


newsfile ·  05/23 06:04

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - May 23, 2024) - Stamper Oil & Gas Corp. (TSXV: STMP) (FSE: TMP2) ("Stamper" or the "Company") Is delighted to provide an exploration discussion and review related to our Redonda Copper property.

不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华--(Newsfile Corp.,2024 年 5 月 23 日)-Stamper Oil & Gas Corp.(TSXV:STMP)(FSE:TMP2)(”Stamper“或者”公司“)很高兴提供与我们的雷东达铜矿业有关的勘探讨论和评论。

Comments from President and CEO Bryson Goodwin:


"I am pleased to provide my opinions and insight about the Company's wholly owned Redonda Copper assets.


I think it is important for shareholders to recognize the value associated with their investment and continued support in Stamper especially in relation to the global acknowledgement of unaddressed copper shortages. With copper now forecasted to exceed $15,000 a tonne in 2025, it is of no surprise that the world is looking for safe strategic copper supplies.


I also feel it is of importance that I highlight all exploration data presented by Stamper uses a pricing model of $3.22 per pound in all of its assumptions. Current forecasts put copper at $6.80 per pound by 2025. Management and our exploration team are assessing all of our exploration mandates based on the new forecasted copper price models. We are also implementing plans to do metallurgical testing on exploration samples to ensure recoveries and revised/ future resource estimates are updated and corrected using new pricing models.


The past two years marked an incredible turning point for Stamper shareholders. The assay results stemming from our 2023 exploration drill program, combined with historic drilling have given us the confidence of a solid copper asset deserving a focused and diligent exploration and development program. Our drilling to date indicates a "STARTING" at near surface high grade copper property open at depth and on all sides. Long intercepts and great grades had our team excited at $3.22 per pound of copper, now we are reworking or assumptions at current and future grades with a greater level of anticipation.

过去两年对Stamper股东来说是一个不可思议的转折点。我们的2023年勘探钻探计划得出的分析结果,加上历史性的钻探,使我们对坚实的铜资产充满信心,值得进行重点而勤奋的勘探和开发计划。我们迄今为止的钻探表明,近地表的高品位铜特性在 “起点”,在深度和各个侧面均处于开放状态。长截距和优异成绩使我们的团队对每磅铜3.22美元感到兴奋,现在我们正在对当前和未来的等级进行重新调整或假设,并抱有更高的期望。

As we navigate the landscape of impending copper scarcity and anticipate further appreciations in copper valuations, Stamper looks to be perfectly positioned.


Please find below a compilation of all assay results reported at Redonda."


