
Cascadero Copper Announces Positive Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Taron Cesium Project in Argentina

Cascadero Copper Announces Positive Preliminary Economic Assessment on the Taron Cesium Project in Argentina

newsfile ·  05/15 17:11
  • Resource of 50,810 tonnes of contained Cesium
  • 23.85 Mt resource at a grade of 2,131ppm Cesium with significant potential to grow
  • 14+ year mine life
  • Strong NPV based on conservative pricing of Cesium Formate - 20% increase in prices can produce almost four times the NPV
  • NPV (10) (after-tax) of US$79M, with an IRR of 14% (after tax) and payback period less than five years of operations
  • Taron has the potential to be the world's foremost supplier of Cesium
  • 含铯以50810吨为主的矿产资源
  • 可持续增长的2131ppm铯共计23.85Mt矿藏资源
  • 14年以上的矿产资源寿命
  • 保守的Cesium Formate 定价已获得强劲NPV-20%的定价升幅可将NPV增加近四倍
  • 4.奈PV(10) 税后79M美元的NPV,税后IRR为14%,经营期不到五年
  • Taron有望成为世界领先的铯供应商

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 15, 2024) - Cascadero Copper Corporation (TSXV: CCD) ("Cascadero" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the successful completion of its Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") on its Taron Cesium Project ("Taron" or the "Project") located in Salta, Argentina. The PEA indicates that the drilled portion of the Taron property has a 23.85 Mt at a grade of 2,131 ppm Cesium. Using the Company's patented extraction process developed at the University of British Columbia and a Cesium Formate price of $50,000/t, the project has a 14+ years of mine life with a NPV(10) of US$79M, an IRR of 14% and a payback period of less than five years. The PEA was completed by Wardell Armstrong International ("WAI").

温哥华,不列颠哥伦比亚省-(Newsfile公司-2024年5月15日)-Cascadero铜公司(TSXV:ccd) ("Cascadero"或"公司Cascadero很高兴地宣布其Taron铯项目(“Taron”或“该项目”)位于阿根廷塞尔塔)完成了初步经济评估(“PEA”)。 PEA表明,Taron物业的钻探部分铯平均含量为2,131 ppm,共有23.85Mt钾资源。 该公司使用在不列颠哥伦比亚大学开发的专利提取工艺和50,000美元/吨的Cesium Formate价格,该项目的矿产资源具有14年以上的寿命,其NPV为(10)7900万美元,IRR为14%,回收期为不到五年。 PEA由Wardell Armstrong International(“WAI”)完成。

In recognition of the opaque nature of the Cesium market, WAI conducted a resource sensitivity assessment at varying Cesium prices. An increase in Cesium Formate price of only 20% increases the NPV by almost four times (4X).

鉴于铯市场的不透明性,WAI进行了资源敏感度评估,其变动的Cesium Formate价格加只需20%,即可将NPV增加近4倍(4X)。

The PEA assessed the development of the Taron Project mineral resource by open pit mining, using the Company's patented High-Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) process to produce a final solution containing Cesium hydroxide to which formic acid is added for the production of an 80% Cesium Formate brine.


Cascadero's Interim Chief Executive Officer and Interim President, Dr. George Gale, stated: "This Preliminary Economic Assessment supports our assertion that the Taron Cesium Project has the potential to be the next primary Cesium producing mine in the world. The results of the Base Case study show positive economics, a long mine life and modest upfront capital cost, all in a favourable mining and permitting jurisdiction."

Cascadero的代理首席执行官兼代理总裁George Gale博士表示:“这份初步经济评估支持我们的论点,即Taron铯项目有望成为世界上下一件主要的铯生产矿山。 基础案例研究的结果显示了积极的经济效益,长期的矿山生命和适宜的采矿和许可管辖权。

Gale continued: "The Taron Project contains a globally significant mineable resource that has the potential to be greatly expanded by further exploration because only the portions of mineralisation that crop out have be drilled to date. The deposit is a thick accumulation of poorly consolidated gravels and sands that were mineralized by late hot spring fluids, which flowed through the sediments and precipitated a cement of Cesium-bearing minerals on the rock particles. The potential to expand the resource outside the current resource area is very likely as Cesium-bearing material has been found some five km from the current resource. With Cesium on the critical minerals lists of the International Energy Agency as well as United States, Canada, South Korea and Japan, and the lack of any meaningful supply, worldwide, Cascadero's Taron Project has the potential to be the world's next globally valuable and viable mining operation."

