
NetSecurity's ThreatResponder Achieves Near-Perfect Performance in Independent Testing, Stopping 98% of Attacks

NetSecurity's ThreatResponder Achieves Near-Perfect Performance in Independent Testing, Stopping 98% of Attacks

NetSecurity 的 ThreatResponder 在独立测试中实现了近乎完美的性能,阻止了 98% 的攻击
PR Newswire ·  05/17 08:31

Advanced Cyber Resilient Endpoint Platform Delivers Superior Protection Against Evolving Business Threats


RESTON, Va., May 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- NetSecurity Corporation, a leader in endpoint security solutions, today announced impressive results from independent testing of its ThreatResponder platform. Conducted by AV-Comparatives, a recognized third-party anti-virus and security software testing firm, the evaluation revealed ThreatResponder's ability to detect and neutralize a staggering 98% malware protection rate in the Business Malware Protection Test.

弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿,2024年5月17日 /PRNewswire/ — 终端安全解决方案领域的领导者NetSecurity Corporation今天宣布了其ThreatResponder平台独立测试的令人印象深刻的结果。该评估由公认的第三方防病毒和安全软件测试公司AV-Comparatives进行,显示ThreatResponder有能力检测和消除惊人的漏洞 该地区的恶意软件保护率为98% 商业恶意软件保护测试。

ThreatResponder Platform Diagram
ThreatResponder 平台图

"In today's escalating threat landscape, choosing the right endpoint security solution is critical," says Inno Eroraha, Founder and CEO of NetSecurity. "Wrong choices can leave businesses vulnerable to devastating attacks. These independent test results from AV-Comparatives provide objective validation of ThreatResponder's effectiveness."

NetSecurity创始人兼首席执行官Inno Eroraha表示:“在当今不断升级的威胁格局中,选择正确的端点安全解决方案至关重要。“错误的选择可能使企业容易受到毁灭性的攻击。这些来自AV-Comparatives的独立测试结果为ThreatResponder的有效性提供了客观的验证。”

ThreatResponder's near-perfect performance underscores its robust capabilities. The platform utilizes a multi-layered approach, combining machine learning, threat intelligence, behavior-based analysis, and custom rules to identify and stop even the most sophisticated attacks that traditional security solutions may miss.

ThreatResponder 近乎完美的性能凸显了其强大的能力。该平台采用多层方法,将机器学习、威胁情报、基于行为的分析和自定义规则相结合,以识别和阻止传统安全解决方案可能遗漏的最复杂的攻击。

"The AV-Comparatives Cybersecurity Enterprise Test Series is designed to simulate a complex threat environment that enterprises face daily. Our analysis of NetSecurity's ThreatResponder platform focused on the solution's effectiveness, performance impact, and the accuracy of its threat-identification algorithms. Our commitment to unbiased testing ensures that organizations have access to reliable, meticulously researched information that supports them in making informed security decisions in a landscape where the right defense can be pivotal," says Andreas Clementi, Founder and CEO of AV-Comparatives.

“AV-Comparatives 网络安全企业测试系列旨在模拟企业每天面临的复杂威胁环境。我们对NetSecurity的ThreatResponder平台的分析侧重于该解决方案的有效性、性能影响及其威胁识别算法的准确性。AV-Comparatives创始人兼首席执行官安德烈亚斯·克莱门蒂说,我们对公正测试的承诺确保组织能够获得可靠、经过仔细研究的信息,以支持他们在正确的防御措施可能至关重要的环境中做出明智的安全决策。

NetSecurity recognizes the importance of independent testing in building customer trust. By collaborating with AV-Comparatives, a trusted industry leader, NetSecurity empowers potential buyers to make informed decisions based on objective and verifiable data.

NetSecurity 认识到独立测试对建立客户信任的重要性。通过与值得信赖的行业领导者AV-Comparatives合作,NetSecurity使潜在买家能够根据客观和可验证的数据做出明智的决策。

ThreatResponder is an all-in-one cloud-native and AI-powered cyber resilient endpoint innovation built with capabilities including threat detection, prevention, response, analytics, hunting, intelligence, forensics, identity threat detection and response, vulnerability detection, and insider threat monitoring. With only a lightweight agent and one single pane of glass, you can predict, neutralize, and forensically-investigate suspicious activities in your enterprise, endpoints, cloud workloads, and data.

威胁响应者 是一项多合一的云原生和人工智能驱动的网络弹性终端创新,其功能包括威胁检测、预防、响应、分析、狩猎、情报、取证、身份威胁检测和响应、漏洞检测和内部威胁监控。只需一个轻量级代理和一个单一控制面板,您就可以预测、消除和取证调查企业、终端、云工作负载和数据中的可疑活动。

AV-Comparatives results:

AV 比较结果:

About NetSecurity:
NetSecurity is a cybersecurity and computer forensics products and services company that helps organizations protect their information assets. NetSecurity is a privately held company headquartered at 12001 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 400, Reston, Virginia 20191. NetSecurity has a GSA MAS Contract (# GS-35F-0288Y) and GSA 8(a) STARS III Contract (#47QTCB21D0434). NetSecurity can be reached at [email protected] or via telephone at +1 (703) 444-9009.

关于 NetSecurity:
NetSecurity 是一家网络安全和计算机取证产品和服务公司,帮助组织保护其信息资产。NetSecurity是一家私营公司,总部位于弗吉尼亚州雷斯顿市日出谷大道12001号,400套房,20191。NetSecurity 有一份 GSA MAS 合约 (# GS-35F-0288Y) 和 GSA 8 (a) STARS III 合约 (#47QTCB21D0434)。可以拨打 [email protected] 或拨打 +1 (703) 444-9009 与 NetSecurity 联系。

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开始免费试用 ThreatResponder 立即或预约功能演示:

2024 NetSecurity Corporation. All rights reserved. The NetSecurity name and logo, the ThreatResponder name and logo are marks owned by NetSecurity Corporation.

2024 网络安全公司。版权所有。网络安全 名称和徽标,ThreatResponder 名称和徽标是网络安全公司拥有的商标。

Media Contact:
Inno Eroraha
[email protected]

Inno Eroraha

SOURCE NetSecurity Corporation

来源 NetSecurity 公司

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