
Moffitt Cancer Center and Fulgent Pharma Join Forces to Revolutionize Cancer Therapeutics

Moffitt Cancer Center and Fulgent Pharma Join Forces to Revolutionize Cancer Therapeutics

Moffitt 癌症中心和 Fulgent Pharma 联手革新癌症疗法
Fulgent Genetics ·  05/14 00:00

Collaboration aims to accelerate the development of personalized therapies and transform patient care through the use of precision medicine


TAMPA, Fla. & LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--May 14, 2024-- Moffitt Cancer Center, a world-renowned cancer treatment and research center, and Fulgent Pharma, a subsidiary of Fulgent Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: FLGT) and a leading nanobiotechnology company specializing in innovative cancer therapeutics, announced today a strategic partnership aimed at advancing cancer treatment through clinical development and pre-clinical co-development initiatives. This collaboration combines Moffitt's cutting-edge clinical capabilities with Fulgent's groundbreaking nanotherapeutics and genomics platforms in an effort to accelerate the development of personalized cancer therapies. Under the agreement, Moffitt will provide Fulgent with priority access to its clinical expertise and resources, with the aim of expediting the advancement of Fulgent's clinical pipeline. This priority access at Moffitt includes prioritized clinical trial activation, enhanced patient screening, and data sharing designed to get investigational therapies to patients in need more quickly and efficiently.

佛罗里达州坦帕市和加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市——商业线——2024年5月14日——世界著名癌症治疗和研究中心Moffitt癌症中心和Fulgent Pharma宣布建立了战略合作伙伴关系,旨在通过临床开发和临床前共同发展倡议推进癌症治疗。该合作将Moffitt的先进临床体系与Fulgent的开创性纳米治疗和基因组学平台结合起来,以加速个性化癌症治疗的发展。根据协议,Moffitt将为Fulgent提供优先访问其临床专业知识和资源,旨在加速Fulgent的临床阶段的推进。这种优先访问权包括优先的临床试验激活、增强的患者筛选和数据共享,旨在更快、更有效地将研究性疗法推向需要的患者。

Fulgent Pharma, a leader in nanoencapsulation technology, has transformed paclitaxel, a chemotherapy drug known for its poor solubility, into a soluble counterpart suitable for intravenous injection called FID-007. In Phase 1 clinical studies conducted with FID-007 to date, substantial tumor reduction across various cancer types, including breast, head and neck, lung, bile duct, and pancreatic cancers, has been observed.

纳米封装技术领军者Fulgent Pharma 将一种因其溶解度差而闻名的化疗药物紫杉醇转化为可用于静脉注射的可溶反应物FID-007。迄今为止,在使用FID-007进行的一期临床研究中,观察到了各种类型的肿瘤,包括乳腺、头颈、肺、胆管和胰腺癌的显著肿瘤缩小。

Additionally, the partnership will focus on co-developing next-generation personalized treatment options for cancer. Moffitt will leverage its broad scientific and immunology expertise, access to tissue samples and nonclinical research resources, while Fulgent will contribute its novel and proprietary nano-particle-based drug development platform along with its broad spectrum genetic and genomic testing capabilities.


"Pooling our unique strengths, Moffitt and Fulgent will strive to create new precision oncology therapies customized to meet the specific needs of each patient, thereby improving future outcomes," said Fulgent Pharma President and CSO Ray Yin, Ph.D.

“汇聚我们各自独特的优势,Moffitt和Fulgent将致力于打造新的精密肿瘤治疗方案,以满足每一位患者的特定需求,从而改善未来的治疗效果,”Fulgent Pharma总裁兼首席科学官Ray Yin博士说。

"This partnership aligns with Moffitt's mission to contribute to the prevention and cure of cancer. We are looking forward to working with Fulgent to accelerate the translation of scientific discoveries into lifesaving treatments for our patients," said Moffitt President and CEO Patrick Hwu, M.D.

