued to increase, enabling the delivery of forecasted volumes.
  • Inventory levels fell during the first quarter of 2024 primarily due to the consumption of the last remaining coffee inventories Swiss Water had built up to bridge the production constraints experienced during the transition from Burnaby and the consolidation of all processing in Delta. This provided an opportunity for Swiss Water to pay down debt and accumulate cash deposits while leaving adequate inventory on hand to support its operations and near-term growth.
  • First quarter revenue of $38.7 million, was $10.3 million lower than in the same period in 2023. This was an expected result of a normalization of order patterns, compared to an extraordinary period of volume loading during Q1 of last year. As noted, last year many customers moved orders forward into the first quarter to ensure they would have sufficient inventory to bridge the temporary capacity constraint during Swiss Water's transition out of Burnaby.
  • First quarter gross profit was $5.1 million, an increase of $0.2 million when compared to Q1 of 2023. The increase is attributed to the cost savings and efficiencies generated from a consolidation of all Swiss Water production and operations at its facility in Delta, BC. The positive impact of a $2.1 million one-time decrease in year-over-year depreciation expenses on gross profit was largely offset by the lower sales volumes and a decline in green coffee differential margin during the quarter.
  • First quarter adjusted EBITDA1 was $2.8 million, a decrease of $2.2 million from the Q1 2023 result. As with revenues, the difference was an expected result of the lower year-over-year sales volumes, as well as a lower green coffee differential margin.
  • Although total sales volume for the quarter decreased by 18%, when compared to the first quarter of last year, the difference was expected. Volumes reported in Q1 of 2023 were elevated well above normal levels. This was due to the proactive front-loading of customer orders in anticipation of the temporary disruption of production capacity during the second and third quarters of 2023 as the Company exited its legacy facility in Burnaby, BC, prior to the completion of its new line in Delta.
  • 自去年第三季度完成调试过程以来,该公司一直在位于达美的新第二条生产线上对商用级咖啡进行脱咖啡因。在今年第一季度,新生产线的处理量和质量指标持续增加,从而实现了预期的产量。
  • 2024年第一季度的库存水平下降,这主要是由于消费了瑞士水务公司为弥合从本那比过渡期间出现的生产限制以及达美整合所有加工而积累的最后剩余咖啡库存所致。这为瑞士水务提供了偿还债务和积累现金存款的机会,同时手头有足够的库存来支持其运营和短期增长。
  • 第一季度收入为3,870万美元,比2023年同期减少1,030万美元。与去年第一季度成交量异常时期相比,这是订单模式正常化的预期结果。如前所述,去年,许多客户将订单提前到第一季度,以确保他们有足够的库存来弥补瑞士水务公司从本那比过渡期间的临时产能限制。
  • 第一季度毛利为510万美元,与2023年第一季度相比增加了20万美元。这一增长归因于瑞士水务公司在不列颠哥伦比亚省三角洲的工厂整合所有生产和运营所带来的成本节约和效率。折旧费用同比一次性减少210万美元对毛利的积极影响在很大程度上被本季度销售量的下降和生咖啡差异利润率的下降所抵消。
  • 第一季度调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润1 为280万美元,较2023年第一季度的业绩减少了220万美元。与收入一样,这种差异是销售量同比下降以及绿咖啡差异利润率下降的预期结果。
  • 尽管与去年第一季度相比,该季度的总销售量下降了18%,但差异是预料之中的。2023年第一季度报告的交易量远高于正常水平。这是由于该公司在达美新生产线建成之前退出了位于不列颠哥伦比亚省本那比的传统工厂,预计2023年第二和第三季度的产能将暂时中断,因此积极提前装载客户订单。