Table of 2023 Exploration Program
Combined with Historic 1979 Intercepts

2023 年勘探计划表
再加上 1979 年的历史截获记录

Hole # From/To Core Length Cu% Mo% Re (ppm)
Hole Red-23-04
Mineralization starts from surface
3.1-18.2m 15.2m 0.452 0.0265 0.1053
Hole Red-23-04 25.5-97.5m 72m 0.235 0.0228 0.1106
Hole Red-23-04 Hole bottoms in good grade 147.8-163.1m 30.3m 0.212 0.0154 0.0514
Hole Red-23-03
Mineralization starts from surface
3.1-48m 45.0m 0.329 0.0265 0.1111
Hole Red-23-03 68.8-141.0m 77.3m 0.323 0.0197 0.0791
Hole Red-23-03 Hole bottoms in good grade 199.5-210.0m 10.5m 0.174 0.0117 0.0563
Hole Red-23-05
Mineralization starts from surface
2.7-33m 30.3m 0.213 0.0192 0.0749
Hole Red-23-05
Hole bottoms in good grade
39.3-182.0m 142.6m 0.279 0.0281 0.0927
Hole Red 23-02
Mineralization starts from surface
3.1-111.0m 108m 0.251 0.025 0.1025
Hole Red-23-02
Hole bottoms in good grade
158.5-169.2m 10.7m 0.375 0.1377 0.5871
Hole Red-23-01 confirmation hole collared outside Potassic Zone 60-67m 7m 0.136 0.0023 0.0167
Historic Hole # From/To Core Length Cu% MoS2% Re (ppm)
DOH R79-2 110.0-200.0m 90.0m 0.21 0.019
DOH R79-3
Mineralization starts from surface
3.4-27.5m 24.1m 0.42 0.075
35.0-60.0m 25.0m 0.19 0.024
67.5-97.5m 30.0m 0.17 0.120
140.0-152.5m 12.5m 0.30 0.015
DOH R79-5
Mineralization starts from surface
2.7-55.8m 53.1m 0.33 0.025
92.5-135.0m 42.5m 0.20 0.038
155.0-172.5m 17.5m 0.37 0.010
182.5-210.0m 27.5m 0.22 0.021
DOH R79-6
Mineralization starts from surface
2.5-30.0m 27.5m 0.23 0.058
142.5-155.5m 10.0m 0.10 0.045
DOH R79-7 30.0-37.5m 7.5m 0.20 0.004
DOH R79-8 125.0-135.0m 10.0m 0.06 0.034
DOH R79-9
Mineralization starts from surface
5.0-15.0m 10.0m 0.16 0.014
97.5-110.0m 12.5m 0.19 0.011
175.0-210.0m 35.0m 0.09 0.27
洞 # 自/至 核心长度 Cu% Mo% 回复 (ppm)
洞红色 23-04
3.1-18.2m 15.2 米 0.452 0.0265 0.1053
洞红色 23-04 25.5-97.5 米 72 米 0.235 0.0228 0.1106
洞 Red-23-04 洞底成绩良好 147.8-163.1m 30.3 万英镑 0.212 0.0154 0.0514
洞红色 23-03
3.1-48 米 45.0 万 0.329 0.0265 0.1111
洞红色 23-03 68.8-141.0m 77.3 亿 0.323 0.0197 0.0791
洞 Red-23-03 洞底成绩良好 199.5-210.0 亿 10.5 米 0.174 0.0117 0.0563
洞红色 23-05
2.7-33 米 30.3 万英镑 0.213 0.0192 0.0749
洞红色 23-05
39.3-182.0m 142.6 亿 0.279 0.0281 0.0927
红色洞 23-02
3.1-111.0m 108 亿 0.251 0.025 0.1025
洞红色 23-02
158.5-169.2m 10.7 万 0.375 0.1377 0.5871
红洞 Red-23-01 确认孔位于钾区外 60-67 米 7 米 0.136 0.0023 0.0167
历史洞 # 自/至 核心长度 Cu% MoS2% 回复 (ppm)
DOH R79-2 110.0-200.0m 90.0m 0.21 0.019
DOH R79-3
3.4-27.5 米 24.1 亿 0.42 0.075
35.0-60.0m 250 万 0.19 0.024
67.5-97.5 米 30.0m 0.17 0.120
140.0-152.5 亿 12.5 米 0.30 0.015
DOH R79-5
2.7-55.8 米 53.1 亿 0.33 0.025
92.5-135.0 亿 42.5 亿 0.20 0.038
155.0-172.5 亿 17.5 米 0.37 0.010
182.5-210.0m 27.5 米 0.22 0.021
DOH R79-6
2.5-30.0m 27.5 米 0.23 0.058
142.5-155.5 米 10.0 米 0.10 0.045
DOH R79-7 30.0-37.5 米 7.5 米 0.20 0.004
DOH R79-8 125.0-135.0m 10.0 米 0.06 0.034
DOH R79-9
5.0-15.0 米 10.0 米 0.16 0.014
97.5-110.0m 12.5 米 0.19 0.011
175.0-210.0m 35.0 万 0.09 0.27

About Redonda:


The project comprises 9 claims totaling 2746.46ha and is located 40km northeast of Campbell River, BC. Redonda is easily accessed with year-round, regularly scheduled barge service out of Campbell River via Marinelink. Access from Redonda Bay is by 5km of recently upgraded logging road. Logging is ongoing and assures a well-maintained complex of forest service roads across the claims. Work proceeded in 2021 under a Letter of Support from the Klahoose First Nation within their Traditional Territory and Free Use Permit, Drill Permit and IP Exemption from the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation (EMLI).

