
McLaren Update for the Augdome Property Located Adjacent to the Dome Mine, Timmins, Ontario

McLaren Update for the Augdome Property Located Adjacent to the Dome Mine, Timmins, Ontario

迈凯轮更新了位于安大略省蒂明斯圆顶矿附近的 Augdome 房产
newsfile ·  05/17 20:15

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 17, 2024) - McLaren Resources Inc. (CSE: MCL) (FSE: 3ML) ("McLaren" / the "Company") provides an update on the Augdome gold property which was optioned by Goldcorp Canada Ltd. ("Goldcorp") for inclusion in the Dome Mine open pit expansion project. The four year option agreement to purchase the Augdome property for $500,000 was announced on May 14, 2020 by McLaren.

安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp.-2024 年 5 月 17 日)- 迈凯伦资源公司(CSE:MCL)(FSE:3ML)(“迈凯伦”/“公司”) 提供了Augdome黄金地产的最新情况,加拿大黄金集团有限公司(“Goldcorp”)选择将其纳入圆顶矿露天矿扩建项目。迈凯轮于2020年5月14日宣布了以50万美元的价格购买Augdome房产的四年期权协议。

The effective date of the agreement is August 26, 2020 and Newmont holds the option on the Augdome property through its ownership of Goldcorp. The option expiry date is August 25, 2024. Newmont announced on February 22, 2024 that they are planning to divest the Porcupine Mine operations in Timmins, in addition to other mining operations in Canada and the USA.


McLaren has a 100% controlling interest in 22 patented mineral claims situated on the eastern side of the Dome Mine open pit. The regional geological formation which hosts the Dome mine trends to the east. Future expansion of the Dome pit could include the gold zones situated on the Augdome property. The proposed open pit outline previously designed by Goldcorp included a portion of the Augdome property to be included within the Dome Mine expansion project.

迈凯轮拥有位于圆顶矿露天矿东侧的22项专利矿产索赔的100%控股权。托管 Dome 矿山的区域地质构造向东延伸。穹顶矿坑的未来扩建可能包括位于Augdome地产上的金矿区。Goldcorp先前设计的拟议露天矿大纲包括Augdome物业的一部分,将包括在圆顶矿扩建项目中。

McLaren is waiting to learn if the Augdome property option will be exercised on or before August 25, 2024 by Newmont.


If the Augdome property is not acquired by August 25, 2024, McLaren is considering an exploration drill program to target gold zones within the geological formation associated with the Destor Porcupine Fault Zone where it trends on to the Augdome property from the Dome Mine property.


Augdome property consists of 22 patented mineral claims adjacent to east side of the Dome Mine property. The Augdome property overlies approximately 2,300 metres of the Destor Porcupine Fault Zone which trends to the north-east onto the property from the Dome Mine property.

Augdome财产包括22项获得专利的矿产索赔,毗邻圆顶矿产的东侧。Augdome地产位于Destor Porcupine断层带约2300米处,该断层带从圆顶矿地产向东北延伸至该物业。

On October 25, 2017, Goldcorp announced a base case pre-feasibility study for the Dome Mine Expansion Project which contained 4.5 million gold ounces having a diluted grade of 0.87 grams per tonne.


McLaren reported drill results from the Augdome property on January 4, 2018 that included: 8.0 m of 2.62 grams per tonne gpld ("g/t Au"), 7.5 m of 1.57 g/t Au, 9.0 m of 0.62 g/t Au and 10.0 m of 0.51 g/t Au. The drill results were from gold zones on the Augdome property in close proximity to the boundary with the Dome Mine property.

迈凯轮于2018年1月4日报告了Augdome矿产的钻探结果,其中包括:8.0米每吨黄金2.62克(“g/t Au”)、7.5米的1.57克/吨金、9.0米的0.62克/吨金和10.0米的0.51克/吨金。钻探结果来自Augdome地产的金矿区,该地产与Dome Mine地产的边界非常接近。

McLaren has three additional 100 percent owned gold exploration properties located east of Central Timmins.


The McCool property is located 85 km east of Timmins and neighbors the Tower Gold project, the Fenn-Gib project and the Holt Mine Complex. The property is on the north side of the Destor Porcupine Fault and covers 5km of the Centre Hill Fault. The property consists of a mining lease and claim cells with an area of 1,770 hectares. Drill results include 16.5 g/t Au over 6.0 m, 10.8 g/t Au over 9.0 m, 7.9 g/t Au over 4.5 m and 58.4 g/t Au over 1.5 m (see McLaren news release issued on January 24, 2023).

麦库尔物业位于蒂明斯以东85公里处,毗邻塔金矿项目、Fenn-Gib项目和霍尔特矿山综合体。该物业位于 Destor Porcupine 断层的北侧,覆盖中心山断层长达 5 千米。该物业包括采矿租约和索赔小组,占地面积为1,770公顷。钻探结果包括超过6.0米的16.5克/吨金,超过9.0米的10.8克/吨金,超过4.5米的7.9克/吨金和超过1.5米的58.4克/吨金(见2023年1月24日发布的迈凯伦新闻稿)。

The Blue Quartz property is located 73km east of Timmins and neighbors the Fox Mine, the Fenn-Gib project and the former producing Ross Mine. The property is located in Beatty Township, hosts the former producing Blue Quartz Mine and consists of patented claims and staked claims and covers an area of 640 hectares. Drill results included 13.95 g/t Au over 2.0 m, 12.80 g/t Au over 1.5 m, 13.30 g/t Au over 1.0 m and 11.89 g/t Au over 2.2 m (see McLaren news release issued on February 14, 2019).

Blue Quartz矿产位于蒂明斯以东73公里处,毗邻福克斯矿、Fenn-Gib项目和前生产的罗斯矿。该物业位于比蒂镇,是以前生产的蓝石英矿的所在地,包括专利索赔和质押索赔,占地面积为640公顷。钻探结果包括超过2.0米的13.95克/吨金,超过1.5米的12.80克/吨金,超过1.0米的13.30克/吨金和超过2.2米的11.89克/吨金(见2019年2月14日发布的迈凯伦新闻稿)。

The Kerrs property is located approximately 15 Km north of the McCool property and consists of mining leases covering an area of 771 hectares. Previous historical work on the property during the period 1979 - 1989 included 55 drill holes over 10,279 metres. The drilling was focused on an exploration target area that is an extension of a gold mineralized trend from the adjacent neighboring property to the east, known as the KBX Zone of Sheltered Oak Resources Inc.

克尔斯的房产位于麦库尔物业以北约15公里处,包括占地771公顷的采矿租约。此前在1979年至1989年期间对该物业的历史工作包括55个超过10,279米的钻孔。钻探的重点是勘探目标区域,该区域是金矿化趋势从邻近地产向东延伸,即Sheltered Oak Resources Inc.的KBX区域。

For more information, please contact: Radovan Danilovsky, President, Phone: 416-203-6784,,

欲了解更多信息,请联系: 总统拉多万·丹尼洛夫斯基,电话:416-203-6784,,

44 Victoria Street, Suite 1616
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1Y2

维多利亚街 44 号,1616 号套房
安大略省多伦多 M5C 1Y2

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