
Infield Minerals Announces Agreement to Acquire Interests in the Kings Canyon Gold Property

Infield Minerals Announces Agreement to Acquire Interests in the Kings Canyon Gold Property

Infield Minerals宣布达成收购国王峡谷黄金地产权益的协议
Accesswire ·  05/30 11:35

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 30, 2024 / Infield Minerals Corp. (TSX-V:INFD) ("Infield" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that it has entered into a definitive share purchase agreement (the "Share Purchase Agreement") dated effective May 29, 2024, pursuant to which it will acquire (the "Acquisition") all the issued and outstanding share capital of 1468289 B.C. Ltd. ("BC Co") with closing subject to acceptance by the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV"). As the Acquisition is considered both a "Reviewable Transaction" and a "Fundamental Acquisition" under the policies of the TSXV, trading of Infield's shares has been halted but is expected to resume upon filing of a 43-101 Technical Report1 regarding the Kings Canyon Property (as defined below) with the TSXV. In accordance with the policies of the TSXV, Infield will issue a news release regarding the status of the Acquisition every 30 days following this trading halt until the Acquisition is complete and a news release has been issued confirming closing of the Acquisition.

2024年5月30日,矿业公司Infield Minerals Corp. (TSX-V:INFD)(以下简称“Infield”或“公司”)很高兴地宣布,已签署了一份股票购买协议(以下简称“股票购买协议”),于2024年5月29日生效,并根据此协议将收购1468289 B.C. Ltd.(“BC Co”)的全部发行股份(以下简称“收购”),以完成此次交易,要获得TSX Venture Exchange(“TSXV”)的接受。由于收购被认为是TSXV政策下的“可审查交易”和“基本收购”,因此Infield的股票交易已暂停,但预计在提交43-101技术报告并获得TSXV批准后恢复交易。1根据TSX Venture Exchange的政策,Infield将在此次交易暂停交易后的每30天发布新闻发布关于收购进程的状态,直到收购完成并发布确认收购的新闻发布为止。

BC Co is a privately owned company incorporated pursuant to the laws of British Columbia on February 28, 2024. Mario Stifano ("Stifano") and Ewan Downie ("Downie") each own 50% of the outstanding share capital of BC Co. BC Co's sole asset is an option agreement with Geomark Minerals USA Inc. ("Geomark") to acquire an undivided 100% interest in the Kings Canyon property (the "Property" or "Kings Canyon Property") in the state of Utah, USA (the "Kings Canyon Option Agreement"). Upon completion of the Acquisition, Infield will own 100% of BC Co in consideration for the issuance to each of Stifano and Downie of 2,711,448 (5,422,896 in the aggregate) common shares of the Company at a deemed price of $0.015 per share. The securities of Infield to be issued pursuant to the Acquisition will be subject to a statutory hold period of four months and one day from issuance in accordance with Canadian securities laws.

BC Co是一家于2024年2月28日根据不列颠哥伦比亚省法律成立的私人公司。Mario Stifano(以下简称“Stifano”)和Ewan Downie(以下简称“Downie”)各自拥有BC Co发行股份的50%。BC Co的唯一资产是与Geomark Minerals USA Inc.(“Geomark”)签订的选项协议,以收购位于美国犹他州的国王峡谷物业(以下简称“物业”或“国王峡谷物业”)的未分割100%权益(以下简称“国王峡谷选项协议”)。完成收购后,Infield将以向Stifano和Downie每人发放2711448股(共5422896股)公司普通股的方式获得BC Co全部权益,并以每股0.015美元的名义价格进行发行。根据加拿大证券法规定,根据收购发行的Infield证券将受到四个月和一天的法定持有期限的限制。

"Infield is exceptionally pleased to be moving forward with the addition of Kings Canyon to our project portfolio and to welcome Mario Stifano and Ewan Downie as shareholders of Infield," stated Evandra Nakano, President and CEO of Infield. Ms. Nakano continued, "we look forward to the opportunities to create value for shareholders in the coming years through advancing the known deposit areas, exploring the upside potential and pursuing additional value-add transactions."

