
Kutcho Copper Outlines Compelling Value Opportunities at Its High-Grade Copper-Zinc Project

Kutcho Copper Outlines Compelling Value Opportunities at Its High-Grade Copper-Zinc Project

Kutcho Copper 概述了其高品位铜锌项目中引人注目的价值机会
newsfile ·  05/15 08:00
  • Engineering Optimizations and Exploration Targets Could Significantly Enhance Project
  • 工程优化和勘探目标可以显著增强项目

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 15, 2024) - Kutcho Copper Corp. (TSXV: KC) (OTCQX: KCCFF) ("Kutcho Copper" or the "Company") is pleased to provide a review of its accomplishments in 2023, outline its most compelling value opportunities, and looks forward to the next steps planned for 2024 at its feasibility stage, high-grade copper-zinc development project located in north-western British Columbia.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 15 日)- Kutcho Copper Coperp.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:KCCF)(OTCQX:KCFF) (“Kutcho Copper” 或 “公司”)很高兴回顾其在2023年取得的成就,概述其最具吸引力的价值机会,并期待计划于2024年在可行性阶段采取的下一步措施,即位于不列颠哥伦比亚省西北部的高品位铜锌开发项目。

Vince Sorace, President & CEO of Kutcho Copper stated: "Kutcho Copper finished 2023 with several fundamental accomplishments, and we anticipate that 2024 will be another year of progress for the Company. We are uniquely positioned with a feasibility-stage, high-grade, low-cost copper-zinc development project located in a Tier 1 jurisdiction that has potential for significant exploration upside. With Canada now focusing on critical minerals (including copper and zinc), copper prices firmly above U$4.00/lb (enhancing the project's potential economic performance), and copper supply struggling to keep up with increasing demand for electrification and decarbonization, we will continue to explore and expand on opportunities for the Kutcho project on our path towards a construction decision."


Corporate/Project highlights:


  • Feasibility study(2) showcasing a mine plan for a predominantly open-pit mining operation and a technically robust and capital-efficient project with a minimized footprint:
    • At US$3.50/lb for copper (base case), an after-tax Net Present Value (NPV 7%) of C$384 million and an Internal Rate of Return of 24.2%:
    • At US$4.00/lb for copper, an after-tax Net Present Value (NPV 7%) of C$536 million and an Internal Rate of Return of 30.5%:
    • At US$4.50/lb for copper, an after-tax Net Present Value (NPV 7%) of C$688 million and an Internal Rate of Return of 36.5%.
    • At US$5.00/lb for copper, an after-tax Net Present Value (NPV 7%) of C$839 million and an Internal Rate of Return of 42.3%.
  • Located in northwestern British Columbia, Canada, one of the safest mining jurisdictions globally with producing mines in the region including Brucejack (Newmont Mining) and Red Chris (Newmont/Imperial Metals) as well as several advanced projects.(1)
  • Strong financial support — Wheaton Precious Metals with an agreed precious metals stream in support of mine development and a strategic shareholding.
  • Existing infrastructure — on-site field camp and airstrip; 120 km of ground access to be upgraded to a haul road for concentrate transport; existing concentrate export facilities within 400 km on a paved highway.
  • The location has subdued terrain and relatively lower snowfall compared to mines and projects to the west, reducing construction and operating challenges.
  • Project designed to minimize, mitigate, and avoid environmental impacts, including minimising greenhouse gas emissions, backfilling the open pit, avoidance of fish-bearing streams, and treatment of contact mine water, among others.
  • Defined Permitting Process — a transparent and prescribed British Columbia Environmental Assessment process, supportive First Nations, local stakeholders and Government.
  • Exploration upside potential — including the potential to convert existing inferred mineral resources to indicated, potential expansion of the deposit beyond the limits of the current mineral resource, a compelling target immediately to the west of the Esso deposit, and identified blue-sky greenfields/regional exploration potential(3) within Kutcho's mineral claims.
  • 可行性研究 (2) 展示了以露天采矿为主的采矿计划,以及一个技术强大、资本效率高、占地面积最小的项目:
    • 铜 3.50 美元/磅 (基本案例),税后净现值(净现值7%)为3.84亿加元,内部回报率为24.2%:
    • 铜的价格为每磅4.00美元,税后净现值(净现值7%)为5.36亿加元,内部回报率为30.5%:
    • 铜的价格为4.50美元/磅,税后净现值(净现值7%)为6.88亿加元,内部回报率为36.5%。
    • 铜的价格为每磅5.00美元,税后净现值(净现值7%)为8.39亿加元,内部回报率为42.3%。
  • 位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省西北部,是全球最安全的采矿司法管辖区之一,该地区生产的矿山包括布鲁斯杰克(纽蒙特矿业)和雷德克里斯(纽蒙特/帝国金属),还有几个先进的项目。(1)
  • 强有力的财务支持——惠顿贵金属拥有商定的贵金属来源,以支持矿山开发,并持有战略股权。
  • 现有基础设施——现场野外营地和简易机场;120公里的地面通道将升级为集中运输道路;400公里以内的现有精矿出口设施位于铺好的高速公路上。
  • 与西部的矿山和项目相比,该地点地形平缓,降雪量相对较低,从而减少了施工和运营方面的挑战。
  • 该项目旨在最小化、减轻和避免环境影响,包括最大限度地减少温室气体排放、回填露天矿井、避开含鱼的溪流以及处理接触矿井水等。
  • 明确的许可程序 — 透明且规定的不列颠哥伦比亚省环境评估流程,支持原住民、当地利益相关者和政府。
  • 勘探的上行潜力——包括将现有推断的矿产资源转化为指示矿产资源的潜力、矿床可能扩张到当前矿产资源极限以外的可能性、紧靠埃索矿床以西的令人信服的目标,以及确定的蓝天绿地/区域勘探潜力(3) 在 Kutcho 的矿产索赔范围内。

