
3iQ and CoinDesk Indices Announce Collaboration to Launch Funds Globally That Track the CoinDesk 20 Index

3iQ and CoinDesk Indices Announce Collaboration to Launch Funds Globally That Track the CoinDesk 20 Index

3iQ和CoinDesk Indices宣布合作全球推出跟踪CoinDesk20 Index的所有基金类型
PR Newswire ·  05/30 11:00

The CoinDesk 20 Index has generated unprecedented institutional demand with over $5 billion in perpetual futures volume since January 2024

自2024年1月以来,CoinDesk 20指数产生了前所未有的机构需求,永续期货交易量超过50亿美元

AUSTIN, Texas, May 30, 2024 /CNW/ -- 3iQ Digital Asset Management (3iQ), a pioneer in digital asset management, today announced it has partnered with CoinDesk Indices, the leading provider of digital asset indices since 2014, to make the CoinDesk 20 Index available in several fund structures globally, starting with a Private Cayman Master Fund, followed by Feeder Funds in several regions.

德克萨斯州奥斯汀,2024年5月30日 /CNW/--数字资产管理领域的先驱3iQ数字资产管理(3iQ)今天宣布,它已与自2014年以来领先的数字资产指数提供商CoinDesk Indices合作,在全球多个基金结构中提供CoinDesk 20指数,首先是私人开曼主基金,随后是多个地区的支线基金。

The CoinDesk 20 Index, a highly liquid and actively traded digital asset benchmark, has seen unprecedented institutional demand and trading activity, generating over $5 billion in perpetual futures volume in the past four months. Bullish, the fastest-growing regulated digital asset exchange, listed perpetual futures tracking the CoinDesk 20 following the index's launch in January 2024.

CoinDesk 20指数是一个流动性强、交易活跃的数字资产基准,其机构需求和交易活动前所未有,在过去四个月中创造了超过50亿美元的永续期货交易量。Bullish是增长最快的受监管数字资产交易所,在2024年1月CoinDesk 20指数推出后,该公司上市了追踪CoinDesk 20的永续期货。

The CoinDesk 20 has been embraced by leading market-making firms and other market participants. Designed for scalability, it tracks the performance of top digital assets, applying a capped market capitalization-weighted methodology to improve diversification. The index caters to institutional investors' growing need for diversified portfolio options beyond bitcoin ETFs.

CoinDesk 20已被领先的做市公司和其他市场参与者所接受。它专为可扩展性而设计,可跟踪顶级数字资产的表现,应用上限市值加权方法来改善多元化。该指数迎合了机构投资者对比特币ETF以外的多元化投资组合期权日益增长的需求。

"CoinDesk Indices is the ideal partner due to its ability to provide the leading index of tradeable and liquid digital assets," said Pascal St-Jean, President & CEO of 3iQ. "Through this partnership, we are excited to offer global investors access to a broad-based, diversified digital asset portfolio as they seek to expand their exposure beyond bitcoin."


This collaboration marks the first step in a series of initiatives between 3iQ and CoinDesk Indices to establish the CoinDesk 20 Index as the gold standard, with the ultimate goal of creating a globally leading broad based crypto index ETF. 3iQ plans to leverage its extensive distribution network and proven track record of collaborating with regulators to achieve first-to-market status.

此次合作标志着3iQ和CoinDesk Indices之间一系列举措的第一步,这些举措旨在将CoinDesk 20指数确立为黄金标准,最终目标是创建全球领先的广泛基础加密指数ETF。3iQ计划利用其广泛的分销网络和与监管机构合作的良好记录,实现首次上市的地位。

"Collaborating with a market leader like 3iQ further advances our commitment to empower everyone to participate in the crypto economy with confidence and trust," said Alan Campbell, President of CoinDesk Indices. "We're excited 3iQ will be offering the CoinDesk 20 worldwide to meet increasing institutional and advisor demand."