Infield的总裁兼首席执行官Evandra Nakano表示:“Infield非常高兴将国王峡谷添加到我们的项目组合中,并欢迎Mario Stifano和Ewan Downie成为Infield的股东,我们期待着在未来的年份中创造价值的机会,通过推进已知的矿藏区域,探索上涨潜力和追求其他增值交易。”

Kings Canyon Property


Project Highlights:


  • The Kings Canyon Property is host to disseminated "Carlin-type" gold mineralization within an emerging mineral district, 30 km east of the Nevada border in western Utah
  • The Crown Zone hosts a near surface oxide gold deposit that reportedly contains an unclassified historical resource* of 6.8 million tons grading 0.030 ounces per ton ("opt") (1.02 grams per tonne ("g/t")) gold for >200,000 ounces, using a cut-off grade of 0.013 opt (0.44 g/t) (*see below)
  • Royal Zone drilling has outlined a mineralized footprint comparable in size to the Crown Zone; 2012 historical results include (see for Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. AIF dated January 25, 2013 and March 21, 2013):
    • 1.1 g/t gold over 33.5 m in hole KC12-17
    • 1.0 g/t gold over 27.4 m in hole KC12-19
    • 1.54 g/t gold over 30.5 m in hole KC12-22
    • 1.27 g/t gold over 21.3 m in hole KC12-23
    • 1.15 g/t gold over 27.4 m in hole KC12-24
  • Opportunity to better delineate known deposit areas and to explore the potential for expansion and new discoveries among similar host rocks
  • 国王峡谷物业位于犹他州西部,紧邻内华达州边界,是一个新兴矿业区内的分散的“类卡林型”金矿化区。
  • 王冠区域拥有一处地表附近的氧化金矿床,据报道含有未分类的历史资源*,总量为6.8百万吨,平均品位为每吨0.030盎司(“opt”)(1.02克/吨(“g/t”))黄金,含金量超过200,000盎司,使用0.013 opt(0.44 g/t)的截止品位(*见下文)。
  • 皇家区域的钻探勘探出了一块与王冠区域大小相当的矿化区,2012年的历史结果包括(请参见sedarplus.ca图纸Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. 2013年1月25日和2013年3月21日的AIF报告):
    • 孔:KC12-17中33.5 m含1.1 g/t的金
    • 孔:KC12-19中27.4 m含1.0 g/t的金
    • 孔:KC12-22中30.5 m含1.54 g/t的金
    • 孔:KC12-23中21.3 m含1.27 g/t的金
    • 孔:KC12-24中27.4 m含1.15 g/t的金
  • 有机会更好地划定已知的储藏区域,并在类似的宿主岩石中探索扩大潜力和新的发现机会。

The Kings Canyon Property is located in Millard County, Utah, within the emerging Kings Canyon mining district, and consists of approximately 2,500 acres comprising 129 unpatented mining claims and one (1) 640-acre State of Utah metalliferous minerals lease (Figure 1). The Kings Canyon mining district is situated along the edge of the upper Proterozoic rift within the U.S. Great Basin, approximately 30 km east of the Nevada border. While the district hosts numerous mineral occurrences, it has lacked the consistent and sustained exploration required to uncover the area's full mineral potential.

国王峡谷物业位于犹他州米拉德县,在新兴的国王峡谷矿区内,占地约2,500英亩,包括129个未申请的采矿权和一个(1)640英亩的犹他州有色金属矿物租约(见图1)。国王峡谷矿区位于美国大盆地上前寒武纪裂谷的边缘,距内华达州边界约30 km。尽管该地区拥有众多的矿产,但它缺乏持续的勘探活动,以发现该地区的全部矿产潜力。物业内的黄金是作为分散的泥盆纪碳酸盐宿主矿化出现的,类似于在内华达北部、中部和犹他州西部广泛文献记载的“卡林型”矿床。国王峡谷物业拥有两个已知的氧化金矿化区域:王冠区和皇家区域,已由200多个历史钻探孔勘探。王冠区自至少1980年代末以来一直在开发,拥有约800 m的持续产线的氧化物金矿床。该区据传含有一个未分类的历史资源*,总量为6.8百万吨,平均品位为每吨0.030 opt(1.02 g/t)黄金,使用0.013 opt(0.44 g/t)的截止品位(*见下文)。大部分的历史钻探孔均为垂直定向,并通过逆循环钻探完成,以矿化分布为目标进行钻探,并未充分地测试潜在的深部高品位饲料系统。

Gold at the Property occurs as disseminated, Devonian carbonate-hosted mineralization, analogous to the "Carlin-type" deposits, that are well documented throughout northern and central Nevada, as well as western Utah. The Kings Canyon Property is host to two known oxide gold mineralized zones: the Crown Zone and the Royal Zone, which have been outlined by more than 200 historical drill holes.


