
Ciscom Corp. Clarifies Shareholdings and Provides Business Updates

Ciscom Corp. Clarifies Shareholdings and Provides Business Updates

Ciscom Corp. 澄清股权并提供业务最新情况
newsfile ·  05/23 07:20

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 23, 2024) - CISCOM Corp. (CSE: CISC) (OTCQB: CISCF) ("Ciscom" or "the Company"), which actively invests in, acquires, and manages companies within the Information and Communication Technology sector, wishes to update its shareholders and stakeholders about recent developments regarding its share ownership and provide a business update.

2024年5月23日, 加拿大安大略省多伦多--(Newsfile Corp. -CISCOM Corp. (CSE:CISC) (OTCQB:CISCF) 正式发布公告,该公司积极投资、收购并管理有关信息和通信技术行业的公司,此次通报其股东和相关利益相关者最近有关股份持有问题的重要进展并发布业务更新。大会的材料将在公司的网站 和公司的SEDAR+档案中提供。稍后会有更多公告。如需更多信息,请与公司联系。关于Ciscom Corp.公司旨在积极投资、收购和管理信息和通信技术板块企业的公司,希望向股东和利益相关方更新其股权的最新发展情况并提供业务更新。

As previously disclosed, on March 8, 2024, Ciscom formally alerted the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC") of its concerns regarding DLT Resolution Inc.'s ("DLT") alleged share ownership as both unqualified and unlawful, raising serious concerns about the accuracy of DLT's public disclosures. The Company strongly disputed reported ownership and also observed that DLT had failed to comply with the necessary regulations and SEDI reporting requirements, all of which are crucial for shareholder protection.

正如之前公开披露的那样,2024年3月8日, Ciscom正式向安大略证券委员会("OSC")提出了对DLT Resolution Inc.("DLT")股份持有的担忧,称其均为不合格和非法,对DLT的公开披露的准确性提出了严重的问题。公司强烈异议所报告的所有权,并指出DLT未能遵守必要的法规和SEDI报告要求,这些都是保护股东利益的关键点。

On March 13, 2024, Ciscom issued a release cautioning investors regarding DLT's asserted share ownership, and advising that Ciscom was evaluating the activation of the Shareholders' Rights Plan (the "Plan") announced on March 4, 2024. Ciscom further advised that it continued to question the legitimacy of DLT's claimed share ownership.


On May 3, 2024, DLT filed an Early Warning Report and issued a press release stating that it had elected to unwind, in full, the previously announced share exchange transactions it entered into with certain shareholders of Ciscom ("Share Exchanges"), so that as of that date DLT no longer beneficially owned or exercised control or direction over any Common Shares of Ciscom. DLT reported that its decision to unwind the Share Exchanges followed a series of discussions with the OSC relating to applicable Canadian securities law requirements in connection with the Share Exchanges.

2024年5月3日, DLT提交了早期警告报告并发表新闻稿,表示已全面撤销其与Ciscom某些股东达成的股份交换交易,以便于该日期,DLT不再持有或行使对Ciscom的任何普通股的控制权或指挥权。DLT报告称,其解除股份交换的决定是在与OSC就有关加拿大证券法要求与股份交换有关事项进行一系列讨论之后所作出的决定。

On May 7, 2024, Ciscom formally alerted the OSC that Ciscom remained concerned about the accuracy of DLT's asserted share ownership. Ciscom advised the OSC that despite DLT's May 3, 2024 release stating that it no longer owned or exercised control or direction over any Common Shares of Ciscom, Ciscom's records indicated that DLT did in fact continue to hold some Ciscom shares, and that additional shares were transferred to DLT on the date of the press release. In the same communication to the OSC, Ciscom reiterated its concerns that DLT's and its management SEDI filings regarding their Ciscom ownership were incorrect.

2024年5月7日,Ciscom正式向OSC发出警报,称其仍对DLT声称的股权准确性感到担忧。 Ciscom告知OSC,即使DLT于2024年5月3日发布公告称其不再持有或行使对Ciscom的任何普通股的控制权或指挥权,Ciscom的记录表明DLT实际上仍持有一些Ciscom股份,并且在新闻发布日转移了其他股份。在与OSC的同一交流中,Ciscom重申其对DLT及其管理层关于其Ciscom所有权方面的SEDI报告不准确的担忧。



"Ciscom continues to move forward," Gaynor continued. "We are focused on our corporate mandate and are concentrating on our core business of successfully investing, acquiring, and managing companies in the ICT sector."


On May 10, Ciscom published strong 2024 first quarter results showing continued business growth in spite of a challenging retail market. Recently filed Q1 2024 financial statements can be found here and Management Discussions & Analysis can be found here.


Ciscom has also this month added bench strength to its Board of Directors with the addition of Stephen Lautens and Angel Valov, two industry leading professionals.