Significant Milestones Achieved in 2023 Include:

2023 年取得的重要里程碑包括:

Since completion of the 2021 Feasibility Study ("FS"), Kutcho Copper has been attending to improvement recommendations and risk reduction studies documented in the FS. Kutcho Copper is pleased to report a number of milestones from its optimization program, including:

自2021年可行性研究(“FS”)完成以来,Kutcho Copper一直在参与FS中记录的改进建议和风险降低研究。Kutcho Copper 很高兴地报告其优化计划的许多里程碑,包括:

  • Initial Capital Reduction
  • 初始资本减少

Kutcho Copper has completed an underground mining study to confirm that the underground mining portion of the mine plan can be deferred, compared to the FS plan, with almost no impact on NPV, IRR or payback. The new plan will have the underground operation commence in the first year of operation (as opposed to commencing at start of construction in the 2021 FS) and will operate at 930 tpd compared to the previous plan of 840 tpd. The benefit of this deferral would be to decrease the initial capital by approximately $57 million and to reduce operational startup complexity (note all data presented is based on the 2021 cost and price basis for fair comparison).

Kutcho Copper已经完成了一项地下采矿研究,以确认与金融服务计划相比,矿山计划的地下采矿部分可以推迟,对净现值、内部收益率或投资回报几乎没有影响。新计划将在运营的第一年开始地下作业(而不是在2021年FS开工时开始),并将以每天930吨的速度运行,而之前的计划为每天840吨。延期的好处是将初始资本减少约5700万美元,并降低运营启动的复杂性(请注意,提供的所有数据均基于2021年的成本和价格基础,以进行公平比较)。

  • Metallurgical and Flotation Flowsheet Optimization and Improvements
  • 冶金和浮选流程表的优化和改进

Kutcho Copper, in partnership with PMC Laboratory (Maple Ridge, BC), has made significant progress in optimizing the flotation flowsheet that will enhance the economic efficiency of the feasibility flowsheet. This optimized flowsheet significantly reduces both the number and overall quantity of reagents required, which not only has the potential to lower operating costs but also further reduces environmental management costs and risks through having less quantity of residual reagents in the recycled process water and lower cost to purchase and transport of reagents.


The optimized rougher flowsheet employs conventional techniques to produce two distinct rougher copper concentrates. Each concentrate will be further refined using dedicated regrind circuits, specifically designed to achieve the optimal grind size required by each concentrate. This has the potential to reduce the overall regrinding requirements for the Kutcho ore. This tailored approach aims to ensure that our products meet the specifications of the global market while maintaining the high recovery rates established in our FS. The flowsheet incorporates sequential flotation, a method used at numerous other copper-zinc deposits treating massive sulphide ores, similar to those found at deposits like Prieska in South Africa and Lahanos in Turkey.