The Crown Zone has been explored since at least the late 1980s and hosts a near surface oxide gold deposit with a strike length of approximately 800 m. The zone reportedly contains an unclassified historical resource* of 6.8 million tons grading 0.030 opt (1.02 g/t) gold using a 0.013 opt (0.44 g/t) cut-off grade (*see below). Most of the historical drill holes were vertically oriented and completed via reverse circulation drilling that targeted disseminated mineralization and did not adequately test for potential high-grade feeder systems at depth.

自1980年代末以来,王冠区一直在进行勘探,拥有约800米长的氧化物金矿矿床。该区据传含有一个未分类的历史资源*,总量为6.8百万吨,平均品位为每吨0.030 opt(1.02 g/t)黄金,使用0.013 opt(0.44 g/t)的截止品位(*见下文)。大部分的历史钻探孔均为垂直定向,并通过逆循环钻探完成,以矿化分布为目标进行钻探,并未充分地测试潜在的深部高品位饲料系统。

*The historical estimate does not comply with CIM definition standards on Mineral Resources and Mineral Reserves as required by NI 43-101 and is not relevant to NI 43-101. The historical estimate was reported by Crown Resources Corporation in its 10-K annual report filed on April 1, 2002, with the SEC. The historical estimate was prepared prior to enactment of NI 43-101 and details of estimation methodology are not provided. A qualified person has not done sufficient work to classify the historical estimate as a current mineral resources or mineral reserves and the historical estimate is not considered reliable. The Company is not treating the historical estimate as current mineral resources or mineral reserves. Historical data available to the Company indicates drilling was completed on the Property subsequent to the historical estimate. The Company has not determined the full extent of work required to verify or upgrade the historical estimate as a current mineral resource, however, initial steps could involve a review of the historical assay quality assurance/quality control ("QA/QC") methods, inspection of available assay certificates and logs, and additional drilling and assaying.

*历史估计不符合标准的CIM定义的矿物资源和矿物储量,NI 43-101规定的要求以及对NI 43-101不具相关性。该历史估算是由Crown Resources Corporation在2002年4月1日提交给SEC的10-K年度报告中报告的。历史估计是在NI 43-101生效之前编制的,估计方法的详细信息没有提供。一位合格的人尚未做足够的工作将历史估算分类为当前的矿物资源或矿物储量,并且历史估计不可靠。公司不将历史估计视为当前矿物资源或矿物储量。公司可获得的历史数据表明,历史估算之后进行了物业内钻探。目前,公司尚未确定验证或升级历史估算为当前矿产资源所需的全部工作范围,但是,初始步骤可能涉及对历史化验质量保证/质量控制(“QA/QC”)方法的检查,检查可用的化验证书和日志以及进行额外的钻探和化验。

The Royal Zone is situated approximately one (1) km south of the Crown Zone, with disseminated gold mineralization hosted in the same carbonate rocks as the Crown Zone. This permissive stratigraphy underlies much of the project area, providing additional opportunities for discovery. The most recent drilling at the Royal Zone was conducted by Geomark Exploration Ltd. in 2012 and 2013, with results including 1.1 g/t gold over 33.5 m in hole KC12-17, 1.0 g/t gold over 27.4 m in hole KC12-19, 1.54 g/t gold over 30.5 m in hole KC12-22, 1.27 g/t gold over 21.3 m in hole KC12-23, and 1.15 g/t gold over 27.4 m in hole KC12-24 (see for Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. AIF dated January 25, 2013 and March 21, 2013). Since 2013, the Kings Canyon project has remained dormant in an oil and gas company's portfolio until BC Co entered into the Kings Canyon Option Agreement on February 29, 2024.

皇家区坐落于王冠区以南约1 km处,含有在相同碳酸盐岩中的分散金矿化。该区所在地层构成了项目区的很大部分,为发现提供了额外的机会。 2012年和2013年,Geomark Exploration Ltd.进行了最新的皇家区钻探,在孔KC12-17中完成了饲料系统,孔长33.5米, 含1.1克/吨的金,在孔KC12-19中27.4 m含1.0 g/t的金,在孔KC12-22中30.5 m含1.54 g/t的金,在孔KC12-23中21.3 m含1.27 g/t的金,在孔KC12-24中27.4 m含1.15 g/t的金(请参见sedarplus.ca图纸Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. 2013年1月25日和2013年3月21日的AIF报告)。自2013年以来,国王峡谷项目一直处于石油和天然气公司的组合中,直到BC Co在2024年2月28日签订国王峡谷选项协议。

Figure 1: Kings Canyon claims location map showing the primary claims package. The 22 BLM claims located to the south of the primary claims package are not depicted.