"We continued to see strong demand for our chemical-free decaffeinated coffee offerings during the first quarter of this year. However, when comparing quarterly results for 2024 with the same periods last year, it is important to note that the distribution of quarterly sales volumes in 2023 did not follow normal seasonality patterns. In particular, Swiss Water reported much stronger than normal volume growth and financial results during the first quarter of 2023. This was mainly due to the front loading of customer orders in anticipation of the temporary production constraints resulting from our exit from our legacy Burnaby site during the second quarter, prior to the full commissioning of our second new decaffeination line at our Delta, BC facility. With this context in mind, the year-over-year decline in first quarter volumes this year was fully expected, when compared with the extraordinarily high volume we recorded in Q1 of last year," said Frank Dennis, Swiss Water's President and CEO. "Looking forward, interest in chemical-free decaffeinated coffee is intensifying and we are optimistic about the future. Swiss Water's production activities are now fully consolidated onto one site, and we expect that this will enable us to realize further operational efficiencies through the balance of this year. The performance of our new Delta line 2 has been very good and we have adequate unused capacity to service our medium-term growth ambitions. However, despite the underlying strength of our business, uncertainty persists. Geopolitical and economic factors, particularly inflation, are continuing to disrupt the normal business order around the world. And, after a period of relatively stable coffee prices during the second half of 2023, the NY'C' started to increase sharply toward the end of the first quarter. If futures prices remain at elevated levels, this may have a negative impact on demand and thus our growth in 2024," Dennis added.

“今年第一季度,我们继续看到对不含化学物质的无咖啡因咖啡产品的强劲需求。但是,将2024年的季度业绩与去年同期进行比较时,值得注意的是,2023年的季度销量分布并不遵循正常的季节性模式。特别是,瑞士水务报告称,2023年第一季度的销量增长和财务业绩远强于正常水平。这主要是由于预计我们在不列颠哥伦比亚省达美工厂的第二条新脱咖啡因生产线全面投入使用之前,第二季度我们从本那比的传统工厂退出将导致暂时的生产限制,因此客户订单提前装载。 考虑到这种情况,与去年第一季度创下的异常高的销量相比,今年第一季度销量同比下降是完全可以预料的。” 瑞士水务总裁兼首席执行官弗兰克·丹尼斯说。 “展望未来,人们对不含化学物质的脱咖啡因咖啡的兴趣与日俱增,我们对未来持乐观态度。瑞士水务公司的生产活动现已完全整合到一个地点,我们预计这将使我们能够在今年余下的时间内进一步提高运营效率。 我们新的达美2号线的表现非常好,我们有足够的未使用容量来实现我们的中期增长目标。但是,尽管我们的业务具有潜在的实力,但不确定性仍然存在。地缘政治和经济因素,尤其是通货膨胀,继续扰乱世界各地的正常商业秩序。而且,在2023年下半年咖啡价格相对稳定之后,NY'C'在第一季度末开始大幅上涨。如果期货价格保持在较高水平,这可能会对需求产生负面影响,从而对我们在2024年的增长产生负面影响,” 丹尼斯补充说。

Operational Highlights


The following table shows changes in sales volumes during the first quarter of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.


