
NXT Energy Announces First Quarter 2024 Results

NXT Energy Announces First Quarter 2024 Results

NXT Energy公布2024年第一季度业绩
Accesswire ·  05/14 17:40

CALGARY, AB / ACCESSWIRE / May 14, 2024 / NXT Energy Solutions Inc. ("NXT" or the "Company") (TSX:SFD)(OTCQB:NSFDF) today announced the Company's financial and operating results for the quarter ended March 31, 2024. All dollar amounts herein are in Canadian Dollars unless otherwise identified.

艾伯塔省卡尔加里/ACCESSWIRE/2024年5月14日/NXT能源解决方案公司(“NXT” 或 “公司”)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:SFD)(OTCQB: NSFD)今天公布了公司截至2024年3月31日的季度财务和经营业绩。除非另有说明,否则此处的所有美元金额均以加元为单位。

Financial and Operating Highlights


Key financial and operational highlights during the first quarter of 2024 are summarized below:


  • NXT completed the Turkish SFD Survey, delivered the final results thereof to its Turkish customers and completed the integration of SFD data with existing geological and geophysical data;
  • NXT recorded SFD-related revenues of approximately $0.60 million;
  • NXT and HULOOLQ LTD. (known as "Qamia"), an Abu Dhabi based startup focused on "deep tech" disruptive technologies, entered into a sales agency agreement covering the United Arab Emirates ("UAE");
  • On March 22, the Company extended its lease on its aircraft for an additional three years as a capital lease. Under the terms of the lease, the Company will own the aircraft at the end of the term;
  • debentures were finalized for a total of US$1.87 million (CDN$2.54 million). US$0.72 million (approximately CDN$0.97 million) of the debentures were received in Q1-24;
  • cash at March 31, 2024 was approximately $0.53 million;
  • net working capital was approximately ($2.64) million at March 31, 2024 versus approximately ($1.86) million at December 31, 2023;
  • a net loss of $1.79 million was recorded for Q1-24, including stock-based compensation expense and amortization expense of approximately $0.49 million;
  • net loss per common share for Q1-24 was $0.02 per share (basic) and $0.02 per share (diluted);
  • cash flow used in operating activities was approximately $0.59 million during Q1-24; and
  • general and administrative expenses increased by approximately $0.16 million or 19% in Q1-24 as compared to Q1-23.
  • NXT完成了土耳其SFD调查,向其土耳其客户提供了最终结果,并完成了SFD数据与现有地质和地球物理数据的整合;
  • NXT的SFD相关收入约为60万美元;
  • NXT 和 HULOOLQ LTD.(称为 “Qamia”)是一家总部位于阿布扎比的专注于 “深度科技” 颠覆性技术的初创公司,签订了涵盖阿拉伯联合酋长国(“阿联酋”)的销售代理协议;
  • 3月22日,作为资本租赁,该公司将其飞机的租约又延长了三年。根据租赁条款,公司将在租期结束时拥有飞机;
  • 债券最终敲定,总额为187万美元(254万加元)。72万美元(约合97万加元)的债券是在 Q1-24 中收到的;
  • 截至2024年3月31日,现金约为53万美元;
  • 截至2024年3月31日,净营运资金约为(264万美元),而截至2023年12月31日的净营运资金约为(186万美元);
  • Q1-24 的净亏损为179万美元,包括股票薪酬支出和约49万美元的摊销费用;
  • Q1-24 普通股每股净亏损为每股0.02美元(基本),每股亏损0.02美元(摊薄后);
  • 在 Q1-24 期间,用于经营活动的现金流约为59万美元;以及
  • 与 Q1-23 相比,Q1-24 的一般和管理费用增加了约16万美元,增长了19%。

Key financial and operational highlights occurring subsequent to Q1-24 are summarized below:

Q1-24 之后出现的主要财务和运营亮点总结如下:

  • NXT surrendered approximately 3,207 square feet, or approximately 31% of its current office space to its landlord, and extended its lease on the reduced office space until September 30, 2030.
  • NXT向房东交出了约3,207平方英尺,约占其当前办公空间的31%,并将减少后的办公空间的租约延长至2030年9月30日。

Summary highlights of NXT's first quarter 2024 financial statements (with comparative figures to 2023) are noted below. All selected and referenced financial information noted below should be read in conjunction with the Company's March 31, 2024 unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements, the related Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A").