Pursuant to the terms of the Kings Canyon Option Agreement, in order to earn a 100% undivided interest in the Property, subject to pre-existing royalties ranging from two to five percent, the Company must (through BC Co as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company) pay to Geomark a total of $1,200,000 over a period of thirty (30) months in accordance with the following schedule:

根据国王峡谷期权协议的条款,为了获得财产的100%不可分割利益(受先前范围从2%到5%的特许权限制),公司必须(通过BC Co作为该公司的全资子公司)按照以下时间表向Geomark支付总额为120万美元的款项,为期30个月:

  1. $300,000 within five days of closing of the Acquisition;
  2. $300,000 on or before the date, which is six months after closing of the Acquisition, one-half of which may be paid in common shares of Infield2, at its sole option;
  3. $300,000 on or before the date, which is eighteen months after closing of the Acquisition, one-half of which may be paid in common shares of Infield1, at its sole option; and
  4. $300,000 on or before the date which is thirty (30) months after closing of the Acquisition, one-half of which may be paid in common shares of Infield1, at its sole option.
  1. 在收购完成后5天内支付30万美元;
  2. 在收购完成后的日期之前(6个月之内),必须支付30万美元,其中一半可以用Infield的普通股支付,根据其自行选择;2,自行选择;
  3. 在收购完成后的日期之前(18个月之内),必须支付30万美元,其中一半可以用Infield的普通股支付,根据其自行选择;1,自行选择;
  4. 在收购完成后30个月之前支付30万美元,其中一半可以用Infield的普通股支付,根据其自行选择;1,自行选择。

Following exercise of the Option and transfer of the Property to BC Co, Infield (through BC Co) shall make the following payments to Geomark if the following events occur:

行权并将财产转让给BC Co后,如果发生以下事件,Infield(通过BC Co)将向Geomark支付以下款项:

  1. $1,000,000 upon filing of a 43-101 Technical Report describing 400,000 ounces or more of Mineral Product3 within the Property; and
  2. $2,000,000 upon achievement of aggregate production of no less than 5,000 ounces of Mineral Product from mining operations on the Property.
  1. 在财产中描述的不少于400,000盎司的矿产品的43-101技术报告提交时支付100万美元;3
  2. 从矿山开采上获得不少于5,000盎司的矿产品的累计生产时支付200万美元。

The Acquisition is an arm's length transaction as defined in the policies of the TSXV. No finders' fees are applicable in connection with the Acquisition or Kings Canyon Option Agreement.

收购是按照tsxv政策定义的交易。在与Acquisition或Kings Canyon Option Agreement相关的任何内容中,不适用发现者费用。

A copy of the Share Purchase Agreement will be filed and will be accessible under Infield's profile on SEDAR ().


Completion of the Acquisition is subject to a number of conditions, including TSXV acceptance. There can be no assurance that the Acquisition will be completed as proposed or at all.


1Means a technical report, as such term is defined in National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.


2The price of the common shares issuable under all option payments is based on the 30-day volume weighted average trading price of Infield's common shares following Infield's notice to Geomark of its intention to pay in common shares. If such issue price is less than the price permitted by the TSXV, the issue price shall be adjusted to be the lowest price per common share permitted by the TSXV.


3Valuable rock, minerals, precious metals, ore and other valuable substances extracted from the Property.


Qualified Person


Technical information in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Andrea Diakow, P.Geo., a geological consultant and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新闻稿中的技术信息由地质顾问和符合《43-101矿产项目披露标准》定义的合格人员Andrea Diakow,P.Geo进行了审核,并获得了批准。

The potential quantity and grade of mineralization described herein is conceptual in nature as there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in targets being delineated as a mineral resource. Drill core samples collected by Geomark Exploration Ltd. in 2012 and 2013 were analysed by fire assay with an atomic absorption finish, with analysis completed by ALS Minerals in Reno, Nevada. ALS Global laboratories are independent and ISO/IEC-17025 accredited. For additional information on sample preparation, analysis and QA/QC, please refer to Pine Cliff Energy Ltd.'s Annual Information Form dated January 25, 2013 and March 21, 2013, which are available on The Company is relying on historical assay information provided by Pine Cliff Energy Ltd. and has not verified the accuracy of the information.