Volumes 3 months ended
March 31, 2024
3 months ended
March 31, 2023
Change in total volumes -18% +21%
By customer type
Roasters -13% +44%
Importers -25% 0%
Specialty -25% +16%
Commercial -17% +24%
音量 3 个月已结束
3 个月已结束
总交易量的变化 -18% +21%
烘焙机 -13% +44%
进口商 -25% 0%
专业 -25% +16%
商用 -17% +24%
  • Late in the third quarter of 2023, commercial decaffeination on Swiss Water's new second line in Delta, BC began. Production volumes and quality metrics on the new line continued to increase during the first quarter of this year. This enabled the delivery of forecasted volumes and the successful accommodation of a scheduled 2-week maintenance shut-down on Delta Line 1.
  • Total processing volume decreased by 18% when compared to the first quarter of 2023. The year-over-year difference was expected. Volumes reported in Q1 last year were elevated above normal levels due to the pro-active front loading of customer orders ahead of the anticipated capacity limitations that the Company experienced during the second and third quarters of 2023. With all production consolidated in Delta and both decaffeination lines running 24/7, except for planned maintenance, the Company was not capacity constrained during the first quarter of 2024.
  • As expected, inventory levels fell during the first quarter due to the consumption of the last remaining coffee inventories Swiss Water had built up to bridge the production constraints experienced during the transition from Burnaby and the consolidation of all processing in Delta.
  • Swiss Water remains focused on optimizing inventory levels and proactively managing its working capital commitments. The Company is currently well positioned with green coffee inventory and can react to short-term demand increases in most coffee origins. Although Swiss Water experienced a reduction in the disruption to green coffee deliveries and supply chain bottlenecks last year and through Q1 of this year, there are signs that rising coffee prices may negatively impact the efficient flow of coffee from some growing regions going forward.
  • The NY'C' coffee commodity price for Arabica coffee remained relatively high during the first quarter. Spot availability of coffees continued to fall and pressure on the futures market intensified in late March of this year. Moving forward, the impact of this elevated coffee market will depend on the futures market remaining at, or below, the current level for a sustained period.
  • The impact of last year's consolidation of operations at one location generated some efficiencies from reduced utilities consumption, staffing, and maintenance during the first quarter. However, the Company continued to experience persistent inflationary pressures within other components of its variable cost structure. These include higher costs for packaging, shipping and labour. To help maintain margins, Swiss Water increased its process price rates toward the end of the fourth quarter of 2021. Since then, The Company has worked diligently to maximize efficiencies across its value chain to limit the need for further price increases.
  • 2023年第三季度末,瑞士水务公司位于不列颠哥伦比亚省达美的新第二条生产线开始商业脱咖啡因。今年第一季度,新生产线的产量和质量指标持续增长。这使达美1号线得以实现预测的运量,并成功适应了计划中的为期两周的维护停机时间。
  • 与2023年第一季度相比,总处理量下降了18%。同比差异是预料之中的。去年第一季度报告的销量高于正常水平,这是由于公司在2023年第二和第三季度面临的预期产能限制之前,积极主动地提前装载了客户订单。由于所有生产都集中在达美航空,两条脱咖啡因生产线全天候运行,计划维护除外,该公司在2024年第一季度没有产能限制。
  • 正如预期的那样,第一季度库存水平下降,这是由于消费了瑞士水务公司为弥合从本那比过渡和达美整合所有加工过程中遇到的生产限制而积累的最后剩余咖啡库存所致。
  • 瑞士水务仍然专注于优化库存水平并积极管理其营运资金承诺。该公司目前在绿咖啡库存方面处于有利地位,可以应对大多数咖啡原产地的短期需求增长。尽管瑞士水务公司去年和今年第一季度绿色咖啡交付中断和供应链瓶颈有所减少,但有迹象表明,咖啡价格上涨可能会对未来来自某些种植区的咖啡的有效流动产生负面影响。
  • 在第一季度,阿拉比卡咖啡的纽约咖啡大宗商品价格仍然相对较高。今年3月下旬,咖啡的现货供应量持续下降,期货市场的压力加剧。展望未来,咖啡市场上涨的影响将取决于期货市场持续保持或低于当前水平。
  • 去年在一个地点整合运营所产生的影响,第一季度减少了公用事业消耗、人员配备和维护工作,从而提高了一些效率。但是,该公司在其可变成本结构的其他组成部分中继续面临持续的通货膨胀压力。其中包括更高的包装、运输和劳动力成本。为了帮助维持利润,瑞士水务在2021年第四季度末提高了工艺价格。从那时起,该公司一直在努力最大限度地提高其整个价值链的效率,以限制对进一步提价的需求。

Financial Highlights


The following table shows select financial information related to the first quarter of 2024, as compared to the first quarter of 2023:


In $000s except per share amounts 3 months ended March 31,
(unaudited) 2024 2023
Revenue $ 38,730 $ 49,045
Gross profit 5,115 4,894
Operating income 1,364 1,424
Net loss (900) (701)
Adjusted EBITDA1 2,788 4,982
Net loss per share – basic2 $ (0.10) $ (0.08)
Net loss per share – diluted2 $ (0.10) $ (0.08)
以千美元计,每股金额除外 截至3月31日的3个月
(未经审计) 2024 2023
收入 $ 38,730 $ 49,045
毛利 5,115 4,894
营业收入 1,364 1,424
净亏损 (900) (701)
调整后 EBITDA1 2,788 4,982
每股净亏损—基本2 $ (0.10) $ (0.08)
每股净亏损——摊薄2 $ (0.10) $ (0.08)

1 Adjusted EBITDA is defined in the 'Non-IFRS Measures' section of the MD&A and is a "Non-GAAP Financial Measure" as defined by CSA Staff Notice 52-306.
2 Per-share calculations are based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the periods. Diluted earnings per share take into account shares that may be issued upon the exercise of warrants and RSUs.