经过优化的粗糙流程采用传统技术来生产两种不同的粗糙铜精矿。每种浓缩物都将使用专用的再研磨回路进一步精制,该回路是专门为实现每种浓缩物所需的最佳研磨尺寸而设计的。这有可能降低 Kutcho 矿石的总体重磨需求。这种量身定制的方法旨在确保我们的产品符合全球市场的规格,同时保持我们财务报表中规定的高回收率。该流程表采用了连续浮选,这种方法用于处理块状硫化物矿石的许多其他铜锌矿床,类似于在南非的普里斯卡和土耳其的拉哈诺斯等矿床中发现的浮选。

As we continue to finalize the cleaning circuit, preliminary results from the rougher flowsheet have already demonstrated recoveries on par with those outlined in the 2021 FS. This milestone marks a significant achievement in our strategy to optimize our mineral processing operations. We look forward to sharing more updates as we progress with the development of the cleaning circuit and move closer to realizing the full potential of our optimized flotation process.

在我们继续完成清洁回路的过程中,更粗糙的流程图的初步结果已经表明,回收率与2021 FS中概述的回收率相当。这一里程碑标志着我们优化矿物加工业务的战略取得的重大成就。随着清洁回路开发的进展,以及更接近充分发挥优化浮选工艺的潜力,我们期待分享更多最新动态。

  • Advancing Mine Closure Details
  • 推进矿山关闭详情

Kutcho Copper continues to advance and refine its understanding of the closure requirements for each of the materials expected to be produced at Kutcho. Comprehensive acid rock drainage ("ARD") testing of overburden materials recently confirmed that it is not potentially acid generating ("NPAG"), which simplifies infrastructure construction decisions. Further, confirmatory static testing of pit waste initiated in 2022 was concluded, helping to refine the mine materials placement schedule and adding more confidence to the materials management process.

Kutcho Copper继续推进和完善其对Kutcho预计将要生产的每种材料的封闭要求的理解。最近对覆盖材料进行全面的酸性岩排水(“ARD”)测试证实,覆盖层材料不会产生酸性(“NPAG”),这简化了基础设施建设决策。此外,2022年启动的矿坑废弃物确认性静态测试已经结束,这有助于完善矿山材料投放时间表,增强物料管理流程的信心。

Exploration Update


Alongside advances in engineering studies, the Kutcho Copper Project also hosts a number of compelling exploration targets generated from an initial round of remote sensing geophysical surveys and target reviews. An initial program is planned to (a) test two targets (Esso West and Mother) with 4,100 m of drilling and (b) collect soil and rock samples and other field geologic data on other, less advanced targets to better evaluate and prioritize their potential to host new deposits. Volcanogenic massive sulphide ("VMS") mineralizing systems like Kutcho commonly host multiple deposits, and Kutcho already hosts three — Main, Sumac and Esso. Advanced targeting methods are being employed to refine the initial targeting prior to the next field season and Kutcho Copper plans to release further information on that process in the coming weeks.

除了工程研究的进展外,库特乔铜业项目还拥有许多引人注目的勘探目标,这些目标是通过第一轮遥感地球物理调查和目标审查得出的。最初的计划是(a)测试两个目标(Esso West和Mother),钻探深度为4,100米,(b)收集其他不太先进的目标的土壤和岩石样本以及其他现场地质数据,以更好地评估和优先考虑其储存新矿床的潜力。像库乔这样的火山成因块状硫化物(“VMS”)矿化系统通常拥有多个矿床,而库乔已经拥有三个矿床——美因、漆树和埃索。正在使用先进的瞄准方法来完善下一个野战季节之前的初始目标,库乔铜业计划在未来几周内发布有关该过程的更多信息。

Figure 1: Overall Exploration Target Isometric View

图 1:总体勘探目标等距视图

Esso West Target


The Esso West target covers an area of 1,900 m strike by 500 m down dip and is defined by coincident ZTEM, VTEM, magnetic, and seismic anomalies that lie along strike and to the west of the high-grade Esso deposit. The target is bracketed by a total of five historic drillholes that intercepted a combination of (a) moderately to strongly sericite — pyrite altered quartz — crystals tuffs that correlate to the immediate hanging wall rocks to the Main, Sumac, and Esso deposits and (b) sericite — pyrite altered lapilli tuffs, which are indicative of the foot wall sequence below the three known deposits. However, none of these holes directly tested the Esso West target. In addition, a fence of historical drillholes that were testing for the west extension of Esso mineralization intersected the interpreted down dip eastern margin of the target and intersected semi-massive and massive sulphides in several holes, including 7.2m @ 2.0% Cu and 5.2% Zn in E094B3. Given that Esso is the highest grade of the three current deposits, the proximity of Esso West makes it a key focus of planned drill testing during 2024.