盖尔继续说:“Taron项目包含一个全球性的可开采资源,由于只钻采出露的矿化部分,因此有望通过进一步勘探而大大扩展。 该沉积物是由晚期温泉流体通过沉积物流动并在岩石颗粒上沉淀含铯的矿物质混合物而矿化的粗粒状矿石。 因为已经在当前资源以外的五公里处发现含铯物质,所以扩展资源的潜力非常大。Taron Project的Cesium在国际能源署以及美国,加拿大,韩国和日本的关键矿物质名单上,并且全球缺乏任何实质性供应,因此Cascadero的Taron项目具有成为世界下一个有价值和可行的矿业运营的潜力。

Report will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days of this announcement.


Wardell Armstrong International (WAI) was retained by Cascadero to complete the PEA for the Taron Cesium Project located in the province of Salta, Argentina, and to prepare an independent Technical Report in accordance with the requirements of Canadian National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) "Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects" of the Canadian Securities Administrators. The prime purpose of the PEA is to evaluate the economic viability of the Project and to establish an economic concept to justify further expenditure on this Project. In addition, the report supports public disclosure of a PEA that is based on the Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) dated 31 January 2024, as prepared by WAI. The NI 43-101 PEA Technical Report will be filed on SEDAR within 45 days of this announcement.

Cascadero聘请Wardell Armstrong International(WAI)为其完成Taron铯项目初步经济评估(PEA),该项目位于阿根廷塞尔塔省,并根据加拿大43-101《矿产项目披露标准》(NI 43-101)要求准备独立技术报告。 PEA的主要目的是评估项目的经济可行性,以及建立经济概念,以证明进一步在此项目上的支出是有必要的。 另外,该报告支持公开披露基于2024年1月31日WAI编制的矿产资源评估(MRE)的PEA。 NI 43-101 PEA技术报告将在此公告之后的45天内提交SEDAR。

Cesium Market Summary


Cesium is primarily used in Formate brines to assist in the drilling of high temperature and pressure oil and gas production wells. Other applications include the production of Cesium compounds such as Cesium bromide for use in infrared detectors, optics, photoelectric cells, scintillation counters and spectrometers.


The Tanco Mine in Manitoba, Canada is the world's only currently viable Cesium mine, retaining approximately 116,400 tonnes of primary Cesium resources. In 2013 however, instability of the mine's crown pillar forced its closure and it is unclear if mining operations have since been able to restart. In 2019, Tanco was purchased by Sinomine, a Chinese company that now claims to be the world's only manufacturer and supplier of Cesium Formate with a market share nearing 100%. Sinomine also owns the world's only other Cesium mine, namely the Bikita Mine in Zimbabwe, however its Cesium resources are thought to now be depleted. Sinomine also underwrote the Cesium supply output from the Sinclair Mine in Australia, however Sinclair completed its mining and transportation of all economically viable ore in early 2019.


As of the end of 2021, Sinomine global reserve of Cesium Formate was stated as 25,764bbl (≈10,000 tonnes), containing ~5,849 tonnes of Cesium metal equivalent. Based on modest assumptions for the Cesium price, the PEA indicates, the current resource at Taron is in the region of 40,000 tonnes of Cesium Formate brine (at 80% concentration) with 27,000 tonnes of contained metal.


As there are no confirmed active mining operations that can serve as a primary source for Cesium metal products, there is a high potential for mid- to long-term supply issues to exist, particularly when considering anticipated future market demand increases.


