
OTC Markets Group Welcomes Neometals Ltd. to OTCQX

OTC Markets Group Welcomes Neometals Ltd. to OTCQX

场外交易市场集团欢迎 Neometals Ltd. 加入 OTCQX
GlobeNewswire ·  05/15 07:00

NEW YORK, May 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM), operator of regulated markets for trading 12,000 U.S. and international securities, today announced Neometals Ltd. (ASX: NMT; OTCQX: NMTAY), a sustainable processing technology company that recycles and recovers critical materials from high value waste streams, has qualified to trade on the OTCQX Best Market under the symbol "NMTAY."

纽约,2024年5月15日(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)——负责交易12,000只美国和国际证券的监管市场的运营商场外交易市场集团公司(场外交易所股票代码:OTCM)今天宣布,从高价值废物流中回收和回收关键材料的可持续加工技术公司Neometals Ltd.(澳大利亚证券交易所股票代码:NMT;OTCQX:NMTAY)有资格在OTCQX最佳市场上进行交易在 “NMTAY” 符号下。

Neometals Ltd. upgraded to OTCQX from the Pink market. U.S. investors can find current financial disclosure and Real-Time Level 2 quotes for the company on

Neometals Ltd. 从粉红市场升级到OTCQX。美国投资者可以在上找到该公司当前的财务披露和实时二级报价

Upgrading to the OTCQX Market is an important step for companies seeking to provide transparent trading for their U.S. investors. For companies listed on a qualified international exchange, streamlined market standards enable them to utilize their home market reporting to make their information available in the U.S. To qualify for OTCQX, companies must meet high financial standards, follow best practice corporate governance and demonstrate compliance with applicable securities laws.


Neometals Managing Director Chris Reed said:

Neometals 董事总经理 Chris Reed 表示:

"We are pleased to begin trading on the top tier of OTC Markets - OTCQX. The U.S. trading upgrade reflects a desire to provide additional visibility and gain greater market exposure and liquidity. Additionally, the OTCQX quotation will increase the number of US states to 40 that allow investors and equity analysts to recommend Neometals' American Depositary Receipts (1:10 ASX ORD/ ADR ratio).

“我们很高兴开始在顶级场外交易市场——OTCQX上进行交易。美国的交易升级反映了人们希望提高知名度并获得更大的市场敞口和流动性的愿望。此外,OTCQX的报价将使美国的州数量增加到40个,允许投资者和股票分析师推荐Neometals的美国存托凭证(1:10 澳大利亚证券交易所的ORD/ADR比率)。

With Neometals' strategy to enable critical material production from waste streams, and the increasing importance being placed on US domestic critical material supply resilience, the timing bodes well to broaden the audience to our sustainable battery and precious materials opportunities".


Rimon Law acted as the company's OTCQX sponsor.

Rimon Law担任该公司的OTCQX赞助商。

About Neometals Ltd.
Neometals facilitates sustainable critical material supply chains and reduces the environmental burden of traditional mining in the global transition to a circular economy. The Company is commercialising a portfolio of sustainable processing solutions that recycle and recover critical materials from high-value waste streams.

关于 Neometals Ltd.

Neometals' core focus is on the commercialisation of its patented, Lithium-ion Battery ("LiB") Recycling technology (50% NMT), under a plant supply and technology licensing business model. Primobius GmbH is the 50:50 incorporated JV with 150-year-old German plant builder, SMS group GmbH, that is commercialising the technology. Primobius is building a 2,500tpa recycling plant for Mercedes-Benz under a long-term Cooperation Agreement. It also operates its own LiB disposal service in Germany and plans to offer its first commercial 21,000tpa plant to North American licensee, Stelco, in JunQ 2025.

在工厂供应和技术许可业务模式下,Neometals的核心重点是实现其专利锂离子电池(“LiB”)回收技术(50% NMT)的商业化。Primobius GmbH是与拥有150年历史的德国工厂建筑商SMS集团有限公司合资成立的 50:50 的合资企业,该公司正在将该技术商业化。根据长期合作协议,Primobius正在为梅赛德斯-奔驰建造一座年产2500吨的回收厂。它还在德国运营自己的锂离子处置服务,并计划在2025年6月向北美被许可方Stelco提供其第一座商用年产21,000吨的电厂。

Neometals is also developing two advanced battery materials technologies for commercialisation under low-risk, low-capex technology licensing business models:


  • Lithium Chemicals (70% NMT) – Patented ELi electrolysis process, co-owned 30% by Mineral Resources Ltd, to produce battery quality lithium hydroxide from brine and/or hard-rock feedstocks at lowest quartile operating costs. Pilot scale test work and Engineering Cost Study update planned for completion in DecQ 2024; and
  • Vanadium Recovery (100% NMT) – Patent pending hydrometallurgical process to produce high-purity vanadium pentoxide from steelmaking by-product ("Slag") at lowest-quartile operating cost and carbon footprint.
  • 锂化学品(70% NMT)——获得专利的eLi电解工艺,由矿产资源有限公司共同持有30%,以最低的四分位运营成本从盐水和/或硬岩原料中生产电池质量的氢氧化锂。中试规模测试工作和工程成本研究更新计划于 2024 年 12 月完成;以及
  • 钒回收(100% NMT)— 正在申请专利的湿法冶炼工艺,以最低的四分位运营成本和碳足迹从炼钢副产品(“炉渣”)中生产高纯度的五氧化二钒。

About OTC Markets Group Inc.
OTC Markets Group Inc. (OTCQX: OTCM) operates regulated markets for trading 12,000 U.S. and international securities. Our data-driven disclosure standards form the foundation of our three public markets: OTCQX Best Market, OTCQB Venture Market and Pink Open Market.

关于 OTC Markets Group Inc
场外市场集团公司(OTCQX:OTCM)经营受监管的市场,交易12,000只美国和国际证券。我们以数据为导向的披露标准构成了我们三个公开市场的基础:OTCQX 最佳市场,OTCQB 风险投资市场和粉红 公开市场。

Our OTC Link Alternative Trading Systems (ATSs) provide critical market infrastructure that broker-dealers rely on to facilitate trading. Our innovative model offers companies more efficient access to the U.S. financial markets.

我们的场外交易链接 另类交易系统(ATS)提供了经纪交易商赖以促进交易的关键市场基础设施。我们的创新模式为公司提供了更有效的进入美国金融市场的机会。

OTC Link ATS, OTC Link ECN and OTC Link NQB are each an SEC regulated ATS, operated by OTC Link LLC, a FINRA and SEC registered broker-dealer, member SIPC.

OTC Link ATS、OTC Link ECN和OTC Link NQB均是美国证券交易委员会监管的自动柜员机,由OTC Link LLC运营,该公司是FINRA和SEC注册的经纪交易商,也是SIPC的成员。

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