
Sable Stakes Additional Ground Along the Perk Rocky Regional Trend in BC, Canada

Sable Stakes Additional Ground Along the Perk Rocky Regional Trend in BC, Canada

Sable 沿着加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的 Perk Rocky 地区趋势进一步拓展阵地
GlobeNewswire ·  2024/05/29 19:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sable Resources Ltd. ("Sable" or the "Company") (TSXV:SAE | OTCQB:SBLRF) is pleased to announce that it has staked 4,806 hectares of prospective ground in two properties located NW and SE of the Perk Rocky Project in British Columbia.

2024年5月29日,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省温哥华,Sable Resources Ltd.("Sable"或“公司”)(TSXV:SAE | OTCQB:SBLRF)宣布在不列颠哥伦比亚省Perk Rocky项目的西北和东南两处地块上申请了4806公顷的有前景地块。

Dr. Ruben Padilla, President and CEO of Sable stated, "Following the Company's entering into the option agreement for the Perk Rocky Project, Sable is pursuing additional opportunities along this and other underexplored porphyry belts. The Copper Queen and Rusty Peak properties show favorable geology with historically known evidence of porphyry mineralization. The acquisition of this is prospective ground building a copper portfolio in British Columbia represents a perfect combination for our already solid pipeline of porphyry projects in Argentina."

Sable总裁兼首席执行官Ruben Padilla博士表示:“在公司签署Perk Rocky项目的选择权协议后,Sable正在追求沿着这条及其他未经开发的斑岩带的附加机会。Copper Queen和Rusty Peak地块显示出有利的地质条件,历史证据表明存在斑岩矿化。收购这些具有前景的地块,加上我们在阿根廷拥有的稳健的斑岩项目流水线,构建了不列颠哥伦比亚的铜矿组合,这是完美的组合。”

Figure 1. Location of new properties (Copper Queen and Rusty Peak)
with respect to the recently optioned Perk Rocky Project.

图1. Copper Queen和Rusty Peak新地块的位置关系,相对于最近选择的Perk Rocky项目。

Copper Queen Property

Copper Queen地块

  • The Copper Queen property (2,864 ha) is located 25km NW of the Perk Rocky land package and was previously explored by Anaconda American Brass ("Anaconda"), Rinto Tinto Group ("Rio Tinto") and Seaborne Minerals Inc. ("Seaborne"). No exploration activity has been undertaken on the property since 2011 and no mapping since the late 60's.
  • Exploration work conducted by Anaconda American Brass ("Anaconda") between 1968 and 1969 shows the existence of quartz feldspar porphyries and at least five mineralized diatreme breccias within a porphyry system of approximately 4.5 x 2km.
  • Only rock results available come from work in 1982 at the Breccia 1 including several samples >0.5% Cu up to 0.75% Cu associated with chalcopyrite and bornite mineralization.
  • Anaconda reported drilling 182m in two holes in 1969 and reported grades from 0.2 to 0.3% Cu in 6 to 25 metres intervals however they did not file detailed information about the drilling.
  • Rio Tinto drilled two holes totaling 119m on the southern margin of McClinchy Lake following a chargeability anomaly with Cu mineralization observed but insignificant results.
  • Minor sampling visits were conducted in 1982 and 1994, and a 900km VLF-EM and radiometric survey was conducted by Seaborne in 2011.
  • Copper Queen地块(2,864公顷)位于Perk Rocky地块的西北25公里处,曾受到Anaconda American Brass("Anaconda"),Rinto Tinto Group("Rio Tinto")和Seaborne Minerals Inc.("Seaborne")的勘探。自2011年以来,该地块未进行任何勘探活动,也没有更新任何地质图,
  • Anaconda American Brass("Anaconda")在1968年至1969年之间进行的勘探工作表明,石英长石斑岩和至少五个矿化发作良好的岩性构成了大约4.5 x 2公里的斑岩系统内的火山坑角砾岩。
  • 在1982年针对Breccia 1的工作中仅有岩石测试结果,其中包括若干个 >0.5% Cu 的样品,其铜矿化物质与黄铜矿和蓝铜矿相联系。
  • Anaconda报告在1969年钻探了182m,并报告称在6到25米的区间内出现了0.2到0.3%的Cu级别,然而他们没有提交有关钻探的详细信息。
  • 力拓在麦克林奇湖南部边缘钻了两个孔,共计11900万,发现带有铜矿化的电荷异常,但结果不显著。
  • Copper Queen地块于1982年和1994年进行了少量采样访问,Seaborne进行了2011年的900km VLF-EM和放射性勘察。

Figure 2. Left - Location of mineralized Cu bearing breccias located within Sable's property (red polygon). Right - Detail of available historical sampling on the Breccia 1 showing higher copper values associated to chalcopyrite and bornite mineralization.