“这项合作符合Moffitt的使命,即为癌症的预防和治愈做出贡献。我们期待与Fulgent合作,加快科学发现转化为拯救生命的治疗方案,服务于我们的患者,”Moffitt总裁兼首席执行官Patrick Hwu博士说。

"We are excited to collaborate with Moffitt Cancer Center, a global cancer research and treatment leader," said Ming Hsieh, CEO of Fulgent Genetics. "By combining Moffitt's clinical and research expertise with Fulgent's innovative nanotherapeutic platform and growing patent portfolio, we believe we can make significant strides in advancing personalized cancer treatment options."


About Moffitt Cancer Center


Moffitt is dedicated to one lifesaving mission: to contribute to the prevention and cure of cancer. The Tampa-based facility is one of only 57 National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers, a distinction that recognizes Moffitt's scientific excellence, multidisciplinary research, and robust training and education. Moffitt's expert nursing staff is recognized by the American Nurses Credentialing Center with Magnet status, its highest distinction. For more information, call 1-888-MOFFITT (1-888-663-3488), visit, and follow the momentum on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

Moffitt是致力于贡献于预防和治愈癌症的世界级机构之一。这家位于坦帕的机构是57家国家癌症研究所指定的全面癌症中心之一,这一殊荣表明Moffitt在科学卓越、多学科研究和强大的培训和教育方面处于领先地位。Moffitt专业的护理人员获得了美国护士证书中心的磁力状态,这是其最高荣誉。欲了解更多信息,请致电1-888-MOFFITT(1-888-663-3488),访问国家癌症研究所指定的全面癌症中心,这一荣誉表明Moffitt在科学卓越、多学科研究和强大的培训和教育方面处于领先地位。,并关注业界动态。Facebook, 推特, Instagram和页面。YouTube.

About Fulgent Pharma

关于Fulgent Genetics:Fulgent是一家以技术为基础的公司,拥有良好的临床诊断业务和治疗研究业务。Fulgent的临床诊断业务提供分子诊断测试服务、全面的基因检测和高质量的解剖病理学实验室服务,旨在为医生和患者提供临床可行的诊断信息,以提高患者护理质量。Fulgent的治疗研究业务专注于开发治疗广泛癌症的药物候选者,采用一种新型的纳米包埋和靶向疗法平台,旨在改善新型和现有癌症药物的治疗窗口和药代动力学特征。该公司旨在从基因组学诊断业务转变为全面集成的精准医学公司。

Fulgent Pharma began as part of Fulgent LLC in Temple City, California, established in June 2011. As the company progressed into the sphere of precision medicine, it also started delving into clinical genetic and genomic testing - a natural complement. In 2016, Fulgent LLC split into two separate entities - Fulgent Pharma and Fulgent Genetics - in order to better pursue their independent objectives. In 2022, Fulgent Pharma was acquired by Fulgent Genetics to synergistically advance personalized cancer genomics and precision oncology therapeutics. Today, Fulgent Pharma is fully focused on perfecting drug candidates for treating a broad range of cancers. Its partners in this endeavor include the University of Southern California, Moffitt Cancer Center, and ANP Technologies. For more information visit

Fulgent Pharma成立于2011年6月的加利福尼亚州Temple City的Fulgent LLC的一部分。随着公司进入精准医学领域,也开始涉足临床基因和基因组测试——一种自然的补充。2016年,Fulgent LLC分成了两个独立的实体——Fulgent Pharma和页面。Fulgent Genetics,以更好地追求各自的目标。2022年,Fulgent Pharma被Fulgent Genetics收购,以协同推进个性化癌症基因组和精密肿瘤学治疗。今天,Fulgent Pharma完全专注于为治疗广泛的癌症研制药物。其合作伙伴包括南加州大学、Moffitt癌症中心和ANP Technologies。欲了解更多信息,请访问

Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Examples of forward-looking statements in this press release include statements about, among other things: future performance; Fulgent Pharma's research and development efforts, including any implications that the results of earlier clinical trials will be representative or consistent with later clinical trials, the expected timing of enrollment and regulatory filings for these trials and the availability of data or results of these trials, including any implication that interim or preliminary data will be representative of final results, the intended benefits of the collaboration, including whether the collaboration expedites development of any of Fulgent Pharma's product candidates. Forward-looking statements are statements other than historical facts and relate to future events or circumstances or Fulgent Pharma's future performance, and they are based on management's current assumptions, expectations, and beliefs concerning future developments and their potential effect on Fulgent Pharma's business. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties, which may cause the forward-looking events and circumstances described in this press release to not occur, and actual results to differ materially and adversely from those described in or implied by the forward-looking statements. These risks and uncertainties include, among others: the success of Fulgent Pharma's development efforts, including its ability to progress its candidates through clinical trials on the timelines expected; its compliance with the various evolving and complex laws and regulations applicable to its business and its industry; and its ability to protect its proprietary technology and intellectual property. As a result of these risks and uncertainties, forward-looking statements should not be relied on or viewed as predictions of future events.

该新闻稿包含根据1995年《私人证券诉讼改革法》中的前瞻性声明。本新闻稿中前瞻性声明的例子包括:未来表现;Fulgent Pharma的研发努力,包括较早临床试验结果将与后续的临床试验代表性或一致性有关的任何含义,这些试验的招募时间和监管文件的提供以及这些试验的数据或结果是否可用,其中包括任何前期或初步数据是否能够代表最终结果,合作的预期收益,包括合作是否加快任何Fulgent Pharma的产品候选阶段的发展。前瞻性声明是指除历史事实以外的声明,涉及未来事件或情况或Fulgent Pharma未来的业绩,并且是基于管理层对未来发展及其对Fulgent Pharma业务的潜在影响的当前假设、预期和信念构建的。这些前瞻性声明受到许多风险和不确定性的影响,可能导致本新闻稿中所述的前瞻性事件和情况未能发生,实际结果与前瞻性声明中所描述或暗示的结果不同,并且对前瞻性声明所描述或暗示的结果构成不利影响。这些风险和不确定性包括:Fulgent Pharma开发努力的成功,包括其能否按预期时间表推进候选人物品走上临床试验的进程;其业务和产业适用的各种不断发展和复杂的法律和法规的合规性;以及其保护其专有技术和知识产权的能力。由于这些风险和不确定性,不应将前瞻性声明作为对未来事件的预测。

The forward-looking statements made in this press release speak only as of the date of this press release, and Fulgent Pharma and Fulgent Genetics assume no obligation to update publicly any such forward-looking statements to reflect actual results or to changes in expectations, except as otherwise required by law.

本新闻稿中的前瞻性声明仅准确于本新闻稿发布之日,并且Fulgent Pharma和Fulgent Genetics不承担任何公开更新此类前瞻性声明以反映实际结果或预期变化的义务,除非依法另有规定。

Fulgent Genetics, Inc.'s reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or the SEC, including its annual report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the SEC on February 28, 2024, and the other reports it files from time to time, including subsequently filed annual, quarterly and current reports, are made available on the Fulgent Genetic's website upon their filing with the SEC. These reports contain more information about Fulgent Genetics and Fulgent Pharma, their business and the risks affecting their business.

Fulgent Genetics,Inc.向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交的报告,包括其于2023年12月31日结束的财政年度提交给SEC的10-K表格的年报,以及随后提交的年度、季度和现行报告,均在提交至SEC后在Fulgent Genetic's网站上提供。这些报告包含有关Fulgent Genetics和Fulgent Pharma及其业务以及影响其业务的风险的更多信息。

Patty Kim
Moffitt Cancer Center


Melanie Solomon
The Blueshirt Group

Melanie Solomon
The Blueshirt Group

Source: Fulgent Pharma

来源:fulgent genetics

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