(All in Canadian $)
Q1-24 Q1-23
Operating results:
SFD-related revenues
$ 602,072 $ -
SFD-related costs, net
730,520 301,634
General & administrative expenses
1,021,306 861,354
440,564 439,868
Interest and other expenses
196,282 11,791
(2,388,672) (1,614,647)
Net loss
(1,786,600) (1,614,647)
Loss per common share:
$ (0.02) $ (0.02)
$ (0.02) $ (0.02)
Common shares outstanding as at end of the period
78,121,746 77,599,131
Weighted average of common shares outstanding: Basic & Diluted
78,085,304 76,452,260
Cash provided by (used in):
Operating activities
$ (593,766) $ (1,400,019)
Financing activities
741,783 1,604,133
Investing activities
(24,102) -
Effect of foreign rate changes on cash
6,994 (12)
Net cash inflow (outflow)
130,909 204,102
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period
401,713 263,437
Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period
532,622 467,539
Total cash and short-term investments
532,622 467,539
Net working capital balance
(2,635,446) (1,174,237)
第 1-24 季度 第 1-23 季度
$ 602,072 $ -
730,520 301,634
1,021,306 861,354
440,564 439,868
196,282 11,791
(2,388,672) (1,614,647)
(1,786,600) (1,614,647)
$ (0.02) $ (0.02)
$ (0.02) $ (0.02)
78,121,746 77,599,131
78,085,304 76,452,260
$ (593,766) $ (1,400,019)
741,783 1,604,133
(24,102) -
6,994 (12)
130,909 204,102
401,713 263,437
532,622 467,539
532,622 467,539
(2,635,446) (1,174,237)

NXT's first quarter 2024 financial and operating results have been filed in Canada on SEDAR+ at , and will soon be available in the USA on EDGAR at, as well as on NXT's website at .


Annual Meeting of Shareholders


NXT wishes to announce that it has rescheduled its annual meeting of shareholders from June 19, 2024 to July 15, 2024.


About NXT Energy Solutions Inc.

关于 NXT 能源解决方案公司

NXT Energy Solutions Inc. is a Calgary-based technology company whose proprietary airborne SFD survey system, applied in numerous basins around the world, uses the principles of quantum mechanics to infer stress anomalies of exploration interest. The method can be used both onshore and offshore to remotely identify areas conducive to fluid entrapment in order to recommend areas with commercial hydrocarbon and/or geothermal potential. The SFD survey system enables our clients to focus their exploration decisions concerning land commitments, data acquisition expenditures and prospect prioritization on areas with the greatest potential. SFD is environmentally friendly and unaffected by ground security issues or difficult terrain and is the registered trademark of NXT Energy Solutions Inc. NXT Energy Solutions Inc. provides its clients with an effective and reliable method to reduce time, costs, and risks related to exploration.

NXT Energy Solutions Inc.是一家总部位于卡尔加里的科技公司,其专有的机载SFD调查系统应用于全球许多盆地,使用量子力学原理来推断勘探兴趣的应力异常。该方法可用于陆上和海上远程识别有利于流体滞留的区域,以便推荐具有商业碳氢化合物和/或地热潜力的区域。SFD 调查系统使我们的客户能够将有关土地承诺、数据采集支出和前景优先顺序的勘探决策集中在潜力最大的区域。SFD 对环境友好,不受地面安全问题或困难地形的影响,是 NXT 能源解决方案公司的注册商标。NXT 能源解决方案公司为其客户提供了一种有效而可靠的方法,以减少与勘探相关的时间、成本和风险。

Contact Information


For investor and media inquiries please contact:


Eugene Woychyshyn
Vice President of Finance & CFO
302, 3320 - 17th AVE SW
Calgary, AB, T3E 0B4
+1 403 206 0805
Michael Baker
Investor Relations
302, 3320 - 17th AVE SW
Calgary, AB, T3E 0B4
+1 403 264 7020
Eugene Woychyshyn
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+1 403 206 0805
302、3320-17第四 我已经看过了
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+1 403 264 7020