该项目包括9项索赔,总面积为2746.46公顷,位于不列颠哥伦比亚省坎贝尔河东北40公里处。通过Marinelink提供全年定期的驳船服务,从坎贝尔河出发,可以轻松到达雷东达。从雷东达湾出发,沿着最近升级的伐木道路行驶 5 千米。伐木工作正在进行中,这确保了横跨索赔区的林业服务道路得到良好的维护。根据Klahoose原住民在其传统领土内的支持信以及能源、矿业和低碳创新部(EMLI)的自由使用许可、钻探许可证和知识产权豁免,工程于2021年继续进行。

The regional setting of the Redonda property is part of the Coast Suture Zone between the Wrangellia Terrane and the Coast Plutonic Complex. In the claims area, Early Cretaceous dioritic intrusive rocks of the Coast Plutonic Complex have been intruded by at least three later intrusive units, including a quartz plug, previously interpreted wide hornblende dike which is locally brecciated over its 600 meter exposed length and several smaller feldspar dikes which cut dioritic rocks near the southwest margin of the previously interpreted hornblende-rich body. Higher concentrations of copper-molybdenum mineralization are closely associated with the hornblende dike, particularly in areas where it has been brecciated. The geological setting of the mineralization on the Redonda mineral claims share a number of features similar to those observed at the OKover copper-molybdenum porphyry deposit located 34 km to the southeast, north of Powell River and the Gambier Copper deposit in Howe Sound.

雷东达地产的区域背景是Wrangellia Terrane和Coast Plutonic Complex之间的海岸缝合区的一部分。在索赔区域,海岸深层群的白垩纪早期白垩纪闪长岩侵入岩石已被后来的至少三个侵入单元侵入,其中包括石英塞、先前解释的宽角闪岩堤坝,暴露长度超过600米,以及几个较小的长石堤坝,它们在先前解释的富含角闪石的天体的西南边缘附近切开闪光岩。铜钼矿化浓度升高与角闪石堤防密切相关,尤其是在角闪石堤坝已被角砾岩开采的地区。雷东达矿产索赔的矿化地质背景具有许多共同的特征,类似于在鲍威尔河以北东南34公里处的Okover铜钼斑岩矿床和豪湾的甘比尔铜矿床观察到的特征。

Qualified person


The technical disclosure in this new release has been read and approved by J. T. Shearer, M.Sc., P.Geo. (BC & Ontario), a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. Mr. Shearer is not arms length.

本新版本中的技术披露已获得 P.Geo 理学硕士 J.T. Shearer 的阅读和批准。(不列颠哥伦比亚省和安大略省),国家仪器43-101中定义的合格人员。希勒先生没有保持一定距离。

About Stamper Oil & Gas

关于Stamper Oil & Gas

Stamper Oil & Gas Corp. (TSXV: STMP) is an "Energy Commodity Focused" resource company, seeking to acquire interests in mineral and/or oil & gas resource properties focused on energy creation, storage or delivery. The Company is committed to creating sustainable shareholder value by evaluating and developing future prospects into commercially viable assets.

Stamper Oil & Gas Corp.(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:STMP)是一家 “专注于能源大宗商品” 的资源公司,寻求收购专注于能源创造、储存或交付的矿产和/或石油和天然气资源资产的权益。公司致力于通过评估未来前景并将其发展为商业上可行的资产,创造可持续的股东价值。

As part of our commitment to transparency, we encourage shareholders to review all new releases that pertain to the Redonda property, which are readily available on Sedar+.




"Bryson Goodwin"
Bryson Goodwin, President & CEO
Chairman of Board of Directors
For further information, please contact:


Phone: 604-341-1531




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Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking" statements. Forward looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and are generally, but not always, identified by the words "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "projects", "potential" and similar expressions, or that events or conditions "will", "would", "may", "could" or "should" occur. Although Stamper Oil & Gas Corp. believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results may differ materially from those in forward looking statements. Forward looking statements are based on the beliefs, estimates and opinions of Stamper Oil & Gas Corp. management on the date the statements are made. Except as required by law, Stamper Oil & Gas Corp. undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors, should change.

本新闻稿包含某些可能被视为 “前瞻性” 陈述的陈述。前瞻性陈述是不是历史事实的陈述,通常以 “期望”、“计划”、“预期”、“相信”、“打算”、“估计”、“项目”、“潜力” 和类似表述来识别,或者 “将”、“将”、“可能” 或 “应该” 发生的事件或条件。尽管Stamper Oil & Gas Corp. 认为此类前瞻性陈述中表达的预期是基于合理的假设,但此类陈述并不能保证未来的业绩,实际业绩可能与前瞻性陈述中的业绩存在重大差异。前瞻性陈述基于Stamper Oil & Gas Corp. 管理层在声明发表之日的信念、估计和观点。除非法律要求,否则Stamper Oil & Gas Corp. 没有义务在管理层的信念、估计或观点或其他因素发生变化时更新这些前瞻性陈述。

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