图2.左图-定位于Sable的地块(红色多边形)内的矿化Cu轴承角砾岩的位置。右图-显示Breccia 1上可用的历史采样的细节,显示与黄铜矿和蓝铜矿矿化相联系的更高铜值。

Rusty Peak Property

Rusty Peak地块

  • The Rusty Peak property comprises a large colour anomaly located on the southern margin of a Cretaceous stock which intrudes Cretaceous volcanic rocks.
  • A porphyry occurrence "the K showing" is located on the SW margin of the stock and work conducted by Cities Service Minerals Corp. in 1973 revealed quartz monzonite and granodiorite dykes with sericite, biotite, and epidote alteration, as well as quartz-magnetite stockwork.
  • ASTER and Sentinel spectral work conducted in 2022 shows the existence of sericite, illite, alunite, kaolinite, and iron oxides within the color anomaly. This combination of alteration minerals suggests advanced argillic alteration transitioning to sericitic within a porphyry environment.
  • 生锈峰地块包括位于白垩纪火山岩之内的一处白垩纪岩体南缘位置上的大型色谱异常。
  • 在股票的SW边缘上发现了斑岩样品“K showing”,1973年城市服务矿物公司的工作揭示了含硅长英岩和花岗闪长岩岩脉,伴随着泥质云雾母岩,黑云母和角闪石变质岩,以及石英-磁铁矿脉。
  • 在2022年进行的ASTER和Sentinel光谱工作表明,颜色的异常带中存在硅泥岩,伊利石,明矾石,高岭石和氧化铁。这些蚀变矿物的组合表明在斑岩环境内发展先进的高岭石蚀变和向泥质云雾母岩的过渡。

Figure 3. A - Color anomaly at Rusty Peak; B - Geological map of the Rusty Peak area;
C - Sericite extension extracted from ASTER/Sentinel products from 2022;
D - Alunite extension extracted from ASTER/Sentinel products from 2022.

图3. A - Rusty Peak地块的彩色异常;B - Rusty Peak地区的地质图;C - ASTER/Sentinel 2022产品提取的硅泥岩延伸;D - ASTER/Sentinel 2022产品提取的明矾石延伸。

Sable plans on conducting basic field work at Copper Queen to properly map and sample the mineralized breccias and to define the entire porphyry system present there. At Rusty Peak, the Company plans to review the alteration zone to confirm the assemblages suggested by the ASTER and to look for additional porphyry evidence such as veinlets, dykes, breccias, and Cu mineralization out of the K showing.

Sable计划在Copper Queen地块进行基础的野外工作,以正式绘制并采样矿化的角砾岩,并定义出整个斑岩系统。在Rusty Peak地块,公司计划审核蚀变区,以确认ASTER预测出的细节,并寻找额外的斑岩证据,如脉状岩,岩脉,角砾岩和Cu阳离子矿化。



Luis Arteaga M.Sc. P.Geo., Vice President Exploration is the Company's Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. He has reviewed and approved the technical information in this news release.

副总裁勘探Luis Arteaga M.Sc. P.Geo.是该公司按照NI 43-101定义的合格人员。他已经检查并批准了这一新闻发布中的技术信息。

The Company notes that the historical information about the Copper Queen and Rusty Peak properties comes from filed assessment reports and the QP has not completed enough work to verify this historical information.

本公司注意到有关Copper Queen和Rusty Peak矿区的历史信息来自已提交的评估报告,因此QP尚未完成足够的工作来验证这些历史信息。



Sable is a well-funded junior grassroots explorer focused on the discovery of Tier-One new precious metal and copper projects through systematic exploration in endowed terranes located in favourable, established mining jurisdictions. Sable's focus is developing its large portfolio of Greenfields projects to resource level. Sable is actively exploring the San Juan Regional Program (163,969 ha) incorporating the Don Julio, El Fierro, and Los Pumas Projects in San Juan Province, Argentina and the Perk Rocky Project (10,475 ha) in British Columbia.

Sable是一家资金充足的初创探险公司,专注于通过在有利的、成熟的采矿司法管辖区的天赋地带进行系统化勘探,发现一流的贵重金属和铜矿项目。Sable的重点是将其大量的Greenfields项目发展到资源水平。Sable正在积极探索圣胡安区域计划(163,969 ha),其中包括Don Julio、El Fierro和Los Pumas项目(阿根廷圣胡安省),以及British Columbia的Perk Rocky项目(10,475 ha)。

For further information, please contact:


Ruben Padilla, President & CEO at or +1 (520) 488-2520

总裁兼首席执行官Ruben Padillaruben.padilla@sableresources.com或+1 (520) 488-2520

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Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information. These statements relate to future events or future performance. The use of any of the words "could", "intend", "expect", "believe", "will", "projected", "estimated" and similar expressions and statements relating to matters that are not historical facts are intended to identify forward-looking information and are based on Sable's current belief or assumptions as to the outcome and timing of such future events. Actual future results may differ materially. Although such statements are based on reasonable assumptions of Sable's management, there can be no assurance that any conclusions or forecasts will prove to be accurate.


While Sable considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available, they may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. Such factors include risks inherent in the exploration and development of mineral deposits, including risks relating to changes in project parameters as plans continue to be redefined, risks relating to variations in grade or recovery rates, risks relating to changes in mineral prices and the worldwide demand for and supply of minerals, risks related to increased competition and current global financial conditions and the COVID-19 pandemic, access and supply risks, reliance on key personnel, operational risks, and regulatory risks, including risks relating to the acquisition of the necessary licenses and permits, financing, capitalization and liquidity risks.


The forward-looking information contained in this release is made as of the date hereof, and Sable is not obligated to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable securities laws. Because of the risks, uncertainties and assumptions contained herein, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information. The foregoing statements expressly qualify any forward-looking information contained herein.


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