Preliminary Economic Assessment Summary


WAI recommends Cesium Formate brine be the assumed saleable product for the Taron PEA for the following reasons:

WAI建议铯甲酸盐为Taron PEA可售产品的假设理由如下:

  • Cesium Formate is the largest and most sustainable market for Cesium products;
  • No confirmed active mining operations potentially creating long-term supply issues; and
  • Tangible reasoning for anticipating an increase in product demand.
  • 铯甲酸盐是铯产品的最大、最可持续的市场;
  • 不存在可能导致中长期供应问题的已确认活动采矿;以及
  • 对预期产品需求增长的有形论据。

The Taron Property consists of five (5) Contiguous Mineral Tenures, approximating 8,179 hectares (83 Units) in area. The Tenures are registered to Cascadero Minerals S.A., which is 100% owned by Cascadero Minerals Corporation, a Canadian Company, which is 70% owned by Cascadero Copper Corporation and 30 % owned by Regberg Ltd (RB). CMC operates as a 70% CCD and 30% RB joint venture.

Taron财产由五个相邻的矿业承包权组成,大约占地8,179公顷(83个单位)。矿业承包权登记在Cascadero Minerals S.A.名下,该公司为加拿大公司Cascadero Minerals Corporation的全资子公司,后者由Cascadero Copper Corporation持股70%,Regberg Ltd持股30%。CMC作为一项70% CCD和30% RB的合资企业运营。

A summary of the life of mine discounted cash flow analysis is presented in Table 1. Utilizing a Cesium Formate price of US$50,000/t and a 10% discount rate, the NPV is US$79M, with an IRR of 14%. The Project payback period is estimated to be less than five years of operations.


Table 1: Summary of LOM Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
Parameter Unit Value
Ore Mined t 23,324,857
Waste Mined t 11,805,737
Processed Tonnes t 22,158,614
Processed Cs Grade % 0.21
Cs Recovered t 41,051
Net Revenue US$M 3,332
Total Operating Cost US$M (2,027)
Depreciation & Amortisation US$M 596
Tax US$M (281)
Net Income US$M 428
Depreciation & Amortisation (added back) US$M 596
LOM Capital Expenditure US$M (596)
Operating (post-tax) Free Cash Flow US$M 428
NPV5 US$M 215
NPV8 US$M 126
NPV10 US$M 79
IRR % 14
Payback Period Years 5
表1: 综述LOM贴现现金流分析
参数 单位 数值
开采矿石 t 23,324,857
垃圾开采 t 11,805,737
加工吨位 t 22,158,614
已处理的Cs等级 % 0.21
已恢复的Cs等级 t 41,051
净收入 美元百万 3,332
总运营成本 美元百万 (2,027)
EBITDA 美元百万 1,305
折旧和摊销 美元百万 596
息税前利润 美元百万 708
税费 美元百万 (281)
净利润 美元百万 428
折旧和摊销费用(被加回来) 美元百万 596
寿命周期资本支出 美元百万 (596)
营业税后自由现金流 美元百万 428
净现值5 美元百万 215
净现值8 美元百万 126
净现值10 美元百万 79
内部收益率 % 14
回收期 5

*Numbers may not add precisely due to rounding


Capital and Operating Costs


The capital and operating cost estimate summaries for the Taron Project are presented in Table 2 and 3, respectively. By using a contract miner, mining capital costs are minimised, but at the expense of higher mining operating costs.


Closure costs were incorporated into the operating costs for pit optimisation purposes (at US$1.0 per processed ore tonne) for the appropriate consideration of mine closure obligations, however the overall closure cost has been allocated as a capital cost for the Project financial evaluation and is accrued at the end of the mine life. No allowance for salvage has been included in the closure cost assumptions.