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain information provided in this press release may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking information typically contains statements with words such as "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "will", "expect", "plan", "schedule", "intend", "propose" or similar words suggesting future outcomes or an outlook. Forward-looking information in this press release includes, but is not limited to, information regarding: Business negotiations, opportunities, discussions, including the timing thereof and business strategies and date of the annual meeting of shareholders. Although the Company believes that the expectations and assumptions on which the forward-looking statements are based are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on the forward-looking statements because the Company can give no assurance that they will prove to be correct. Since forward-looking statements address future events and conditions, by their very nature they involve inherent risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those currently anticipated due to a number of factors and risks. Additional risk factors facing the Company are described in its most recent Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2023 and MD&A for the three-month period ended March 31, 2024, which have been filed electronically by means of the System for Electronic Document Analysis and Retrieval ("SEDAR+") located at . The forward-looking statements contained in this press release are made as of the date hereof, and except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company assumes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements made herein or otherwise, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

本新闻稿中提供的某些信息可能构成适用证券法所指的前瞻性信息。前瞻性信息通常包含带有 “预期”、“相信”、“估计”、“将”、“期望”、“计划”、“时间表”、“打算”、“提议” 等词语或暗示未来结果或前景的类似词语的陈述。本新闻稿中的前瞻性信息包括但不限于以下方面的信息:商业谈判、机会、讨论,包括其时间以及业务战略和年度股东大会的日期。尽管公司认为前瞻性陈述所依据的预期和假设是合理的,但不应过分依赖前瞻性陈述,因为公司无法保证这些陈述将被证明是正确的。由于前瞻性陈述涉及未来的事件和状况,因此就其本质而言,它们涉及固有的风险和不确定性。由于许多因素和风险,实际结果可能与目前的预期有重大差异。公司面临的其他风险因素在其截至2023年12月31日的年度信息表和截至2024年3月31日的三个月期间的管理与分析报告中进行了描述,这些表格已通过位于的电子文档分析和检索系统(“SEDAR+”)以电子方式提交。本新闻稿中包含的前瞻性陈述自发布之日起作出,除非适用的证券法另有要求,否则公司没有义务公开更新或修改此处或其他方式发表的任何前瞻性陈述,无论是由于新信息、未来事件还是其他原因。

Non-GAAP Measures


This news release contains disclosure respecting non-GAAP performance measures including net working capital which does not have a standardized meaning prescribed by US GAAP and may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other entities. This measure is included to enhance the overall understanding of NXT's ability to assess liquidity at a point in time. Readers are urged to review the section entitled "Non-GAAP Measures" in NXT's MD&A for the three-month period ended March 31, 2024 which is available under NXT's profile on SEDAR+ at , for a further discussion of such non-GAAP measures. The financial information accompanying this news release was prepared in accordance with US GAAP, unless otherwise noted. The MD&A and the unaudited condensed interim consolidated financial statements and notes for the three months ended March 31, 2024, are available in the Investor Relations section of , or under NXT's SEDAR+ profile at .

本新闻稿包含有关非公认会计准则绩效指标的披露,包括净营运资金,该指标不具有美国公认会计原则规定的标准化含义,可能无法与其他实体提出的类似指标进行比较。包括这项措施是为了增强对NXT在某个时间点评估流动性的能力的总体理解。我们敦促读者阅读NXT在截至2024年3月31日的三个月期间的MD&A中题为 “非公认会计准则指标” 的部分,该部分可在NXT在SEDAR+上的简介下查阅,网址为,以进一步讨论此类非公认会计准则指标。除非另有说明,否则本新闻稿附带的财务信息是根据美国公认会计原则编制的。截至2024年3月31日的三个月的MD&A和未经审计的简明中期合并财务报表和附注可在NXT的SEDAR+简介的投资者关系部分或在NXT的SEDAR+简介下查阅。

SOURCE: NXT Energy Solutions, Inc.

来源:NXT 能源解决方案有限公司

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