1 调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润在MD&A的 “非国际财务报告准则指标” 部分中定义,是CSA工作人员通知52-306所定义的 “非公认会计准则财务指标”。
2 每股计算基于该期间已发行股票的加权平均数。摊薄后的每股收益考虑了行使认股权证和限制性股票单位时可能发行的股票。

  • Revenue for the three months ended March 31, 2024, was $38.7 million, down by $10.3 million, or 21%, when compared to the first quarter of last year. As with volumes, the drop in revenue was an expected result of a normalization of order patterns, compared to a period of volume loading during Q1 of last year. As previously noted, many customers moved orders forward in anticipation of capacity constraints caused by the transition of production out of Burnaby, prior to the full commissioning of Delta Line 2.
  • Swiss Water's largest geographical market by volume in Q1 was the United States, followed by Canada and international markets. By dollar value, 49% of sales were to customers in the United States, 29% were to Canadian customers, and the remaining 22% were to international customers.
  • In January of 2023, Swiss Water reduced the estimated useful life of the non-salvaged assets at its legacy production facility in Burnaby, by 12 years. The useful life of these assets was re-aligned against the final production date at the site, which was in April 2023. At the time of the change in estimate, these assets had a carrying value of approximately $3.0 million. The financial impact of the change in estimate was a one-time, incremental depreciation expense included in cost of sales of $2.1 million for Q1 of last year. There was no such change in estimate during the three months ended March 31, 2024.
  • First quarter gross profit was $5.1 million, an increase of $0.2 million over Q1 of 2023. The increase was largely due to the cost savings and efficiencies generated from the consolidation of all Swiss Water production and other operations at one location. This has generated savings from reduced building maintenance, utilities consumption, staffing, and transportation between locations. The positive impact of a $2.1 million one-time decrease in year-over-year depreciation expenses on gross profit was largely offset by the lower sales volumes and a decline in green coffee differential margin during the quarter.
  • For the first quarter, Swiss Water recorded a net loss of $0.9 million, compared to a net loss of $0.7 million in Q1 of last year. The increase in net loss was driven by higher interest expenses on construction loans and increased mark-to-market losses on risk management activities. Higher operating expenses, mainly due to increases in headcount and wages, also had a negative impact on profitability. These factors were partially offset by the cost benefits of consolidation at one location and reduced non-cash losses on the revaluation of the Company's embedded option, as well as gains on foreign exchange.
  • First quarter adjusted EBITDA2 was $2.8 million, a decrease of $2.2 million from the Q1 2023 result. Again, the first quarter decrease was primarily driven by the lower sale volumes and reduced green coffee differential margin.
  • Inventory levels fell during the first quarter of 2024 primarily due to the consumption of the last remaining coffee inventories Swiss Water had built up to bridge the production constraints experienced during the transition from Burnaby and the consolidation of all processing in Delta. As a result, inventories closed the first quarter of this year at $25.4 million, down from $30.4 million at December 31, 2023. This provided an opportunity for Swiss Water to pay down debt and accumulate cash deposits, while leaving adequate inventory on hand to support its operations and near-term growth. In Q4 2024 Swiss Water is scheduled to fully repay a Debenture with Warrants, held by Mill Road Capital (MRC). It is anticipated that the repayment of this debt will primarily be funded using, but not limited to, available cash reserves and proceeds from operations, supplemented by incremental borrowings on existing debt facilities, as needed.
  • 截至2024年3月31日的三个月,收入为3,870万美元,与去年第一季度相比下降了1,030万美元,下降了21%。与销量一样,与去年第一季度的批量装载期相比,收入下降是订单模式正常化的预期结果。如前所述,在达美2号线全面投入使用之前,许多客户预计本那比将生产转移出本那比会导致产能限制,因此向前推进了订单。
  • 按销量计算,瑞士水务在第一季度最大的地域市场是美国,其次是加拿大和国际市场。按美元价值计算,49%的销售额来自美国客户,29%来自加拿大客户,其余22%来自国际客户。
  • 2023年1月,瑞士水务将其位于本那比的传统生产设施中未打捞资产的估计使用寿命缩短了12年。这些资产的使用寿命已根据该场地的最终生产日期(2023年4月)进行了调整。在估计数变更时,这些资产的账面价值约为300万美元。估值变动的财务影响是一次性的增量折旧费用,包括在去年第一季度的210万美元销售成本中。在截至2024年3月31日的三个月中,估计值没有这样的变化。
  • 第一季度毛利为510万美元,比2023年第一季度增加了20万美元。增长的主要原因是将瑞士水务公司的所有生产和其他业务整合到一个地点,从而节省了成本并提高了效率。这通过减少建筑物维护、公用事业消耗、人员配备和不同地点之间的运输,节省了开支。折旧费用同比一次性减少210万美元对毛利的积极影响在很大程度上被本季度销售量的下降和生咖啡差异利润率的下降所抵消。
  • 瑞士水务公司第一季度净亏损90万美元,而去年第一季度的净亏损为70万美元。净亏损的增加是由建筑贷款利息支出的增加以及风险管理活动按市值计价的亏损增加所推动的。运营支出增加主要是由于员工人数和工资的增加,也对盈利能力产生了负面影响。这些因素被一个地点整合的成本效益、公司嵌入式期权重估带来的非现金损失减少以及外汇收益所部分抵消。
  • 第一季度调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润2 为280万美元,较2023年第一季度的业绩减少了220万美元。同样,第一季度的下降主要是由销售量减少和生咖啡差异利润率的减少所推动的。
  • 2024年第一季度的库存水平下降,这主要是由于消费了瑞士水务公司为弥合从本那比过渡期间出现的生产限制以及达美整合所有加工而积累的最后剩余咖啡库存所致。结果,今年第一季度库存收于2540万美元,低于2023年12月31日的3,040万美元。这为瑞士水务提供了偿还债务和积累现金存款的机会,同时手头有足够的库存来支持其运营和短期增长。瑞士水务计划在2024年第四季度用认股权证全额偿还由米尔路资本(MRC)持有的债券。预计这笔债务的偿还将主要由但不限于可用现金储备和运营收益提供资金,并在需要时辅之以现有债务融资机制的增量借款。