Table 2: Project Capital Costs
Item Unit Cost
Mining Capital US$M 1.98
Process Capital (HPAL) US$M 427.5
Gas Pipeline US$M 5.26
Power Generation US$M 21.62
Roads US$M 1.47
Water Supply US$M 2.35
TMF US$M 11.59
Site Buildings US$M 6.36
Closure US$M 22.16
Sustaining Capital US$M 96.39
Total US$M 596.28
项目 单位 成本
矿业资本 美元 1.98
高压酸浸法冶金流程 美元 427.5
燃料币管道 美元 5.26
发电 美元 21.62
道路 美元 1.47
供水 美元 2.35
信托基金 美元 11.59
场地建筑物 美元百万美元 6.36
封闭 美元百万美元 22.16
维持资本 美元百万美元 96.39
总费用 矿山 596.28
Table 3: Project Operational Costs
Item Unit Cost (US$/t ore) Total LOM Cost (US$M)
Mining (inc. re-handle) 4.0 134.0
Processing 84.1 1,863.5
Tailings Management 0.3 7.3
G&A 1.0 22.16
Total 91.5 2,027.0
项目 单位成本(美元/吨矿石) 总生命周期成本(美元M)
矿业(含重复处理) 4.0 134.0
加工 84.1 1,863.5
尾矿管理 0.3 7.3
G&A 1.0 22.16
总费用 91.5 2,027.0

Note: Mining unit costs are based on per tonne ore mined, whereas all other costs consider per tonne ore processed (i.e less mining losses)


Average LOM Operating Cost = Total LOM Operating Costs/Total LOM Ore Tonnes Processed


Economic Analysis


The economic analysis uses a Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) approach, based on a post-tax, unleveraged, real-terms basis, to determine the Net Present Value (NPV), payback period (time in years to recapture the initial capital investment), and the internal rate of return (IRR) for the Project. Annual cash flow projections were estimated over the life of the mine based on the estimates of capital expenditures, production cost, and sales revenue. The analysis has been conducted in real terms with no consideration given to inflation or escalation of costs or prices over the life of the Project.


The long-term Cesium Formate brine price used in the economic analysis has been evaluated by WAI, based preliminary market analysis suitable for a PEA level of study, and agreed with the Company at US$50,000/t (no escalation), in real terms, over the life of the mine. A payability rate of 97% has been applied, to reflect 3% royalty payments. No price inflation or escalation factors were taken into account.


The economic analysis is prepared on a 100% equity project basis and does not consider financing scenarios. A 10% real discount rate has been used in the analysis. The economic model is based on the following assumptions and exemptions:


  • Average throughput rate of 1.75Mtpa open pit operation extracting mineralised material from which Cesium Formate brines can be produced;
  • Cesium Formate brine price is based on consensus equity research long-term commodity price projections and cost estimates in United States dollars (US$);
  • Capital costs (CAPEX) and Operating costs (OPEX) have been estimated at a Preliminary Economic Assessment level of confidence (±40%);
  • The contingency costs have been excluded from the CAPEX schedule; and
  • All cost estimates have been calculated in 2024 money terms and, as such, the life of mine operating cost forecasts do not account for inflation.
  • 1.75Mtpa的平均吞吐量的露天开采作业,从中提取可生产碳酸铯卤水的矿化物;
  • 碳酸铯卤水的价格基于共识的股本研究的长期商品价格预测和美元(美元)的成本估算;
  • 资本成本(CAPEX)和运营成本(OPEX)已在初步经济评估水平上估算(±40%);
  • CAPEX时间表中已排除风险计价成本;
  • 所有成本估计均以2024年的资金计算,并且因此矿山寿命运营成本预测不考虑通货膨胀。

The total capital cost estimate for the Taron Project is estimated at US$596.3M, of which the process plant equates to US$427.5M. The initial capital cost is US$477.7M with the remaining allocated to sustaining capital (US$96.4M) and closure costs ($US22.2M). By using a contract miner, mining capital costs are minimised – at the expense of higher mining operating costs.

Taron项目的总资本成本预计达到596.3M美元,其中工艺设备占427.5M美元。初始资本支出为477.7M美元,其余分配给持续资本(96.4M美元)和结束费用(22.2M美元)。通过使用承包矿商,可以使采矿资本成本最小化 - 以高采矿运营成本为代价。

The Project operating cost includes US$4.0/t for mining, US$84.1/t processing, US$0.3/t tailings management, and US$1.0/t for G&A. This equates to a total LOM operating cost of US$2,027.0M, or an average LOM operating cost of US$91.5/t ore processed.