所述矿化潜力及品位为概念性描述,因探矿不足未能确定矿产资源,而进一步的勘探不确定是否能确立为矿产资源。Geomark Exploration有限公司于2012年和2013年采集的钻岩样品由ALS Minerals实验室在雷诺,内华达,通过火试金和原子吸收法进行分析。ALS全球实验室是独立的并且通过ISO/IEC-17025认证。有关样品制备、分析和QA/QC的附加信息,请参见Pine Cliff Energy有限公司于2013年1月25日和3月21日发布的《年度信息表格》,可在sedarplus.ca上获取。公司依赖于Pine Cliff Energy有限公司提供的历史化验信息,并未核实信息的准确性。

For more information, please contact Evandra Nakano, the CEO, President and a director of the Company, at +1 (604) 220-4691 or email:

如需更多信息,请联系公司的首席执行官、总裁暨董事Evandra Nakano,电话号码为+1 (604) 220-4691,电子邮件地址为。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors of Infield Minerals Corp.

代表Infield Minerals Corp.董事会。

Evandra Nakano
President, CEO & Director

Evandra Nakano

About Infield


Infield Minerals is currently exploring for gold within the U.S. Great Basin. Our mission is to grow and deliver value through discovery, acquisitions and sustainable development of high quality, high potential assets for the social and economic benefits of our stakeholders. Founded in 2020, Infield is led by a team of mining entrepreneurs with extensive technical and resource evaluation experience.

Infield Minerals目前在美国大盆地地区进行黄金勘探。我们的使命是通过发现、收购和可持续发展高质量、高潜力资产,为我们的利益相关者带来社会和经济的收益。Infield成立于2020年,由一支具有广泛技术和资源评估经验的矿业企业家团队领导。

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


Forward-Looking Statements


Statements included in this announcement, including statements concerning Infield's plans, intentions and expectations, which are not historical in nature, are intended to be, and are hereby identified as, "forward‐looking statements". Forward-looking statements include, without limitation, resumption of trading of Infield common shares, completing the acquisition of 1468289 B.C. Ltd. and TSXV acceptance thereof, and Infield's exploration plans, including for the Kings Canyon property. Forward‐looking statements may be, but are not always, identified by words including "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates", "expects" and similar expressions. Infield cautions readers that forward‐looking statements, including without limitation those relating to Infield's future operations and business prospects, are subject to certain risks and uncertainties (including geopolitical risk, regulatory, COVID-19 and exchange rate risk) that could cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the forward‐looking statements. There can be no assurance that any forward-looking statement will prove to be accurate or that management's assumptions underlying such statements, including assumptions concerning future developments, circumstances or results, will materialize. The forward-looking statements included in this news release are made as of the date of this new release and Infield does not undertake to update or revise any forward-looking information included herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

本公告中包括的语句,包括涉及Infield计划、意图和期望的语句,属于"向前看语句"。向前看语句包括但不限于恢复Infield普通股的交易,完成1468289 B.C. Ltd.的收购和TSXV的接受。Infield的勘探计划,包括针对Kings Canyon地产的计划。Infield提醒读者,向前看语句,包括但不限于有关Infield未来业务和前景的语句,都存在一定的风险和不确定性(包括地缘政治风险、监管风险、COVID-19风险和汇率风险),这可能导致实际结果与向前看语句所表示的相差甚远。无法保证任何向前看语句的准确性或者管理层假设的明确建立,包括未来发展、情况或者结果的假设。本新闻发布所包含的向前看语句是根据本新闻发布的日期,Infield不保证更新或修改任何包括在此内的向前看信息,除非依据适用证券法律。 Infield在此公告中包括的语句,包括不属于历史性质的计划、意图和期望的语句,应视为"未经审查的向前看语句"。向前看语句可能被识别为"预计"、"相信"、"意图"、"估计"、"期望"和类似的表达方式,但并非总是必然这样。Infield提醒读者,包括但不限于有关Infield未来营运和商业前景的向前看语句,具有一定的风险和不确定性(包括地缘政治风险、监管风险、COVID-19风险和汇率风险),这可能导致实际结果与向前看语句所表示的相差甚远。无法保证任何向前看语句的准确性或者未来发展、情况或者结果的假设是否会实现,在适用证券法律范围内,除非依据其适用的证券法律规定,Infield不承担更新和修订向前看信息的义务。

SOURCE: Infield Minerals Corp.

消息来源:Infield Minerals Corp。

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