Adjusted EBITDA


Swiss Water defines Adjusted EBITDA as net income before interest, depreciation, amortization, impairments, share-based compensation, gains/losses on foreign exchange, gains/losses on disposal of property and capital equipment, fair value adjustments on embedded options, loss on extinguishment of debt, adjustment for the impact of IFRS 16 - Leases, and provision for income taxes and other non-cash gains related to a remeasurement of asset retirement obligation. The Company's definition of Adjusted EBITDA also excludes unrealized gains and losses on the undesignated portion of foreign exchange forward contracts.


The following table provides a reconciliation of net income, an IFRS measure, to Adjusted EBITDA as follows:


In $000s 3 months ended March 31,
(unaudited) 2024 2023
Loss for the period $ (900) $ (701)
Income tax recovery (224) (216)
Loss before tax $ (1,124) $ (917)
Finance income (460) (437)
Finance expenses 2,288 1,837
Depreciation & amortization 1,716 3,582
Unrealized (gain) loss on foreign exchange forward (38) 74
Loss on fair value of embedded option 891 968
(Gain) loss on foreign exchange (380) 84
Share-based compensation 535 493
Impact of IFRS 16 - Leases (640) (702)
Adjusted EBITDA
$ 2,788 $ 4,982
在 000 美元以内 截至3月31日的3个月
(未经审计) 2024 2023
该期间的损失 $ (900) $ (701)
追回所得税 (224) (216)
税前亏损 $ (1,124) $ (917)
财务收入 (460) (437)
财务费用 2,288 1,837
折旧和摊销 1,716 3,582
远期外汇未实现(收益)亏损 (38) 74
嵌入式期权的公允价值损失 891 968
外汇(收益)亏损 (380) 84
基于股份的薪酬 535 493
《国际财务报告准则第16号》的影响——租赁 (640) (702)
$ 2,788 $ 4,982

Company Profile


Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Inc. is a leading specialty coffee company and a premium green coffee decaffeinator that employs the proprietary Swiss Water Process to decaffeinate green coffee without the use of chemical solvents such as methylene chloride. It also owns Seaforth Supply Chain Solutions Inc., a green coffee handling and storage business. Both businesses are located in Delta, British Columbia, Canada.

Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Inc. 是一家领先的特种咖啡公司,也是一家采用专有瑞士水的优质生咖啡脱咖啡因机 在不使用二氯甲烷等化学溶剂的情况下对生咖啡进行脱咖啡因的工艺。它还拥有Seaforth Supply Chain Solutions Inc.,这是一家绿色咖啡的处理和储存公司。两家公司都位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的三角洲。

Additional Information


A conference call to discuss Swiss Water's recent financial results will be held on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 1:00 pm Pacific (4:00 pm Eastern). To access the conference call, please dial:

讨论瑞士水务公司近期财务业绩的电话会议将于 太平洋时间 2024 年 5 月 9 日星期四下午 1:00(美国东部时间下午 4:00)。要访问电话会议,请拨打:

  • 1-888-506-0062 (toll-free) or
  • 1-973-528-0011 (international);
  • participant access code: 354255
  • 1-888-506-0062 (免费电话)或
  • 1-973-528-0011 (国际);
  • 参与者访问码: 354255

A replay will be available through May 23, 2024, at


  • 1-877-481-4010 (toll-free) or
  • 1-919-882-2331 (international);
  • replay passcode: 50445
  • 1-877-481-4010(免费电话)或
  • 1-919-882-2331(国际);
  • 重播密码:50445

A more detailed discussion of Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Inc.'s recent financial results is provided in the Company's Management Discussion and Analysis filed on SEDAR+ and Swiss Water's website (


For more information, please contact:


Iain Carswell, Chief Financial Officer
Swiss Water Decaffeinated Coffee Inc.
Phone: 604.420.4050

Swiss Water 脱咖啡因咖啡公司

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain statements in this press release may constitute "forward-looking" statements that involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements to be materially different from any future results, levels of activity, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. When used in this press release, such statements may include such words as "may", "will", "expect", "believe", "plan", "anticipate" and other similar terminology. These statements reflect management's current expectations regarding future events and operating performance, as well as management's current estimates, but which are based on numerous assumptions and may prove to be incorrect. These statements are neither promises nor guarantees, but involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to, risks related to processing volumes and sales growth, operating results, the supply of utilities, the supply of coffee and packaging materials, supply of labour force, general industry conditions, commodity price risks, technology, competition, foreign exchange rates, construction timing, costs and financing of capital projects, a potential impact of the COVID-19 and/or other pandemics, global and local climate changes, changes in interest rates, inflation, transportation availability, and general economic conditions. The forward-looking statements and financial outlook information contained herein are made as of the date of this press release and are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. Except to the extent required by applicable securities law, Swiss Water undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any such statements to reflect any change in management's expectations or in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any such statements may be based, or that may affect the likelihood that actual results will differ from those described herein.

本新闻稿中的某些陈述可能构成 “前瞻性” 陈述,涉及已知和未知的风险、不确定性和其他因素,这些因素可能导致实际业绩、活动水平、业绩或成就与此类前瞻性陈述所表达或暗示的任何未来业绩、活动水平、业绩或成就存在重大差异。在本新闻稿中使用时,此类陈述可能包含 “可能”、“将”、“期望”、“相信”、“计划”、“预期” 等词语和其他类似术语。这些陈述反映了管理层当前对未来事件和经营业绩的预期,以及管理层目前的估计,但这些预测基于许多假设,可能被证明是不正确的。这些声明既不是承诺也不是担保,但涉及已知和未知的风险和不确定性,包括但不限于与加工量和销售增长、经营业绩、公用事业供应、咖啡和包装材料供应、劳动力供应、一般行业状况、大宗商品价格风险、技术、竞争、外汇汇率、施工时间、资本项目成本和融资相关的风险,COVID-19 和/或其他流行病的潜在影响,全球和本地气候变化,利率、通货膨胀、交通可用性和总体经济状况的变化。此处包含的前瞻性陈述和财务展望信息自本新闻稿发布之日起作出,本警示声明对这些陈述进行了明确的全部限定。除非适用的证券法要求,否则瑞士水务没有义务公开更新或修改任何此类声明,以反映管理层预期的任何变化,或任何此类声明所依据的事件、条件或情况的任何变化,或可能影响实际业绩与本文所述结果不同的可能性。

1 Adjusted EBITDA is defined in the 'Non-IFRS Measures' section of the MD&A and is a "Non-IFRS Financial Measure" as defined by CSA Staff Notice 52-306.
2 Adjusted EBITDA is defined in the 'Non-IFRS Measures' section of the MD&A and is a "Non-IFRS Financial Measure" as defined by CSA Staff Notice 52-306.

1 调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润在MD&A的 “非国际财务报告准则指标” 部分中定义,是CSA工作人员通知52-306所定义的 “非国际财务报告准则财务指标”。
2 调整后的息税折旧摊销前利润在MD&A的 “非国际财务报告准则指标” 部分中定义,是CSA工作人员通知52-306所定义的 “非国际财务报告准则财务指标”。

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