The resultant DCF analysis, at a discount rate of 10%, has presented a positive NPV of US$79M, with an IRR of 14%. The Project payback period is estimated to be in the fifth year of operations.


Sensitivity analysis flexing the Project NPV shows that the Project is most sensitive to commodity price (and consequently grade). The Project NPV shows lesser sensitivity to operating expenditure, followed by capital expenditure and discount rate.


At a 10% discount rate, the NPV is US$79M, with an IRR of 14%. The Project payback period is estimated to be in the fifth year of operations. A summary of the key Project economics is presented in Table 4 below.


Table 4: Summary of LOM Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
Parameter Unit Value
NPV10 US$M 79
IRR % 14
Payback Period Years 5
参数 单位 数值
净现值10 美元 79
内部收益率 % 14
回收期(年) 5

A sensitivity analysis respective to variations in the Cesium Formate brine price, operating costs, capital costs, and discount rate, was conducted to examine the sensitivity of the Model to changing economic conditions. As can be seen in Figure 1, the Project is most sensitive to Cesium pricing, less sensitive to operational and capital costing, and least sensitive to discount rate.




Mining will be from an open pit operation utilising traditional drilling, blasting, loading and hauling techniques, although it is currently thought that a proportion of the mined material will be free-digging. The PEA assumed employment of a mining contractor, which will reduce capital costs and accommodate fluctuations in annual material movement quantities. Ore material from the Taron pit will be hauled approximately 3km (ex-pit) directly to the run of mine (ROM) pad adjacent to the process plant. Waste rock will be hauled to a waste rock storage facility (WRSF) approximately 2km north of the pit exit. Mining rates peak at 1.75Mtpa and continue over a period of 14 years. As the deposit outcrops at surface, no pre-stripping phase is required with the first four years of mining producing minimal amounts of waste rock. Figure 2 below illustrates the Annual tonnes of Ore mined with average Cesium grade.


Recovery Methods


To define the most economically viable recovery method for use in the PEA, trade-off studies were completed concerning the two processing routes under consideration for the Taron deposit1, namely:


  • Atmospheric Leaching; and
  • High-Pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL).
  • 常压浸出;和
  • 高压酸浸(HPAL)

Although the atmospheric leaching option demanded significantly less capital investment whilst offering improved process recoveries, high acid consumption rates resulted in unsustainable operational costs – thus significantly impacting the minable resource potential.


The comparatively lower acid and limestone consumption offered by HPAL more than compensates for the additional Project CAPEX demands and lower process recoveries. Consequently, and based on available test work data, the HPAL option was selected as the process method for the PEA works.


For initial design purposes, the ROM grade of 0.2144% Cs is assumed and processed at a rate of 1.75Mtpa for a LOM of 14 years. Assuming 350 operating days for a plant availability of 95.9%, a throughput of 5,000tpd (208tph) is required. A conceptual process flowsheet considering the HPAL method is described as follows.


  • ROM ore will be delivered to a feed bin and conveyed to a rotary breaker. Coarse gangue material will be rejected as waste with undersize conveyed to a ball mill. The ball mill will operate in closed circuit with cyclone overflow from hydrocyclone classifiers feeding the autoclave circuit. Two autoclave circuits will operate in parallel to provide operational redundancy. After leaching, the resulting solution containing the dissolved Cesium and other impurity elements reports to the downstream Cesium extraction plant. Aluminium sulphate is added to the leach solution followed by cooling to promote rapid formation of the impure Cesium alum crystals. After recovery by filtration, the crystals are re-dissolved and subsequently cooled once again to form pure Cesium alum crystals, before a final stage of dissolution for treatment with barium hydroxide in two stages.
  • The first stage removes aluminium as aluminium hydroxide and some barium sulphate. The second stage then removes the balance of the sulphate as barium sulphate.
  • The final solution contains Cesium hydroxide to which formic acid is added for the production of an 80% Cesium Formate brine for direct sale to market.
  • ROM矿石将被输送到进料仓,然后传送到旋转式破碎机。粗矸石材料将作为废料被排除,细粒大小的矿石将被输送到球磨机。球磨机将在与水力旋流分级器的溢流闭路下运行,送到高压反应釜电路。两个反应釜电路将并行运行,提供运营的冗余。浸出后,含有溶解铯和其他杂质元素的溶液报告给下游的铯萃取工厂。向浸出溶液中加入硫酸铝,然后冷却以促进杂质铝石晶体的快速形成。经过过滤回收,晶体会重新溶解,然后再次冷却以形成纯净的铯石晶体,最后在两个阶段中处理,以与氢氧化钡处理。
  • 第一阶段将铝作为铝氢氧化物去除,同时也去除了一些硫酸钡。第二阶段然后去除了硫酸盐的平衡部分,作为硫酸钡。
  • 最终溶液含有铯氢氧化物,向其中加入甲酸制成80% Cs甲酸盐卤水,直接销售到市场。