CoinDesk Indices总裁艾伦·坎贝尔表示:“与像3iQ这样的市场领导者合作进一步推进了我们的承诺,即使每个人都能充满信心和信任地参与加密经济。”“我们很高兴3iQ将在全球范围内提供CoinDesk 20,以满足不断增长的机构和顾问需求。”

For more information on 3iQ, and to be the first to know about updates regarding the launch, visit .

如需了解有关 3iQ 的更多信息,并想成为第一个了解发布更新的人,请访问。

To learn more about the CoinDesk 20 Index, visit

要了解有关CoinDesk 20指数的更多信息,请访问。

About CoinDesk Indices
Since 2014, CoinDesk Indices has been at the forefront of the digital asset revolution, empowering investors globally. A subsidiary of Bullish, our indices form the foundation of the world's largest digital asset products. Known for their precision and compliance, flagships such as the CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (XBX) and the CoinDesk 20 Index set the industry standard for measuring, trading, and investing in digital assets. With tens of billions of dollars in benchmarked assets, CoinDesk Indices is a trusted partner. Discover more at

关于 CoinDesk 指数
自2014年以来,CoinDesk指数一直处于数字资产革命的最前沿,为全球投资者提供支持。作为Bullish的子公司,我们的指数构成了全球最大的数字资产产品的基础。CoinDesk比特币价格指数(XBX)和CoinDesk 20指数等旗舰产品以其精确性和合规性而闻名,为衡量、交易和投资数字资产设定了行业标准。CoinDesk指数拥有数百亿美元的基准资产,是值得信赖的合作伙伴。在 上了解更多信息。

About 3iQ Digital Asset Management
Founded in 2012, 3iQ is one of the world's leading digital asset investment fund managers, offering investors convenient and familiar investment products to gain exposure to digital assets. 3iQ Corp., 3iQ's affiliated company, was the first Canadian investment fund manager to offer public bitcoin investment funds: The Bitcoin Fund (TSX: QBTC) (TSX: QBTC.U) and the 3iQ Bitcoin ETF (TSX: BTCQ) (TSX: BTCQ.U), as well as public ether investment funds: The Ether Fund (TSX: QETH.UN) (TSX: QETH.U) and the 3iQ Ether Staking ETF (TSX: ETHQ) (TSX: ETHQ.U). To learn more about 3iQ, visit

关于 3iQ 数字资产管理
3iQ成立于2012年,是全球领先的数字资产投资基金管理公司之一,为投资者提供便捷而熟悉的投资产品以获得数字资产的投资机会。3iQ的附属公司3iQ Corp. 是第一家提供公共比特币投资基金的加拿大投资基金经理:比特币基金(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:QBTC)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:BTCQ)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:BTCQ)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:BTCQ)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:BTCQ)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:BTCQ)(TSX:BTCQ)(TSX:BTCQ)(TSX:BTCQ)CQ.U)以及公共以太币投资基金:以太基金(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:QETH.UN)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:QETH.U)和3iQ以太币质押ETF(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:ETHQ)(多伦多证券交易所股票代码:ETHQ.U)。要了解有关 3iQ 的更多信息,请访问。



For media inquiries, please contact:


CoinDesk Indices:
Casey Craig, CoinDesk,
Emma Martin, Allison Worldwide,

CoinDesk 指数:
Casey Craig,CoinDesk,

Ryan Graham, JConnelly, 862-777-4274,
Julie Mercuro, JConnelly, 973-349-6471,

Julie Mercuro,jConnelly,973-349-6471,

CoinDesk Indices disclaimer:
CoinDesk is a portfolio company of the Bullish group. CoinDesk Indices, Inc. ("CDI") does not sponsor, endorse, sell, promote or manage any investment offered by any third party that seeks to provide an investment return based on the performance of any index. CDI is neither an investment adviser nor a commodity trading advisor and makes no representation regarding the advisability of making an investment linked to any CDI index. CDI does not act as a fiduciary. A decision to invest in any asset linked to a CDI index should not be made in reliance on any of the statements set forth in this document or elsewhere by CDI. All content contained or used in any CDI index (the "Content") is owned by CDI and/or its third-party data providers and licensors, unless stated otherwise by CDI. CDI does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, adequacy, validity or availability of any of the Content. CDI is not responsible for any errors or omissions, regardless of the cause, in the results obtained from the use of any of the Content. CDI does not assume any obligation to update the Content following publication in any form or format. 2024 CoinDesk Indices, Inc. All rights reserved.