这个 埃索·韦斯特 目标覆盖的区域为1,900米,向下倾斜500米,由位于走向沿线和高品位埃索矿床以西的重合ZTEM、VTEM、磁和地震异常来定义。该目标由总共五个历史钻孔包围,这些钻孔截获了(a)中度至强的丝云母——黄铁矿变石英——晶体凝灰岩,这些凝灰岩与Main、Sumac和Esso矿床的直接悬壁岩相关,以及(b)绢云母——黄铁矿改性青金石凝灰岩,这表明了三个已知矿床下方的脚壁顺序。但是,这些漏洞都没有直接测试埃索西部的目标。此外,正在测试埃索矿化向西延伸的历史钻孔围栏与目标东部边缘向下倾角的解释相交,并在多个孔中与半块状硫化物相交,包括 E094B3 中的 7.2m @ 2.0% 铜和 5.2% 的锌。鉴于埃索是目前三个矿床中品位最高的,埃索西部的距离使其成为计划于2024年进行钻探测试的重点。

Figure 2: Esso West Target Plan View

图 2:埃索西部目标平面图视图

Figure 3: Esso West Target Morphology Isometric View*

图 3:Esso West 目标形态学等距视图*

Mother Target


Mother is a 7.5 km long, partially coincident ZTEM and VTEM target. A total of four historical drill holes have tested portions of the target and define a prospective geological environment for a potential VMS deposit(s). Two historical holes anchored on the western extents of the target intersected an interpreted felsic flow dome consisting of a combination of sericite altered quartz, quartz — feldspar and lapilli felsic tuffs, similar to the setting of the Main, Sumac, and Esso deposits. Silica exhalates with jasperoid development, and bands of magnetite and semi massive to massive sulphides occur between felsic units. These exhalates returned surface rock chip samples that ranged from 2.3% to greater than 10% Cu, 0.04% - 0.10% Zn, 15 g/t — 69 g/t Ag and 0.3 g/t — 6.2 g/t Au over widths of 2.5 to 5cm. Two drillholes located 2 km and 5 km to the east of these holes intersected more distal felsic tuffaceous volcanic rocks and mudstones. The 2 km target segment between the felsic dome and distal basin mudstones is a prime environment for hosting potential VMS-style mineralization. A preliminary ground-based geologic and sampling program is planned for 2024, prior to drill testing the target.

妈妈 是一个 7.5 千米长、部分重合的 ZTEM 和 VTEM 目标。共有四个历史钻孔测试了部分目标,并为潜在的VMS矿床定义了潜在的地质环境。停泊在目标西部的两个历史洞穴与一个解释过的长英质流穹顶相交,该圆顶由绢云母变石英、石英长石和青金石长石灰岩组成,类似于美因、苏马克和埃索矿床的背景。二氧化硅会随着碧玉的发育而呼出,在长石单元之间会出现磁铁矿和半块状至块状硫化物的带状。这些呼出物返回的表面岩屑样本在宽度为2.5至5厘米的范围内,铜含量介于2.3%至大于10%、锌0.04%-0.10%、15克/吨—69克/吨银和0.3克/吨—6.2克/吨金之间。两个钻孔位于这些洞以东 2 千米和 5 千米处,与更远端的长英质凝灰岩火山岩和泥岩相交。长英质圆顶和远端盆地泥岩之间的 2 公里目标段是潜在的 VMS 式矿化环境的最佳环境。在对目标进行钻探测试之前,计划在2024年进行初步的地质和采样计划。

Figure 4: Mother exploration target

图 4:妈妈探索目标

Looking ahead into 2024:


Kutcho Copper intends to showcase the Project's upside potential through:

Kutcho Copper打算通过以下方式展示该项目的上行潜力:

  • Advancing both near-resource and greenfields (3) exploration targets.
  • Evaluating and, if warranted, executing on a number of accretive and strategic opportunities.
  • Continuing to evaluate project opportunities identified in the Feasibility Study through detailed engineering and executing on, or incorporating, accretive opportunities.
  • Continuing to de-risk and advance the Project towards a production decision.
  • 推进近资源和绿地的发展 (3) 勘探目标。
  • 评估并在必要时执行许多增值和战略机会。
  • 通过详细的工程设计,继续评估可行性研究中确定的项目机会,并执行或纳入增值机会。
  • 继续降低风险,推动项目朝着生产决策迈进。

Qualified Persons


The technical or scientific information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Andrew Sharp, P.Eng BC (Lic. No. 47907), FAusIMM, Chief Operating Officer for Kutcho Copper, who serves as a qualified person under the definition of National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿中的技术或科学信息已由 P.Eng BC 的 Andrew Sharp(Lic.编号47907),FausimM,Kutcho Copper的首席运营官,根据国家仪器43-101的定义,他是合格人员。

About Kutcho Copper

关于 Kutcho Copper

Kutcho Copper Corp. is a Canadian resource development company focused on expanding and developing the Kutcho high grade copper-zinc project in northern British Columbia. Committed to social responsibility and the highest environmental standards, the Company recently completed a feasibility study on the Kutcho project and is advancing permitting with the objective of getting to a positive construction decision.

Kutcho Copper Corp. 是一家加拿大资源开发公司,专注于扩大和开发不列颠哥伦比亚省北部的Kutcho高品位铜锌项目。该公司致力于履行社会责任和最高的环境标准,最近完成了对Kutcho项目的可行性研究,并正在推进许可,目的是做出积极的施工决策。

Vince Sorace
President & CEO, Kutcho Copper Corp.

Kutcho Copper Coperp. 总裁兼首席执行官

For further information regarding Kutcho Copper Corp., please email or visit our website at .

有关 Kutcho Copper Corp. 的更多信息,请发送电子邮件至 或访问我们的网站,网址为。

Technical Disclosure


The material scientific and technical information in respect of the Kutcho Project in this news release is, unless otherwise indicated, based upon information contained in the technical report titled "NI 43-101 Feasibility Study Technical Report for the Kutcho Copper Project, British Columbia, Canada" dated effective November 8, 2021 and issued December 22, 2021 (the "FS" or "2021 Feasibility Study"). The 2021 Feasibility Study was prepared in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 — Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101"). NI 43-101 is a rule developed by the Canadian Securities Administrators that establishes standards for all public disclosure an issuer makes of scientific and technical information concerning mineral projects. These standards differ from the mining property disclosure rules specified in Subpart 1300 of Regulation S-K under the United States Securities Act of 1933 ("Subpart 1300") promulgated by the SEC. Accordingly, information concerning mineral deposits from the 2021 Feasibility Study set forth herein may not be comparable with information made public by companies that report in accordance with U.S. standards.

除非另有说明,否则本新闻稿中有关库特乔项目的重大科学和技术信息均基于2021年11月8日生效并于2021年12月22日发布的标题为 “加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省库乔铜业项目NI 43-101可行性研究技术报告” 的技术报告(“FS” 或 “2021年可行性研究”)中包含的信息。2021年可行性研究是根据国家仪器43-101——矿业项目披露标准(“NI 43-101”)编制的。NI 43-101是由加拿大证券管理局制定的一项规则,为发行人公开披露与矿业项目有关的科学和技术信息制定了标准。这些标准不同于美国证券交易委员会颁布的1933年《美国证券法》(“第1300分节”)第S-K条例第1300小节中规定的采矿财产披露规则。因此,此处提出的2021年可行性研究中有关矿床的信息可能无法与根据美国标准进行报告的公司公布的信息进行比较。