Market Studies and Sensitivity Analysis


Cesium is primarily used in Formate brines to assist in the drilling of high temperature and pressure oil and gas production wells. As such, WAI have conducted the study on the assumption that Cesium Formate brine will be the primary saleable product for the Taron Project.


Based on a PEA level market assessment and using the information available, WAI derived a long-term Cesium Formate brine cost of US$50,000 per tonne (at 80% concentration). However, due to Cesium not being readily traded in commercial quantities and the market for Cesium products being notoriously opaque in nature, little publicly available data on supply/demand and pricing is available to reliably verify the price assumptions used. This being said, WAI regard the price derivation to be a suitable estimation at this stage of Project development.


In recognition of the of the opaque nature of the Cesium market, WAI conducted a resource sensitivity assessment at varying Cesium prices. The results are summarised by the graph below, with the US$50,000 per tonne PEA scenario highlighted in red. It can be seen in Figure 3 that there is a distinct sensitivity on Cesium Formate pricing an increase of 20% in Cesium pricing will improve NPV four fold.


Environmental and Social


The necessary and preliminary environmental and social baseline study has been completed and submitted to the Commercial Mines Court of Registry of the Ministry of Mining. The environmental permit allowing surface exploration in the Project area requires the Biannual Renewal of the Environmental Impact Report (BREIR). The Project is currently licensed under the December 2022 decision, however the baseline data for the 2022 BREIR is now considered to be outdated and therefore requires addressing.

项目进行必要的和初步的环境和社会基线研究,并将其提交给采矿商业法院的注册部。项目区域内的环境许可证允许进行地表勘探,需要环境影响报告的半年更新(BREIR)。目前,项目已获得2022年12月的许可证,但是2022 BREIR的基线数据现在被视为过时并且需要更新。

The Project is in an area of very low population density with no permanent dwellings or farmsteads located on the concession area, the nearest settlement being 30km to the northwest at Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes (population of 150). Grazing animals (sheep and llama) do occasionally pass through the licence area, possibly taking advantage of the small streams flowing broadly southeast – northwest.

该项目位于人口密度极低的地区,许可区域内没有永久定居点或农场。最近的定居点位于西北30公里处的Santa Rosa de los Pastos Grandes(人口150)。放牧动物(羊和羊驼)偶尔经过执照区域,可能利用流向东南 - 西北的小溪流。

Additional baseline studies will need to take place in order to collect information on the complete environmental and social setting of the Project. Particular attention should be given to a consistent flora and fauna baseline, along with hydrology and soil characterisation. This will allow modification of Project components and potential avoidance of significant impacts.


Notwithstanding any shortcomings highlighted, and the requirement to instigate baseline and other studies, at this stage of work the Project does not appear to present any significant challenges to development and securing the necessary permits to do so.


Mineral Resource Estimate


Geological modelling, block modelling, and grade estimation for the Taron deposit has been carried out by GeoSim Services Inc. The work completed by GeoSim was done in preparation for the 2017 NI 43-101 Technical Report for the Taron deposit however this was considered a Mineral Inventory as reasonable prospects of eventual economic extraction (RPEEE) could not be declared at the time. WAI has reviewed all work completed by GeoSim and prepared the block model for optimisation and the application of current RPEEE factors for reporting Mineral Resources in accordance with the guidelines of the JORC Code (2012).