本月,Ciscom还通过邀请行业领先专家Stephen Lautens和Angel Valov加入董事会来加强其董事会阵容。

Please also refer to the interview given by Michel Pepin, President & CFO which can be found here.

还请参阅Michel Pepin总裁兼CFO在此处发表的采访这里.

"We are delighted to add Angel Valov and Stephen Lautens to our board," said Paul Gaynor. "Both Stephen and Angel add strength, knowledge and valuable experience to Ciscom through their extensive history at senior levels of public companies. Mr. Valov is a finance professional with over 15 years of experience in all aspects of risk management and institutional money management including with Canada's largest hedge fund manager. Mr. Lautens has worked internationally at the executive level and has participated in the successful development, growth and sale of a number of companies." Mr. Gaynor continued that "with these additions, as well as Tracy Weslosky earlier this year, I feel the board has the talent, knowledge, expertise and energy to really move the company ahead,"

Paul Gaynor说:“我们很高兴增加Angel Valov和Stephen Lautens,将两位的强项,知识和宝贵经验加入Ciscom。Mr. Valov是一名金融专业人士,拥有超过15年的风险管理和机构资金管理等各方面的经验,包括在加拿大最大的对冲基金管理者那里。Lautens先生曾在高管职位上工作,并参与了多家公司的成功发展、成长和销售。Gaynor先生说:“随着这些人的加入,以及Tracy Weslosky在今年早些时候加入,我觉得董事会拥有了真正推动公司发展所需的才华、知识、专业知识和能量。”

Ciscom remains laser focused on building the business through sensible acquisitions. We are concentrating on the ICT and MarTech sectors. Potential target acquisition companies must meet specific guidelines and criteria that will ensure Ciscom makes only prudent and profitable purchases. This process requires time and proper due diligence review. Only qualified acquisitions will proceed.


Ciscom remains vigilant to ensure that shareholders' rights are protected while building a strong, performing business while respecting governance and ethics. Ciscom is also committed to providing accurate, updated and transparent information to its shareholders regarding the holdings in the Company.


About Ciscom Corp.
Ciscom actively invests in, acquires, and manages market leading companies within the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector, targeting SMEs with proven profitability. This approach allows entrepreneurs to monetize their equity and continue contributing, enhancing shareholder value through acquisitions. As a leader in omni-media, particularly in data-driven marketing, Ciscom, through its subsidiaries, optimizes advertising spend across platforms, ensuring high ROI and customer engagement. Strategic ICT acquisitions bolster service offerings and shareholder value, marking Ciscom as an emergent force in the data driven and technology market. Ciscom became an issuer in June 2023 on the CSE and October 2023 on the OTCQB. Ciscom has two subsidiaries, namely Market Focus Direct and Prospect Media Group. For more information, visit .

关于Ciscom Corp.
Ciscom积极投资、收购并管理领先的Information and Communication Technology(ICT)公司,目标是针对已经证明了盈利能力的中小企业。这种方法让企业家能够获得资本回报并继续为公司作出贡献,通过并购提高股东价值。作为全媒体领域的领导者,特别是在数据驱动的营销领域,Ciscom通过其附属公司优化跨平台的广告支出,确保高回报率和客户参与度。战略性ICT收购加强了服务的提供和股东价值,标志着Ciscom成为数据驱动和技术市场的新兴力量。Ciscom于2023年6月在CSE和2023年10月在OTCQB成为发行人。Ciscom拥有两个子公司,即Market Focus Direct和Prospect Media Group。欲了解更多信息,请访问。

Michel Pepin
President & CFO

Michel Pepin

Cautionary Statement


This news release may contain certain statements that constitute forward-looking statements as they relate to Ciscom and its management. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts but represent management's current expectation of future events and can be identified by words such as "believe", "expects", "will", "intends", "plans", "projects", "anticipates", "estimates", "should", "continues" and similar expressions. Although management believes that the expectations represented in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, there can be no assurance that they will prove to be correct or will come to pass. Forward-looking statements include statements and information regarding the anticipated audited financial results, anticipated implementation and shareholder ratification of the Plan, future expectations of growth and profits, future grants of equity incentive awards, future payments of dividends, the future plans for the Company, and other forward-looking information. By their nature, forward-looking statements include assumptions and are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties that could cause actual future results, conditions, actions, or events to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. The future outcomes that relate to forward-looking statements may be influenced by many factors, including but not limited to: general commercial risks inherent to operating non-manufacturing businesses; the capital requirements of the Company and ability to maintain adequate capital resources to carry out its business activities; the ability to identify ICT target acquisitions and complete such transactions on an economic basis or at all, and successfully integrate those businesses; the ability to convert the potential in the pursued business opportunities to tangible benefits to the Company or its shareholders; risks of a material adverse change to the Company's assets or revenue; stock market volatility and capital market valuation; the ability of the Company to continue as a going concern; dependence on key personnel; the Company's early stage of development; potential losses on investments; unstable and potentially negative economic conditions; fluctuations in interest rates; competition for investments within the ICT sector; maintenance of client relationships; maintaining a listing on the Canadian Securities Exchange; risks related to potential dilution in the event of future financings; no previous public market for the shares; volatility of the market price for the Company's securities; audit risk; litigation risk and risk of future legal proceedings; reliance on key personnel; jurisdictional and regulatory risk; lack of operating cash flow; volatility; additional funding requirements; adverse general economic conditions; competition; conflicts of interest; the early stage of Ciscom's business; income tax matters; availability and terms of financing; rising costs related to inflation; and effects of market interest on price of securities and potential dilution; and those factors detailed in the Company's prospectus dated June 5, 2023 and other public documents filed under Ciscom's profile at . Ciscom has also assumed that no significant events occur outside of Ciscom's normal course of business.