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements" with respect to the Company within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "advance", "de-risk", "execute", "incorporate", "accretive", "plans", "compelling", "believes", "intends", "potential", "value opportunities", "upside", variations of these words and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "may", "could", "should" or "would" occur. Although Kutcho Copper believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance, are subject to risks and uncertainties, and actual results or realities may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Such material risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, statements and information related to the Feasibility Study; the funding, timing and results of planned exploration programs; the ability of the Company to upgrade inferred mineral resources to higher categories and, subsequently, to mineral reserves; the outcome of potential optimizations and opportunities identified in the Feasibility Study and subsequently; the Company's ability to raise sufficient capital to fund its obligations under its property agreements going forward, to maintain its mineral tenures and concessions in good standing, to explore and develop the Kutcho project and for general working capital purposes; changes in economic conditions or financial markets; the inherent hazards associates with mineral exploration and mining operations, future prices of copper and other metals, changes in general economic conditions, accuracy of mineral resource and reserve estimates, the ability of the Company to obtain the necessary permits and consents required to explore, drill and develop the Kutcho project and if obtained, to obtain such permits and consents in a timely fashion relative to the Company's plans and business objectives for the projects, including the environmental assessment process; the ability of the Company to conclude agreements with First Nations; the general ability of the Company to monetize its mineral resources; and changes in environmental and other laws or regulations that could have an impact on the Company's operations, compliance with environmental laws and regulations, aboriginal title claims and rights to consultation and accommodation, dependence on key management personnel and general competition in the mining industry. Forward-looking statements are based on the reasonable beliefs, estimates and opinions of the Company's management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新闻稿包含某些陈述,根据适用的证券法,这些陈述可能被视为与公司有关的 “前瞻性陈述”。前瞻性陈述不是历史事实的陈述,通常以 “提前”、“降低风险”、“执行”、“纳入”、“增值”、“计划”、“令人信服”、“相信”、“打算”、“潜在”、“价值机会”、“上行空间” 等词语来识别,这些词语和类似表述的变体,或者事件或条件 “将”、“可能”、“可能”、“可能”、“应该” 或 “将” 发生。尽管Kutcho Copper认为此类前瞻性陈述中表达的预期是基于合理的假设,但此类陈述不能保证未来的表现,受风险和不确定性的影响,实际结果或现实可能与前瞻性陈述中的结果或现实存在重大差异。此类重大风险和不确定性包括但不限于与可行性研究相关的声明和信息;计划勘探计划的资金、时间和结果;公司将推断的矿产资源升级到更高类别并随后升级为矿产储量的能力;可行性研究及随后确定的潜在优化结果和机会;公司筹集足够资金为其未来财产协议下的义务提供资金以维持其未来财产协议义务的能力信誉良好的矿产期限和特许权,用于勘探和开发库特乔项目和用于一般营运资金的用途;经济状况或金融市场的变化;与矿产勘探和采矿业务相关的固有危险、铜和其他金属的未来价格、总体经济状况的变化、矿产资源和储量估算的准确性、公司获得勘探、钻探和开发库特乔项目所需的必要许可证和同意的能力,如果获得,获得此类许可证并及时同意公司的项目计划和业务目标,包括环境评估程序;公司与原住民签订协议的能力;公司利用其矿产资源获利的总体能力;可能影响公司运营、遵守环境法律法规、原住民产权主张以及咨询和住宿权、对主要管理人员的依赖的环境和其他法律或法规的变化以及采矿业的普遍竞争。前瞻性陈述基于公司管理层在陈述发表之日的合理信念、估计和观点。除非法律要求,否则公司没有义务在管理层的信念、估计或观点或其他因素发生变化时更新这些前瞻性陈述。

(1) Reference to nearby producing mines and projects is for information purposes only, and there are no assurances that the Kutcho Project will receive similar results or that it will become an operating mine.

(1) 提及附近的生产矿山和项目仅供参考,无法保证 Kutcho 项目将获得类似的结果,也无法保证它会成为运营中的矿山。

(2) Based on the 2021 Feasibility Study (FS) and incorporation of the amended Wheaton Precious Metals streaming arrangement. The FS is intended to be read as a whole and sections should not be read or relied upon out of context. The information in this news release is subject to the assumptions, exclusions and qualifications contained in the FS. See "Cautionary Note" at the end of this news release.

(2) 基于2021年可行性研究(FS)和经修订的惠顿贵金属流通安排的纳入。FS 旨在作为一个整体来理解,不应断章节阅读或依赖断章节。本新闻稿中的信息受财务报告中所载的假设、排除和限制条件的约束。请参阅本新闻稿末尾的 “警示说明”。

(3) The blue-sky greenfields and regional exploration potential are considered early-stage exploration projects which do not contain any mineral resources as defined by NI 43-101. There has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource for the targets disclosed. It is uncertain if further exploration will result in these targets being delineated as a mineral resource.

(3) 蓝天绿地和区域勘探潜力被视为早期勘探项目,不包含NI 43-101定义的任何矿产资源。勘探不足,无法为所披露的目标确定矿产资源。目前尚不确定进一步的勘探是否会导致这些目标被划定为矿产资源。

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