GeoSim Services Inc.完成了Taron矿床的地质建模,块体建模和品位估算。GeoSim完成的工作是为2017年Taron矿床的NI 43-101技术报告做准备,但在当时被认为只是一种矿产清单,因为无法宣布最终的经济开采前景(RPEEE)。WAI已审核了GeoSim完成的所有工作,并为优化的块体模型和以JROC 代码(2012)准则为基础报告矿产资源,根据当前的RPEEE因素进行了应用。

The resultant estimated grades were validated against the input composite data. Resource classification was undertaken in accordance with the guidelines of the JORC Code (2012) and was based on an assessment of geological and grade continuity, an assessment of assay quality, and an assessment of available bulk density data. Mineral Resources were further limited based on an expectation of eventual economic extraction to an optimised open pit shell generated using appropriate economic and technical parameters. Mineral Resources were reported to an economic cut-off grade of 1,239ppm Cs as calculated from optimisation parameters and summarised in Table 5 below.

根据输入复合数据验证了所得出的估计品位。资源分类依据JROC准则(2012)进行评估,基于对地质和品位连续性的评估,对化验品质量的评估和可用体积密度数据的评估。根据预期经济开采的期望进一步限制了矿物资源,以一个由适当的经济和技术参数生成的优化开采皮壳为基础。根据优化参数计算的经济切割品位为每吨1,239ppm Cs,并在下表中总结。

Table 5: Mineral Resource Estimate, Taron Project, Argentina (31 January 2024) in accordance with the Guidelines of the JORC Code (2012)
Category Tonnes
Grade Contained Cesium
Cs (ppm) Cs (Kt)
Measured - - -
Indicated - - -
Inferred 23.85 2,131 50.81
品位 包含的铯
Cs(ppm) Cs(Kt)
测量 - - -
指示资源 - - -
详见2024年4月3日新闻稿 23.85 2,131 50.81

Technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. George H Gale, PEng and Tony Cau, BSc Eng for Cascadero, both of whom are considered to be qualified persons under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿的技术信息已由加拿大国家43-101号仪器下的被认为是合格人员的George H Gale博士和Tony Cau BSc Eng审核并批准。

Notes on Mineral Resources Estimate


  1. Mineral Resources are not Mineral Reserves and have not demonstrated economic viability. Additional drilling will be required to convert Inferred Mineral Resources to indicated Mineral Resources or Mineral Reserves. There is no certainty that any part of a Mineral Resource will ever be converted into Mineral Reserves.
  2. The effective date of the Mineral Resource Estimateis 31 January 2024.
  3. All figures are rounded to reflect the relative accuracy of the estimate, and apparent errors may occur due to rounding.
  4. Mineral Resources reported from optimisation at SMU 10m x 10m x 10m.
  5. Mineral Resources are limited to an optimised open pit shell based on appropriate economic and mining parameters.
  6. Cesium prices during optimisation were US$50,000/t for a Cesium Formate brine product at 80% concentration.
  7. Mineral Resources have been classified in accordance with the guidelines of the JORC Code (2012) by Ché Osmond, an independent Competent Person as defined by JORC.
  8. The Mineral Resource estimate has not been affected by any known environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing or any other relevant issues.
  9. Mineral Resources are reported to a cut-off grade of 1,239 ppm Cs for potential open pit mining operations. Cut-off grades are economic cut-off grades based in optimisation parameters provided by Cascadero and assumptions made by WAI.
  1. 矿物资源并非矿物储备,并且尚未证明其经济可行性。还需要进一步的钻探才能将推测矿物资源转化为指示矿物资源或矿物储备。矿物资源的任何部分都不可能转化为矿物储备,其存在也没有任何保证。
  2. 矿物资源估计的有效日期为2024年1月31日。
  3. 所有数字都已四舍五入,以反映估计的相对精度,由于四舍五入可能产生明显的误差。
  4. 从SMU 10m x 10m x 10m的优化报告的矿物资源。
  5. 矿物资源限定于基于适当的经济和采矿参数优化的露天矿船。
  6. 优化期间铯的价格为每吨5万美元,浓度为80%的铯甲酸盐产品。
  7. 矿物资源已按照JORC Code(2012年)的指南,由具备JORC定义下独立的胜任人Che Osmond分类。
  8. 矿物资源评估未受到任何已知的环境、许可、法律、产权、税收、社会政治、市场营销或其他相关问题的影响。
  9. 矿物资源报告的潜在露天矿采矿作业的截止品位为每吨1239ppm Cs。截止品位是基于Cascadero提供的优化参数和WAI的假设的经济截止品位。