本新闻发布可能包含某些构成Ciscom及其管理层的前瞻性声明。前瞻性声明并非历史事实,而是管理层对未来事件的当前期望,可通过诸如"相信"、"预计"、"将"、"打算"、"计划"、"项目"、"预期"、"估计"、"应"、"继续"等词语来识别。尽管管理层相信此类前瞻性声明所代表的预期是合理的,但不能保证其将证明正确或会实现。前瞻性声明包括关于预计已审核的财务数据、计划的实施和股东批准、未来的增长和利润预期、未来的权益激励奖励的授予、未来的分红派息支付、公司的未来计划以及其他前瞻性信息的陈述和信息。作为其性质,前瞻性声明包括假设,并且受到固有风险和不确定性的影响,这些固有风险和不确定性可能会导致实际未来结果、条件、行动或事件与前瞻性声明中的结果不同。与前瞻性声明有关的未来结果可能受到许多因素的影响,包括但不限于:经营非制造业务所特有的一般商业风险;公司的资本需求和维持足够资本资源以开展业务活动的能力;能否经济地或根本未能确定ICT目标收购,并成功整合这些业务;能否将追求的业务机会中的潜力转化为公司或股东的切实利益;公司资产或营业收入发生实质不利变化的风险;股票市场波动和资本市场估值;公司继续作为合法并经营的能力;对关键人员的依赖;Ciscom业务的早期阶段;投资的潜在损失;不稳定和潜在的负面经济条件;利率期货波动;ICT行业内的投资竞争;维护客户关系;在加拿大证券交易所保持上市;与未来融资相关的潜在稀释风险;股份没有先前的公开市场;公司证券市场价格波动;审计风险;诉讼风险和未来法律诉讼风险;对关键人员的依赖;司法和监管风险;缺乏经营性现金流;波动性;需要额外的资金支出;不利的一般经济条件;竞争;利益冲突;Ciscom业务的早期阶段;所得税事项;融资的可用性和条款;通货膨胀相关成本的上升;市场利率对证券价格和潜在稀释的影响;以及公募招股说明书日期为2023年6月5日的公司概况和Ciscom其他公共文件中详细说明的那些因素。 Ciscom还指出上述因素列表并非详尽无遗。此外,尽管Ciscom已试图识别可能导致实际结果与预期、估计或意图不同的重要因素,但可能存在其他因素导致结果不如预期、估计或意图。在依赖Ciscom的前瞻性声明和信息作出决策时,投资者和其他人应仔细考虑上述因素和其他不确定性和潜在事件。Ciscom已假设上文涉及的重要因素不会导致前瞻性声明和信息与实际结果或事件有实质性的差别,但这些因素列表并非详尽无遗,且可能随时更改,不能保证这些假设将反映出这些项目或因素的实际结果。本新闻稿中所包含的前瞻性信息表示Ciscom的期望,截至本新闻发布日,因此,将受到此后的更改的影响。读者不应高度重视前瞻性信息,也不应在任何其他日期依赖该信息。Ciscom不承诺在任何特定时期更新此信息,除非根据适用法律要求。

Ciscom cautions that the foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. In addition, although Ciscom has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated, or intended. When relying on Ciscom's forward-looking statements and information to make decisions, investors and others should carefully consider the foregoing factors and other uncertainties and potential events. Ciscom has assumed that the material factors referred to in the previous paragraph will not cause such forward-looking statements and information to differ materially from actual results or events. However, the list of these factors is not exhaustive and is subject to change and there can be no assurance that such assumptions will reflect the actual outcome of such items or factors. The forward-looking information contained in this press release represents the expectations of Ciscom as of the date of this press release and, accordingly, is subject to change after such date. Readers should not place undue importance on forward-looking information and should not rely upon this information as of any other date. Ciscom does not undertake to update this information at any particular time except as required in accordance with applicable laws.


声明:本内容仅用作提供资讯及教育之目的,不构成对任何特定投资或投资策略的推荐或认可。 更多信息