CoinDesk 指数免责声明:
CoinDesk是看涨集团旗下的投资组合公司。CoinDesk Indices, Inc.(“CDI”)不赞助、认可、出售、推广或管理任何第三方提供的任何旨在根据任何指数的表现提供投资回报的投资。CDI既不是投资顾问,也不是大宗商品交易顾问,对与任何CDI指数挂钩的投资的可取性不作任何陈述。CDI 不充当信托人。投资与CDI指数相关的任何资产的决定不应依赖本文件或CDI其他地方的任何陈述来做出。除非CDI另有说明,否则任何CDI索引中包含或使用的所有内容(“内容”)均归CDI和/或其第三方数据提供商和许可方所有。CDI 不保证任何内容的准确性、完整性、及时性、充分性、有效性或可用性。无论原因如何,CDI 对因使用任何内容而获得的结果中的任何错误或遗漏概不负责。CDI 在以任何形式或格式发布后不承担任何更新内容的义务。2024 CoinDesk Indices, Inc.版权所有。

These materials do not constitute an offer to sell or issue or the solicitation of an offer to buy or subscribe for securities in the United States or any other jurisdiction. Neither 3iQ Corp.'s nor the securities of any find manager by 3iQ Corp. have been nor will be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), nor under the applicable securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction of the United States, and may not be offered, sold, resold, transferred or delivered, directly or indirectly within, into or in the United States, absent registration or an applicable exemption from, or except in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the Securities Act and in compliance with the securities laws of any relevant state or other jurisdiction of the United States. No securities regulatory authority has expressed an opinion about these securities and it is an offence to claim otherwise. 3iQ Corp. makes no representation or warranty to any investor regarding the legality of any investment, the income or tax consequences, or the suitability of an investment for such investor. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated. There are ongoing fees and expenses associated with owning units of an investment fund. An investment fund must prepare disclosure documents that contain key information about the fund. You can find more detailed information about the fund in these documents. The indicated rates of return are the historical annual compounded total returns including changes in unit value and reinvestment of all distributions and does not take into account certain fees such as redemption fees or optional charges or income taxes payable by any security holder that would have reduced returns. Investment funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.

这些材料不构成在美国或任何其他司法管辖区出售或发行证券的要约,也不构成购买或认购证券的要约。都不是 3iQ Corp. 's和3iQ Corp. 的任何基金管理人的证券过去和将来都没有根据经修订的1933年《美国证券法》(“证券法”)进行注册,也不会根据美国任何州或其他司法管辖区的适用证券法进行注册,除非在交易中注册或没有相应的豁免,否则不得在美国境内、向美国或在美国境内直接或间接发行、出售、转售、转让或交付不受《证券法》的注册要求的约束,并符合美国任何相关州或其他司法管辖区的证券法。没有证券监管机构对这些证券发表过意见,因此提出其他申诉是违法的。3iQ Corp. 对任何投资的合法性、收入或税收后果或投资是否适合此类投资者,均不向任何投资者作出任何陈述或保证。佣金、尾随佣金、管理费和支出都可能与共同基金投资有关。请在投资前阅读招股说明书。共同基金没有保障,其价值经常变化,过去的表现可能不会重演。持有投资基金的单位会有持续的费用和开支。投资基金必须准备包含有关该基金的关键信息的披露文件。您可以在这些文件中找到有关该基金的更多详细信息。指示的回报率是历史年度复合总回报,包括单位价值的变化和所有分配的再投资,不考虑某些费用,例如赎回费或可选费用或任何证券持有人应缴的收益税。投资基金没有保障,其价值经常变化,过去的表现可能不会重演。

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