Technical information in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. George H Gale, PEng and Tony Cau, BSc Eng for Cascadero, both of whom are considered to be qualified persons under Canadian National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿的技术信息已由加拿大国家43-101号仪器下的被认为是合格人员的George H Gale博士和Tony Cau BSc Eng审核并批准。

About Cascadero Copper Corporation

关于Cascadero Copper Corporation

Cascadero Copper Corporation is focused on the exploration and development of its copper, gold and Cesium properties located in Salta, Argentina. In addition to the Taron Cesium Project, the Company has a joint venture with Golden Minerals on its Sarita Este license where Golden Minerals has drilled out a small gold discovery. Cascadero also has significant landholdings adjacent to First Quantum Minerals' Taca Taca copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry deposit. The Company also holds a number of other exploration properties that can be viewed on .

Cascadero Copper Corporation专注于阿根廷萨尔塔的铜、金和铯矿物资源的勘探和开发。除了Taron Cesium Project外,该公司还与Golden Minerals在其Sarita Este许可证上拥有一项合资项目,Golden Minerals在其中钻探出一处小型金矿。 Cascadero还拥有相邻于First Quantum Minerals Taca Taca铜金钼斑岩矿床的大量土地。该公司还拥有其他多个勘探物业,可在上查看。

All material information on the Company may be found on its website at and on SEDAR at .


For further information, please contact:


Dr. George Gale

George Gale 博士

Interim CEO


Email: or


Cautionary Note: The preliminary economic assessment is preliminary in nature and includes inferred mineral resources that are considered too speculative geologically to have the economic considerations applied to them to enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves and there is no certainty that the preliminary economic assessment will be realized. Mineral resources that are not mineral reserves do not have a demonstrated economic viability.


This press release contains certain forward-looking information or forward-looking statements as defined in applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts and are subject to several risks and uncertainties beyond the Company's control, including statements regarding the economic and operational potential of the Taron Cesium Project, potential acquisitions, plans to complete exploration programs, potential mineralization, exploration results and statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations, or intentions of the Company. Resource exploration and development is highly speculative, characterized by several significant risks, which even a combination of careful evaluation, experience and knowledge may not eliminate. All forward-looking statements herein are qualified by this cautionary statement. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information or future events or otherwise, except as may be required by law.

本新闻稿包含某些前瞻性信息或前瞻性声明,如适用证券法所定义。前瞻性声明不是历史事实,并且受到该公司无法控制的多种风险和不确定性的影响,包括关于Taron Cesium Project的经济和运营潜力、潜在收购、完成勘探计划的计划、潜在矿化、勘探成果以及关于该公司信仰、计划、期望或意图的陈述。矿产资源勘探和开发具有高度投机性,具有数个重大风险,即使进行仔细评估、具备经验和知识也可能无法消除。此处的所有前瞻性声明均受到此警告声明的限制。因此,读者不应过度依赖前瞻性声明。除非根据法律规定需要,否则公司不承担公开更新或以其他方式修订任何前瞻性声明的义务,无论是由于新信息还是未来事件还是其他原因。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.

TSX Venture Exchange或其监管服务提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中定义的那样)不承担此新闻发布的充分性或准确性责任。

1 The same downstream processing circuit was considered for both options.


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